environmental management


Environmental management at UBA

EMAS logo on the face of the UBA office building in Dessau-Roßlau

The UBA had already introduced an environmental management system in the late 1990s, which was then validated in 2001 according to the most stringent requirements worldwide under the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). In the meantime 14 UBA sites – including all air quality monitoring stations – have been validated according to EMAS. In 2017, UBA decided to become greenhouse gas-neutral. read more

News on Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Corporate Sustainability Reporting faces major changes

skyscrapers with glass facades, in which trees reflect

About 500 German undertakings are obliged to include sustainability-related information in their annual reports. According to the plans of the EU Commission more undertakings shall report in the future and apply uniform reporting standards. A study on behalf of UBA recommends precise requirements for reporting on targets, actions and performance indicators and corporate greenhouse gas neutrality. read more

News on Climate | Energy

Guide for greenhouse gas-neutral administrations published

Four-storey office building with a façade made of wood and colourful glass elements; a photovoltaic system stands on the green roof

“Public administrations must pioneer and be a role model in climate protection”, said Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency (UBA) at an online meeting of the Network of Heads of European Environmental Administrations (EPA Network) on November 25th. He presented UBA’s guide on greenhouse gas neutral administrations, now also available in English. read more


Environmental guidelines

the Federal Environment Agency´s office building from above with its solar cells on the roof

We feel that it is essential that we at the UBA set a good example when it comes to environmental protection. And so we have set ourselves the goal of ensuring that we as an institution adhere to our own environmental guidelines, ranging from using recycled paper for office printers to building energy saving office buildings. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment