Oddbods is a popular animated television series featuring seven diverse characters representing different emotions. The show is designed to entertain and engage children through humor, fun and lightheadedness. The showu2019s main message is to encourage children to accept and celebrate peopleu2019s differences and introduce them to various emotions by showcasing these diverse characters.
Oddbods was created by an independent studio named One Animation in 2014.
The show first aired in Singapore, and quickly gained popularity around the world.
Oddbods has since been broadcasted in more than 100 countries.
It has also been dubbed in many languages to cater to children from different parts of the world.
Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated television series that follows the adventures of a young girl named Masha and her friend, a bear.
Paw Patrol is a Canadian animated series that follows the adventures of a group of six rescue dogs and their leader, a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder.
Peppa Pig is a British animated television series that centers on the adventures of a young pig named Peppa.
Soft stuffed toys representing the characters of the show suitable for children of all ages to play and cuddle with.
Collectible figurines of the Oddbods characters that feature intricate details and smooth finishes.
A variety of clothing and accessories for children bearing the iconic images of the Oddbods characters.
Oddbods is an animated TV series featuring seven different characters representing different emotions. The show is designed to entertain and engage children through humor and fun while introducing them to various emotions by showcasing these diverse characters.
Yes, Oddbods is suitable for young children as it is a light-hearted animated TV show designed to entertain and educate them about emotions and diversity.
Oddbods can be watched on various streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. You can also watch full episodes for free on the official Oddbods YouTube channel.
The seven Oddbods characters are Fuse, Zee, Pogo, Bubbles, Jeff, Newt, and Slick. Each character represents a different emotion.
Oddbods is primarily aimed at children aged between 2 and 6 years but can be enjoyed by anyone who loves animated TV shows about diverse characters and emotions.