Mini Force is a South Korean animated television series that follows a group of miniature superheroes who protect the world from evil forces. The brand has expanded to include korean toys, clothing, and other merchandise based on the show.
The first season of Mini Force aired in 2014 in South Korea.
The show quickly gained popularity and has since been broadcast in several countries around the world.
The brand has expanded to include a wide range of korean products, including toys, clothing, and school supplies.
In 2017, a feature film based on the series was released in South Korea.
The series has since spawned several spinoff series and specials.
Power Rangers is an American television series that follows a group of teenage superheroes who fight evil forces. The franchise has expanded to include toys, clothing, and other merchandise, as well as several movies and spinoff series.
PJ Masks is a French animated television series that follows a group of young friends who turn into superheroes at night to fight evil. The series has expanded to include toys, clothing, and other merchandise.
Miniature action figures of the main characters from the show.
Toy vehicles based on the vehicles from the show, such as the Mini Force Jet.
Children's masks featuring the faces of the main characters from the show.
Mini Force is a South Korean animated television series about a group of miniature superheroes who protect the world from evil forces.
The first season of Mini Force was released in 2014 in South Korea.
The Mini Force brand offers miniature action figures, toy vehicles, and children's masks featuring the characters from the show.
Yes, there is a Mini Force movie called Mini Force: New Heroes Rise that was released in South Korea in 2017.
Yes, there are several spinoff series and specials based on the Mini Force brand.