Coding and STEAM Curriculum

Designed for all experience levels, Tynker's curriculum of self-paced high school STEAM programs let students learn by applying coding to core subjects.

High School Plan

$50/student (20 student min)
$3,600 per school
up to 150 students
52% savings
  • 11 Coding Courses
  • Lesson Plans
  • Automatic Grading
  • School Progress Metrics
  • Premium Training & Support
  • School Year Plan

Programming 302

Grades 7+ • Advanced • 16 Lessons • 104 Activities
Learn projectile physics as you build Gravity Sling, and then build your own complete physics platform game.
Course Overview

JavaScript 101

Grades 7+ • Advanced • 13 Lessons • 152 Activities
Learn JavaScript and build your own games for web and mobile platforms.
Course Overview

Python 101

Grades 7+ • Advanced • 13 Lessons • 115 Activities
Learn Python as you go on an adventure in the jungle to discover hidden treasures.
Course Overview

Web Development 101

Grades 7+ • Advanced • 10 Lessons • 83 Activities
Learn to create responsive web pages using HTML and CSS.
Course Overview

Python 201

Grades 8+ • Advanced • 15 Lessons • 129 Activities
Learn Python to solve real-world problems.
Course Overview

Java 101

Grades 9+ • Advanced • 105 Lessons • 452 Activities
An introductory high school course that teaches Java.
Course Overview

Intro to Programming and Art

Grades 9+ • Advanced • 59 Lessons • 304 Activities
A year long high school course that introduces art and computer science.
Course Overview

Data Science 1

Grades 9+ • Advanced • 36 Lessons • 161 Activities
An introductory course on data science with Python!
Course Overview

MicroPython 101

Grades 7+ • Advanced • 14 Lessons • 86 Activities
An advanced introduction to micro:bit programming using MicroPython.
Course Overview

Artificial Intelligence 401

Grades 7-12 • Advanced • 35 Lessons • 113 Activities
This JavaScript and p5.js based course is perfect for experienced students looking to implement AI in their programs. Learn how to use MediaPipe, an AI solution from Google.
Course Overview
Features Elementary Middle School High School
Lesson Plans
Answer Keys
Automatic Grading Premium Premium Premium
School Progress Metrics Premium Premium Premium
Training & Support Premium Premium Premium
Icon Coding
Block Coding
Text Coding
STEM Projects
Premium plan
Includes all premium school features

$20 per student
(50 student min)

$3,600 per school
(up to 400 students)

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$20 per student
(50 student min)

$3,600 per school
(up to 400 students)

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$50 per student
(20 student min)

$3,600 per school
(up to 150 students)

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List of Programming Courses

(NOTE: swipe to see details)

Course Name Grade Access Difficulty K-2 Elementary Middle School High School
10 Icon Coding Courses K-2 Tynker Junior Beginner Yes Yes
All About Computers I K-2 Tynker Web Beginner Yes Yes
Space Cadet 1-2 Tynker App   Tynker Web Beginner Yes Yes
Dragon Spells 1-3 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes Yes
Programming 1A, 1B 1-2 Tynker Web Beginner Yes Yes
All About Computers II 3-5 Tynker Web Beginner Yes
Programming 101, 102 3-4 Tynker App   Tynker Web Beginner Yes
Lego WeDo Coding 3-5 Tynker App   Tynker Web Beginner Yes
6 STEM Level 1 Courses 1-5 Tynker App   Tynker Web Beginner Yes
Augmented Reality 5-7 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes Yes
Artificial Intelligence 101 3-8 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes Yes
Microbit 101 3-5 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes Yes
Programming 201, 202 5-6 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes Yes
6 STEM Level 2 Courses 6-8 Tynker App   Tynker Web Intermediate Yes
Programming 301, 302 7-8 Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
JavaScript 101 7+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
Python 101 7+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
Web Development 7+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
Artificial Intelligence 401 7+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
MicroPython 101 7+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
Python 201 8+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes Yes
Java 101 9+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes
Intro to Programming and Art 9+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes
Data Science 1 9+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes
AP Computer Science Principles 9+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes
AP Computer Science A 9+ Tynker Web Advanced Yes
Course Totals 15 32 19 13

Tynker App icon  Course available via Tynker App.
Tynker Junior icon  Course available via Tynker Junior.
Tynker Web  Course available via Tynker for web.

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Explore the Tynker for Schools Coding Curriculum!

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Standards Alignment

Tynker’s course pathways and learning modules align with the Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, CSTA K-12 standards, ISTE standards, several US state CS standards, and the UK National Standards.

See all standards
100% CSTA K-5
100% CSTA Programming
100% AP CS A, AP CSP
Common Core State Standards Initiative
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Next Generation Science Standards
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Tynker?

    Tynker is an online platform with programming classes for high school students that easily and successfully teaches them how to code through the activities they already love: games and stories. Students learn the fundamentals of programming and design through Tynker's intuitive visual programming language without the frustrations of traditional syntax.

    Tynker's goal is to provide every child with a solid foundation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) thinking abilities to prepare them for 21st century degrees and careers.

  • How can I use Tynker at my school?

    Tynker is a flexible platform that is being used in lots of ways across 150,000 schools. Schools are using Tynker's grade-specific high school coding classes and lesson plans to teach programming in formal Computer Science classes or to support project-based learning across all subject areas -- science, math, ELA, social studies and more.

    Schools can use Tynker to supplement classroom teaching with 21st century skill-building or roll out a comprehensive and progressive programming curriculum across all grades.

  • Do I need coding experience or training to use Tynker with my students?

    Not at all! No coding experience and no training is required. Teachers love Tynker because the self-paced curriculum gets students started on their own. Tynker provides a rich set of resources to answer student questions, such as videos, guides, tutorials, and the very helpful Tynker Troll that provides contextual help for students. We've found that teachers can also learn alongside the students, and in a collaborative environment, students can also help and inspire each other.

    Tynker has lots of innovations to empower any teacher, regardless of experience, to teach coding courses for high school students. With interactive lectures that teach programming concepts, step-by-step tutorials that walk students through programming projects, and hands-on coding exercises with instructions, students learn at their own pace. Teachers can spend more time with students who need extra help and less time preparing lessons.

  • Is it easy to monitor what my students are learning?

    Absolutely! We understand how busy educators are, which is why we have a whole suite of educator tools to accompany our high school coding classes. Tynker has a built-in assessment framework that tracks student progress, individually and at the class level. You can use the concept map, grading and metrics dashboards to easily track how your students are learning. Tynker's Classroom Management Tools eliminate much of the "work" involved in teaching and lets you focus on your students.

  • Do my students need prior experience?

    Tynker provides a fun and easy introduction to programming for all students. Early elementary students can get started with Tynker through the engaging Tynker tablet app (iOS and Android) in preparation for Tynker's project-based programming courses starting in 3rd grade. Grade-specific online coding classes for high school students allow them to develop skills year-after-year with the gradual transition to traditional programming languages like JavaScript.

  • What are Tynker courses like?

    Each of our 100-, 200- and 300-level courses consists of 16-17 lessons. Lessons are designed to last one class period (45 min to 1 hr). As students progress through a lesson, they'll be working through different types of learning modules:

    • Interactive Lectures - set the lesson context and explain the concepts that students are about to learn
    • Tutorials - Step-by-step instructions that guide students to build the project in Tynker Workshop.
    • Puzzles - A scenario is presented with some code blocks. Students are challenged to program or debug to make this code work and solve the puzzle.
    • Projects - An open-ended activity with instructions. Students apply what they have learned and build a project.
    • Quizzes - A set of fun multiple choice questions around concepts learned in the lesson. Student quiz scores are available in the Grading Dashboard.
  • Can I use Tynker with my entire school?

    Absolutely! Tynker's grade-specific curricula teach programming through activities that students love! 1st graders solve fun puzzles using Tynker's tablet app, while 3rd graders are creating exciting stories and animations. Upper elementary students learn the basics of game design to create a fun side-scrolling obstacle game while middle school students start experimenting with the advanced Physics Engine for physics-based projectile games before transitioning directly to JavaScript.

  • How does Tynker support learning in other areas?

    Tynker easily lends itself to supporting all areas of learning, including high school STEAM programs. Schools are using Tynker as a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of other subjects such as science and math. And as students work on Tynker projects they acquire a deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying.

    Tynker's lessons support and enhance Common Core State Standards. View Common Core mapping here.

  • What do my students learn with Tynker?

    Tynker's coding courses for high school students curriculum is designed to teach students computational thinking and core computer science concepts. Through Tynker, students learn the fundamentals of programming found in all object-oriented programming languages. Tynker lessons not only make it easy for students to understand abstract programming concepts, but also allow them to apply concepts to different projects, games, and scenarios. Students learn programming concepts such as loops and variables, repetition, conditional logic, functions, computer drawing, and music. Students also acquire critical skills, such as problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and automation. Once students have a strong grasp of the fundamentals, they can transition to any mainstream programming language, such as JavaScript.

  • What are students creating?

    Students are creating all sorts of amazing projects. Check out some of our favorites in our Kid Creation's gallery.

  • Have additional questions?

    We have answers! Contact us to learn more about teaching programming classes for high school students at your school with Tynker.