- Matplotlib Basics
- Matplotlib - Home
- Matplotlib - Introduction
- Matplotlib - Vs Seaborn
- Matplotlib - Environment Setup
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- Matplotlib - Pyplot API
- Matplotlib - Simple Plot
- Matplotlib - Saving Figures
- Matplotlib - Markers
- Matplotlib - Figures
- Matplotlib - Styles
- Matplotlib - Legends
- Matplotlib - Colors
- Matplotlib - Colormaps
- Matplotlib - Colormap Normalization
- Matplotlib - Choosing Colormaps
- Matplotlib - Colorbars
- Matplotlib - Working With Text
- Matplotlib - Text properties
- Matplotlib - Subplot Titles
- Matplotlib - Images
- Matplotlib - Image Masking
- Matplotlib - Annotations
- Matplotlib - Arrows
- Matplotlib - Fonts
- Matplotlib - Font Indexing
- Matplotlib - Font Properties
- Matplotlib - Scales
- Matplotlib - LaTeX
- Matplotlib - LaTeX Text Formatting in Annotations
- Matplotlib - PostScript
- Matplotlib - Mathematical Expressions
- Matplotlib - Animations
- Matplotlib - Celluloid Library
- Matplotlib - Blitting
- Matplotlib - Toolkits
- Matplotlib - Artists
- Matplotlib - Styling with Cycler
- Matplotlib - Paths
- Matplotlib - Path Effects
- Matplotlib - Transforms
- Matplotlib - Ticks and Tick Labels
- Matplotlib - Radian Ticks
- Matplotlib - Dateticks
- Matplotlib - Tick Formatters
- Matplotlib - Tick Locators
- Matplotlib - Basic Units
- Matplotlib - Autoscaling
- Matplotlib - Reverse Axes
- Matplotlib - Logarithmic Axes
- Matplotlib - Symlog
- Matplotlib - Unit Handling
- Matplotlib - Ellipse with Units
- Matplotlib - Spines
- Matplotlib - Axis Ranges
- Matplotlib - Axis Scales
- Matplotlib - Axis Ticks
- Matplotlib - Formatting Axes
- Matplotlib - Axes Class
- Matplotlib - Twin Axes
- Matplotlib - Figure Class
- Matplotlib - Multiplots
- Matplotlib - Grids
- Matplotlib - Object-oriented Interface
- Matplotlib - PyLab module
- Matplotlib - Subplots() Function
- Matplotlib - Subplot2grid() Function
- Matplotlib - Anchored Artists
- Matplotlib - Manual Contour
- Matplotlib - Coords Report
- Matplotlib - AGG filter
- Matplotlib - Ribbon Box
- Matplotlib - Fill Spiral
- Matplotlib - Findobj Demo
- Matplotlib - Hyperlinks
- Matplotlib - Image Thumbnail
- Matplotlib - Plotting with Keywords
- Matplotlib - Create Logo
- Matplotlib - Multipage PDF
- Matplotlib - Multiprocessing
- Matplotlib - Print Stdout
- Matplotlib - Compound Path
- Matplotlib - Sankey Class
- Matplotlib - MRI with EEG
- Matplotlib - Stylesheets
- Matplotlib - Background Colors
- Matplotlib - Basemap
- Matplotlib Event Handling
- Matplotlib - Event Handling
- Matplotlib - Close Event
- Matplotlib - Mouse Move
- Matplotlib - Click Events
- Matplotlib - Scroll Event
- Matplotlib - Keypress Event
- Matplotlib - Pick Event
- Matplotlib - Looking Glass
- Matplotlib - Path Editor
- Matplotlib - Poly Editor
- Matplotlib - Timers
- Matplotlib - Viewlims
- Matplotlib - Zoom Window
- Matplotlib Widgets
- Matplotlib - Cursor Widget
- Matplotlib - Annotated Cursor
- Matplotlib - Buttons Widget
- Matplotlib - Check Buttons
- Matplotlib - Lasso Selector
- Matplotlib - Menu Widget
- Matplotlib - Mouse Cursor
- Matplotlib - Multicursor
- Matplotlib - Polygon Selector
- Matplotlib - Radio Buttons
- Matplotlib - RangeSlider
- Matplotlib - Rectangle Selector
- Matplotlib - Ellipse Selector
- Matplotlib - Slider Widget
- Matplotlib - Span Selector
- Matplotlib - Textbox
- Matplotlib Plotting
- Matplotlib - Line Plots
- Matplotlib - Area Plots
- Matplotlib - Bar Graphs
- Matplotlib - Histogram
- Matplotlib - Pie Chart
- Matplotlib - Scatter Plot
- Matplotlib - Box Plot
- Matplotlib - Arrow Demo
- Matplotlib - Fancy Boxes
- Matplotlib - Zorder Demo
- Matplotlib - Hatch Demo
- Matplotlib - Mmh Donuts
- Matplotlib - Ellipse Demo
- Matplotlib - Bezier Curve
- Matplotlib - Bubble Plots
- Matplotlib - Stacked Plots
- Matplotlib - Table Charts
- Matplotlib - Polar Charts
- Matplotlib - Hexagonal bin Plots
- Matplotlib - Violin Plot
- Matplotlib - Event Plot
- Matplotlib - Heatmap
- Matplotlib - Stairs Plots
- Matplotlib - Errorbar
- Matplotlib - Hinton Diagram
- Matplotlib - Contour Plot
- Matplotlib - Wireframe Plots
- Matplotlib - Surface Plots
- Matplotlib - Triangulations
- Matplotlib - Stream plot
- Matplotlib - Ishikawa Diagram
- Matplotlib - 3D Plotting
- Matplotlib - 3D Lines
- Matplotlib - 3D Scatter Plots
- Matplotlib - 3D Contour Plot
- Matplotlib - 3D Bar Plots
- Matplotlib - 3D Wireframe Plot
- Matplotlib - 3D Surface Plot
- Matplotlib - 3D Vignettes
- Matplotlib - 3D Volumes
- Matplotlib - 3D Voxels
- Matplotlib - Time Plots and Signals
- Matplotlib - Filled Plots
- Matplotlib - Step Plots
- Matplotlib - XKCD Style
- Matplotlib - Quiver Plot
- Matplotlib - Stem Plots
- Matplotlib - Visualizing Vectors
- Matplotlib - Audio Visualization
- Matplotlib - Audio Processing
- Matplotlib Useful Resources
- Matplotlib - Quick Guide
- Matplotlib - Useful Resources
- Matplotlib - Discussion
Matplotlib - Zoom Window
Zooming a window in data visualizations/plotings refers to the process of adjusting the view to make specific objects or regions larger or smaller. This interactive feature is particularly useful when exploring graphs, charts, or any visual representation, allowing users to focus on specific areas of interest or get a comprehensive view of the entire content.
Zoom Window in Matplotlib
One of the key features of Matplotlib is its support for event handling, which allows users to connect events such as mouse clicks to specific actions in the plot. In this tutorial, we will explore the Zoom Window Event Handling in Matplotlib with a focus on the button_press_event and how it can be used to create zoomable windows.
Example 1
This example creates two figures (source and Zoom). The source figure displays a scatter plot, and the zoom figure displays an initial zoomed-in view. When a point is clicked in the source figure, the on_press function is triggered by using the button_press_event. This on_press function adjusts the limits of the zoomable figure to create a zoom effect centered at the clicked point.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19601) # Create source and zoomable figures and axes figsrc, axsrc = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.7, 3.7)) figzoom, axzoom = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.7, 3.7)) # Set initial limits and titles for both axes axsrc.set(xlim=(0, 1), ylim=(0, 1), autoscale_on=False, title='Click to zoom') axzoom.set(xlim=(0.45, 0.55), ylim=(0.4, 0.6), autoscale_on=False, title='Zoom window') # Generate random data for scatter plots x, y, s, c = np.random.rand(4, 100) s *= 200 # Plot the scatter plots on both axes axsrc.scatter(x, y, s, c) axzoom.scatter(x, y, s, c) # Define the event handling function def on_press(event): if event.button != 1: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata axzoom.set_xlim(x - 0.1, x + 0.1) axzoom.set_ylim(y - 0.1, y + 0.1) figzoom.canvas.draw() # Connect the event handler to the source figure figsrc.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press) # Show the plots plt.show()
On executing the above program you will get the following output −
Watch the video below to observe how the zoom window feature works here.
Example 2
Let's create another example of creating Zoom Window using Matplotlib. In this example, a simple sine wave plotted on the main axis, and a smaller zoomable window created using the plt.axes() method. When you click on a point in the main plot, the on_press function is triggered, adjusting the limits of the zoomed window to create a zoom effect centered at the clicked point.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Generate data x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) y = np.sin(x) # Create a figure and axis fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 4)) ax.plot(x, y, label='Sin(x)') ax.set_title('Zoom Window Example') ax.set_xlabel('X-axis') ax.set_ylabel('Y-axis') ax.legend() # Create a zoomable window zoomed_ax = plt.axes([0.55, 0.25, 0.3, 0.3], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow') zoomed_ax.plot(x, y, label='Sin(x)') zoomed_ax.set_title('Zoomed Window') zoomed_ax.set_xlim(2, 4) zoomed_ax.set_ylim(0.5, 1) def on_press(event): if event.button != 1: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata zoomed_ax.set_xlim(x - 1, x + 1) zoomed_ax.set_ylim(y - 0.2, y + 0.2) fig.canvas.draw() # Connect the event handler to the figure fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press) plt.show()
On executing the above program, you will get the following output −
Watch the video below to observe how the zoom window feature works here.