
Turn2us Website and Turn2us Helpline: Terms and conditions

This section outlines our terms and conditions for use of the Turn2us Website and Turn2us Helpline.


  1. Introduction

  2. Your Use of the Turn2us Website

  3. Registration, user names and passwords (individuals, advisers and charities)

  4. The service

  5. Removal of content

  6. Content objections

  7. Third party rights

  8. Liability

  9. Termination

  10. The Turn2us Helpline

  11. Privacy Policy

  12. Trade marks

  13. Non UK users

  14. Linking

  15. General

  16. Copyright

  17. Terms and conditions for the Turn2us e-newsletter

  18. Terms and conditions for Turn2us e-learning

1. Introduction

Turn2us is a charity working in the United Kingdom that helps people in financial need gain access to benefits, charitable grants and other support services – online and face to face through our partner organisations.

1.1 Terms and conditions - Turn2us website and helpline

These are the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the pages of the Turn2us website ("the Website”),  which is made available to you by Turn2us (Elizabeth Finn Care trading as Turn2us registered charity number (England and Wales) 207812, (Scotland) SC040987, whose principal office is at Hythe House, 200 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NL (“Turn2us”).

References in these terms and conditions to “we”, “us” and “our” are references to Turn2us.

1.2 Updating these terms and conditions

These terms and conditions may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you, so you should review these terms and conditions periodically for changes.

1.3 Additional or alternative terms of service

Some services may also be governed by additional or alternative terms of service, which will be posted on the relevant page of the Website.

2. Use of the Turn2us Website

2.1 Purpose of the Turn2us Website.

The purpose of the Website is to enable users such as yourself to have a reliable source of information about welfare benefits and grant-making charities in the UK. We want you to make full use of our Website, to use the information we offer for your own benefit and for you to provide information and materials found on the Website to those whom you think might benefit from them.

However, we need to ensure that our Website is not abused or unfairly exploited, which is why we have to impose certain conditions on your use of it.

2.2 Use of material from the Turn2us Website

Subject to what is said below, material from the Website may be downloaded, viewed, listened to (where appropriate), printed, copied on the hard disk of your computer, photocopied in reasonable numbers and used for your own personal, non-commercial purposes or those of your friends and family as a personal information resource in good faith ONLY.

Any other type of use requires the prior written agreement of Turn2us.

Please contact the Communications team for more information.

2.3 What the Turn2us Website should not be used for

You agree not to use the Website:

  1. To create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes material downloaded or otherwise obtained from the Website except where expressly permitted on the Website.

  2. To transmit or re-circulate any material obtained from the Website to any third party except where expressly permitted on the Website; in such a way so as to remove the copyright or trade mark notice(s) from any copies of any material made in accordance with these terms.

  3. To upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.

  4. To upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation.

  5. To upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment OR

  6. In any way that might infringe third party rights or that might bring Turn2us into disrepute.

In addition, if you are a Registered User for an Adviser organisation, you agree to:

  1. Provide true, accurate, current and complete information about Clients.

  2. Maintain the confidentiality of any user’s details provided to the Authorised User by us or otherwise via the Website.

  3. Process all personal data of users in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation.


2.4 Non Registered Users for an adviser organisation

If you are not the Registered User for an Adviser organisation or you are not authorised to use the Website on behalf of an adviser organisation you should refrain from accessing the password protected adviser section of the Website.

3. Registration, user name and password

3.1 Access to certain parts of the website

Access to certain parts of the Website may require you to register and provide certain information about yourself and where you do this you agree to:

  1. Provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted (such information being the "Registration Data"); and

  2. Maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

3.2 Registration Data

Registration Data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy.

3.3 Unique user name and password

3.3 The registration process on the Website will involve you being given with a unique user name and password that gives you access to your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user name and password, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account.

3.4 What you agree to do

You agree to:

  1. Immediately notify Turn2us of any unauthorised use of your user name, password or account and any other breach of security; and

  2. Ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session.

3.5 Turn2us and failure to comply with Clause 3

Turn2us cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with your obligations under this Clause 3.

3.6 Username and Password for advisers

3.6.1 Adviser Organisation's and Registered User's responsibilities

The Adviser Organisation and the Registered User will be fully responsible for all activities that occur under the Registered User’s Username and Password and the Adviser Organisation and the Registered User agree:

  1. That only the Registered User will use its Username and Password;

  2. To immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of the Registered User’s Username and Password and any other relevant breach of security;

  3. That the Registered User will exit from the Adviser Organisation’s Account at the end of each session; and

  4. That both the Registered User the Adviser Organisation will be jointly liable under these Terms and Conditions for all liabilities of the Registered User.

  5. Agree to get the consent of your clients to store their personal data on our servers

  6. Inform Turn2us if you are leaving your organisation so that your account can be disabled, by contacting us.

3.6.2 Registered User and creating accounts

The Registered User will be responsible for creating his or her own account in accordance with the procedure outlined by us. The Registered User shall be responsible for ensuring that information provided at the time of creating the account shall be true, accurate, current and complete and that it meets our published criteria. We shall have the right to amend the Organisation name and Branch name (if applicable) in the event that the information has been entered incorrectly, query the account details with the Registered User if we have sufficient reason to believe that an error may have been made, and deactivate the account in the event that the information does not meet our criteria.

3.6.3 Turn2us and failure to comply with Turn2us Terms and Conditions

Turn2us cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the Registered User‘s failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions. 


4. The service

4.1 Features the Website includes

We shall use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website includes the following features for your benefit:

  1. Information (sourced from information available in the public domain and/or from your and their own contributions) on charities that give grants to individuals in need in the UK which will be searchable

  2. Any information we request from grant making charities to update us on whether a data subject did or did not receive a grant will be based on the grant making charity providing fair processing information and making  data subjects aware that this personal information is being provided to us. by the charity,

  3. A ‘MyTurn2us’ account administration area for Registered Users to save their PIP details.

  4. Signposting to other sources of support.

Additional benefits for advisers:

  1. A ‘MyTurn2us’ account administration area for Registered Users to create and save grants searches, calculations, PIP details, and notes on behalf of Clients. Some advisers can also make applications on behalf of their clients via this area.

  2. The Benefits Calculator enables the Registered User to check the Adviser Organisation's Clients’ entitlement to welfare benefits.

4.2 Details about Adviser clients and data protection

Details about Adviser clients and supplied by registered users will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK GDPR) and other UK data protection laws and will not be passed on to third parties.

5. Removal of content

We will not view or edit or pre-screen any contribution that you or anyone else make to the Website generally and therefore, unless we are specifically notified of the nature of any item of content, you cannot assume that we are responsible for having made it available on the Website. We, and others that we designate, shall have the right (but not the obligation) at our sole discretion to refuse or remove any content that is posted to, or available on, the Website without the need to give any reasons for doing so.

6. Content objections

If you object to the publication of any material placed on our website, please let us know by calling 0808 802 2000 or by contacting the Communications team and we will take whatever action we deem appropriate.

6.1 Access to protected pages of the Website

You understand and agree that it is a condition of your access to the protected pages of the Website that you shall not:

  1. Hold us liable (whether under the law of defamation, copyright, passing-off, trade marks, privacy, data protection or otherwise) for the publication, broadcast or making available of any user generated content found on the website; or

  2. Hold us liable (whether under the law of defamation, copyright, passing-off, trade marks, privacy, data protection or otherwise) for the publication, broadcast or making available of any content found on the website that we have obtained from a reputable third party; or

  3. Commence any proceedings against us arising out of the publication, broadcast or making available of any content found on the interactive pages of the Website.

6.2 Restrictions at Clauses 6.1 and 6.2

You accept that the restrictions at Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 above shall survive the termination of this agreement for any reason.

6.3 Full editorial control

You understand and accept that we shall have full editorial control over the Website, its content and how the services offered through the Website are conducted and managed (albeit that we may not necessarily exercise that control) and you shall not attempt to influence our choice of users, other charities or advertisers.

7. Third party rights

7.1 Copyright and other rights

The copyright, and other rights, in some of the material appearing on or in the Website may belong to third parties. You may not (save as allowed in these terms and conditions) copy, reproduce, transmit or distribute any such material without the licence or permission of the author and you agree to pay any costs or expenses incurred by Turn2us which may arise as a result of your failure to obtain such licence or permission.

7.2 Material posted by third parties

The Website may contain material (including, but not limited to, advertisements) posted by third parties. Individual users, charities and advertisers are solely responsible for the content of advertising and other material which they submit to the Website and for ensuring that such content complies with all relevant legislation. Turn2us accepts no responsibility for the content of material submitted by third parties, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein.

7.3 Goods and services

Save unless otherwise stated, no warranty whatsoever is given as to any goods or services purchased, obtained or offered to you through use of the Website, whether accessed directly or otherwise, and no liability is accepted by Turn2us in relation to any contract entered into by you with any third party on or by means of the Website.

7.4 Links to external websites

The Website may contain links to external websites. These links are included to give users the opportunity to access other pages that it is felt may be of assistance to them. Turn2us is not responsible for the content of these Internet sites.

8. Liability

8.1 Quality, accuracy or availability of the Website

We shall use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website, our helpline and our email enquiry service are available to users (subject to any planned maintenance) but otherwise these terms and conditions shall not be construed to contain any condition or warranty express or implied to the quality, accuracy or availability of the Website, the helpline or our email enquiry service and no such condition or warranty is to be taken to have been given or implied from anything said or written in any negotiations or discussions between the parties or their servants or agents.

8.2 Financial, legal or healthcare advice

Whilst effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, Turn2us is not a qualified provider of financial, legal or healthcare services and as such it cannot be relied upon to provide accurate financial, legal or healthcare advice. The Website, the helpline and our email enquiry service should not be used as alternatives to financial, legal or healthcare advice from a qualified professional. The content on the Website, provided by the helpline and our email enquiry service has been provided from a number of sources and Turn2us does not accept any liability for this information. It is the responsibility of users to check the accuracy of relevant facts and opinions given on the Website, via the helpline or by our email enquiry service before entering into any commitment based upon them.

8.3 Material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Website or our email enquiry service

Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Website or our email enquiry service is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.

8.4 Errors and interruptions

Turn2us cannot guarantee that your use of the Website, the helpline or our email enquiry service will be free from error and/or uninterrupted. Turn2us shall not be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential damages, damages for loss of opportunity or chance, or any damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use, data, or profits, whether in contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of, or in connection with the Website, the helpline or our email enquiry service or any other Internet sites.

8.5 Viruses

Whilst effort has been taken to ensure that the Website is free from viruses, no warranties are given that it is free from viruses and users are responsible for ensuring that they have installed adequate virus checking software. Turn2us shall not be liable for any viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of the Website or any hardware on which it is hosted.

8.6 Death or personal injury

Nothing in these terms serves to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury arising from negligence or any liability which is otherwise prohibited from being excluded by law.

9. Termination

Turn2us reserves the right to disable your login access to the Website at any time at our absolute discretion and without giving any explanation or notification.

10. Turn2us Helpline

10.1 Introduction to the Turn2us Helpline

An introduction to the services provided by the helpline can be found on our website in the Helpline section.

10.2 Service provision: what you can expect from us

Turn2us strives for high standards as a provider of services. In doing so, Turn2us recognises the need to ensure that all enquires received and made by our helpline advisers are handled in an acceptable and appropriate manner.

Our hours of service are from 9.00 am until 5.00 pm Monday to Friday each week.

All callers waiting longer than 20 seconds receive an information message.

All callers are given a confidentiality statement.

10.2.1 Email enquiries to us

We aim to acknowledge your email within one working day and answer it within two working days. Where we need to refer to a third party, a reply will be sent within three working days.

Where the enquiry is outside the scope of our service, we will signpost you to services relevant for you.

The contents of any emails and any attachments that pass between us are confidential and you should take great care before sharing our emails with anyone else; as to do so will compromise the security of our communication.

Please note that whilst we shall  try to address your enquiry by email, this may not be possible if your enquiry is of a more complex nature. In these cases, we will kindly request that you contact us using our freephone number. We assume that by making an enquiry by e-mail, you agree to us replying to the e-mail address that you have given us.

Please also be advised that full protection via email cannot be guaranteed and therefore you should take the following steps to protect your privacy:

  • If you send a sensitive email to us, security will be threatened because email is not a secure medium of communication. If you are concerned that sensitive information in your email will be disclosed to unintended recipients you may want to consider choosing a different way to communicate with us.

  • When you start to type in the name of the recipient, some email software will suggest similar addresses you have used before. If you have previously emailed several websites where the address starts in the same way - for example: “info” - the auto-complete function may bring up several “infos”. Make sure you choose the right address before you click send.

  • If you want to send an email to us without revealing our address to other recipients, or you wish to send an email to others without revealing that we are a recipient, make sure you use blind carbon copy (bcc), not carbon copy (cc). When you use cc every recipient of the message will be able to see the address it was sent to.

  • Be careful when using a group email address. Check who is in the group and make sure you really want to send your message to everyone.

  • Install a firewall and virus-checking on your computers.

  • Make sure that your operating system is set up to receive automatic updates.

  • Protect your computer by downloading the latest patches or security updates, which should cover vulnerabilities.

  • Encrypt any personal information held electronically that would cause damage or distress if it were lost or stolen.

  • Take regular back-ups of the information on your computer system and keep them in a separate place so that if you lose your computers, you don’t lose the information.

  • Securely remove all personal information before disposing of old computers (by using technology or destroying the hard disk).

  • Consider installing an anti-spyware tool. Spyware is the generic name given to programs that are designed to secretly monitor your activities on your computer. Spyware can be unwittingly installed within other file and program downloads, and their use is often malicious. They can capture passwords, banking credentials and credit card details, then relay them back to fraudsters. Anti-spyware helps to monitor and protect your computer from spyware threats, and it is often free to use and update.

  • Use a strong password - these are long (at least seven characters) and have a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and the special keyboard characters like the asterisk or currency symbols.

  • Do not believe emails that appear to come from your bank or anyone else that ask for your account, credit card details or your password (a bank would never ask for this information in this way).

  • Do not open spam – not even to unsubscribe or ask for no more mailings. Delete the email and either get spam filters on your computers or use an email provider that offers this service.

10.2.2 Postal enquiries to us

The Turn2us Helpline will respond to postal enquiries within two working days of receipt of your letter.

Where we need to refer to a third party, a reply will be posted within three working days.

For any other postal enquiries; we will respond within 10 working days of receipt of your letter.

10.2.3 Call signposting and referral

There will be some instances when your enquiry may be outside the scope of our service. We will try to signpost you to a relevant organisation.

10.2.4 Confidentiality

Turn2us helpline advisers comply with the Turn2us Data-Protection-and-Confidentiality-Policy-(PDF-file-size: 225kb)

We advise callers of the confidential nature of our service and obtain consent before sharing information that may be needed in order to send a grant enquiry or apply for grants on your behalf.

In certain circumstances, confidentiality may need to be broken. These are outlined in the Confidentiality Policy and our adviser will explain to you why they need to breach confidentiality.

10.2.5 Caller numbers

When you telephone our helpline, the caller number will be showing to the adviser. This will not be used by them without your permission, for example to call you back.

If you do not wish your number to be shown, please dial 141 before the helpline number and this will ensure that the number is not visible to the helpline advisers.

10.2.6 Data protection

All personal information received from individuals or from enquirers will be handled and recorded in accordance with the Turn2us Data-Protection-and-Confidentiality-Policy-(PDF-file-size: 225kb). In particular, we follow the eight principles of good information handling:

  1. Personal data will be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully.

  2. Personal data will only be held for specified and lawful purposes and not in any manner incompatible with those purposes. The purposes for which personal data are held is described in Turn2us’s entry in the Data Protection Register, and information will not be held for another purpose.

  3. Personal data will be relevant and only used in relation to the purposes for which it is held.

  4. Personal data will be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

  5. Personal data will not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purposes covered by the registration.

  6. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights. This means that the data will be made accessible to the person concerned and, where appropriate, the information will be corrected or erased

  7. There must be appropriate security measures in place to prevent unauthorised access to or alteration, disclosure or destruction of the personal information and prevent accidental loss or destruction of the personal information

  8. Personal data should not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection of the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.

10.2.7 Feedback

We aim for high standards in our service delivery and welcome feedback from our users. If we have done something that you are pleased with, we would like to hear about it. If you have a complaint, we would like to know about so we can resolve it or do better next time. If you have a query or a suggestion for us to improve our service, please tell us about it.

You can give us feedback:

  • In writing

  • By email

  • By phone

  • By filling in our website feedback form

  • By Completing an email survey after you have telephoned the Helpline

  • By filling in our Complaints and feedback form.

Full details of the procedures we follow can be found by reading our Complaints and Feedback policy

10.2.8 If you have a speech, hearing or language difficulty

Please let the adviser know what actions they can take to best help you.

We will use the most appropriate channel for you, for example TextRelay or email.

10.2.9 Policies

All enquiries received by our helpline are dealt in line with the following policies:

10.2.10 Protecting our staff

We do not tolerate abusive behaviour towards our staff.
We take every measure to support our staff and, in cases of abusive behaviour, tone or language, we may terminate the call. In extreme cases, we will report such behaviour to a relevant authority, such as the Police.

10.2.11 Recording calls

All calls to and from the Turn2us Helpline are recorded to ensure accuracy and monitor our service. They are kept securely in a central store for three months, then deleted.

11. Privacy Policy

11.1 Processing private data

Turn2us is registered under, and will process your personal data (which includes your Registration Data) in accordance with, data protection legislation.

You hereby agree that the personal data that you provide to Turn2us may be processed by Turn2us for the purposes of:

  1. Processing your requests;

  2. Providing you with information (by email or other means) about the products and services of Turn2us and those   charities about whom you have expressed an interest;

  3. Providing a personalised service to you;

  4. Maintaining accounts and records;

  5. Statistical analysis;

  6. Providing anonymous trend data about our users’ profiles to third parties;

  7. Assessing and evaluating the use that is being made of the Website; and

  8. Information and databank compilation and administration.

Read the full Turn2us Website Privacy Policy here.

11.2 Regulatory bodies and/or other third parties

The processing of your personal data described above may involve Turn2us disclosing your details to regulatory bodies and/or other third parties.

12. Trade marks

The names, images and logos identifying Turn2us or third parties and their products and services, are proprietary marks. Any use made of these marks may be an infringement of rights in those marks and all rights to enforce such rights are reserved.

13. Non UK users

This Website has been designed for use within the UK. Whilst users from outside the UK are free to view this Website, Turn2us does not give any warranty, express or implied, that viewing or using the Website from outside the UK complies with any applicable non-UK laws or regulations.

14 Linking

14.1. Linking to our website

If you offer support and advice to people in financial need and you want to let more people know about the money that may be available to them through welfare benefits and charitable grants, you can do so by setting up a link to our website.

We welcome links to our website, including 'deep linking' by which we mean that you may include a link to a specific page of our website that is not the Home Page.

14.1.1 Linking and describing our brand

All links should point to:

If you require a brief description about Turn2us to use on your website, please use the following: "Turn2us is a national charity that provides practical information and support to people facing income shocks and financial insecurity."

Please inform us of any links you make to our website, as we reserve the right to request the removal of any link that we feel is inappropriate or conflicts with our work and purpose.

Please note:

  • You may not display the contents of our website (or any page from it) independently of the website or allow it to be displayed surrounded or framed or otherwise surrounded by material not originating from us without our consent.

  • A link to the Turn2us website must not be used to imply an endorsement of your website, related products or services or for any other commercial purposes.

14.1.2 Displaying our logo

If you would like to display our logo, please send a request to

14.2 Licensing our material

If you would like to license our material, please contact us at:

14.3 Links on the Turn2us website

The Turn2us website includes many links to organisations that provide useful resources to our users. While we hope you will find these links helpful, by using our website, you acknowledge that these websites are not subject to our control, their owners are independent from us and we do not endorse or accept any responsibility for their content. We are also not responsible for any transactions that occur between users and these external sites.

We may link to:

National public and charitable organisations that are free to access and provide information and services or engaged in research or campaigning activities relevant to Turn2us’s work (i.e. enabling people to access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other financial help).

We do not link to:

  • Local organisations providing benefits, legal, housing or other practical advice. This is because the Turn2us website contains Find an Adviser tool, which links users of the website to local advice services. If you want to be listed on this resource, contact: (Please do not use this email address if you are looking for help.)

  • Commercial websites, i.e. those whose primary purpose is to endorse or sell products or services, except where a specific partnership arrangement has been agreed with Turn2us (in which case the nature of this agreement will be clearly stated on our website)

  • Websites that promote services that are not relevant to our service

  • Individual, personal websites offering information or advice on the subjects the website covers

  • Sites that contain illegal, offensive or misleading information

  • Non-UK sites.

If you would like to request a link to your site, please email:

Please note: The decision whether or not to link to your site will be made by Turn2us and is final.

16. General

16.1 English law

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in all respects in accordance with English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

16.2 Rights and obligations

Turn2us shall have the right to assign, novate, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions without securing your prior consent and you agree that these terms and conditions will be enforceable against you by any successor in title of Turn2us

16.3 Variations

These terms and conditions set out the entire agreement between the parties regarding the Website and no variation shall be effective unless agreed between the parties in writing.


  17. Copyright

All rights to the material published on this website are either owned by Turn2us or have been provided by external sources and used with the permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved.

18. Terms and conditions for the Turn2us e-newsletter

  • By submitting your email address, you agree to Turn2us sending you regular emails about our work and campaigns to end poverty.

  • This is a newsletter service. You will receive free information about our work and campaigns via email

  • You will also receive information about other Turn2us services, including but not limited to, our fundraising activities

  • We will not sell or share your email and/or any personal details to any third party service

  • You are free to unsubscribe anytime from our newsletter service by choosing the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of all our email newsletters or by emailing:

  • reserves the right to suspend, cancel or deny your subscription to the newsletter service anytime

  • Turn2us can temporarily discontinue or permanently cancel its newsletter service anytime.

19. Turn2us e-learning terms and conditions for those who sign up to this service

19.1 Usage of e-learning

  • The sharing of user accounts is forbidden.
  • Each user account is unique and must be linked to your email address and not a generic shared address.
  • The courses are available with a user account. Organisations are not permitted to sell or rent access to the courses.
  • While you may download a course for completion offline, saving or distributing courses is not permitted.
  • Breaching any terms and conditions could result in the termination of the user’s account.

19.2 UK GDPR and e-learning

  • We only collect the data needed to efficiently provide the service.
  • The data is not shared beyond Turn2us, our e-learning platform provider (Absorb) and their sub-processors.
  • You can request to see your data at any time by contacting
  • For more information refer to the Turn2us privacy policy.

19.3 Notifications about e-learning

  • You agree to receive automatic email notifications about your course enrolments and completion status.
  • You agree to receive email notifications on new course creation and other relevant Turn2us e-learning updates.

19.4 Contact about e-learning

  • For any technical questions or questions related to new user account creation, group organisation enrolments, courses etc contact The team aim to get back to you within two working days.

Last updated: August 2021