
Who Turn2us works with: Family Fund

We look at the organisations that use Turn2us tools and services and the impact of our collaboration. This month’s interview is with Alison Davies at Family Fund. 

This article is 8 months old


Tell us your name and your role at Family Fund

Alison Davies, Head of Service Development and Delivery, Family Fund

What does Family Fund do and who uses your services?

Family Fund supports families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people to have the same choices, quality of life, opportunities and aspirations as wider families. We make this happen by giving grants to families on a low income, for items they may not otherwise be able to afford.

We also help parents and carers by providing information and support. Our information and support resources were developed according to what families told us was relevant to them. This includes managing money, working out what they are entitled to or where else they could get help with their income. We also help with information on mental health and wellbeing and run practical workshops to help people get online and use digital tools.

Finding and accessing additional income or grants is the most common request that we receive. The Benefits Calculator and Grants Search are invaluable in helping us to help.

Alison Davies

Which Turn2us tools does your organisation use and how do they help you in your work?

Family Fund uses the Grants Search and Benefits Calculator tools both via our website and by intermediaries within our contact centre.

The tools being on the website fits very much with our service delivery principles: we want those who come to us for help, to be able to access that help in whatever way suits them best. The tools can be used independently so families can find out which best suits their circumstances. Alternatively, should they need more support, they can contact us and we can use the tools on their behalf in an independent and confidential way.

Finding and accessing additional income, funding or grants is the most common request that we receive, with more than 5,943 requests of this nature received during 2023. The Benefits Calculator and Grants Search are invaluable in helping us to help.

Can you share an example of a time a service user accessed extra income by using our tools and what did it mean for them?

A family contacted Family Fund looking for a grant for their disabled child. It was identified that the family could benefit from having a Benefits Check completed over the phone – as they weren’t sure if they were able to claim benefits as one worked self-employed as a builder.

The main carer advised she had to leave work to care for her disabled child and that, although her partner was in the building trade, he didn't work very much due to hospital appointments. The benefits check showed that they were able to claim Universal Credit - an extra £370 per week. This had such a huge impact for this family who were very much struggling.

Alison Davies

If Turn2us didn't exist, what would that mean for those you support?

It would mean the loss of a lifeline for those who need help. I have worked with Turn2us for many years now. I know the organisation strives to provide what is most useful to people who are struggling financially, in a way that genuinely has people’s needs at the centre of its work.

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