
Changes to part-time work benefits

The Government is introducing a new threshold for people who work part-time and claim Universal Credit. Find out what is changing, when the changes will happen, and who will be affected.

This article is 24 months old


Proposed changes and timeline  

The Government has announced new changes to the benefits available for people who work part-time.  

Currently, if you earn no more than the equivalent of nine hours per week at the national living wage, you are required to either increase your working hours or increase your earnings.

From 26 September 2022, the threshold will be increased to 12 hours per week at national living wage. This was decided in summer 2022. 

From January 2023, the threshold will be increased to 15 hours per week at national living wage. This change will affect around 2.4% of people claiming Universal Credit.

Who is affected? 

If you claim Universal Credit, earn no more than the equivalent of 15 hours a week at national living wage, you could be affected from January 2023. 

You will need to meet weekly or fortnightly with a work coach to increase the number of hours you work per week, or take steps to increase your earnings, such as applying for jobs or attending interviews. If you don’t do this, you may risk losing your benefits.

If you are ill or disabled, looking after children, or have caring responsibilities and work part-time, get advice to see how these changes will affect you.

The government will also provide additional work coach support to new Universal Credit claimants over the age of 50s claimants and to over 50s that are long-term unemployed.

What to do next 

Get advice if you think you may be affected by these changes.

Recalculate your Benefits. Our Benefits Calculator is kept up to date and reflects all changes. You can make a calculation to show what you are eligible for. If you know what benefits you are currently entitled to, you will be able to plan ahead and seek other support.  

Use the Turn2us Grants Search. Charitable grants do not have to be paid back. Use our Grants Search tool to see if you are eligible for a grant.  

Get information and help. Find out what other financial advice is available, including guides to benefits and grants.