
Our 2022-2023 annual report

We share our recent impact and learnings, as we embark on our new bold and ambitious five-year plan.

This article is 7 months old


Turn2us is a national charity offering practical help and support to people struggling financially. Our vision is that everyone in the UK has financial security so they can thrive.

This annual report looks back at just some of the work undertaken by Turn2us between April 2022 to March 2023 - sharing our recent impact and learnings, as we embark on our new bold and ambitious five-year plan.

No organisation can have meaningful impact without collaboration and so we wish to thank our partners, supporters and the communities that help drive forward our developing campaigns programmes work.

None of this would be possible without the support of our co-production network - people with lived experience of financial insecurity who we pay to work with us on everything we do.


We are proud to share our achievements with you and reaffirm our commitment to the vision of Turn2us and our ambition to have an even deeper impact for the communities across the UK that we exist to serve.   

2022-23 Turn2us impact in numbers

According to the Government’s own figures, 14.4 million people are living in poverty in the UK including 4.2 million children, 8.1 million working-age adults and 2.1 million pensioners.

Turn2us is committed to tackling the injustice of this financial insecurity and inequality. Highlights from the last financial year demonstrate how we are tackling this:

Our impact

  • Last year we made grants of nearly £4 million, supporting 3,000 people across the UK, including through the Turn2us Edinburgh Trust.
  • A further £650,000 was distributed to people with complex needs, in partnership with the charity Sense.
  • Our online Grants Search was used 1.3 million times, helping people find extra money to give them vital breathing space. These grants don't impact benefits and don't need to be paid back.
  • People completed over 3 million calculations using the free Turn2us Benefits Calculator.
  • 4.3 million people visited our website for information to help them tackle financial shocks.
  • Our helpline received over 100,000 enquiries or requests from people needing support to access our services and those of others.

Our funding

We work hard to generate income to invest in our work and evolving programmes help people facing financial insecurity to get support. We are so grateful to the many generous individuals, trusts and businesses who contributed to raising funds for Turn2us in 2022-23.

In the financial year of 2022-23 our total income was £6.09 million. Donations and awarded grants contributed 23% to that total, 15% came from investment income, 8% from legacies and 52% (£3.15 million) was rental income from our network of care homes ‘Elizabeth Finn Homes Limited’.  

Incoming resources 2022/23: £6.09 million received. 15% investment income: £884,000; 8% legacies: £485,000; 0% net profit donation from Elizabeth Finn Trading Company: £25,000; 23% donations and grants: £1,448,500; 52% rental income from Elizabeth Finn Homes Limited: £3,150,000. Contributions from Elizabeth Finn Homes were made possible by the generosity of previous supporterws who financed or donated the care homes to the charity.

How we spend our funds

In financial year 2022-23 Turn2us spent £11.9 million. Charitable activity accounted for 84% of the total financial activity of the charity - or 84p for every £1 spent.

In that period 20% of our spend went to grant casework and 30% to grants given to people in need of support. Our Helpline, online and face-to-face support activities accounted for 33% of our spend. 

Outgoing resources 2022/2023: £11.9 million spent. 2% investment management £188,000; 5% property maintenance of Elizabeth Finn Homes Limited: £593,000; 30% grants given: £3,427,000; 33% helpline, online and face-to-face support: £3,851,000; 0% trading activities for charitable benefit: £17,000. Charitable activity accounts for 84% of the total financial activity of the charity or 84p for every £1 spent

For many of us there remains a great deal of uncertainty and a legacy of inequity that create financial insecurity. Systems change, shifting perceptions and doing all this by working together will help us meet the huge challenges ahead.

Thank you for your continued support for Turn2us. In partnership and with your support we look forward to building on the work outlined in our annual report together.

Download our annual report


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