
Middlesbrough Collaboration: Empowering women and children through community-driven solutions

Since 2022, Turn2us, in collaboration with Buttle UK and the Smallwood Trust, has taken bold steps in Middlesbrough to confront the stark realities of gendered poverty.

Woman and child


Imagine, after three years, a mum in Middlesbrough can finally cook homemade meals for her kids because she got a grant to buy a cooker. This programme is more than financial aid; it’s about restoring dignity and enabling mothers to care for their families in ways they haven’t been able to before.

Irene Kabuye, Founder, Ubuntu Multicultural Centre

Our approach to tackling gendered poverty 

Since 2022, Turn2us, in collaboration with Buttle UK and the Smallwood Trust, has taken bold steps in Middlesbrough to confront the stark realities of gendered poverty head-on. Our mission is clear: empower women and children who bear the brunt of financial insecurity by placing them at the heart of solution-building. 

Why focus on women and children in Middlesbrough? 

Middlesbrough faces daunting challenges—it has one of the highest child poverty rates in England and disturbing levels of domestic violence. These challenges are not just statistics; they are daily realities for many, especially women. Women from racially-minoritised backgrounds, those with disabilities, caregivers, and those without access to public funds find themselves particularly at risk of financial hardship. 

In Middlesbrough, women and children are caught at the crossroads of multiple adversities, dealing with everything from racial issues to disability and caregiving burdens that amplify their poverty risk. These daily struggles fuel our commitment to respond not only proactively but with profound empathy and effectiveness. 

Innovative grant-making for lasting change 

The Middlesbrough Collaboration is transforming traditional grant-making by empowering those most affected by poverty to make decisions about the help they receive. Our coalition of grant-making bodies—Turn2us, Smallwood Trust, and Buttle UK—is dedicated to freeing people from the grip of financial hardship. 

Working alongside local families 

We’re not just giving money; we're opening doors. In 2023 alone, we've invested £50,000 in direct grants to 25 women in Newport ward, with another £50,000 scheduled for later this year. This is part of a broader £1 million, three-year initiative aimed at creating sustainable futures. 

Beyond the cash, we support these incredible women with education and financial counselling, helping them not just survive, but thrive. From the initial funding in September to the next disbursement in October, every step we take is about long-term prosperity, not just short-term relief. 

Co-Production: Power to the people 

At the heart of our efforts is co-production. We don’t just consult; we actively collaborate. Local women and families are our partners, leading and making decisions to ensure our interventions truly meet their needs and drive real change. 

Bridging gaps and building stronger connections 

We do more than distribute funds. We’re forging strong links with local councils, charities, and community groups to dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate gendered poverty. Our strategies are informed and designed to be as impactful as possible, crafted from a deep understanding of the issues. 

Building partnerships with heart 

Here at the heart of what we do, you'll find our partnerships. We're working hand in hand with our partners Ubuntu Multi-Cultural Centre and Creative Minds Middlesbrough, and together, we're all in for honesty, accountability, and making sure everyone gets a say. It’s about doing more than just meeting needs — it’s about seeing women coming together and crafting solutions that really hit the mark. 

These partnerships let us really get to know our community, especially the women and children who are up against the toughest challenges. As we push forward, making a real impact in Middlesbrough, we’re always keen to link up with other local groups who are just as passionate about empowering women and children. 

Our journey so far and what's next 

It's been a transformative journey in Middlesbrough. Since the beginning, we've rolled up our sleeves and made significant changes in the community. We’ve unlocked the potential of some local women, providing them with the tools and funds they need to shape their futures. 

Over a three-year period, our partnership is allocating a budget of £1 million to directly support those who need it most. This funding isn’t just about providing financial relief; it’s about leveraging the expertise and resources from Turn2us, Buttle UK and the Smallwood Trust to spark a cycle of growth and opportunity that benefits the entire community.

Since 2021, our focused efforts have empowered more than 25 women take on roles as co-producers, ensuring that the support reaches where it’s needed most and driving meaningful change from within. 

Looking ahead: More than just money 

Our mission continues as we dive deeper into the challenges that affect Middlesbrough, aiming to extend our reach and deepen our impact. This year, insights from our latest reports - highlighting local women's recommendations and our learned lessons - will guide our advocacy strategies, not just in Middlesbrough but across the North-East. We're dedicated to enhancing financial security and amplifying the voices leading this change. 

This autumn, we're excited to engage directly with the youth. Rose, our Programme Manager, alongside Buttle UK’s Youth Engagement team, will host workshops to hear from children and young people. These discussions will help shape an action plan focused on resilience and a financially secure future. 

We're also enhancing our direct support to families, responding to needs with solutions like culturally diverse food maps, peer-mentoring for employment, and stronger healthcare connections through local GPs. By empowering those most affected to lead, we're not just responding to needs - we're creating leaders who guide our efforts and shape their futures. 

Join us as we continue to transform challenges into opportunities for a thriving Middlesbrough. 


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