About the TTC
After over 100 years in service and having carried more than 31 billion customers, the TTC has grown to become one of the most visible and vital public service organizations in North America. We continue to make Toronto proud by centering our ridership in all of our decision making.
The TTC is overseen by a Board of Commissioners made up of elected City Councillors and private citizens.
Art is an important component of major station upgrades (including the Easier Access and Second Exit construction improvement projects). The TTC’s public art programs have had a transformative effect on the city’s vitality, assembling a collection of public art that, in its scale and diversity, is of international significance.
The TTC is working to improve our customers’ experience and environment. We are working on Easier Access and Second Exit projects at several stations. We're also reviewing opportunities for expansion to better serve our customers.
A complete list of Frequently Asked Questions for various TTC services and programs. Use the tabs and drop-down menu to search by topic.
The Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) provides a mechanism for ongoing public participation in decisions affecting accessible transit in the City of Toronto. The Committee is comprised of volunteer members and reports to the Board of the Toronto Transit Commission.