install python script in php/html
$10-30 USD
Teslim sırasında ödenir
I have some python scripts and need to execute them from html
my website based on opencart
if anyone can do it must have experience in both opencart and python
Proje NO: #31013008
Proje hakkında
Bu iş için 4 freelancer ortalamada $50 teklif veriyor
Hello there, Good day! I am interested in this project. I am an expert in Python/PHP/HTML and much more with more than 8 years of experience. Please reach out to me to discuss further. Thank you!
Hello Respected Buyer. I hope you are well. I have seen your post. I can understand your requirement. I'm an expert developer with 5+ year experience in PHP, JavaScript and Python. My suggestion is that PHP developer n Daha Fazla
HI, We are a Software Development Company. Its an easy task for us. We have experienced developer in PHP JavaScript Python Software Architecture HTML . We are operating since 2012 but new to freelancer. Please com Daha Fazla