Where is glucose reabsorbed in the nephron işler


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  • where is glucose reabsorbed in the nephron
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...Points System Registered user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically similar to the example site. Dynamic icons (e.g., airport icon if “airport” is searched, hospital icon if “hospital” is searched). Google Maps...

€1174 Average bid
€1174 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

bunun aynisi olsun istiyorum ve photsob illistrator bilsin calissan

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler

Ev tekstili uzerine bir sitemiz var bu siteye trafik cekip ev hanimlarinin begenizine sunmak istiyoruz. Onlar da sitemizi ziyaret edip urunlerimizi gorup sevdikleri urunleri alabilsinler. Turkish language is MUST. So we need someone with Turkish fluent speaker

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

Ekmek fırını için çok önemli İbranice bilen doktora öğrencisine ihtiyaç var

€10 - €29
€10 - €29
0 teklifler

İsa çarmıhı tutarken kuzenimi İsa'nın elini sıkarken çizim

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقدي...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التق...

€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 teklifler

We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقد...

€10 - €29
€10 - €29
0 teklifler

İngilizce bir kitap gökyüzünden bahseden bi kitab aslında bir roman Sema ismindeki bir kız söz konusu bir genç aşık oluyo ve onu İngilizce Sky diye adlandiriyo ikilinin arasinda keçən olayları konu alıyor ama Can isimli gencimiz onu gökyüzüne benzediyo ve ilham aliyo ondan bu kitabı İngilizce yazicam bı roman aşk hikayesi

€16 Average bid
€16 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

Günde 3 Video yapabilen, motivasyon tiktok hesabi icin video editör ariyorum.

€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

hello, , I think this website has a media player problem and I need a friend who can run as many movies, TV shows, music and TV channels as I can find in the world and prepare this media list. I need a person who can activate many features such as monitoring, I am waiting for an answer for more detailed information and study.

€2335 Average bid
€2335 Ortalama Teklif
27 teklifler

Merhaba The StoryTeller, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.

€10 Average bid
€10 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I want an excel file to be created with the same font that previously created in Excel. There are 2 photos. Photograps of the article is available. There is also an example excel file, but it needs to be the same as in the photo by making changes on the font. Each character of an excel file that you will create must be exactly the same as photos. This is an urgent job needs to be completed immediately.

€87 Average bid
Özellikli Acil
€87 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Our company operates in the field of dibek coffee. To offer our brand gourmet special dibek coffee in Turkey and the world market. For this, we are looking for an entrepreneurial teammate who will be able to sell on e-commerce platforms.

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

For the international research firm, 300 newly graduated research analysts will be recruited to establish and organize networking and inter-company connections. Works will be Home-Office. Salary is $200 + Bonus... Job Type: Full-time

€193 Average bid
€193 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Merhaba aroravishal1408, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Merhaba w4web, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.

€241 Average bid
€241 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I want to connect to my php web site with trongrid API and send tokens from the wallet, but I was not successful.

€48 Average bid
€48 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Üniveriste 4 Trade okuyorum ve hem harcligimi çıkartmak hemde bu tarz bir iste iyice ustalasmak istiyorum. 8 yila yakındir bahis isindeyim. Canli destek olarak calisan arkadasim,arkadaslarim var lakin benim icin biraz yeni bir tecrube olacaktır. Devamli calisabilecegim , isi ogrenebilecegim + guven saglayabilecegim bir yer ariyorum.

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

...checkers-like, unique, single player and 3 difficulty levels against the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be ni...

€700 Average bid
€700 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

iş yerimizde bulunan personellerin kullanabilmesi için; Personel kişisel bilgileri Personel maaş geçmişi ve maaş bordrosu ( görüntüleme, yazdırma, kaydetme) Personel sorumluluk alanına ait bilgiler Personel izin bilgileri ( izin isteği, kalan izinler, kullanılan izinleri görüntüleme ve kaydetme) Personel ise başlama bilgileri Personel üyelik bilgileri Personellerin sorumluluk alanına ait cihaz ve makineler için arıza veya uyarı gönderme ekranı Personellere ait belge gönderme ekranı Muhasebe departmanı için; Personellerin giderlerini kayıt etme ve personel seçme Personellere ait maaş, sigorta, mesai, avans ücreti girme Personellere ait verileri görüntüleme, yazdirma ve kaydetme İnsan kaynak...

€1436 Average bid
€1436 Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler

Türkçe'den Arapça'ya ve Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çeviri mevcuttur

€15 Average bid
€15 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe İngilizce Çeviri Yapılır / English-Turkish, Turkish-English Translation is available

€13 Average bid
€13 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

programın giriş sistemini geçmek ve programa erişim sağlamak protect : VMprotect

€8 - €30
€8 - €30
0 teklifler

Merhaba Zach the Designer, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.

€241 Average bid
€241 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

10 changes to be made in the appendix. Maybe 7-8 of them are very simple. Do not bid high price

€97 Average bid
€97 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

I want the same website. What is the price and coding time? so i wrote the price. --------------------------------------------------------------- sitesinin benzeri bir site istiyorum. Mobil uyumlu ve hızlı açılabilecek şekilde kodlanacak. Tasarım farklı olabilir. Fiyatı nedir ve kodlaması ne kadar sürer? Fiyatı rastgele yazdım.

€526 Average bid
€526 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

Windows Diğer ya da belirsiz El yazısı yazıları wordde yazmaq her seyfesine 10$

€106 Average bid
€106 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Beğendiğim Bir Haber Sitesi Var Oranın aynısını Sıfırdan Php Olarak kodlanmasını istiyorum Php konusun da deneyimli kişilerin tekliflerini bekliyorum, Canlı Demo Adresi Admin Paneli Admin kullanıcı adı ; demo Şifre ; demo123 Detaylı İnceleyin Ona Göre Teklif Belirtin.

€370 Average bid
€370 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

cUrl ile Post etmek ve verileri çekmek. cUrl take the data given to the post.

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Find the best brand'

€19 - €19 / hr
€19 - €19 / hr
0 teklifler

Güzel bir projeyle karşılaşmak istiyorum. Herkese hayırlı olsun...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

01.01.2017 yilinda taiwan'da is yapmak icin varmisin? ben evlilik yapmayi planlıyorum... ve evliyken sekretere ihtiyacim olacak,omur boyu iste calisacak olan.... ortak gibi olacagiz yani... aile hayati olacak..... eger bayansan olabilir...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler
€318 Ortalama Teklif
28 teklifler

I have a story to be illustrated for a weekly comic magazine. One full page, illustrated story, approximately in A3 size.

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

Firmalara danışmanlık yapıyorum; çalışmamız yıllık baz da olacak ve sene boyunca 3-5 tane web sayfası yapılacak. Bu siteler dinamik, çoklu dil desteği olan ve firmanın web hostinginde yine kendi domainleri altında ve bizzat kendilerinin yönetiminde olacak şekilde barındırılacak!... İçerik yönetisi ayrı, sosyal medya yöneticisi ayrı, grafikeri ayrı kişilerden oluşan bu potansiyel firmalar Türkiye'nin en büyük firmalarından oluşmaktadır... Belirtilen tutarlar her ay ödenecektir...

€179 Average bid
€179 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

I need to setup a call center and ticketing app using zoho or any that has good pricing for nigeria please i want to use nigerian virtual number for the call center you can arrange from zoho or any other company for the virtual number

€140 Average bid
€140 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler
Improve the work
9 gün left

I need you to improve my document of 2000 words.

€21 Average bid
€21 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

More details: Which part of the activation process are you looking to bypass? Both parts What type of solution are you looking for? Software modification / firmware Do you have access to the source code of the FutureRip software? No

€128 Average bid
€128 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...assisting blind individuals in locating household items. I already have a Python version of this app, and this project will require the implementation of object and speech recognition into the mobile platforms. Key Requirements: - Replication of the existing Python version into a mobile app - Implementation of object recognition for various household items - Integration of voice recognition technology to enable the app to respond to user commands - Ensuring the app is user-friendly for those with visual impairments The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in mobile app development for both iOS and Android - Proficiency in Python, with a strong understanding of how to translate code in...

€33 / hr Average bid
€33 / hr Ortalama Teklif
59 teklifler

...please read the note and read entire description carefully and while write your bid explain what you understand, auto bid/without reading bidder will be mark as spam and rejected immediately.. Ita a long term project and need to work with multiple same category website, that means all website task/requirements will be the same. Note : Must work remotely by AnyDesk to the selected pc. Don't apply or bid on the project if you cant do. I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer who can assist me with theme customization on a selected PC via AnyDesk. The project entails: - Layout and design alterations to an existing theme - Adding new features to the theme - Connecting and configuring a selected API and also a custom payment system (lo...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
26 teklifler
€7 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm in need of a sophisticated logo for my luxury wellness coaching brand, The Devotion Method. The design should embody an elegant style, using neutral colors to reflect the brand's high-end, soft aesthetic. Key Elements: - The logo can incorporate the brand's initials, possibly in the form of a monogram. - I'm open to other design elements, but they should align with an overall elegant style. - Minimalist and modern touches can be included, as long as they don't detract from the main elegance of the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in designing high-end, luxury brand logos is a plus. - Strong skills in minimalist and elegant design. - Ability to...

€46 Average bid
€46 Ortalama Teklif
79 teklifler

...double layer PCB in KiCad (or Eagle) based on the provided schematic (hand drawing). The design should incorporate a range of features and components, as outlined below: - XIAO-ESP32-C6 module from SeedStudio (only pinhead for it) - SIM800L module (pinhead for it + additional capacitors) - RS485 communication on the MAX3486 (IC + dicrete parts round) - 2x MT3608 step-up (IC + dicrete parts round) - LM2596 step-down (IC + dicrete parts round) - one 5mm pitch 4-pin connector for RS485 - one 2mm pitch 4-pin connector for I2C - one 5mm pitch 2-pin connector for battery Please take look at the attached photo of the 'proof-of-concept' design made on development board. The result should be the full documentation of KiCad file...

€121 Average bid
€121 Ortalama Teklif
43 teklifler

...Integrated Webshop & App The website will be implemented using Odoo and will include: • Company Presentation (About Us, Philosophy) • Fish Species & Nutrition • Blog & News • Contact Forms for Customer Inquiries • Multilingual Support (German & English) • SEO Optimization • Webshop for Fish Products Webshop Features: • Product Management (images, descriptions, prices) – approx. 30 products • Order Management (payments, pickup via collection points, deliveries, order tracking) • Payment Gateways (PayPal, credit card, SEPA, etc.) • Shipping Cost Calculation & Logistics Integration • Customer Accounts (order history, invoices) Mobile App for Customers: • Shop Browsing, Orders, Payments • ...

€2294 Average bid
€2294 Ortalama Teklif
72 teklifler

...game where players embody "The Gadget Guru", a genius inventor and tech hero. The game revolves around mixed combat, intertwining both melee and ranged combat styles, as players navigate through a variety of environments, from urban landscapes to natural terrains. Key Features: - Combat: The primary focus of the game is action and combat. Players will need to outsmart enemies using a range of innovative gadgets. - Puzzle-solving: Players will also face intricate puzzles which need to be solved in order to progress. - Diverse Environments: The game will take players through different settings, primarily urban landscapes and natural terrains. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Game Development: Proven experience...

€889 Average bid
€889 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

I seek a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your vet, and at the end we have a kind of community yellow pages, a list of the favorite providers of your friends. I think it can be useful, but now I have no idea how to spread it. I'm not seeking a marketing agency who will spend zillions on ads, I'm seeking a strategist who can teach me how to spread the app so that the people find it useful, and ideally have the users themselves bring their friends to the app.

€7921 Average bid
€7921 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

I have two page photo of the book. I want you to use the same font and formatting style and create word file. Deliverables 1. Word and pdf file with exactly same formatting style and fonts 2. Fonts file used in the book

€6 Average bid
50 girdi
€14 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

More details: What platforms do you want the remarketing campaigns to target? Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads What is the primary goal of your remarketing campaign? Boost sales conversions Which customer behaviors do you want to target for remarketing? Visited specific product pages, Completed a purchase, People who are searching for ADU's and Expansion in browsers

€338 Average bid
€338 Ortalama Teklif
29 teklifler