What is app source code işler
Hem VOD (İsteğe Bağlı Video) hem de Canlı Yayın için bir IPTV sunucusu kurabilecek bir profesyonele ihtiyacım var. Bu sunucunun Android, iOS ve Akıllı TV'lerle uyumlu olması gerekir. Temel Gereksinimler: - Hem VOD hem de Canlı Yayın sağlayan bir IPTV sunucusu kurun - Android, iOS ve Akıllı TV'lerle uyumluluğu sağlayın - IPTV uygulama kullanıcı arayüzü için önceden hazırlanmış bir şablon kullanın İdeal adaylar IPTV sunucusu kurulumunda kanıtlanmış deneyime, platformlar arası uyumluluk bilgisine ve kullanıcı arayüzleri için önceden hazırlanmış şablonlarla çalışma becerisine sahip olmalıdır. Çalışmanın bir gün içinde tamamlanması gerekir.
Ev tekstili uzerine bir sitemiz var bu siteye trafik cekip ev hanimlarinin begenizine sunmak istiyoruz. Onlar da sitemizi ziyaret edip urunlerimizi gorup sevdikleri urunleri alabilsinler. Turkish language is MUST. So we need someone with Turkish fluent speaker
Ekmek fırını için çok önemli İbranice bilen doktora öğrencisine ihtiyaç var
Merhaba. Codecanyon dan aldigim uygulama 50adet ingilizce kelime mevcut (Cok basit olan Start / Stop vs gibi ) Onlar tr olacak ve apk alinip console hesabbima yuklenecek
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعمال سابقة ...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعمال سابق...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعمال سابقة...
Projemiz için Java script , ThreeJS kütüphanesini kullanmayı bilen biri gerekiyor. Bizim modelimizdeki kütüphanede “distance ve orbit limitations” kurulması (kısa bir kod) description olması ve kopyala yapıştır her modele eklenmesi gerekiyor. Obje etrafında dönmek (orbit) ve zoom in zoom out (distance) komutlarına bir kısıtlama (limitation) eklemek amacımız.
İngilizce bir kitap gökyüzünden bahseden bi kitab aslında bir roman Sema ismindeki bir kız söz konusu bir genç aşık oluyo ve onu İngilizce Sky diye adlandiriyo ikilinin arasinda keçən olayları konu alıyor ama Can isimli gencimiz onu gökyüzüne benzediyo ve ilham aliyo ondan bu kitabı İngilizce yazicam bı roman aşk hikayesi
Günde 3 Video yapabilen, motivasyon tiktok hesabi icin video editör ariyorum.
I need landing page about dental clinic. I need best design and best and clear html and css codes. it must be %100 suitable mobile when finished webpage it must be pass google page speed PLESAE SEND US YOUR REFERENCE WORK
Üniveriste 4 Trade okuyorum ve hem harcligimi çıkartmak hemde bu tarz bir iste iyice ustalasmak istiyorum. 8 yila yakındir bahis isindeyim. Canli destek olarak calisan arkadasim,arkadaslarim var lakin benim icin biraz yeni bir tecrube olacaktır. Devamli calisabilecegim , isi ogrenebilecegim + guven saglayabilecegim bir yer ariyorum.
...Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be nice. - There may be multiplayer in the future, so some things have to be forward compatible and open-ended. - Source codes. - It would be nice to make a contract that will secu...
iş yerimizde bulunan personellerin kullanabilmesi için; Personel kişisel bilgileri Personel maaş geçmişi ve maaş bordrosu ( görüntüleme, yazdırma, kaydetme) Personel sorumluluk alanına ait bilgiler Personel izin bilgileri ( izin isteği, kalan izinler, kullanılan izinleri görüntüleme ve kaydetme) Personel ise başlama bilgileri Personel üyelik bilgileri Personellerin sorumluluk alanına ait cihaz ve makineler için arıza veya uyarı gönderme ekranı Personellere ait belge gönderme ekranı Muhasebe departmanı için; Personellerin giderlerini kayıt etme ve personel seçme Personellere ait maaş, sigorta, mesai, avans ücreti girme Personellere ait verileri görüntüleme, yazdirma ve kaydetme İnsan kaynak...
komut paneline bağlı bir source kodunu düzenleme, geliştirme
Türkçe'den Arapça'ya ve Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çeviri mevcuttur
projem hazır code bankinh yapılacak 64k üstü için
projem hazır 64k üstü ayarlarını yaptırmak istiyorum
İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe İngilizce Çeviri Yapılır / English-Turkish, Turkish-English Translation is available
Open source PACS yazılımı olan dcm4chee son stabil sürümünün kurulumu, cd export özelliğinin eklenmesi, web üzerinden ve mobilden görüntüleme(Oviyam gibi) için eklentilerin kurulması
uygulamaya login olmalıyız ilk çalıştırdığımızda bizden kişisel bilgileri alarak kaydetmeli sonraki seferlerde sormamalı asıl işi qr kod okumak olmalı ancak qr kod okuturken aynı zamanda ön kamera görüntüsü de gözükmeli yani ekranda arka kamera tarafından alınan qrkod ve üstünde ise ön kamera tarafından alınan selfi görüntüsü olmalı aynı zamanda konum bilgisine de erişim yetkisi almalı qr kod ile alınan linkteki ilgili alanlara bizden aldığı bilgileri girmeli ve konum bilgisini de ilave edip göndermeli
Engilish I want freamwork structure to create modules without writing code Turkish Kod yazmadan modüller oluşturmak için freamwork yapısı istiyorum
01.01.2017 yilinda taiwan'da is yapmak icin varmisin? ben evlilik yapmayi planlıyorum... ve evliyken sekretere ihtiyacim olacak,omur boyu iste calisacak olan.... ortak gibi olacagiz yani... aile hayati olacak..... eger bayansan olabilir...
English: must use freeglut library. I have a tank made out of quads that strafes. I need help adding a .raw file to 1 four cornered quad, and 3d collision detection for my one tank object. I have to turn this thing in 12 hours
English: Existing openGL project will be edited. There are 3 tasks and they are so basic that will only require 2 3 lines of codes for each and it says what to do in tasks. Just simple c++ code and opengl nothing complex. It is on visualstudio 2013 on my computer. Only condition is job will be done by connecting to my computer using teamviewer. I am not able to send the project to you or there is no copying. Turkish: Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim b...
Metin2 oyununun kaynak kodları ile oyunculara yeni sistemler yazılacak.
Bende codecanyondan indirdiğim iphone uygulamasının source codeları hazır kodlar uygulama haline getirilip apple uygulama mağazasına eklenecek.
servisler ile vatandaşlar arasında bir platform olacak. Örneğin ben bir yerden bir yere yada bir maça yada bir organizasyona gitmek istiyorum. Yazılımcıya istanbul adres kodları ve istanbul dışı şehir adreslerini vereceğiz. Ben oturduğum yeri kutucuğa yazıcağım ve oturduğum yerin yada işyerimin sokağını seçiyorum diğer kutucuğuda gideceğim yerin yada organizasyon yapılacağı yeri seçiyorum. diğer konuda servisler için tedarikçi olan servisler sisteme arabanın çalışma saatleri dışında nerede durduğunu seçiyorlar ve hangi saatler arasında çalıştıklarını giriyorlar. bende böylece hangi servisin hangi saatler arasında hangi lokasyonda müsait olduğunu görüyorum. kullanıcıların girdikleri talepleri servislerle...
Firmalara danışmanlık yapıyorum; çalışmamız yıllık baz da olacak ve sene boyunca 3-5 tane web sayfası yapılacak. Bu siteler dinamik, çoklu dil desteği olan ve firmanın web hostinginde yine kendi domainleri altında ve bizzat kendilerinin yönetiminde olacak şekilde barındırılacak!... İçerik yönetisi ayrı, sosyal medya yöneticisi ayrı, grafikeri ayrı kişilerden oluşan bu potansiyel firmalar Türkiye'nin en büyük firmalarından oluşmaktadır... Belirtilen tutarlar her ay ödenecektir...
slm . Online bir oyunun client dosyalarında bir problem yasıyorum dosyalar private server dosyaları .. size detaylı oalrak olayı tanımlayabilirim. ayrıca clientin kaynak kodları da elimde mevcut.. ayrıntılı gorusmek istiyorum iyi calısmalar
...Want, But I want to work with plenty of detail, as well as a simple project. Today, I take what everyone else at the bottom of this store outfits blouse, pants, skirts, shoes etc.. complete lack of warning is okay as a kind of shoes to wear dresses and all the stuff we can say is a software to create combinations with new referrals electronically. Project Details in detail in the project will give to friends. Want to get all the source code delivered with the system in Phase 5. It also will be published under the name of our company is our Mobile Market. 1 Step - Web Site 2 Step - IOS (Iphone & Ipad) and the Android App 3 Step - Facebook App 4 Step - Black Berry App 5 Step - Windows Mobile App My...
This is for immediate company that sells CTV advertising. The deck needs to reflect what the industry puts out so sites like Netflix, Saba TV Pluto, TV, Hulu, etc..
...js developer to analyze an existing codebase and provide a technical report on its quality and viability. The goal is to determine whether the code can be optimized and used or if a new base needs to be developed. ? Tasks Required ✔️ Review the source code (React Native + React.js). ✔️ Evaluate project structure (architecture, modularization, coding standards). ✔️ Analyze dependencies and packages (check if they are up to date and secure). ✔️ Verify Android and iOS compatibility. ✔️ Identify potential performance or security issues. ✔️ Provide recommendations on what can be used and what needs to be redone. ? Deliverables ✅ Technical report covering: Overall code quality (well-structured or needs improvements?). Strengt...
I'm seeking a seasoned Go tutor with industrial experienc...with industrial experience who can guide me on how to contribute effectively to open source projects, with a specific focus on code contributions. Looking for daily 1-2 hours for 10 days. My current level of proficiency with Go is Beginner. The guidance format should include live sessions. I can dedicate 7-10 hours per week to tutoring sessions. I have specific open source projects in mind. I would also like assistance with code reviews from the tutor. I expect high involvement from the tutor in helping with my contributions to the specific open source projects. Please assist with setting up my development environment to ensure smooth contributions. I do not require help selecting t...
...looking for an expert in SAP Business One and barcode/QR code technology. The project involves developing a generic scanner that can read both barcodes and QR codes. The system needs to seamlessly integrate with key SAP Business One functionalities including inventory management, sales orders, and purchase orders. Key project requirements: - The scanner should work with both handheld devices and mobile phones - The system must be able to accurately read both barcodes and QR codes - Integration with SAP Business One should be smooth and efficient, covering inventory management, sales orders, and purchase orders Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with SAP Business One - Proficiency in developing or integrating barcode/QR code scanning systems - Good under...
I'm experiencing a network issue while trying to pull code from GitHub to my local machine. The specific problem is a 'Connection Refused' error. I need a skilled freelancer with expertise in Git and network troubleshooting to help me resolve this issue. Please bid only if you can start immediately.
...installed, and the goal is to improve functionality and user experience. Key Tasks: 1. Add bilingual functionality (French/English) with automatic language selection based on user location. 2. Add an editable funding progress bar on each project page. 3. Include a button for users to request detailed project information. 4. Add a general contact form. 5. Integrate project content: I will provide PowerPoint presentations for each project, and you will create teaser pages based on these presentations. Requirements: • Proficiency in WordPress development (theme customization and plugins). • Experience with multilingual functionality (e.g., WPML, Polylang). • Ability to handle minor design and content updates. • Clear communication and timely delivery. ...
I need an experienced programmer to modify the existing code for my ATmega8 microcontroller. We are transitioning to a new Common Cathode 7-segment display, which necessitates changes in the code. The display is controlled directly via I/O pins, so the code adjustments must reflect this. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming for ATmega8 microcontroller - Experience with Common Cathode 7-segment displays - Knowledge of I/O pin control and programming - Ability to modify display code and ensure functionality Please note that specific changes in display functionality have not been identified at this time. However, the selected freelancer may need to demonstrate flexibility and problem-solving skills to adapt to any unforeseen requirements.
More details: What type of font style should the signature resemble? similar to the file but VERTICAL SIGNATURE What level of detail should the signature have? Moderate complexity Will the design need any additional embellishments or elements? No, just the signature The final design should be provided in PDF format. The final design should be presented on a single page in the PDF file. The signature should be oriented vertically on the PVC sheet.
We need to fix this Github open source VPN Flutter source code. There are a total of five platform clients that need to be fixed (MacOS, IOS, Android, Windows, Linux). github: Currently, the modified open source code cannot be built normally. The developer needs to check and fix it so that it can be successfully connected to our backend API and run smoothly. Note: The developer needs to have their own Apple Developer account to test it for us, because we do not have a developer account. If you do not have an Apple Developer account, please do not apply for the proposal. Thank you. The front end needs to be modified in the following areas: - All end-platform connection functions must work properly - Add user login function - Originally
More details: What type of hosting service are you using? VPS hosting Do you need any customizations on the website after deployment? No customizations needed Do you have the domain name set up for the website? Yes, it's already set up
We are looking for developer who has previously worked with the Docx4j library. Your main responsibility will be to add new features to the existing code and modify some of the features.
I need a Python expert to help me connect my code with a third-party REST API. Key Tasks: - Implement data submission from my code to the API - Ensure seamless integration and functionality Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python - Extensive experience with REST API integration - Strong understanding of data submission processes Looking forward to your bids.
...create a captivating logo for my art-oriented Valentine's initiative, 'Painting is My Valentine'. The logo should feature a cartoon heart illustration, embodying the essence of love for painting. I need a fun and vibrant digital illustration featuring a cartoon heart character painting on a canvas. The text should read: “PAINTING IS MY” (bold red uppercase font) “VALENTINE” (larger, bold red uppercase font) Design Requirements: ✔ Main Character: A smiling, anthropomorphic red heart holding: A paintbrush with blue paint A wooden palette with multiple paint colors ✔ Background Elements: A wooden easel with a canvas displaying a colorful painted tree A red artist's beret on top of the easel ✔ Text: “PAINTING IS MY&rd...
I'm in need of a comprehensive search for engine code information for all types of auto parts. The information should be specific to the UK auto industry and include: - Part information - Group - Cross-reference - Category You should primarily use the Repxpert website, but also explore other reputable sources to ensure a thorough and detailed search. Skills in automotive knowledge and data management are essential for this project.
I need an expert who can help me host my PHP application on my XAMPP setup. The source code for two projects is ready. What I need: - Assistance in hosting the PHP app on my existing XAMPP setup - Explanation of the hosting process, so I can understand for future projects Key Requirements: - Proficient in PHP and XAMPP - Familiar with Windows operating system - Able to explain technical processes in a clear and understandable way - Experience in hosting PHP applications Please note, the only specific PHP extension required for these projects is MySQLi.
I want a web developer to develop a wordpress website with only elementor pro plugin. It's a software training institute business. is the reference website. 5k is the budget. 15 page website with home, about us, courses page, blog page, contact us page, pop up form, enquiry form, resume update page. 4 categories and 2 courses each per category.
I'm looking for an experienced front-end developer proficient in to translate my Figma designs into code. Key Responsibilities: - Convert the Homepage from Figma to code. - Implement the Header, Main content, and Footer components as per the design specifications. - Ensure the Header includes a functional Navigation menu and Search bar. Ideal Freelancer Qualifications: - Proven experience with and front-end development. - Proficiency in translating Figma designs into responsive code. - Strong understanding of implementing interactive components.
I'm looking for an experienced web developer proficient in no-code platforms, particularly Shopify, to help me set up my E-commerce site. Key Responsibilities: - Designing and developing a user-friendly, intuitive online store - Ensuring the website is optimized for SEO - Implementing best practices for E-commerce sites Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify - Strong understanding of E-commerce best practices - Excellent no-code website development skills - SEO knowledge Platform-Shopify o No coding, o Third-party plug-in applications (including Luna’s for Virtual Try-On) o Customizations and content specific to eyewear eCommerce o Frame discovery content or personalized frame recommendations Robust Filter -Frame Width -Eye size -...
I'm looking for a professional to assist in transferring my course from Learndash to Moodle. The transfer will include: - Quizzes - Course materials (videos, PDFs) - Assignments No user data will need to be transferred. There is no requirement for restructuring the course materials during the transfer. Ideal skills for this project include: - Experience with both Learndash and Moodle - Attention to detail - Ability to work independently Please contact me if you are qualified for this project.