Web scraping companies in usa işler
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)
...I explain it mainly in details. 1. The site should definitely open very fast 2. Optimizations on the site are very important 3. The site should be suitable for both Turkish and English most important part of the site (features offered after member login) optimizations are flawless 5. Automatically pulls shipping prices from country to country and the input of this optimization is very simple - AMAZON - EBAY, there are api integrations with many companies such as these. In fact, what I want from you is a full site support, the amount I write here is not important, what I want is a continuous employee and I want to find not the most competent person but the team. Some people say that they can do it in 1 - 2 days, this is impossible, even if we proceed only ...
...effective web platform for managing companies. This platform will enable personnel, managers, supervisors, and other authorized staff to perform their tasks and facilitate company management. Additionally, customer data for all companies will be stored in a single database, but each company will only be able to see its own customers. Companies will also be able to add different business fields to the system in the future. Modules and Functions Admin Operations: Admin Control: Admins can add, edit, delete, and activate/deactivate companies, as well as manage subscriptions. Admins can see every detail of a company as if viewing from the company's own page and can send messages (like SMS) to companies (API integration will be ...
## Python ile Web Scraping Projesi ### Proje: Hava Durumu Verilerini Toplama ve Analiz Etme #### Amaç: Belirli bir şehir için hava durumu verilerini toplayıp, bu verileri analiz ederek ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri çıkarmak. #### Gereksinimler: - Python - BeautifulSoup - Requests - Pandas - Matplotlib #### Adımlar: 1. **Veri Toplama:** - Web scraping ile bir hava durumu sitesinden veri çekmek. - Örneğin: `` 2. **Veri İşleme:** - Çekilen verileri anlamlandırmak ve Pandas DataFrame'ine dönüştürmek. - Gereksiz bilgileri temizlemek ve analiz için gerekli olanları seçmek. 3. **Veri Analizi:** - Günlük ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri hesap...
Merhaba Afnan F., profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Hazırda bir scrape projem var react ve node.js ile yaptığım fakat tam istediğim gibi çalıştıramadım belirli bir sitede tıklama ve navigasyon işlemleri ardından pdf indirme işlemini proxy ile yapmaya çalıştığım bir proje tam anlamıyla çalışması için yardıma ihtiyacım var
...ettiriyoruz vs. Ancak uygulamaya güncelleme geldi. Yeni açılan hesaplarda ilk girişten sonra patlı kullanılmaz oluyor. Cookie'i 1 senelik yapmamız lazım. Bunların hepsi elimdekii programda var ancak program captchaya takılıyor. Bu tarzda bazı sıkıntılar ın headersleri her gün sabaha karşı güncelleniyor falan. Sıfır teknik bilgi ile bu kadar detay verebiliyorum. Python, Api, web (android)scraping, charles, vs bu alanlarda tecrübeli kişi arıyorum. Gerçekten bilgisine güvenen kişiler yazsın, bir kaç kişi deneyip beceremeyip bıraktı. Şuan programı yapıp kullanan kişiler var. Yani yapılabiliyor, sağlam bilgili yetenekli bir arkadaş işin üstesinden gelecektir. ÖZET OLARAK: Bir platform için hesap açma iş...
slm Zeynel ben Adnan biz USA dayiz sirketin ismi art of gutter , yagmur oluklari ile ilgili urunler uretiyoruz 2 yildir amazon da satis yapiyoruz. reklamlarla ve amazon hesap yonetimi ile ilgili isi bilen birine ihtiyacimiz var bana what s app tan ulasirsan sevinirim (1) ikiyuzbir ikiyuzsekseniki doksanalti onuc tesekkurler
slm Melih ben Adnan biz USA dayiz sirketin ismi art of gutter , yagmur oluklari ile ilgili urunler uretiyoruz 2 yildir amazon da satis yapiyoruz. reklamlarla ve amazon hesap yonetimi ile ilgili isi bilen birine ihtiyacimiz var bana what s app tan ulasirsan sevinirim (1) ikiyuzbir ikiyuzsekseniki doksanalti onuc tesekkurler
slm Serkan biz USA da shopify uzerinden kendi urettigimiz urunleri satan bir shopify magazamiz var ama bunun bastan sona yenilenmesi uzerinden konusabilirsek sana proje hakkinda detayli bilgi iletirim (1) ikiyuzbir ikiyuzsekseniki doksanalti onuc tesekkurler ADNAN KARABACAK
slm Ozlem biz USA da shopify uzerinden kendi urettigimiz urunleri satan bir shopify magazamiz var () ama bunun bastan sona yenilenmesi uzerinden konusabilirsek sana proje hakkinda detayli bilgi iletirim (1) ikiyuzbir ikiyuzsekseniki doksanalti onuc tesekkurler ADNAN
Türkiye'de (tercihen istanbul'a yakın) kalıp kesim fabrikalarını bulmamız gerekiyor, (Kesim kalıpları, Kutu kesim kalıpları) Must do Internet research in Turkish to find necessary companies. We need to find die cutting factories in Turkey (preferably close to istanbul), (Cutting dies, Box cutting dies)
Merhaba, bazı web sitelerinden data toplayacağımız bir programa ihtiyacımız var. Toplayacağımız dataları excele aktarıp uygun bir formatta kaydetmek istiyoruz. Web siteleri booking ile alakalı olup bir çok seçeneği barındırmaktadır.
Amazon USA, Canada, NL, ve Türkiye platformlarında A+ Ürün içeriği girişi yapacak bir kişiye ihtiyacımız var. Mağaza Vitrini düzenlemesinde de tecrübesi olursa güzel olur.
Merhaba, web scraping de uzman yardımına ihtiyacım var
...regional planning etc., to connect with companies directly, creating contacts, learn newest technologies in our sector and socialize with their colleagues. CESummit is organized in METU campus and continuous for two days every year. What are we expecting from the design? The CESummit logo should be simple, memorable, lasting, permanent and clear. It should also reflect the aim and meaning of the event. The logo should also contain the colors of IACES METU, which are dark blue and White. We are going to want the psd, ai, pdf ve png formats of the winner design, so all the participants should be okey w,th this. About the Design Rights: ● All the usage rights of all participated designs will be protected and can be used freely by IACES METU LC. ● For logos used i...
I need to scrap price and product tittle information from mobile applications. Crawling changing price, Mobile uygulamadan ürünlerin isim ve fiyatlarının bilgisini çekmek istiyorum. Örnek uygulamalar, Getir, Cepteşok, A101 Kapıda
web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .
Yenidoğan Ecza Deposu LTD.ŞTİ ilaç ve medikal ihracatı yapabileceğimiz şirketler arıyoruz. Yenidoğan Ecza Deposu LTD.ŞTİ We are looking for companies that can export pharmaceuticals and medical products.
Paribu, screen scraping icin istenilenler: Ilgili CCYler: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, XLM, USDT, EOS 1) Siteye () giris (2 factor authentication) 2) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Satis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Sell Order Book) 3) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Alis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Buy Order Book) 4) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birlikte Alis Emri girme 5) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birl...
Merhaba, 2 asamali bir web scraping projem var. ve dan 40000 ve 15000 civarinda urunun fiyat bilgisini her hafta (bazen haftada 2 kere alabilecegim) bir scraper gelistirmeni istiyorum. Benim elimde manufacturer part number var. 1. ilk once bu manufacturer part number lari kullanarak ve daki ASIN leri bulacaksin. 2. Bazi manufacturer part numberlarin karsisinda birden fazla urun ve ASIN gelecek. Bu noktada ilk basta manuel olarak dogru olanlarin secilecegi bir arayuz olacak. Ileride bunu da belli bir ogrenme prosesine sokarak programin yapmasini saglayacaksin. 3. ASIN ler alindiktan sonra her hafta bu ASIN ler taratilacak ve urunlerin fiyatlari alinacak. 4. Yalniz 2 fiyat alinacak: Fiyat1: Satici Amazon olunca gelen fiyat (bir urunu Amazon satmiyorsa
...Protector) de aynı yöntem ile başladık. Şuan bir kaç ülkeye satışını gerçekleştirmekle birlikte Çin'in online toptan satış websitesi üzerinden gerçekleşen satışımız yaklaşık 1 milyon adettir. aşağıda belirtilen link üzerinden satışlarımızı detaylıca inceleyebilirsiniz. Markamız USPTO (USA Patent ve Marka Tescil Ofisi) üzerinden tescillidir. Marka tescil bilgilerimiz için. U.S. Serial Number: 87046796 Tüm detaylar için Uspto linkimiz. https://tmog.uspto.gov/#/issueDate=2016-11-01&serialNumber=87046796 Markamıza Ait Kurumsal Websitemiz 'dur. Bizi tanımanız için verebileceğimiz bilgiler bu kadardır. Yeni Girişimimiz farklı bir alanda olacaktır ve Digital Mecraya
satın almış olduğum wordpress iş kariyer sitesinin kurs arama ve kurs ilanı sitesi olarak kullanılması amacıyla sitenin her tarafındaki iş ile ilgili ifadelerinin kurs ifadelerine dönüştürülmesi gerekmektedir. jobs->trainings, companies->training providers, job categories-> training categories gibi. siteye admin, kurs sağlayıcı ve kurs arayan profilleri ile girip karşılaşılan iş ile ilgili her terimin kurs ile ilgili benim ileteceğim terimlere dönüştürülmesi beklenmektedir. İş wordpress template'inin hosting alınmış sunucuya yüklenmesi, tüm alanların dönüştürülmesi ve sitenin sağlıklıo bir şekilde yayına alınmasını içermektedir. Sonrasında devam işi niteliğinde 2. bir iş olarak SEO, adwords vb...
Öncelikle olarak ana dili yabancı olması usa ya da İngiliz vatandaşı olması tercih nedenimizdir. adresi ve buna bağlı yazılım , panel gibi bir çok içeriğin çevirisini gramer olarak yaptırmak istiyoruz. Fiyat ve rakamlar için özel olarak anlaşılacaktır.
Web Url Scraping, (URL link Toplayıcı) Merhaba, Proje basit googlebot benzeri domain adı yazdıktan sonra giriş sayfasına giderek (default page) linkleri toplayıp, sitenin tüm linklerini (sitemap) çıkarıp. Mysql veri tabanına yazacak. Kodlar opensource php ve mysql ile kodlanacak. 50000 link maximimum toplayabilecek.
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Düğü'daki düğün mekanları kategorisinde yer alan mekanların bilgilerini ekte örneği yer alan excel dökümanına...bitirmem gerekiyor. Lütfen sayfa başına teklif veriniz. Teklif verirken açıklamanın sonuna lütfen bunu ekleyiniz:"tamamını okudum" Hi Guys, I need getting data to excel from dugun.com. There are 1.400 wedding venue pages in dugun.com. Just i need their text content(tittle, adress, about etc.). I attached a sample excel doc. Please give me offer for per page. I want to separete this task to finish quickly. If you have a team and ıf you bet finish this task in 3 days, you can give offer for 1.400 pages. You can do this task with manually or with data-scraping...
...Valley software startup serving the telecommunications sector with operations in USA and Turkey. /// Veloxity olarak Silikon Vadisi'nde hızlı yükselen ve telekomünikasyon sektörüne hizmet eden bir yazılım girişimiyiz. Türkiye ve ABD'de operasyonlarımız mevcuttur. We are looking for a Web developer with extensive UI and Reporting savvy and very experienced working with the .Net platform as well as Java. Essential Web development skills such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript should be very polished. Having built web applications that pull data from MS SQL Server is desired. /// İleri düzeyde UI ve Reporting becerileri ve .Net/Java platformlarında çok tecrübesi olan bir Web developer arıyoruz. HTML/C...
Web ve masaüstü programında verileri Excel dosyasına aktarma. Data scraping from flash website or program.
logo design for companies producing LED fixtures led armatürleri üreten firma için logo tasarımı,
php back endlerle json uzerinden konusucak islerimiz var USA deyiz bana bir zahmet kendi posta adresinizden atarmisiniz posta adresim var manisa ankara osmaniye zonguldak balikesier ankara yozgat et isareti g***mail nokta com, cok tesekkurler Mehmet
php back endlerle json uzerinden konusucak islerimiz var USA deyiz bana bir zahmet kendi posta adresinizden atarmisiniz posta adresim var manisa ankara osmaniye zonguldak balikesier ankara yozgat et isareti g***mail nokta com, cok tesekkurler Mehmet
...We have great exposure with our current website, getting approx. 2000 hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pic...
...We have great exposure with our current website, getting approx. 2000 hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pic...
" car insurance " konusu ile ilgili 300 kelimelik 10 adet makale alınacaktır. Daha sonra farklı konularda sürekli olarak makale alınacaktır. (Not Article Rewriting ) makalelerin USA odaklı hazırlanması gerekmektedir.
I'm in need of a data extraction expert to help me gather information from a specific website. The dataset contains approximately 200,000 entries, and I'm looking to filter for contacts from a specific location. Key Requirements: - Export data fields: Name, Email, Designation, Company Name, - Data to be delivered in Excel format - Experience with web scraping and data extraction - Ability to filter data by specific location Compensation: I can offer 20-30 paisa per contact.
I'm looking for an experienced project manager to oversee both web and software development projects. The primary focus will be on web development, automation, and digital marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Leading teams to ensure project goals are met - Communicating with clients to manage expectations and deliver updates - Applying technical expertise to guide project direction Ideal Skills: - Strong leadership abilities - Excellent communication skills - Deep understanding of technical aspects of web and software development - Fluent level(USA) English and a neutral accent. Experience with automation and digital marketing will be a significant advantage. The right candidate will be able to seamlessly bridge the gap between technical teams and client ...
I'm looking for someone who can help me scrape contact details and email addresses from scrapyards across Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa. The data needs to be delivered in Excel format. This is a one-time project with no need for data updates thereafter. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in data scraping tools and techniques - Experience with Excel - Ability to deliver accurate and comprehensive data
I need a professional to set up my Facebook lead ads from scratch, aiming to build my email list. The target audience for this campaign is english speaking international customers (USA,UK, AUS, CAN etc) and I would like to use images as the primary content for the ads. Your proposal should include: - Examples of lead ad campaigns you have handled in the past. - Your strategy for targeting international customers. - Your approach to selecting and using images for the ads. Ideal skills for this job include a deep understanding of Facebook's ad platform, experience in lead generation, and ability to create engaging ad content. Subject matter will be discussed privately...
...of the Project Cost). Minimum Ticket size: $10,000 Position: Business Development Specialist (Freelancer) Industry: IT Services & Solutions Location: Remote Target Markets: USA and Europe Overview: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Specialist to generate leads and arrange calls with decision-makers in medium to large enterprises across the USA and Europe. The focus is on securing IT projects related to software development, digital transformation, cloud services, and more. Key Responsibilities: Lead Generation: Identify potential clients in target industries and regions (USA, Europe). Develop a pipeline of qualified leads through research, networking, and outreach. Client Outreach: Contact potential...
I'm seeking a professional email scraper who can help me collect email addresses from specific social media platforms, for a Rock Band that have 969k Faceb...Rock Band that have 969k Facebook followers and 154k on followers on Instagram. I have recently used the services from someone here and was supplied with a completely fake list, he gave me 95.5% and I couldn't find one single known 'fan' email. I run a website and social media for ex members of that band and I already have 1.5k emails using targeted Facebook ads for that band that have since logged in as members to our website. So if you're saying you can provide 70% success rate, I would anticipate to find a similar % rate when I check your list, I hope that sounds reasonable, fair and understandable....
...on a global scale. Key Aspects to Highlight: - Our significant environmental impact: We need to showcase our commitment towards sustainability and the steps we've taken in this journey. - Our achievements: It's crucial to outline our milestones and notable accomplishments in the recycling industry. Tone and Style: - The profile needs to be written in a professional and formal tone. - It should be engaging yet straightforward, reflecting our brand's reliability and credibility in the recycling sector. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in corporate writing, particularly for eco-friendly or recycling companies, would be a significant advantage. - A strong understanding of environmental issues and the recycling indus...
I'm seeking an expert in Apify for web scraping and for process automation. The main focus of this project is data extraction and reporting, specifically targeting market trends data from various platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Apify to scrape relevant market trends data from e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and news/financial sites. - Implement to automate the data extraction process, ensuring efficiency and consistency. - Generate comprehensive reports based on the extracted data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web scraping using Apify. - Proficient in using for process automation. - Strong understanding of market trends data. - Excellent data analysis and reporting skills. - Ability to...
I'm looking for a freelancer to attend a conference in Las Vegas on my behalf. The primary goal of this assignment is to network with potential clients. Your responsibilities will include representing my company and establishing connections that could lead to future business opportunities. We are looking for a local freelancer of “Las Vegas” , who can attend a conference on behalf of our company . We will provide you Hall ticket and our visiting cards and all .The conference is a premium conference ,it will be organized in a five star hotel (Caesars Forum Las Vegas) , they will arrange lunch and evening time party and all too. You have to join their as our executive, Make the presence of our company over there. You have to exchange the card with all the exh...
Allora, ti riassumo brevemente il mio progetto. Il mio obiettivo principale si concentra sul settore immobiliare, in particolare sugli affitti brevi. Vorrei utilizzare i social media, come YouTube, Instagram e TikTok, per attirare l'attenzione dei proprietari che desiderano affittare la loro seconda casa. Sono affiliato a un'agenzia, quindi ho già il mio sito e il mio profilo Instagram, ma vorrei adesso lavorare in modo indipendente. Anche se non ho un brand personale, per il momento sfrutterei quello dell'agenzia. Magari potresti anche darmi qualche consiglio su questo. Ecco alcune idee che avevo in mente: 1. Valorizzare i benefici dell'affitto breve. • Post di testimonianze: Crea contenuti che mostrino i successi di chi ha già a...
I'm seeking a professional tester physically located in the USA for my Android app. Your primary responsibilities will involve: - Evaluating the app's functionality and performance, ensuring it operates smoothly and efficiently. - Testing the login and authentication processes to confirm their reliability and security. - Assessing the payment processing features to ensure transactions are handled correctly. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with manual testing of Android applications, specifically focusing on functionality and performance. Familiarity with testing login systems and payment gateways is a significant plus. Your input will be instrumental in enhancing the overall quality of the app.
I'm in need of a proficient Python developer with extensive experience using Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, and Requests for a web scraping task. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Python and web scraping libraries such as Beautiful Soup and Scrapy - Proficient in using Requests for HTTP requests - Comfortable working with public websites - Capable of extracting diverse data types including text, images, and audio Task Overview: - The project involves the extraction of data from a public website. - The specific data types to be extracted include text, images, and audio. Ideal Candidate: - A keen attention to detail is crucial for this task, as is the ability to navigate and extract data from potentially complex web structures. - Pri...
...) Virtua is a US-based Fintech SaaS company providing business analytics and forecasting tools to public and private companies as well as institutional investors. Reval is a 20-year-old company focused on designing and implementing proprietary SaaS solutions and applications for market and competitive analysis. We are leaders in our product categories and our customers include many of the biggest listed companies in the U.S Job Description: We are seeking an experienced Automation Test Consultant to consult our team and lead efforts in test automation for both new and existing systems. The ideal candidate will have at least 10 years of experience in software quality assurance and test automation, with a deep understanding of testing methodolog...
...Full-Stack (JS) Developer) About the Role We are actively seeking talented developers proficient in Python & Javascript/Typescript to join our ambitious team dedicated to pushing the frontiers of AI technology. This opportunity is tailored for professionals who thrive on developing innovative solutions and aspire to be at the forefront of AI advancements. You will work with different companies in the US who are looking to develop cutting-edge commercial and research AI solutions. Job Responsibilities: Write readable, reusable, and maintainable code for high-quality software development. Participate in code reviews to ensure adherence to standards for code quality and best practices. Develop web applications using modular architectures with a focus...
grocery stores,Surpermarkets ,conviniance stores Fresh Produce wholesellers Fresh Produce importers Catering Companies Food Processor Wine producers Dairy product manufacturer Meat processor Fish processor
I need a freelancer to scrape 30,000 records of contact information from a provided URL within 48 hours. The information will specifically consist of names, email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses. The final output should be in an Excel format. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web scraping - Experience with Excel - Attention to detail - Ability to meet tight deadlines