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    2,000 web header design maker iş bulundu

    ...undertake several tasks and help me in developing an exemplary web application that will be adopted for basic usage involving ASP.NET Core Web Api & Vue.js. Key Responsibilities Include: - Domain Driven Design (project must be seperated by related Class Lib) - Developing the backend of the web application using .NET Core & Web Api - Frontend development using Vue.js - Efficient integration of APIs throughout the application - In - there are various historical data as formatted csv. I want import Historical Trades to PostgreSQL database, Daily spot and USDM CSV files can be downloaded. I want Vue.JS front end page for upload these downloaded csv files. Backend should be Core Web api. Sample CSV File Columns: id trade ...

    €223 Average bid
    €223 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    site html sitedeki menüler sadece toplam 5 sayfadan oluşuyor sitenin header ve footer kısımlarına dokunulmayacak bütün değişiklikler body kısmında yapılacak yani yaptığınız dashboard panelinde her sayfada resim yazı video eklenip çıkartılabilecek bu 5 sayfalık html sitede bir dashboard paneli istiyoruz bunu yapıp siteye import edecek birini arıyorum fiyatlarınızı bekliyor

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    ile...yapılan ödemelerde sipariş özeti "thank you page" gözükmeden önce müşteriye havale yapabileceği hesapları listeleyip geri sayım ile xx sürede ödeme yaparsanız indiriminiz geçerli olacaktır yazacak. Ödeme yaptım dedikten sonra dekont yükleme alanı koyulacak ve müşteri pdf yükleyebilecek. Ve sonrasında hesabım veya siparişler sayfasına erişebilecek. Eğer ki ödeme yapmadıysa müşteri o sayfadan çıkarsa header de topbar olarak ödenmemiş (x) adet faturanız xxxx $ tutarında mevcut dediğinde yine tekrar o ekrana ından bu veriler admin panelinde ayrı bir eklenti üzerinde gelen pdf dekontları ve ödeme yapanların listesini, ödediği tutarı ve "günlük,haftalık,ay...

    €605 Average bid
    €605 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler
    logo maker
    Bitti left

    et lokontam için logo yapıcısı arıyorum

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    28 teklifler

    havaalanı transfer html site tasarımı yaptırılacak Merhaba arkadaşlar, Mevcut web sitemizin ön yüzünü değiştirerek daha esnek, kullanışlı ve mobil uyumluluğu yüksek, mobil hızı daha iyi olan bir tasarım yaptırmak istiyoruz. Freelance tasarımcılardan isteğimiz, mevcut web sitemizin ve istediğimiz web sayfasının incelenmesidir. İstediğimiz site gibidir. Tarafımıza sadece html,js,css,resim dosyaları iletilmelidir. Back-end tarafı kesinlikle istenmeyecektir. Front-end tarafında tecrübeli ve referansına güvenen tasarımcı arkadaşlar teklif iletebilirler. 1- Anasayfa 2- Araç Seçim Sayfası 3- Yolcu Bilgi Giriş Ekranı 4- Ödeme Ekranı 5- Onay Sayfası Temel olarak bu 5 sayfaya ihtiyacımız vardır. 6- Tüm elementle...

    €478 Average bid
    €478 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    İçeriği dinamik olarak doldurulacak. Header ve Footer olan. İçerik sayfalarında div, p, span, bar ,pie chart olan. div ya da p yarım kaldığında diğer sayfaya o bölümü kesmeden otomatik olarak geçiren, tarayıcı bağımsız printable bir html + css sayfası ihtiyacımız var. Javascript, bootstrap vb. kullanılabilir. Header and footer yazdırıldığında her sayfada olacak. Görsel de farketmez.

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Ortalama Teklif
    13 teklifler

    Burp suite intruder ve turbo intruder den daha hızlı post gönderecek programa ihtiyaç var. Post gönderirken cookie vs header bilgileri de eklenecek. Post gönderdikten sonra sunucudan yanıt beklenmeyecek (no response).Program Java olabilir ya da ssh üzerinden.

    €347 Average bid
    €347 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Profesyonel logo maker yapılır teklif vermeniz şekkürler

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    Merhaba, Tema'da anasayfa, ürün gösterim ve diğer bir kaç alan için ufak tefek değişiklikler yapılması gerekiyor. Komple tema değişikliği şeklinde değildir. Örneğin ana sayfaya isteğimize uygun header-up eklenmesi ya da ürün gösterim sayfasında ürün çerçevelerinin düzenlenmesi vs. gibi. İlgilenen arkadaşların tekliflerini alabiliriz. Css ve html bilgisi gereklidir. İyi günler dilerim.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Html, css ve javascript kullanarak sayfa yazdım nacak bunu kendi e-ticaret sitemin header kısmına kodlar ile ekleyemedim. Bu konuda yardım istiyorum.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Laravel ile oluşturulmuş web sitemize algolia kurulacak ve front end bölümünde istediğimiz yerlere eklenecektir. Sitemizin header bölümüne üst menü yapılarak giriş-kayıt bölümünün taşınması ve arama bölümünün buraya entegre edilmesi gerekiyor. Görüş ve önerileride alabiliriz. Yani hem algolia kurulumu, optimize edilmesi, hem de sitenin header bölümünün tasarım ve düzenlenmesini içeriyor. Uzaktan bağlantı yoluyla ya da Maltepedeki ofisimizde çalışabilecek olanlar tercih sebebidir.

    €468 Average bid
    €468 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    Merhabalar. bu sitenin tasarımsal olarak benzerini Magento alt yapılı bir e-ticaret sitesine uyarlamamız gerekmektedir. Sanırsam css ile bu iş çözülebilir. Header, Content ve Footer kısımları aynen yapılırsa tamamdır. Bu projeden başka farklı projelerimiz daha mevcut şayet anlaşırsak diğer projelerimizide akabinde yaptıracağız. !!!Şuan bu proje için bütçemiz kısıtlıdır. Lütfen belirlediğimiz bütçeye göre fiyat veriniz. Teşekkür ederim, iyi çalışmalar.

    €350 Average bid
    €350 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    . PCB Boyutu 19 cm genişlik, 13cm yükseklik 2. ATMEGA 2560 Micro İşlemci Kullanılacak 3. Çift Katlı PCB isteniyor 4. Güç katı 12 V DC giriş 5 V ve 3.3 V luk çıkış beslemleri olacak. 5. I2C üzerinden ekran bağlanacak. Bu yüzden I2C için GND,VCC,SDA,SCL uçları olan header konacak. 6. Işlemcinin RX3 ve TX3 çıkışları bir jumper aracılığıyla wifi module veya gsm module gidecek. Jumper hangi tarafta ise karta o dizilecek ve çalıştırılacaktır. 7. Wifi için "ESP8266F" modülün kart üzerine konması yeterlidir. 8. GSM için QUECTEL M95 Module kullanılacaktır. Bu modul, sim connectorleri, anten konnektörleri ve gerekli componentler dizilecektir...

    €1908 Average bid
    €1908 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    RestTemplate den dönen değerin değiştirilmesi header ın

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    1. Anasayfa 2. Hakkımızda 3. Hizmetlerimiz 4. Referanslarımız 5. İletişim 6. Dükkan (Online satış sayfası) Bu sayfalar içerisinde Tasarım istediğimiz hususlar 1. Yazı tipleri 2. Resim ajaxları 3. Lightbox 4. Genel Layoutlar 5. Renkler 6. Header ve Footer düzenlemeleri. Aynı tasarımı 2 dilde kaydedeceğimiz için düzenlenen tema buna uygun olmalı.

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Ortalama Teklif
    13 teklifler

    ///////////////// Login Bilgileri ///////////////// Mail aracılığı ile bildirildi. ///////////////// Uygulama Bölümleri ///////////////// - Kayıt, Giriş, Şifremi Unuttum, Facebook Login - Ana Menü, P...Etkinlikler Kısmı - Açılış Splash Ekran Uygulama iOS ve Android platformları için, cordova/phonegap ile hazırlanacaktır. Webservisler php/mysql ile hazırlanacaktır. Tasarım adresindeki tasarım olacaktır. Uygulama olabildiğince optimize edilmiş ve geliştirilmeye açık olacak. İlerleyene zamanlarda uygulama istekler doğrultusunda geliştirilebilecek. Tema bileşenleri (Header Menü, Temel css ve js dosyaları gibi bileşenler) mümkünse uygulama içine gömülecek. Uygulama tasarımı görünt&uu...

    €1436 Average bid
    €1436 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    ...bazıları, sosyal paylaşım butonları, yorum alanı, vine sahibinin kısa bir bilgi alanı. 4. Arama ve Listeleme Arama yapıldığında çıkacak sonuçlar için listeleme sayfası, Çıkan sonuçlar için 2 farklı görüntü olacak; 1. kullanıcı sonuçları. 2. vine sonuçları 5. Boş bir sayfa İçine hakkımızda gibi dökümanları ekleyebileceğim boş bir sayfa modeli. Bunların yanı sıra tasarım üzerinde header kısmında logo alanı, menü ve arama formu bulunacak. Tasarıma reklam yerleşimleri için yerler ayarlanmış olacak. Tasarım mobil uyumlu ( responsive ) şekilde olacak. Tasarımın renk tonlaması ağırlıklı olarak Vine yeşili olacak. İstediğim şey tam anlamıyla, siteye giren kişini...

    €649 Average bid
    €649 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    I need a WordPress expert to help make minor adjustments on my sites. Specific areas include: - Header/Footer - Home Page Layout - Forms/Widgets Ideal candidates should have a rich experience with WordPress and be able to provide quality suggestions for improvements.

    €109 Average bid
    €109 Ortalama Teklif
    121 teklifler

    ...find their way around the site, as well as integrating new content in the form of images and videos. Key requirements: - Expertise in Wix website development - Ensure mobile responsive design - Ensure website responsive design - Experience with website navigation improvement - Skills in content integration (specifically images and videos) - Ability to deliver a more user-friendly website - Ability to deliver in short time frame - Ability to integrate different features to make it more user friendly and improve design - Ability to capture email addresses via pop up - Ability to improve header and footer design - Ability to remove information from home page and add to another page - Ability to reduce offerings and make more succinct to encourage user...

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Ortalama Teklif
    88 teklifler

    :We are looking for a skilled developer or team to create a feature-rich web app for book writing, editing, and generation. This app will use Mistral AI 7B (hosted on our cloud) to handle content generation and editing tasks. The web app must include advanced options for book creation, grammar checking, copyright checking, and export functionalities. Below are the detailed requirements: Core Features: 1. Book Creation Options: Users can customize their book with the following options: Trim Size: Select the book’s trim size. Page Setup: Bleed or non-bleed pages. Format: Choose between PDF (Print), PDF (Standard), and Word. Category: Define the book category/genre. Author Name: Input the author’s name. Chapters and Text Content: Add chapters and write ...

    €1205 Average bid
    €1205 Ortalama Teklif
    46 teklifler

    ...information, automatic generation of WhatsApp assets, and proper permissions management. Additionally, implement template management and enable sending of all message types (templated and non-templated) from the CRM, leveraging the full capabilities of the WhatsApp API. Functional Requirements 1. Template Management • Develop a module to manage WhatsApp-approved templates: • Template Creation: • Header: Text, image, or document. • Message body with support for dynamic variables (e.g., {name}). • Footer: Optional. • Interactive buttons: • Quick replies. • External links. • Upload and Edit: • Allow the upload of pre-approved templates from the business account. • Limited editing of templates pending approval. &bul...

    €413 Average bid
    €413 Ortalama Teklif
    114 teklifler

    Your Responsibilities: Research Companies: Identify businesses within our target industries. Find Key Contacts: Locate the marketing professional (e.g., Marketing Manager, Marketing Director, CMO). If no marketing person is listed, find the primary decision-maker (e.g., Owner, General Manager, CEO). Collect Accurate Contact Information: Full Name Position Company Name Email Address (must be valid and verified) Phone Number (if available) Deliver leads in an organized Google Sheet or CRM (template provided). Ensure leads meet the following criteria: Based in New England (close to boston). Relevant industry (e.g., real estate, athletic brands, resorts, or tech products). What We’re Looking For: Proven experience in B2B lead generation or contact research. Strong understanding...

    €930 Average bid
    €930 Ortalama Teklif
    97 teklifler

    ...performance. Keyword Research: Identify the most effective and relevant keywords for , focusing on Afghanistan news. On-Page SEO: Optimize meta titles, descriptions, header tags, internal linking, and content structure. Technical SEO: Address website speed, mobile responsiveness, and proper indexing by search engines. Fix sitemap issues and implement schema markup. Off-Page SEO: Build high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources and develop a link-building strategy. Website Design Enhancement: Redesign the website to make it more user-friendly, visually appealing, and engaging for readers. Ensure the design is mobile-optimized and offers easy navigation. Add features to improve readability and accessibility for all users. Google AdSense Integration: Set up an...

    €292 Average bid
    €292 Ortalama Teklif
    114 teklifler

    ...sent, responses received, calls booked, and any feedback or insights gained. Suggestions for refining approach and messaging. WHAT YOU SHOULD INCLUDE IN YOUR PROPOSAL: Methodology & Tools: How you will identify, qualify, and reach out to prospects (e.g., LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Apollo, Clearbit, etc.). Sample Outreach Message: A brief example of an initial message you would send to a decision-maker in a relevant organization. Pricing & Milestone Structure: Indicate whether you prefer fixed project pricing, hourly rates, or a pay-per-appointment model. Provide cost estimates and expected results. Past Experience & Success Stories: Share case studies or similar projects where you successfully generated leads in the fintech or financial services space. SELECTION CRIT...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Project Description: I am looking for a skilled developer to create a JavaScript/jQuery function that enhances a DataTables table by adding custom filter buttons to each column header. These buttons should open modals styled similarly to Excel filters, providing advanced filtering and sorting capabilities. Requirements: 1. General Functionality: • The function should accept the ID or selector of a DataTables table as a parameter. • Each column header should include a button with an appealing format. 2. Filter Modal Features: • Sorting capability for the column data. • Filters based on: • Text/Number Columns: Input field for filtering values. • Date Columns: Two input fields (for “From” and “To” dates). • If...

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Ortalama Teklif
    91 teklifler

    To design an attractive school homepage using the Hello Elementor theme and the Elementor plugin in WordPress, follow this step-by-step guide. The goal is to create an engaging, user-friendly homepage that highlights the school’s key elements, such as school mission, faculty, events, admissions, and contact details. Step 1: Install the Necessary Plugins and Theme Install WordPress: Ensure WordPress is installed and working on your website. Install Hello Elementor Theme: Go to Appearance > Themes. Click on Add New and search for "Hello Elementor." Install and activate the theme. Install Elementor Plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New. Search for Elementor and click Install Now. After installation, click Activate. Optionally, you can install the Elementor Pro plugi...

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Ortalama Teklif
    32 teklifler

    I am seeking a proficient web developer to construct a web page aimed at showcasing portfolio. The structure of the web page is meticulously designed mockups created in Adobe Illustrator, which I will export to PNG for your guidance. Aprox total pages: 15 + modals. Expectations: - Implementation of text and images, portraying an elegant and engaging visual appeal. - Integration of responsive contact forms and feedback mechanisms to facilitate effective user relations. - Construct dynamic header, modals, dropdowns, navbar, menu, thinking in terms of Angular components interface and UX navigability. The ideal candidate for this task should have: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap is a MUST - Familiarity with creating responsive and cross-browser compatible...

    €489 Average bid
    €489 Ortalama Teklif
    181 teklifler

    My current employment contract is quite basic. It's a PDF, and I need it transformed into a more professional-looking document. Specific Tasks: - Change electronic signatures to appear as handwritten ones - Add a header with color, using my company's logo colors - Incorporate our logo into the contract I'm looking for someone who can complete this urgently. Ideally, you should have experience with document design and a keen eye for detail. Please, only bid if you're able to deliver this yesterday! LOL

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Ortalama Teklif
    83 teklifler

    I'm looking to give my WordPress website a fresh new look. Key tasks include: - Changing the colors of the header, footer, text and buttons. - Redesigning all buttons in a minimalist and simple style. I don't have a specific color scheme in mind so I'm open to suggestions. A good understanding of color theory and web design principles is essential. Experience with WordPress is a must, as well as a keen eye for modern, minimalist design.

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Ortalama Teklif
    148 teklifler

    I'm seeking a professional pattern maker to create a two-piece cotton pyjamas set for my clothing brand. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in designing clothing patterns, particularly for pyjamas. - Proficiency in creating patterns for a two-piece set. - Understanding of cotton fabric characteristics and how to design for it. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, production-ready pattern. Skills Needed: - Pattern Making - Fashion Design - Knowledge of Fabric Types - Attention to Detail Please submit a black screen for privacy Please contact me for further details. Your creativity and expertise will play a crucial role in bringing my vision to life.

    €12 Average bid
    54 girdi

    I'm looking for a skilled video maker to create and edit a 3-minute live-action video introducing our service. The video should: - Have a professional tone - Clearly communicate our service's introduction, purpose and approach Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in professional live-action video production - Strong editing skills - Ability to convey complex information in a clear, engaging way. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    €39 / hr Average bid
    €39 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    I'm in need of a talented reel maker who can create engaging, entertaining content for Instagram and YouTube Shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Create casual, fun, and entertaining reels - Tailor content for Instagram and YouTube Shorts Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing and reel creation - Creative mindset with a knack for casual, fun narratives - Understanding of the dynamics of Instagram and YouTube Shorts Experience: - Prior experience creating reels for entertainment content is preferred - Proven track record of engaging content on social media platforms.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    36 teklifler a B2B Data Sales Specialist to sell our extensive Company Data Sets to businesses in the US and Canada. Our data sets enable businesses to identify new leads, target specific markets, and streamline their outreach efforts, making them a must-have for modern organizations. What’s in the Data Sets: Comprehensive Profiles: Company Name, Location, Industry, Revenue, and Employee Count. Decision-Maker Contacts: Names, Email Addresses, and Phone Numbers. Geographical Insights: Regional and Local Data for Targeting. These datasets are designed for B2B companies, sales teams, and marketing professionals who aim to scale their operations and improve lead quality. Responsibilities: Identify and qualify prospects who can benefit from our company data sets. Present the unique va...

    €228 Average bid
    €228 Ortalama Teklif
    41 teklifler

    I seek a seasoned web developer to renovate , with a focus on creating reusable header and footer files for integration into individual pages. The renovation includes: 1. Creating header and footer files in css, php, and javascript. The code must be straightforward - no esoteric coding, no WordPress. 2. Cleaning up existing individual pages to eliminate unnecessary bloat. For instance, the source code for should become straight HTML text. It's not necessary to extract the HTML text for each individual file, as I already have them. (See attached, for sample.)The visual appearance of the pages will remain unchanged. 3. Providing one or more css files to work with the altered structure. The CSS needs to accommodate any screen

    €719 - €1439
    €719 - €1439
    267 teklifler

    ...ENTRY PER DESIGN OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED** USE AN OCTOPUS AS MASCOT I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my company, Nexus Box Studio, which specializes in sign and toy 3D printing. Key Requirements: - The design should be bold and vibrant, reflecting a playful undertone appealing to both adults and kids. - I want the incorporation of typography and elements of 3D printing into the logo, with a touch of fun. - DO NOT USE A BOX in the design Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern design trends - Strong understanding of typography - Understanding of 3D design and printing to use elements to create this logo - Capability to create playful yet sleek designs No more then 3 colors in the logo. This is our etsy store: ***We will

    €144 Average bid
    1638 girdi

    I'm video maker teacher and I would like have a website for study my training courses

    €1043 Average bid
    €1043 Ortalama Teklif
    188 teklifler (Arabic and English) to Shopify. Key Responsibilities: - Migrating 3 products, each with multiple variations (Including variation-specific pricing and custom images for each variation) - Integrating Stripe for secure payment processing. - Customizing the website layout (Using unique font styles for different sections and a custom header and footer design) to align with my brand identity. - Applying a premium Shopify theme for a modern and professional design. Requirements: - Fluency in Arabic is a must to effectively handle the Arabic content. - Previous experience with Shopify and bilingual websites is preferred. - Attention to detail is crucial to ensure a seamless transition. Optional: - If you have experience in optimizing Shopify websites for better...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Ortalama Teklif
    256 teklifler
    Trophy icon Creative Resume Design and Update
    3 gün left

    I'm looking for a professional resume writer and designer who can help me create a new, updated resume in a modern ...professional resume writer and designer who can help me create a new, updated resume in a modern and creative style. The updates should reflect my current job experiences, skills, and education. I also need assistance in displaying my contact information in the header section of the resume. Key tasks include: - Designing a creative, modern-style resume - Updating my resume with new job experiences, skills, and education - Displaying my contact information in the header section Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in resume writing and design - Experience in creating creative, modern-style resumes - Attention to detail for accurate up...

    €24 Average bid
    81 girdi

    We are looking for an experienced WordPress PHP Developer to optimize our custom theme and address specific performance, compatibility, and design issues. The project will require resolving plugin conflicts, improving CSS, enhancing page performance, and addressing several technical SEO and user experience issues. Familiarity with WPML and custom theme development is essential. Scope of Work: 1. Plugin Conflict Resolution: • Identify and fix conflicts between the custom theme and WPML or other plugins, ensuring compatibility and seamless operation. 2. CSS and Performance Fixes: • Address and resolve CSS issues that affect the site’s design, responsiveness, and performance. • Optimize CSS files to load asynchronously or inline to reduce render-blocki...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    279 teklifler

    ...options without duplicating product listings. Product Feed Export: Enhance export functionality with required fields. Fix naming inconsistencies. Bulk Product Uploading: Implement a feature for bulk product uploads. Attributes Excel Download: Enable attributes export in Excel format. 404 Page Improvements: Ensure the 404 page includes the website header and footer. UI Improvements: Make minor UI changes on the homepage for better design consistency. Customer Details Validation: Ensure customer details are mandatory for order confirmation. Error Fixes: Address issues like Swift_TransportException and order cancellation errors. SMTP: Fix email delivery errors. Preferred Skills and Experience: Strong proficiency in Laravel Experience in e-commerce development...

    €287 Average bid
    €287 Ortalama Teklif
    93 teklifler

    ...options without duplicating product listings. Product Feed Export: Enhance export functionality with required fields. Fix naming inconsistencies. Bulk Product Uploading: Implement a feature for bulk product uploads. Attributes Excel Download: Enable attributes export in Excel format. 404 Page Improvements: Ensure the 404 page includes the website header and footer. UI Improvements: Make minor UI changes on the homepage for better design consistency. Customer Details Validation: Ensure customer details are mandatory for order confirmation. Error Fixes: Address issues like Swift_TransportException and order cancellation errors. SMTP: Fix email delivery errors. Preferred Skills and Experience: Strong proficiency in Laravel Experience in e-commerce development...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Ortalama Teklif
    62 teklifler

    ...category is updated. 2. Notify users via HivePress under the following conditions: A new request meeting specific criteria is posted. An offer is submitted for a request, and the offer is accepted. A matched request is completed and marked as delivered. 3. Notify users of new messages in the BetterMessage plugin. Mobile-Specific Notifications A bell icon is already placed in the mobile header menu. Implement a notification counter and dropdown for notification history in the bell icon. Display notification history based on the above conditions. --- 2. Implement Tab Functionality on a Specific Page Objective Integrate content into the "Upcoming" and "Completed" tabs created with the Divi theme. Details Upcoming Tab: Display a list of ongoi...

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Ortalama Teklif
    211 teklifler

    ...landing page should be unique and editable from the backend for easy updates. Scalability: The landing page should be designed to accommodate multiple restaurants and be flexible enough to adapt to different restaurant themes (casual, fine dining, etc.). Mobile-First: The design should be responsive to various screen sizes, ensuring that it works seamlessly across mobile and tablet devices. 2. Design Elements Header Section Restaurant Name: Display the restaurant's name in large, bold text. Restaurant Logo: Optional logo in the header (if provided). Banner Image: A high-quality hero image representing the restaurant’s ambiance or cuisine. Must be configurable. Restaurant Tagline: A short, catchy tagline (e.g., "Where tradition meets taste"...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Ortalama Teklif
    86 teklifler

    ...duration selection option have to add this on coustamer page and vendor portal page 2) have to remove 20% payment option and have to take 100 percent payment 3) check and fix store timing issue 4) fixing some bugs in the page includes - Title Tag You have a title tag, but ideally it should be between 50 and 60 characters in length (including spaces). - H1 Header Tag Usage Your page does not have an H1 Header Tag. The H1 Header Tag is an important way of signaling to search engines what your content is about, and subsequently the keywords it should rank for. - fixing Keyword Consistency Your page's main keywords are not distributed well across the important HTML tags. - fixing Image Alt Attributes You have images on your page that are missing Alt attri...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Ortalama Teklif
    43 teklifler

    I have a WordPress site that needs to ...needs to be transformed with a law firm template. The project involves a variety of changes including layout adjustments, content updates and the addition of new features or functionalities. Key Aspects: - Layout Adjustments: I need alterations to the header and footer design, as well as the overall page structure. - Content Updates: This includes modifications to text, updates to images, and the creation of new pages. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience with WordPress and Law Firm templates is highly preferred. - Strong skills in web design and layout adjustments. - Excellent content management skills for text changes and image updates. - Ability to add new features or functionalities as required. - Experience in cr...

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Ortalama Teklif
    117 teklifler

    For the front page of K Equity Bridge, include: Header: Logo, menu (Home, About, Opportunities, Contact), banner with tagline: "Bridging Developers and Investors for a Better Tomorrow," and buttons: Post Opportunity & Explore Projects. Sections: About Us, How It Works (3 steps), Contact Us (form & info), and Footer with "© 2024 K Equity Bridge." Responsive, clean, professional design. Let me know if you need more details.

    €288 Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €288 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Add links to the link placeholders on the main page that lead to a single page that has the header on it and a single graphic that I will provide.

    €96 Average bid
    €96 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    ...theme customization to enhance my website's aesthetics and functionality. This includes: - Modifying the header and footer to align with my brand identity and improve user navigation. - Tailoring page layouts to facilitate a seamless flow of content and enhance user experience. - Adjusting colors and fonts to create a cohesive and visually appealing design. I have specific design inspirations and references that I can share. Your ability to interpret and implement these designs will be crucial. Ideal candidates should: - Have proven experience with The7 theme and WordPress. - Possess keen attention to detail and strong design sensibility. - Be able to understand and replicate design references. Your creativity and technical skills will play a...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    244 teklifler

    I need a developer who can create a passport size 2×2 photo maker using Azure Face Detection. The project involves the following: - The background of the passport photos must be white. - The photo maker should have the following functionalities: - Automatic background removal - Face alignment - Photo resizing and cropping - The user interface should be user-friendly with guides. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Azure Face Detection - Experience in developing photo editing software - UI/UX design skills for creating user-friendly interfaces with guides - Knowledge in implementing automatic background removal, face alignment, resizing and cropping functionalities.

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Ortalama Teklif
    38 teklifler

    ...points. - Points are used to purchase card packs for expanding their collection. 2. **Main Menu Navigation:** - Players can: - View their card collection. - Open card packs. - Trade cards with other players. - Start a match against online opponents. 3. **Card Types:** - **Player Cards:** Represent soccer players with attributes like Speed, Tackle, Shot Power, Class, Header, Fatigue, and Special Abilities. - **Action Cards:** Modify player attributes or introduce special effects during matches. - **Coach Cards:** Provide tactical advantages or attribute boosts under specific conditions. 4. **Gameplay Mechanics:** - **Field Structure:** - Divided into Defense, Midfield, and Attack zones, each with Left, Center, and Right sections. ...

    €886 Average bid
    €886 Ortalama Teklif
    40 teklifler