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    2,000 vtiger modul hotline iş bulundu
    Opencart modul
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    Opencart modül yaptırılacak örnek Yapılacak modul giriş yap kayıt ol sayfası

    €165 Average bid
    €165 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    ...Bu farklar aynı şekilde excele/google tablolara liste olarak aktarılabilsin. Aktarılan listelerde görülen metinler arasındaki benzerlik ve farklar oran olarak görülebilsin. İstenenlerle ilgili ayrıntılı açıklamalar ve örnek dosyaları ekledim, indirip inceleyebilirsiniz. Bu bir araştırma projesi kapsamında isteniyor. Yani aynı zamanda araştırma projesinde görev almış olacaksınız. I want an modul which I can compare the differences between different texts in word / google documents. These differences must can be transferred to excel / google tables as a list in the same way. The similarities and differences between the texts in the transferred lists can be seen as a ratio. I have attached detailed explanations and sample files about wh...

    €972 Average bid
    €972 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    Opencar 2x sürümünde kullandığımız bir modülün 3x e ve kullandığımız temaya uygun hale getirilmesi gerekiyor. Modül özel yazılım olduğundan dolayı sonrasında kullanılmaması veya paylaşılmaması için iş sözleşme kapsamında yapılacaktır.

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Aslında adresinde bir modul mevcut. Sorun bu modulü kullanarak facebook'a bir gönderi gönderdiğimde, şeklinde bir ön izleme ve de hedefte böyle bir görüntü oluşuyor. Oysaki isteğim içerikten bir kısım veya içeriğe ait varsa bir resmi göndermesi, bu konuda verdiğim github adresi üzerindeki yapıda bir değişiklik sağlanabilir mi? Ya da ana yazılım humhub için yeni bir paylaşım modulü yazma konusunda bir çalışma yapacak kişi var mı?

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 teklifler

    domaindeki temaya birkaç modül eklenecek. Uzman kişiler aranıyor.

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    Sikintisiz calisan quectel m66 ile firebase databaseye veri yazan arduinoda prototipini yaptigim cihazin profesyonel bir sekilde tum pcb tasarimi yapilmasi gerekiyor. Kompleks bisey degil sadece digital ve analog olarak birkac tane sinyale gore databaseye veri yazacak. acil yapilmasi gerekiyor. detaylari is verilirse konusuruz.

    €199 Average bid
    €199 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    Yurtdisinda yerlesik sirketimiz icin websitesi yapacagiz. Musterilerimiz icin kullanici adi ve parola ile bir menu olusturacagiz ve burdan yaklasik 1.000 sayfalik sirket evraklarini kategorize edip gormelerini saglayacagiz. Yani musteriye kullanici adi sifreyi verdik girdiler burada basliklar gorecekler. 1. Maas bordrolari 2. Kazan garanti belgesi 3. Kazan bakim belgesi . . . Karislarinda gecerlilik tarihi ve goster butonu olacak ve gosteri tikladiklarinda bizim upload ettigimiz evraklari gorecekler

    €535 Average bid
    €535 Ortalama Teklif
    15 teklifler

    Codecanyondan alinan codeigniter tabanli Php crm sistemine isteklerimiz dogrultusunda modul yapilmasi gerekiyor

    €164 Average bid
    €164 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    Vtiger crm open source yazılımının uyarlanması

    €2093 Average bid
    €2093 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler
    Bitti left

    Merhaba. Opencart altyapılı sitelerimiz için modul şeklinde n11 gittigidiyor vs gibi siteler ile ürün akatarımı ve sipariş aktarımı yapabilecek API entegrasyonu ve akınsoft muhasebe programı ile entegrasyon istiyoruz.

    €2130 Average bid
    €2130 Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    Merhaba. Opencart altyapılı sitelerimiz için modul şeklinde n11 gittigidiyor vs gibi siteler ile ürün akatarımı ve sipariş aktarımı yapabilecek API entegrasyonu ve akınsoft muhasebe programı ile entegrasyon istiyoruz.

    €2594 Average bid
    €2594 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ... 5. I2C üzerinden ekran bağlanacak. Bu yüzden I2C için GND,VCC,SDA,SCL uçları olan header konacak. 6. Işlemcinin RX3 ve TX3 çıkışları bir jumper aracılığıyla wifi module veya gsm module gidecek. Jumper hangi tarafta ise karta o dizilecek ve çalıştırılacaktır. 7. Wifi için "ESP8266F" modülün kart üzerine konması yeterlidir. 8. GSM için QUECTEL M95 Module kullanılacaktır. Bu modul, sim connectorleri, anten konnektörleri ve gerekli componentler dizilecektir. 9. İşlemcinin RX1 ve TX1 çıkışları max3232 entegresi ile TTL seviyesine çıkarılacaktır. PCB üzerine TTL seviyesine çıkarılmış RX,TX ve GND klamens konacaktır 10. İşlemcinin RX2 ve TX2 çık...

    €1915 Average bid
    €1915 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    ...gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmalı. *XML, PHYTON, HTML, SQL Dillerine hakim....

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    ...gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmalı. *XML, PHYTON, HTML, SQL Dillerine hakim....

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    WOOCOMMERCE site için XML import modul Payu site içi ödeme modülü

    €209 Average bid
    €209 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    bir firmanın crm çalışması gerçekleştirilecek tüm detaylar görüşme dahilinde verilecek modul modul bir çalışma yaptırılması planlanıyor . güvenlik şirkerine ait olacak olan bu yazılımda yazılımcıların izmirde oturması tercih nedenidir . teknik servis modulu sms modulu , teklif modulu , personel işe alım formu doldurma modulu , hatırlatma modulu , görev atama modulu ve benzeri moduller yapılacaktır. yazılım web tabakı olması ve ios cihazlarından pop up uyarı vererek açılması istenecektir.

    €1557 Average bid
    €1557 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler
    phpfox modul
    Bitti left

    Phpfox sosyal ağ sistemi üzerinde bilgisi olan arkadaşlar ilgilenirse sevinim. Yapmak istediğim İstediğim modul Admin Panelinde yonetilebilir bir şekilde olacak. Algoritma yapısı 1-Kullanıcı girişi yonetim panelinde değiştirilebilir olamalı. 2-Kullancı mevcut şekilde mail ile üye olurken admin cep telefonu bilgisinide girerek üye olabilecek. 3-Üye cep telefonu ile üye olunca site onaylama kodu gönderecek ve onay kodu doğru ise üyelik gerçekleşecek. 4-Üyelik gerçekleştirdikden sonra hiçbir kullanıcı bu bilgiye ulaşamayacak. 5-üye her hangi bir arkadaşının sayfasına baktığında, o sayfa SMS - TELEFON- VIDEO CAHAT- TEXT CHAT -MESAJ - DURT gib linkler olacak(bu butonlarla ilgili hangi verinin post edileceği yapım a...

    €744 Average bid
    €744 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    türkiye bankaların dan ve değişik kurumların kendi siteleri üzerinden fatura sorgula ileri yapıı zamada ayarlanan tarifeye gore fatura tutarı uzerine ek ücret ilave php tabanlı phpfox a modul olarak duş ve kullanıcı arayüzeyi olmalı.diğer detaylar proje yapım aşamasında anlatılacak.

    €185 Average bid
    €185 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Recherche Freelance Français – Intégration WhatsApp Business API et Interface de Gestion Nous recherchons un freelance francophone pour mettre en place une hotline centralisée via WhatsApp Business API pour nos 4 agences de transport. Mission : Intégration de WhatsApp Business API avec un fournisseur (Twilio, Wati, 360dialog, Zoko, etc.). Mise en place d’une interface multi-agent pour gérer les messages entrants. Automatisation des réponses et redirection vers les bonnes agences. Création éventuelle d’un chatbot pour pré-qualifier les demandes. Intégration possible avec un CRM ou autre outil métier. Compétences requises : Expérience avérée avec WhatsApp Busin...

    €509 Average bid
    €509 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    Kami mencari freelancer berpengalaman di Data Mart, jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL untuk mengoptimalkan performa salah satu modul analisis data. Saat ini, terdapat kendala dalam pemrosesan data yang menyebabkan beberapa fitur tidak berjalan optimal. Kualifikasi: ✅ Memahami Data Mart untuk pengolahan dan analisis data ✅ Mahir dalam jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL ✅ Berpengalaman dalam optimasi query dan peningkatan kinerja sistem Detail lebih lanjut akan diberikan setelah kesepakatan harga. Jika tertarik, dapat menghubungi kami segera, terima kasih.

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    I need a vTiger expert to troubleshoot my new installation. I am facing a few issues related to importing leads from a CSV file. Key Issues: - Leads imported are not appearing in the expected Lists, but only in the 'All' category. - Custom fields that I have set up are not being recognized or showing in the lead imports. I am using vTiger 7.x and importing leads via CSV files created in spreadsheet software like Excel. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with vTiger, specifically version 7.x. - Proficiency in working with CSV files and understanding their importation into CRM systems. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues effectively. - Knowledge in setting up and working with custom fields in CRM systems. I look ...

    €53 Average bid
    €53 Ortalama Teklif
    16 teklifler

    I am seeking an expert internet marketer from the Philippines. You will work on a variety of tasks and platforms including WordPress, Chat GPT, vTiger, Twilio, Send Grid, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Instagram, and YouTube. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert level understanding and experience with internet marketing - Proficient in English with confident copywriting skills - Strong understanding of SEO (on-page and off-page) - Highly skilled in Photoshop - this is a big plus - Capable of using Google Ads and YouTube effectively - Able to analyze data using Google Analytics - Experience with social media marketing, particularly on Facebook and Instagram - Able to create engaging content for various platforms

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    41 teklifler

    I'm experiencing a configuration error with my vTiger database. The current charset or collation isn't compatible with UTF8, and I need to change it to 'utf8mb4' and 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'. I'm using MySQL, and I have full access to the database. However, I have not yet taken any steps to resolve the issue. The ideal freelancer for this project would be an expert developer with extensive experience in working with vTiger and MySQL.

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    5 teklifler

    Pembuatan PPT dan Modul Ajar serta perangkat ajar dan administrasi untuk sekolah

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Ortalama Teklif
    63 teklifler

    Pembuatan PPT dan Modul Ajar untuk SMA

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    10 teklifler

    I'm in need of an AI support agent for my customer service hotline in the real estate sector. This agent needs to be able to: - Answer common questions - Send text messages with links to pages on our website to incoming callers - Pass callers onto human agents when complex issues arise - Take reports of property maintenance issues Ideal skills for this job include AI programming, natural language processing, and experience in designing customer service bots specifically for the technology industry. Please provide examples of your previous work in this field.

    €4728 Average bid
    €4728 Ortalama Teklif
    25 teklifler

    ...for global use in the future. Key Requirements: - The system should support both Australian and Philippines phone numbers initially, with the capability to expand globally as the business grows. - It should be an affordable option without compromising on quality. - The IVR system will need to cater to all aspects of the business: customer support, sales inquiries, and serving as an information hotline. Desired IVR Functionalities: - Call Routing: Efficiently directing calls to the appropriate department or team member. - Voice Recognition: Implementing an interactive element that allows for user input and engagement. - Time-based Call Handling: Adapting to different time zones and business hours. - After Hours Support: Providing assistance to customers outside of regular busin...

    €437 Average bid
    €437 Ortalama Teklif
    32 teklifler

    Project Name: Design, Programing and simulation of a 3-4 DOF robotic arm using simulink and arduino Software: Matlab Simscape Hardwares (I Have): 1) arduino mega 2560 r3 2) servor mg90s 3) 1.5v - 6v r300c mini dc motor rpm3500 4) sg90 micro servor motor 9g(360°) 5) dual channel motor driver modul L298N H-bridge 6) jumper wire cable 7) breadboard 8) robotic arm kit 6dof Deadline 2 days $20 nzd

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    ...Datenschutzrichtlinien und Nutzungsbedingungen. KI-gestützte Integration: Nutzung moderner KI-APIs für Berichte und Datenanalysen. Projektzeitplan: Fertigstellung innerhalb von 4 Wochen. Zahlungsmodell: Strukturierter Plan mit klaren Prozentsätzen vom Gesamtbudget. Alle Kategorien sichtbar: Kunden sehen alle verfügbaren Branchenmodule, aber deren Nutzung erfordert automatische Freischaltung. Demo-Modul: Vollversion des Systems zur Vorschau mit eingeschränkter Datennutzung. Landing Pages und SEO: Vollständig WDF-/IDF-optimierte Inhalte für jede Branche und Sprache. Kernanforderungen 1. Datenquellen und Feeds Anforderungen: Integration von 40–50 Feeds, intern geteilt und dynamisch zugeordnet, aber extern branchenspezifisch dargestel...

    €4443 Average bid
    €4443 Ortalama Teklif
    21 teklifler

    I need a professional to customize and enhance my Vtiger CRM. The tasks include configuring email functionality, creating two new modules (Warehouse Management and Survey Management), and ensuring smooth integration with the existing system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Vtiger CRM. - Proficient in configuring email using IMAP. - Skilled in creating custom modules. - Understanding of inventory management and survey data collection. - Ability to provide data visualization or reporting capabilities. Details: 1. Email Activation: - Configure Vtiger CRM to activate email functionality via IMAP. - Ensure that emails can be sent and received directly within Vtiger CRM. 2. New Module: Warehouse Management: - Add a custom Warehous...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    Requiero ayuda para montar un sitio con Vtiger 6.0 en un nuevo servidor debido a que el servidor anterior tuvo un fallo de disco duro. Tengo un respaldo de CPanel el cual ya esta montado en el nuevo servidor. El nuevo servidor ya esta preparado con Cpanel, PHP 5.1 y el sitio ya esta creado pero aun necesito dejar todo funcionando. Me podrias apoyar a ponerlo en línea lo más pronto posible? Gracias IGSI

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Ortalama Teklif
    31 teklifler

    I am looking for a experienced vtiger developer to help modify a existing vtiger setup and create custom modules as needed to facilitate a basic workflow management for a small business. We are looking for a quick quote. The process we want to facilitate is quote/proposal generation which after approved by client creates a job tracking, simple statuses, and gives emploees the ability to create daily tickets. When completed the initial quote proposal would be used to generate a invoice for the client. We are looking for a quick implementation with the bare minimal to try it out before developing the crm further. Best reach out via phone to quickly discuss and get a estimate to decide if we are a good fit. Ideally if we can integrate with google services and quickbooks ...

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    34 teklifler

    I'm experiencing issues with my Vtiger and WordPress (using Elementor) integration. Specifically, the data syncing is not working as it should. Key Details: - The primary issue is with 'Leads' data not syncing correctly. - This problem started after integrating a new field. I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in Vtiger and WordPress, particularly with Elementor. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of data syncing issues and how to troubleshoot them effectively. Your expertise will be invaluable in getting this resolved quickly so my systems can operate smoothly again.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    104 teklifler

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer and SEO expert to create a comprehensive website for my electrical services company. The primary goal of the site is lead generation. Key Requirements: - The website should prominently feature our diverse offerings: - Residential Electrical Services - Commercial Electrical Services - Emergency Electrical Services - Marine Electrical Se...specific examples provided for design inspiration. Refer to the following general electrical services industry websites for design inspiration: [list of industry websites]. The contact forms should collect detailed service request information including type of service needed and preferred appointment times. The online booking system should include the following feature: **an emergency call button or ...

    €248 Average bid
    €248 Ortalama Teklif
    145 teklifler

    The widgets “Upcoming Activities” and “Overdue Activities” shows activities from several users, even if you specify only to show activities assigned to a specific user. I need someone to fix this bug. When fixed and tested, I need a .zip file with the revised files, so I can upload the fix to another vtiger installation.

    €72 Average bid
    €72 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Wir suchen einen Freelancer, der ein funktionales und modular aufgebautes Frontend entwickelt, das mit einem bestehenden API-Endpoint interagiert. Ziel ist die Erstellung einer dreiteiligen Ansicht mit den folgenden Elementen: - Filter: Eingabefelder oder Schaltflächen, um Daten abzufragen. - Auswahl/Ergebnisliste: Anzeige der gefilterten Ergebnisse. - Kartensicht oder alternative Visualisierung: Eine Kartenansicht (wie z. B. beim Leichtbauatlas) oder eine andere Art von Diagramm/Visualisierung, die modular austauschbar sein soll. Inspirationsbeispiel: Ein gutes Referenzbeispiel ist der Leichtbauatlas: Wir streben eine ähnlich strukturierte Benutzeroberfläche an. Funktionalität: - Die Filter und Schaltflächen sollen jeweils API-Abfragen auslösen, deren Erg...

    €495 Average bid
    €495 Ortalama Teklif
    65 teklifler

    Fuegen Sie eine automatische Zahlungsmethode in eine laufende Webseite ein. Zahlungsanbieter: CCBILL (Visa Master...) Hilfestellungen gibt es auf Das Script von mir ist ein auf PHP geschriebenes Script.

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Ortalama Teklif
    10 teklifler

    I need a skilled Bash and PHP expert to help me debug a script. - Script: I have both a Bash script and a PHP script that are not functioning as intended. - PHP Script Purpose: The PHP script is designed to make customizations to the vtiger application. - Issues: The PHP script is not working properly, leading to unexpected behavior. - Ideal Skills: The ideal freelancer for this project will have extensive experience with both Bash and PHP. Familiarity with the vtiger application will be an added advantage.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Ortalama Teklif
    95 teklifler

    Sto cercando uno sviluppatore esperto in integrazioni API per creare un collegamento tra la piattaforma di lead generation Corsidia e il CRM Vtiger cloud version. L’obiettivo è automatizzare il trasferimento dei dati raccolti su Corsidia direttamente nel CRM Vtiger, garantendo che i lead siano organizzati e aggiornati in tempo reale. L'integrazione dovrà essere robusta, efficiente e facilmente gestibile per eventuali aggiornamenti futuri. Corsidia: Vtiger: Funzionalità richieste: Sincronizzazione automatica dei lead da Corsidia a Vtiger. Mappatura dei campi tra le due piattaforme (es. nome, email, numero di telefono, ecc.). Notifiche o log degli errori per monitorare l’integrazione. Requisiti

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    I need a Vtiger module that integrates with Stripe to handle payment processing. This module should manage one-time payments, recurring payments, and refunds. The integration should be solely between Stripe and Vtiger, without any need for additional CRM systems or accounting software. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in Vtiger and Stripe integration - Experience in developing payment processing modules - Knowledge in handling one-time and recurring payments - Understanding of refund processing - Ability to work with CRM systems, with a focus on Vtiger.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    84 teklifler

    I need an expert to upgrade my Vtiger instance from 7.0.1 to 8.3.0. The primary reason for this upgrade is to leverage the new features that come with the latest version. Key Requirements: - Improved User Interface: The upgraded platform should have a more user-friendly and intuitive interface. - Enhanced Reporting Tools: The upgrade should include the latest and most advanced reporting tools. - Integration with Other Software: I need the upgraded Vtiger to be able to seamlessly integrate with other software I use. Additionally, I have several customizations in my existing Vtiger that need to be maintained during the upgrade. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Vtiger upgrades. - Proficiency in maintaining customizations during software...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional voice-over artist to record 6-10 prompts for an IVR system intended for an information hotline. The recordings need to be in both English and Arabic, with a tone that is professional and formal. Key Requirements: - Recordings in both English and Arabic - 6-10 different voice prompts - Professional and formal tone Ideal Skills: - Native or near-native proficiency in English and Arabic - Experience in voice-over work, particularly for IVR systems - Ability to deliver high-quality, clear recordings

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    I need vTiger re-installed and migrated to a new hosting provider. The project involves setting up the installation on a new cPanel accessible shared server. Vtiger 7.2 is our current version Ideal Skills: - vtiger CRM expertise - Server management and migration skills - cPanel proficiency - Experience with MySQL database management - Skills in backup and restoration procedures - Proficiency in PHP development and troubleshooting - Linux server, with Godaddy Shared Server Experience with shared hosting environments and vtiger is essential.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    I need vTiger re-installed and migrated to a new hosting provider. The project involves setting up the installation on a new cPanel accessible shared server. Ideal Skills: - vtiger CRM expertise - Server management and migration skills - cPanel proficiency - Experience with MySQL database management - Skills in backup and restoration procedures - Proficiency in PHP development and troubleshooting Experience with shared hosting environments and vtiger is essential.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    I'm looking for Vtiger Developer to integrate our Vtiger CRM (Community Edition 7.2) with Microsoft Office 365 Business account. The integration should cover: - Email synchronization: I need all my CRM-related emails to sync seamlessly with my Office 365 inbox. - Contact synchronization: All my CRM contacts should be reflected in my Office 365 contacts. The synchronization can be in real-time or close to real time. The developer should have experience in delivering this with Vtiger. Please share your complete project cost.

    €115 Average bid
    €115 Ortalama Teklif
    15 teklifler

    I'm seeking a professional grant writer with a strong understanding of mental health issues and funding opportunities in the nonprofit sector. The objective is to secure funding to enhance our suicide prevention and supportive services by establishing a 24/7 hotline. Key Requirements: - Expertise in grant writing and proposal development - In-depth understanding of mental health and suicide prevention - Proven track record of securing funding for nonprofit services - Excellent research skills to identify potential funding sources - Ability to articulate our mission and the need for these services in a compelling manner - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and compliance with funding requirements - Outstanding written communication skills to craft persuasive and coherent pr...

    €157 Average bid
    €157 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    I'm seeking a professional grant writer with a strong understanding of mental health issues and funding opportunities in the nonprofit sector. The objective is to secure funding to enhance our suicide prevention and supportive services by establishing a 24/7 hotline. Key Requirements: - Expertise in grant writing and proposal development - In-depth understanding of mental health and suicide prevention - Proven track record of securing funding for nonprofit services - Excellent research skills to identify potential funding sources - Ability to articulate our mission and the need for these services in a compelling manner - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and compliance with funding requirements - Outstanding written communication skills to craft persuasive and coherent pr...

    €29 - €241
    Mühürlü Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €29 - €241
    19 teklifler

    I need an experienced vTiger CRM expert to develop a custom module for me. Key Responsibilities: - Custom module development: Create a specific module tailored to my business needs within vTiger CRM. - Implementing Workflow Automation: The custom module should have the capability to automate workflows, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual intervention. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in vTiger CRM with a focus on custom module development - Strong understanding and experience in workflow automation within a CRM context - Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical solutions.

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    81 teklifler

    I need an experienced vTiger CRM expert to develop a custom module for me. Key Responsibilities: - Custom module development: Create a specific module tailored to my business needs within vTiger CRM. - Implementing Workflow Automation: The custom module should have the capability to automate workflows, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual intervention. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in vTiger CRM with a focus on custom module development - Strong understanding and experience in workflow automation within a CRM context - Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical solutions.

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    141 teklifler

    Siamo una martech specializzata in progetti di CRM realizzati per pmi. Siamo alla ricerca di un developer in grado di gestire progetti di sviluppo continuativo su VTiger CRM con esperienza in Server Web Apache (Licenza Apache) Database MySQL (Comunità MySQL) PHP (Licenza PHP 3.0) in grado effettuare installazione su server della versione open source stand alone o cloud e customizzare, integrare e assistere nel tempo lo sviluppo e la crescita di ogni singolo progetto.

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler