Value united states stock markets işler
Merhaba, tradingview için bir indikatöre ihtiyacımız var. En son oluşan FVG(Fair Value Gap)) kutu olarak değilde çizgi olarak çizmesi lazım. Ayrıntıları özelden konuşabiliriz.
...another player opening more pairs before the hand ends. * High Scoring Meld (Seri/Per): Opening with a meld score of 147+ grants -101 points, with the same overtaking rule. * Side Tile Penalty (Yandan Taş Cezası): If a player takes a discarded tile from the player to their right and uses it to open their hand, the discarding player receives a penalty based on the tile's value (6+). The penalty is the tile's value multiplied by 10 (e.g., 6 becomes 60). This penalty only applies to the initial opening. * Okey Exchange Penalty (OKEY Değiştirme Cezası): Exchanging an OKEY tile already on the board results in a -101 penalty for the player who originally placed the OKEY. Project Goals: * Develop an expert-level AI bot capable of playing Okey 101 at a high le...
Hi, we have a small group of stock exchange advise followers. We need user administrations on our website. We have some tables at Google Sheet, and they are perfectly good for us. We need to publish that tables real time on our website and mobil applications which are needed to create bottom to top. Merhaba, Küçük Borsa yardımlaşma grubumuzun web sayfasını oluşturacak, kullanıcı erişim yönetimini geliştirecek, mobilde de paralel şekilde nispeten sade bir uygulama geliştirecek bir arkadaş arıyoruz. Sistem zaten Google Sheet üzerinde çalışmaktadır ancak daha profesyonel bir düzeye geçmek istiyoruz. Alt yapı ve iş modeli hali hazırda kurulu bulunmaktadır. Yardımcı olabileceklere şimdiden teşekkür ederiz.
Realizamos mobiliario en cemento artesanalmente. Nos interesa un catalogo que refleje nuestra identidad. @ Que el concepto sea menos es mas. De carácter nórdico, con lineas puras donde el producto sea el que se destaque así como la posibilidad de personalización de colores y medidas. Trabajamos con stock y proyectos personalizados. Contamos con imágenes de los productos, así como con imágenes de los productos en espacios que inspiran.
Hi. I could not check the last update. It is too late now. Because of weekend. Now I'm posting step-2 work. It is also a "pre-work." I mean, we will have at leat 2 more steps. All these 2-3 steps are only for preparing us to the biggest one, step-4. ------------- In this work, we will solve the Tick value issue (by working on the old code) And (the followings are simple) Will write the values on the chart by using the "Comment()" function of Meta Editor only. And Will check if our texts (that we wrote on chart with comment function) changes/updates real time and exactly same with the values of footPrint indicator. ------------- About reading from file and all other details, this website will help you (sure you know it): Please find the
...verin. hi all .. I have a beauty clinic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I want to hire doctors and nurses specialized in hair transplantation. I also want to appoint a staff manager who has at least 10 years of experience in the field of hair transplantation, to work with us in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Those who serve us will be given a cash amount of 250USD for each applicant we hire and the value will increase when hiring a more qualified and experienced applicant. Applicants are requested to read the application carefully. And reply in English if possible....
an interface needed... When programmed device boots a fullscreen video player appears and start playing "" (located on SD card) loops till digital trig signal comes with the digital signal program selects video according to 4bit binary input value and start that video for example if b3,b2,b1,b0 = "0011" start playing with a busy signal via digital out when video over and digital signal reset and play back to what ever binary inputs are till the digital trigger signal true again
Odeme sistemi olmadan sadece sitenin iskeleti olusturulacak, seo amaci ile bir kac blog postu girilecek(bu yazilari ben de yazabilirim) stock resimlerle site guzellestirilecek. Urun listesinden bilgiler aktarilacak. Ucret 50 euro.
Kurumsal ve bireysel logo tasarımları yapmaktayım, istediğiniz logo ortaya çıkana kadar sizinle iletişim halinde olunarak alternatif logolar gönderilir, yapılan logolar tamamen özgün ve çizim odaklıdır, internette bulunan stock tasarımlar veya görseller kullanılmamaktadır. Daha önceden yapmış olduğum bir kaç logo çalışmaları görseldedir.
Kursat bey selamlar, portfolyunuzde bulunan ıkı proje ılgımı cektı stock sell and buy ve stock tradıng hıs. olanlar projeler ne asamada bılmıyorum ama ıkısınıde satın almak ıstıyorum. Nasıl ıletıısme gecebılırım sızınle
First of all to everyone, I have an e-commerce system running through woocommerce. And I sell the products at the stores. Market places such as Amazon, ebay, gittigidiyor. I want to attract products from sites like Amazon and make automatic transfers to other markets. ............. ........... Öncelikle herkese merhabalar, Bir e-ticaret sitem var woocommerce üzerinden çalışıyor. Ve marketyerlerinde ürün satışı gerçekleştiriyorum. Amazon,ebay, gittigidiyor gibi market yerlerinde. Amazon gibi sitelerden ürün çekmek ve diğer marketyerlerine otomatik aktarım yapmak istiyorum.
Çalışmanın Temel Özellikleri-Nasıl Yapılacağı? Topic: When and Why States Fail? Essay Type: Response Essay Genel Essay Taslağı: 1. Introduction Hook Sentence (Önerim bu essay için soru cümlesi ile başlamamanız.) Background Thesis Statement 2. Main Idea I (Pharaphrase yaparak başlarsanız) Paraphrase Support Example 3. Main Idea II (Diyelim ki quotation iledevam ettik) Quotation Support Example 4. Main Idea III (Diyelim ki Citing ile bitiriyoruz) Citing Support Example 5. Conclusion Genel taslak bunun üzerine olacaktır. Kullanılacak Kaynaklar: 1. 2. 3. 4. Özellikle Bu kaynakta
Merhab...sektör ve hizmetler,markalar) Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçip detaylı projeyi benden öğrenebilirler. Tşk Hello, All sectors([url removed, login to view],Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends who are intereste...
Woocommerce alt yapılı websitemiz için stockmount entegrasyonu lazım. Entegrasyon çift taraflı olacak. Ürün ile tüm güncellemeler yapılı, stock miktarı, açıklama, sipariş ve diğer tüm güncellemeler hem otomatik hem de manual olarak yapılıcak
...hazırlanması. ( tabi aralık olabilir : 245 ile 255 arası olabilir ) There are dozens of products in the Excel table and the average weights of 500 kg of these products. and they has "A" values. Select 5 or 6 of these products ( average 2500 kg - 2700 kg ) mix I'm preparing. the only requirement is the following: "A" values should be able to be set( weighted average ) so I can adjust. Example : a value-weighted average 250 prepare the mixture. ( of course, may be : can be between 245 and 255 )...
sayfalarındaki maçların hem maç özeti verilerinin () hem de maç oranları (markets (1X2 odds, CS, HT/FT, v.s.), scopes (Full Time, 1st Half, 2nd Half), subs (1, X, 2, cs, v.s.)) verilerinin (;1x2-odds;full-time) alınarak xml veya excel dosyasına ya da MS SQL veri tabanındaki tabloya kaydedilmesi gerekmektedir. Sayfa adresi içerisindeki OlGeUuft bilgisi maç kodunu (MATCH_ID) tanımlamaktadır. Şu anda kayıtlı bir tabloda yüz bin maç kodu kaydı bulunmaktadır. Hem bu tablodan hem de FlashScore sayfasından günlük maç kodları alınarak yeni verilerin üretilmesi gerekecektir.
Juventus' un yıldızı Paul Pogba' ya İngiliz ekibi United' den tam 118 milyon teklfi geldi ama kabul edilmedi
We have a quick sale software created with C# .NET Software functions mastar cards (product, werehouse, customer, cashier user, etc.) stock entry; Product card product groups Fast Sales screen Cash, Credit Card payment buttons, etc. To learn weighing information weighing devices will link (information will be given) Sample Image is attached. It will be rewritten as Android. Türkçe Açıklama: C#. Net olarak yazılımış olan mevcut hızlı satış yazılımımızın android olarak yeniden yazılması gerekmektedir, yazılım içerisine malzeme kartı tanımlama, depo tanımlama, kasiyer tanımlama vb. işlemler yapılmaktadır. Hızlı satış ekranın da, ürünler malzeme gruplarına göre listelenir, üzerine tıklanan ürünler ekl...
...Bünyemizde yine aynı şekilde diş endüsstrisine hizmet veren bir de DentArmada iştiraki bulunuyor. Bu büyümeyi özetleyecek bir logo tasarlatmak istiyoruz.. Logo aşamasından sonra kurumsal kimlik tasarımıyla da devam edilecek bir sürece başlamak isterseniz bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.. Hi, As Armada Yazılım, we decided to launch a wind of change. Armada Yazilim, was founded in 1997 as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), PDM (Product Data Management) and ERP solutions with a vision to be the #1 resource provider for 3D engineering software and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so...
Coded Stock Chat System Previously Written And I Want I Want You entered someone else unsold both mobile and the computer
ı need ticket system customization --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - Subject, Department, Ticket Content, File Upload, - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City
Codecanyon Stock Manager Advance 2.3 'de teklifler, alımlar, satışlar ve ürünlerde her bir ürünün Euro, USD, TL ve Sterlin olarak 4 para birimi olarak fiyatının belirlenebilmesi ve satış yada teklifte tüm parabirimlerindeki ürünlerin istenilen bir parabiriminde toplam olarak görüntülenebilmesi gerekiyor. NOT:Teklifler ve satışlar bu sistemde pdf yapılabiliyor, bu parabirimleri de pdf'de görünmesi gerekli.
...Gelişmiş fiyat karşılaştırma sitesi yaptırılacaktir akakce ucuzu vb Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçebilirler Tşk Hello, All sectors(,Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends who are interested should cont...
Bir yönetim danışmanlığı şirketi kuruyoruz. Yönetim danışmanlığı şirketinin bir asıl amacı, şirketin yönetim sürecini ve kaynaklarını yapılandırarak daha etkin hale getirmek, stratejik kararlarına destek olmak ve nihayetinde, mutlaka karlılığını arttırmaktır...şirketin temel görevi, herhangi bir eğitim kurumunun öğrenci sayısını arttırmasına yardımcı olmak. Her türlü taktiğin kullanılmasının yanı sıra genellikle kullandığımız 2 temel mecra var: Eğitime satışına dair online stratejiler, eğitim satışına dair Gerilla stratejiler... Beyin fırtınası sırasında çıkan bazı kelimeleri paylaşalım: Client oriented Advancing Simple & Clear Trusted Data Driven Value Adding Visionary Serving Bunlarla ilgili bir logo çalışmas...
...Star API / NSENMF api. -Track returns daily with realised and unrealised gains with XIRR -Track comprehensive portfolio: This includes layering different assets and allocating them appropriately. The assets to include are stocks, cryptocurrency, mutual funds, insurance, PMS, AIF, and real estate. - Track performance: This should involve monitoring buy/sell transactions, costs, shares, net asset value, profit ( Short Term / Long term). - Time-based portfolio tracking: should be able to track the portfolio's performance over different time frames: month, quarter, year, since inception. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in developing financial applications with features as above - Strong understanding of investment portfolios and mutual funds Please provide links and scree...
Simple android item/product stock management system
I'm seeking a skilled and experienced FlutterFlow or developer to build "Temmpo," a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing how talent connects with their clients. Temmpo streamlines the booking process with interactive calendars, personalized questionnaires, and robust team management fe...and cross-browser compatibility. Excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Please submit your proposal including: Your relevant experience with FlutterFlow/ and similar projects. Examples of your previous work (portfolio or links to live applications). Your estimated timeline and hourly rate. Note: We are eager to find a talented developer who can bring Temmpo to life. We value clear communication, attention to detail, and a passion for building high-quality user exper...
Hi Apu, as discussed earlier please increase the logo resolution and adjust the design.
...have seen people thrive in this role from a variety of backgrounds, but we work mostly in Ruby on Rails and React Native. This role is focused more on client development, so React Native experience is a requirement. Responsibilities include solving problems independently and with peers, researching and experimenting with new technology and approaches, and building features that we measure for value to our users. Candidates must have strong communication skills, the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently, sound judgment, and the ability to be productive in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment. Responsibilities • Build scalable, highly reliable product features • Work closely with server engineers to architect high-throughput systems • Design, impleme...
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of around 500,000 consumer email addresses in total from various USA states below: * California • Texas • New York • Florida • Illinois • Pennsylvania • Ohio • Georgia • Washington • New Jersey • Massachusetts • North Carolina • Virginia • Michigan • Colorado • Arizona • Tennessee • Maryland • Indiana • Connecticut 3 ESSENTIAL REQUIRMENETS: - Geographic Location: Email addresses must belong to consumers located within the specified states with residential addresses of the customer. - Age Demographic: The email addresses should primarily belong to individuals aged between 26+ years. - Should be house...
I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create a productivity app for both Android and iOS. The app will primarily focus on car evaluations and should incorporate the following key features: 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The Car Evaluation App is a mobile application designed to help users evaluate, document, and estimate the value of cars through structured data entry and guided photo documentation. The app will use AI-powered image quality checks and integrate market price comparison to provide accurate valuation reports. 1.2 Scope Platform: Cross-platform mobile app for iOS & Android. Framework: Developed using .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI). Users: Classic car owners, collectors, insurance providers, and car dealerships. Core Features: Vehicle data collection (model, ...
...looking for an experienced Senior Mortgage Consultant to work alongside Kearney for a leading bank in Saudi Arabia. Ideally, you should have a strong background in Buy-to-Let (BTL) mortgages, preferably in matured markets and with substantial experience in the Middle Eastern banking sector. Key Responsibilities: - Advise on policy development - Implement process optimization - Formulate go-to-market strategies - Contribute to marketing efforts - Develop sales incentives You should have: - 10-15 years of experience in the mortgage industry - Expertise across the full mortgage value chain - Demonstrated success in the Middle Eastern banking sector - Strong background in Buy-to-Let (BTL) mortgages - Experience in policy development, process optimization and go-to-m...
...Opportunity Overview: We’re offering a straightforward and profitable opportunity for call centers to help businesses across the U.S. connect with trusted Janitorial Service Providers (JSPs). Your role is simple: set up free on-site inspections & quotes, and earn $40 per visited appointment once the JSP completes the visit. Campaign Details: ✅ Target Market: Businesses across U.S. NJ states (specific states will be provided) ✅ Target Audience: Decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? What Your Team Will Do: ? Call business decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? Schedule appointments for FREE on-site inspections & quotes ? Ensure the JSP completes the visit and provides a quote ? Get paid $40 per visited appointment ( No limi...
Expert Link Builder for SEO Services, We are seeking a skilled freelancer to provide premium link building services in the SEO industry. The ideal candidate will not only meet standard quality but ensure that all work is of the highest premium quality. Key Responsibilities: Determine Target Content Assets: Analyze our website and identify high-value pages that would benefit from link building. Identify Publishers and Blogs: Research and compile a list of relevant publishers and blogs in our niche for potential backlink opportunities. Content Ideation: Generate creative and engaging content ideas that can attract backlinks effectively. Quality Writing: Produce high-quality content that adheres to best practices in SEO and appeals to our target audience. Publisher Pitch: Craft compel...
...clients. English and Hindi language communication is mandatory Persuasion and Negotiation: Strong persuasion skills to convince prospects of the value of the courses. Ability to negotiate pricing or payment plans if needed. Self-Motivation: A self-starter who can work independently and meet sales targets. Comfortable with outbound sales (cold calling, email outreach, etc.). Customer-Centric Mindset: Focus on understanding the customer’s needs and providing solutions. Ability to handle rejections and maintain a positive attitude. Job Responsibilities: Proactively reach out to leads via phone call. Conduct product demos or consultations to showcase the value of the courses. Close sales and achieve monthly/quarterly revenue targets. Follow up with leads and nurture ...
...with a strong background in SEO and content creation. The project involves designing a corporate-style website for an energy battery manufacturing company. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, corporate, and user-friendly website - Develop content for the website - SEO integration - Pages to be included: Home, About Us, Service Offering, Product Description, Blogs and Resources, Company Updates, Value Proposition, Leadership and Expertise, Contact Us - Primary call-to-action: brand building and lead generation Mandatory Skills: - Web development and design - SEO expertise - Content creation and copywriting - Understanding of corporate design aesthetics - experience developing and content creation for battery manufacturing company Please provide examples of similar projects yo...
...Management: o Allow admins to add, update, and delete products, specifying details such as name, description, price, categories, images, and stock levels. o Maintain a table for categories and subcategories, with relationships to products. • Product Listing: o Display products with options to sort and filter by criteria like price, rating, category, or popularity. o Search functionality to quickly find products by name or keyword. • Product Details: o API endpoints to retrieve full details for individual products, including images, specifications, and reviews. 3. Cart System • Add to Cart: o Allow users to add items to their cart, specifying the quantity. o Update stock in real-time to avoid overselling. • Manage Cart Items: o Enable users to view, upd...
...pricing, and sales outreach, we’d love to hear from you. Responsibilities: Develop a structured pricing model for AI chatbots (setup fees, recurring costs, upsells). Define target markets & ideal customer profiles for chatbot solutions. Create a sales strategy (outreach, lead generation, conversion funnel). Optimize sales messaging (cold email templates, LinkedIn outreach scripts, pitch decks). Advise on automation tools for lead generation and sales processes. Requirements: ✅ Proven experience in B2B tech sales, SaaS pricing, or AI product strategy. ✅ Strong understanding of pricing models (subscription, tiered, value-based). ✅ Experience with lead generation & sales outreach (LinkedIn, cold emails, CRM tools). ✅ Ability to create structured, repeatable sal...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a robust E-commerce site for selling physical products. Key Features: - The site should include a comprehensive inventory management system to track stock levels and manage product listings. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Website Develop platform development. - Experience in creating and managing Website.
I'm looking for a talented illustrator who can bring my educational story to life with engaging and vibrant cartoon-style illustrations. The target audience for this story is children,...own makes us feel proud and strong.” Squeaky nodded, feeling proud and happy. “I’ll always remember this—being independent isn’t always easy, but it makes us stronger!” From that day on, Squeaky felt more confident and independent. She knew that while it was nice to have friends to help, she was capable of finding her own way in the world. Moral of the Story: Being independent is an important value because it helps us grow, feel proud of ourselves, and know that we can handle challenges on our own. Even when we’re unsure, trusting in ourselves and do...
I'm looking for intermediate-level Virtual Assistants to help manage my Shopify eCommerce business. The tasks will primarily revolve around: - Customer Support: Handling inquiries, resolving issues, and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. - Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock levels, and forecasting inventory needs. - Order Processing: Ensuring orders are processed efficiently and accurately. Ideal candidates should have prior experience with Shopify and eCommerce operations. Good communication skills and a knack for problem-solving are essential. Please include your relevant experience in your bid.
...Sales Pop-ups (e.g., "220 sold in the last 24 hours") – Creates urgency and builds trust. Live Customer Reviews with Images – Automated positive reviews showing real-time customer feedback. 2. Product Page (Conversion-Optimized) High-Quality Product Images & Videos – Multiple angles, zoom-in features. Clear & Engaging Product Descriptions – Keep it simple yet persuasive. Live Stock Counter (e.g., “Only 3 Left in Stock! Hurry!”) – Encourages quick purchases. One-Click Crypto Checkout – Make it super easy with minimal steps. 3. Customer Reviews Section Automated, Rotating Customer Reviews – Showcase positive feedback from past buyers. Photo Reviews – Images uploaded by customers to boost authentici... analysis platform. This system will ingest data from diverse sources (Notion, 2000+ PDFs, web, APIs), process it with AI/LLM tools, store it in a vector/RAG database, and deliver insights via a chat-based interface with real-time function calls (e.g., Bloomberg API). Starting with data in Notion and expanding to PDFs and beyond, the goal is a scalable, automated solution to revolutionize stock research. Project Scope 1. Data Ingestion * Create robust scripts/APIs to collect and process: * Earnings Calls: Pull from Notion (via API) and extract from PDFs (OCR if needed, e.g., Tesseract). * Investment Research: Parse ~2000 PDFs using PyMuPDF, PDFPlumber, or equivalent. * X Posts: Scrape relevant posts via X API or third-party tools. * Websites: Extract data wit... create a Telegram bot for tracking my personal financial portfolio. The bot should be able to: - Build a comprehensive portfolio: This includes layering different assets and allocating them appropriately. The assets to include are stocks, cryptocurrency, mutual funds, and real estate shares. - Track performance: This should involve monitoring buy/sell transactions, costs, shares, net asset value, profit (win/lose), and cash flow on assets. - Time-based portfolio tracking: The bot should be able to track the portfolio's performance over different time frames: month, quarter, and year. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing Telegram bots - Strong understanding of financial portfolio management - Experience in working with vario...
I'm in need of a talented developer to create a stock tracking program for me. This program should be able to analyze historical data, specifically focusing on trend analysis, performance comparison, and data visualization. Key Requirements: - The program must be a desktop executable version. - Integration with financial APIs for real-time stock data. - Utilization of Excel (VBA) and Python for seamless functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VBA and Python. - Experience with developing user-friendly applications. - Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills. If you have a passion for programming and can deliver a robust, intuitive stock tracking program, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a talented developer to improve my existing stock tracking program and create a Windows-compatible desktop executable. The program should be developed using Excel (VBA) and Python, ensuring smooth integration and functionality. Key Improvements: - Enhancing the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly - Improving data processing speed for efficient stock tracking - Developing a desktop executable version of the program Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both VBA and Python - Experience in developing desktop applications - Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills - Passion for programming and creating user-friendly applications If you can provide these enhancements and have the required skills, I look forward to hearing from y...
I need a web application that can help me manage the stock and inventory of my store, which sells general merchandise. Key Features: - The system should have automated restocking alerts. This feature will help me keep track of stock levels and ensure I never run out of popular items. - The system should have different user roles with different access levels. For example, store managers may need more access than sales associates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web application development, particularly for inventory management systems. - Experience in implementing user role systems within applications. - Ability to create automated alert systems. A background in general merchandise retail would be a plus. I am looking for a freelancer who can understand my nee...
I'm searching for an experienced Agri Commodities Sales Manager with a primary goal of expanding our market reach, particularly into Europe. The ideal c...primary goal of expanding our market reach, particularly into Europe. The ideal candidate should possess: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in Agri Commodities. - Strong understanding and network in the European markets. - Exceptional skills in building customer relationships. - Strategic mindset aimed at increasing sales on an international scale. Your main responsibilities will be to develop and implement strategies for market expansion, boost our sales internationally and cultivate strong customer connections. Experience in dealing with international markets is a must, and a network in Europe will be a ...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to design and implement a dual-platform (iOS and Android) application aimed at enhancing customer engagement for retailers. The app should also include a feature for ordering our inventory items. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an interactive app for both iOS and Android platforms - Cr...customer-focused applications - Understanding of inventory management systems The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in app development, particularly for retail environments. A knack for creating engaging customer interfaces will be a significant advantage. Experience with inventory systems will also be beneficial, as the app will need to include a feature for ordering stock. Please provide examples of similar projects you ...
...role will focus on regional outreach, targeting potential clients and expanding our market presence. Key Responsibilities: - Drive new client acquisition: Your primary focus will be identifying and securing new retail and wholesale partners for our food and beverages products. - Regional focus: Your sales efforts should predominantly target regional clients, understanding and penetrating local markets. -Sales Strategy: Develop and implement effective sales strategies to maximize outreach and client engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in FMCG sales, particularly within the food and beverages sector. - Strong skills in new client acquisition, with a knack for identifying potential business opportunities. - Excellent understanding of regional market dyna...