Tourist visa for thailand from india işler
Hem VOD (İsteğe Bağlı Video) hem de Canlı Yayın için bir IPTV sunucusu kurabilecek bir profesyonele ihtiyacım var. Bu sunucunun Android, iOS ve Akıllı TV'lerle uyumlu olması gerekir. Temel Gereksinimler: - Hem VOD hem de Canlı Yayın sağlayan bir IPTV sunucusu kurun - Android, iOS ve Akıllı TV'lerle uyumluluğu sağlayın - IPTV uygulama kullanıcı arayüzü için önceden hazırlanmış bir şablon kullanın İdeal adaylar IPTV sunucusu kurulumunda kanıtlanmış deneyime, platformlar arası uyumluluk bilgisine ve kullanıcı arayüzleri için önceden hazırlanmış şablonlarla çalışma becerisine sahip olmalıdır. Çalışmanın bir gün içinde tamamlanması gerekir.
Game's kit, assets, music and UI is ready. I am aiming to create a prototype of the game from these assets and kit. It's rather easy to do as the kit is already comprehensive enough and there will be no request to code any extra functionalities as whatever is in the kit is already enough. As i've stated, this will be a prototype of the game. Aside from the current request, if the job is done good enough i would like to work more with the developer. Game will be on Unity. It's going to be a first person shooter game. Game will be on Mobile.
Merhaba bu siteye benzer bir website yaptırmak istiyorum herşeyi kapsıyor gördüğünüz sitedeki site : Mağazamın adı : Insta Followershop
Beykoz Riva'da başlayacak olan villa inşaat projemizde, Beykoz Belediyesi'nden alınacak yapı ruhsat onayı için gerekli statik, elektrik, mekanik, altyapı gibi proje çizimlerini gerçekleştirecek ve firmamızla koordineli olarak belediyedeki yasal izin süreçlerini takip edecek freelance mimar ya da m...için çizimlerin mümkün olan en kısa sürede tamamlanmasını talep ediyoruz. Tercihimiz gerekli durumlarda hızlı hareket edebilmek adına; firma ise Beykoz'da kurulu bir mimarlık firması olması, freelance mimar ise yine Beykoz'da ikamet ediyor olması. Not: Villanın dış ve iç mekan tasarımı ve yerleşim planı firmamız tarafından yapılmıştır. Teşekkürler. NOTE: ARCHITECTS, ONLY FROM TURKEY, TO BE REV...
Yazmayı yeni bitirdiğim bir kitabım var ve esas olarak kişisel hijyen, ekonominin büyümesi, korona virüs pandemisi ile ilgili. Bu kitaplar bir ülkenin sosyal sorunlarını anlatıyor ve İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çeviri yapmak için anadili İngilizce olan birine ihtiyaç duyuyor. Bu kitaplar öğretme, ders verme ve öğrenme için ve ayrıca kolejlerde, üniversitelerde vb. okuma ve eğitim için kullanılacaktır.
Benim ingilis dili contentim var. Onu ingilisceden turkceye tercume isterim. Toplam, 4770 soz ve 4770 cumle var. bir excel CSV formatinda gondericem, ayni weyleri uzerinde degishiklik yaparaq geri atmasi lazim bana.
bir imimar öğrencesi olarak 3d max işleri alıp kendimi bu programda üst seviyeye getirmek istiyorum
Merhaba eTranslators, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Merhaba eTranslators, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Merhaba eTranslators, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
I want to connect to my php web site with trongrid API and send tokens from the wallet, but I was not successful.
Türkçe'den Arapça'ya ve Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çeviri mevcuttur
Sadece halkbank bankasını destekliycek coklu banka destegi istemiyorum, Taksit vs. istemiyorum, AMEX,VISA,MASTERCARD ve MAESTRO destekli,
Hello, I'm doing sales marketing. I give $ 10 share from the products I sell, $ 20 from the product like $ 100, and $ 10 from the products sold like $ 60. The only thing you need to do is share the link of that product and sell it to you, usually America, Canada, India and other European countries. Merhaba ben satış pazarlamacılığı yapıyorum. Sattığım ürünlerden 100 dolar gibi üründen 20 dolar 50 ve 60 dolar gibi satılan ürünlerden 10 dolar pay veriyorum . yapmanız gereken tek şey o ürünün linkini paylaşıp satmanız satacağınız ülkeler genellikle amerika kanada hindistan ve diğer avrupa ülkeleri olacak .
I need to scrap price and product tittle information from mobile applications. Crawling changing price, Mobile uygulamadan ürünlerin isim ve fiyatlarının bilgisini çekmek istiyorum. Örnek uygulamalar, Getir, Cepteşok, A101 Kapıda
web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .
Freelancers in TURKEY ONLY Aşağıda belirtilen ülkelerde google, facebook ve instagramlarının yönetilmesi. Hedef kelimeler çok düsük arama hacmine sahip olduğundan reklam bütçesi doğal olarak fazla olmamaktadır. Nigeria, Russia, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, Malaysia, UAE, Vietnam, South Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Ghana, Albenia, Kosova, Turkey, Kazakstan, Thailand, Iran, Moldova, Kenya, Indonesia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Botsvana, Azerbaijan,Oman, Belarus
Türkçeden İngilizceye Tercüme Edilecek. Kullanıcı Anlaşması. Aşağı yukarı 35 sayfa, örnek metin aşağıda
Hem bilim ve teknoloji konusunda kaynak eksikliğini gidermek hem de keyifli bir ortamda çalışmak harika olmaz mı? Türkçe bir bilim&teknoloji sitesi için yazarlar arıyoruz. Farklı yabancı kaynaklardan çeviri de yapılabilir ya da yorumlar da eklenebilir. Konular teknolojik gelişmeler (özellikle uzay teknolojisi), astronomi ve sağlık alanlarında yoğunlaşmaktadır. Sitenin en temel mantığı uzmanlık seviyesindeki bilgileri anlaşılabilir genel düzeye indirmek ve okuyucuya hap şeklinde sunabilmektir. Günde 2 makale yazılacak.
proje aslında o kadarda zor biwey diyil ... sade bloglar ben vericem 200-300-400 en fazla 500 ifadelik makalaler. İşte magazin haberleri ,sosyal medya haberleri gibi şeyler olacak..Çokta ağır bi tercümü istemiyor....makale başına para ve ya siteye yazdığı makaleye uykun YÜZDEYLE çalışırım...tekliflerinizi bekliyorum
Merhaba, Bir android projem var bu projede Mysql serverimden Veriyi cekip (hepsi text olacak) proje icerisinde Strings xml icerisine bu aradaki köprüyü saglamak.
I will accept proposals only from native or native-like speakers of Turkish. Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Yasama
Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Onemli not: Turkce karakterlerin dogru kopyalandigina emin olun.
Türkçe'den Almanca'ya çevrilecek hukuki bir metin tercümesi var. Dosya 7660 kelimedir. Türkiye saati ile 2 Mart Çarşamba 2016 saat 18:00'da teslim edilmesi gerekmektedir. Kelime başı ücret 0,02 dolar. Lütfen tekliflerinizi buna uygun olarak veriniz.
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Düğü'daki düğün mekanları kategorisinde ye...ayrı bir arkadaş ile çalışacağım. 2-3 gün içerisinde işi bitirmem gerekiyor. Lütfen sayfa başına teklif veriniz. Teklif verirken açıklamanın sonuna lütfen bunu ekleyiniz:"tamamını okudum" Hi Guys, I need getting data to excel from There are 1.400 wedding venue pages in Just i need their text content(tittle, adress, about etc.). I attached a sample excel doc. Please give me offer for per page. I want to separete this task to finish quickly. If you have a team and ıf you bet finish this task in 3 days, you can give offer for 1.400 pages. You can do this task with manually or with data-scraping s...
Fenerbahçe taraftar uygulaması için metin ve görsel içerik hazırlanacaktır. Metin içerikler aşağıdaki iki örnekte verilen biçimde olmalıdır. İçerikler, Fenerbahçe ile ilgili önemli kişi ve yerler ile ilgili olabilir. Görsel içerikler metinde yazılan isimler ile uyumlu, jpg biçiminde ve 250x250 piksel boyutlarında teslim edilmelidir. Görseller iyi kalitede ve renkli olmalıdır. Bu proje teslim edilecek 100 farklı içerik metni ve görselini kapsamaktadır. Benzer içerik projeleri ile devam edilecektir. ÖRNEK METİN: { "id" : 1, "label" : "1", "specific" : { "image" : "", "path...
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Dynamic Website Design from a Sample'
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'a manual of an electrichal tool to be translated from english to turkish'
meraba ferhat bey sizin mesajını gordüm yardım için konuşalım hemen mesaj gonderin hemde baslıyalım
I am a startup seeking a versatile female model for a photoshoot in Delhi. The model will showcase 100 - 150 items, including various fashion pieces and home decor items. Key Responsibilities: - Model a range of fashion items: casual wear, formal wear, and traditional wear. - Showcase a variety of home decor items, mainly decorative accessories. The photoshoot will take place exclusively in an indoor location in Delhi, India What We’re Looking For: • Dependability and Professionalism: Reliability and trustworthiness are non-negotiable. • Modeling Versatility: Ability to model both luxury and lifestyle items with confidence. • Portfolio Required: Please provide digital or physical photos or videos that demonstrate your modeling abilities. &bul...
I'm seeking a skilled photographer/videographer for a startup based in Delhi. The project involves capturing 100 - 150 fashion and home decor product items over the next few weeks. The primary purpose of this shoot is to prepare content for our website. Potential for Long-Term Collaboration Key Requirements: - Standard product shots: The majority of the shots should be standard product images, devoid of lifestyle or editorial styles. - White Background: All product shots need to be taken on a clean, white background to maintain a consistent and professional aesthetic for our website. - Exceptional Photography, Videography Skills: Expertise in high-end product photography, videography and creative social media content. - Portfolio Required: You must provi...
Project Description: We are seeking a professional to extract data from 500-700 high-quality photographed pages containing handwritten text. The primary task is to accurately digitize the information into a structured format. The key fields to extract and verify are: Full Name Email Address Phone Number Permission for Commercial Communications (marked as "Yes" or "No"). Consent for Image Rights Usage (indicated by an "X" or no mark). Additionally, if the process allows automation or is otherwise feasible, we would like to capture the following optional fields: Last Name Country Language City Instagram Handle Date of Birth Correlation with Photo File Number The Name, Email, and Phone Number fields are critical and must be...
I need an experienced video editor to edit my footage from a trip to Everest Base Camp. Some of the files are corrupted, so I need someone with the skills to piece together a coherent and beautiful documentary-style video from the footage I do have. Requirements: - Ability to work with corrupted files - Experience with Insta360 footage - Ability to create a documentary-style edit - Good taste in music to match the footage Please note, I would like background music added to the video, but I do not want to specify a particular style. I trust your judgement to choose suitable tracks. The end product is to be a keepsake for myself, and as such, it should be polished and thoughtful.
please scrape data from google maps as per this brief. thanks
I'm looking to sell my restaurant in India and need help creating listings on the top 4 platforms. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience in real estate or business sales listings - Proficiency in writing engaging and persuasive descriptions - Skills in photo editing or selecting appropriate images - Familiarity with the top selling platforms for business listings Your tasks will include: - Writing compelling descriptions of the restaurant - Uploading high-quality images - Completing all necessary steps for a successful listing Freelancers with a background in the restaurant industry or real estate are preferred. Thank you!
...4 VMs. (3 Linux 1 Win) We run a separate Proxmox backup server. We run Hestia for our webserver and Mailcow for mail. . Backups are done to the Proxmox server, NAS and Mega (cloud) We often need small tasks done to support the web devs (ssh, DB work etc etc) and we require monthly maintenance to ensure reliability and updates etc. You need of course to be fully able to work with all of the above, and also be available during NZ time in mornings and evenings. (Our previous admin was from Serbia and this time zone worked ok) We will pay a one off hiring fee to FreeLancer and work with you on an hourly rate moving forward. Please quote your hourly rate in applications. Please do not apply if you live in: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Russia. Please d...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a dynamic event management website for me. The primary purpose of this website is to handle event registration, management, and payment integration. Key Features: - Comprehensive event registration and management - Full-fledged event management tools - Seamless payment gateway integration - Automated email confirmations for attendees - Custom registration forms tailored for specific events Payment Gateway Integration: - PayPal - Stripe - Additional India-specific gateways Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing dynamic websites, specifically for event management - Expertise in integrating multiple payment gateways - Proficient in creating automated systems for...
I'm looking for a professional to create and maintain my WordPress blog. You will develop the website using the pictures and ads I provide. Initially, I will provide two written blogs, but you should be able to create content based on the ads and pictures provided. Responsibilities and Requirements: - Create and design a WordPress blog with a 'Blog' style design - Maintain the blog on a weekly basis for $25 a week - Use the provided pictures and ads to develop content - Create an engaging, high-quality blog that includes a comment section, social media integration and a subscriber sign-up form - Include an index of blog titles and bilingual interpretation if you are bilingual Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress blog creation and main...
I need my current JPEG logo converted into a vector format. The primary use for this vector logo will be both print and web purposes. No changes or modifications are needed, I simply need it vectorized. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator - Experience in logo vectorization - Understanding of print and web requirements for logos - Attention to detail to ensure accurate reproduction of the original logo
...remote position, offering the flexibility to work from anywhere while contributing to a platform that's reshaping how purpose-driven professionals find meaningful work. Key Responsibilities - Design and implement job scraping functionality to curate relevant opportunities - Build and optimize job posting features for a seamless user experience - Develop a secure registration system for jobseekers, including payment integration - Implement and maintain Impactribe's branding and design across the platform - Ensure the platform aligns with our mission of descaled, founder-first, and community-led recruitment Required Qualifications - Proven experience in building job sites or similar platforms - Strong full-stack development skills - Eye for design a...
I'm on the hunt for a passionate and innovative chef specializing in fusion cuisine to join our dynamic restaurant chai ho jay. Based in MP, India, if you are that would be great. we aim to redefine dining experiences by merging traditional Indian flavors with global tastes to create something truly unique. **Requirements:** - Specialty in fusion cuisine, combining elements of traditional Indian and international dishes. - Entry level (0-2 years of experience), with a strong foundation in culinary arts and a burning passion for food. - Creative mindset: Ability to innovate and experiment with ingredients and flavors. - Knowledge of food safety and hygiene practices. **Ideal Skills/Experience:** - Culinary degree or relevant certifications highly regarded but ...
I've lost significant data (files) on my pendrive and I'm in desperate need of assistance to recover these files. Key Details: - The lost files are primarily photos and videos and other files. - The pendrive has not been formatted post data loss. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in data recovery techniques and software. - Experience with pendrive data recovery. - Ability to recover multimedia files. Please DM me if you can assist.
I'm seeking a professional to orchestrate a full-scale backpack advertising campaign. The goal is broad:...full-scale backpack advertising campaign. The goal is broad: boosting brand awareness, promoting specific events, and driving traffic to our website. The campaign should reach diverse audiences, including local community members, tourists, and event attendees. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing backpack advertising in various locations, specifically urban areas, tourist spots, and events or festivals. - Creating engaging advertising content for the backpacks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in outdoor advertising and brand promotion. - Creative thinking and content creation skills. - Good understanding of target audience segmentation and locat...
...seeking a professional to design a fillable PDF form incorporating numerical data from Excel. The form will require several advanced functionalities including: - Formulas for calculations: This is crucial as the form needs to carry out certain computations based on the input data. - Conditional formatting: The form should be able to visually represent changes based on different conditions. - Data validation: The form must ensure that the inputs meet certain criteria, helping to maintain the integrity of the data. The integration of the Excel data into the PDF form will be done through manual input. Therefore, the design should facilitate ease of use and accuracy during this process. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Acroba...
I am in need of immediate assistance to address a serious issue on Amazon. I have been wrongfully associated with an unauthorized seller account. This situation is creating confusion and potentially harming my reputation on the platform. Skills and experience ideally suited for this job: - Expertise in e-commerce dispute resolution, particularly on Amazon. - Strong communication skills for dealing with Amazon support. - Knowledge in account management and recovery processes. - Experience with e-commerce platform policies and procedures. I need a professional who can swiftly and effectively address this serious violation situation. Time is of the essence. Thank you.
I'm in need of a fluent English speaker with no accent to make calls through VOIP to leads who have already expressed interest. You will be following a script that I provide. An average call lasts about 10 minutes. We can start from $10 per call.
My goal is to enhance the indoor cellular coverage of a residential building by converting cell tower signals into Bluetooth. Thi...of a residential building by converting cell tower signals into Bluetooth. This modified signal will primarily cater to smartphones, making it crucial for the conversion to maintain compatibility and connectivity with these devices. Key Requirements: - Expertise in radio frequency engineering - Experience with Bluetooth technology - Knowledge of cellular network systems - Skills in signal processing The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to ensure a seamless, strong, and reliable Bluetooth signal throughout the residential property. Their understanding of smartphone connectivity will help optimize the network's performance ...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to convert a 5-p...pages: - Home - About Us - Services - Blog - Contact The desired style of the website is 'Corporate and professional'. This means your design choices and implementation should reflect a clean, straightforward aesthetic with an emphasis on usability and professionalism. In terms of specific functionalities, the site requires: - A functional Contact Form - Integration with Google Form and Zapier for seamless data processing Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with Figma, WordPress and Elementor - A strong portfolio of corporate style websites - Excellent understanding of form integrations and automation tools Please include samples of your previous work, particularly those matching the corporat...
I want to find a native thai that can help me find a housing with access to fitness, co working (place to work remotely) one bedroom for max 2000 usd per month. I dont want to use airbnb and i think its more affordable to find outside there