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  • templates review sites
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İş Durumu
2,000 templates review sites iş bulundu (list, approve, cancel, etc.). User and loyalty points oversight. Dynamic price/mileage rules. Manual booking entry and editing. Promo code creation. User support requests management (e.g., ticket system). Email & SMS Notifications Automatic emails and SMS for reservation confirmation, payment status, transfer reminders. SMS verification to prevent spam. Past Reservations & Customer Review User profile page to view past bookings, earned points, and invoices. Live Chat & WhatsApp Integration Users can get immediate assistance via live chat. Direct connection to customer service through WhatsApp. Feedback & Rating System After completing a transfer, users can rate the driver/service. Integration with Google Reviews is possible for displaying these ratings...

€1223 Average bid
€1223 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler (list, approve, cancel, etc.). User and loyalty points oversight. Dynamic price/mileage rules. Manual booking entry and editing. Promo code creation. User support requests management (e.g., ticket system). Email & SMS Notifications Automatic emails and SMS for reservation confirmation, payment status, transfer reminders. SMS verification to prevent spam. Past Reservations & Customer Review User profile page to view past bookings, earned points, and invoices. Live Chat & WhatsApp Integration Users can get immediate assistance via live chat. Direct connection to customer service through WhatsApp. Feedback & Rating System After completing a transfer, users can rate the driver/service. Integration with Google Reviews is possible for displaying these ratings...

€1124 Average bid
€1124 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler (list, approve, cancel, etc.). User and loyalty points oversight. Dynamic price/mileage rules. Manual booking entry and editing. Promo code creation. User support requests management (e.g., ticket system). Email & SMS Notifications Automatic emails and SMS for reservation confirmation, payment status, transfer reminders. SMS verification to prevent spam. Past Reservations & Customer Review User profile page to view past bookings, earned points, and invoices. Live Chat & WhatsApp Integration Users can get immediate assistance via live chat. Direct connection to customer service through WhatsApp. Feedback & Rating System After completing a transfer, users can rate the driver/service. Integration with Google Reviews is possible for displaying these ratings...

€1177 Average bid
€1177 Ortalama Teklif
36 teklifler

Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)

€687 Average bid
€687 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

İş Maddeleri; - web sitesinin wordpress tabanlı görünümünün iyileştirilmesi. - Sitenin içerisine WhatsApp bildirim hattı tanımlanması. - Kontrol panellleri eklenmesi - SEO ve Google ADS özellikleri Business Items; - Improving the wordpress-based appearance of the website. - Defining WhatsApp notification line inside the site. - Adding control panels - SEO and Google ADS features

€48 Average bid
€48 Ortalama Teklif
43 teklifler

Features - Designed for tablets and phones. - APK 64 Bits - Supports both APPLIANCES ANDROID ARM & x86. - Admob Ads : Banner and Interstitials Update Android Studio 4.0.1 respecting Google recommendations for android development. This game is a good template for learning how to use Android Studio, containing video documentation of all the steps. Easy work in the simplest, but hard to master – and insanely addictive! Perfect timing is crucial: tap at the right moment to stack blocks on top of each other and try to build the highest tower. How To : - Open Project Into Android Studio. - Change the package name - How to Change Graphics game. - How to Change Audio game. - How to change the Admob Banner and Interstitial ID . - Change Your Privacy policy, and review...

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...want an modul which I can compare the differences between different texts in word / google documents. These differences must can be transferred to excel / google tables as a list in the same way. The similarities and differences between the texts in the transferred lists can be seen as a ratio. I have attached detailed explanations and sample files about what is wanted, you can download and review. This is requested as part of a research project. So you will also be involved in the research project....

€931 Average bid
€931 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Proje başlanmıştır kendi özel projem. Tahminen 3 ay full time içinde bitebilir. Ben kendim de yazılımcı yım ve review ları yapacağım.

€894 Average bid
€894 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

Kurumumuz tarafından Yönetim Sistemleri yazılım geliştiriyoruz. Modüllerden oluşan bir yazılım. Web tabanlı, bulutta çalışıyor. Angular 8 ile kodlama yapacak Frontend yazılımcılar arıyoruz. Altyapı, standartlar, ekranlar, akışları, domain yapısı belli. Scrum yönetimi ile çalışıyoruz. Baş yazılımıcımız tarafından Kod review olacak. Bu ilanda bir modül geliştirilmesi için anlaşacağız. Çıkan sonuca göre daha fazla modül için işbirliğine devam etmek istiyoruz.

€923 Average bid
€923 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Amazon ve Etsy gibi web sitesinde yer alan ürünlerin son kullanıcı gözünden incelemesini içeren makale ihtiyacımız bulunmakta (ingilizce). İsteklerimizi aşağıda net olarak belirttik bunun haricinde anlaşacağımızı kişilere daha fazla detay verilecektir. İlk etapta 10 makale alınacaktır, beğenildiği takdirde makale alımı devamlı olacaktır. İngilizce seviyesi: C1 (Min) Makale Adeti: 10 adet Kelime Sayısı: 400 - 500 kelime Teslimat Süresi: 48 saat Ekstra İstekler Seo kurallarına uygun yazılması %100 Özgün olması (kontrol edilecektir) Akıcı şekilde okunma yetisine sahip makaleler

€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

Merhabalar, After Effect'te yeniyim sorunumun büyük olduğunu sanmıyorum bilen bir kişiden de destek almak istiyorum. After Effectte Templates her şey hazır bir şekilde ileteceğim. 10 harfli bir yazı olacak hazır templatesde 6 harf var fakat aynı efektlerle kopyaladığımda diğer harfede işliyor ne kadar layerleri kopyalayıp denesemde olamdı efekti alınca anında diğer harfe işliyor. Bu konuda ufak bir desteğe ihtiyacım var.

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

...İlgili makale pdf dosyası içerisinde yer almaktadır. (17_11 (1).pdf) Yukarıda yer alan tüm ekran alıntıları incelenmelidir. İçerisinde ayrıca nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği yer almaktadır. Çalışma içerisinde başlıklar oluşturularak ilerleme sağlanması gerekmektedir. Bunlar; Summary (300 Kelime) 1. Statement of Problem a. Research Topic b. Research Problem c. Research Questions and Hypothesis 2. Review of the Literature 3. Methods 4. Results and Conclusion Çalışma bu başlıkları kesinlikle içermelidir. Çalışma toplamda 1200 kelime ve üzeri olmalıdır (referanslar hariç). Çalışma içerisinde Kesinlikle APA referans sistemi kullanılmalıdır. Apa stilinde referans kullanmak için ekteki linkten fay...

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Volt Lines ve Biserwis (isci servisi) konseptini Chariot(dolmus) konseptiyle birlestirip EcoRyde adi altinda Kanada icin gelistirmek.

€5299 Average bid
€5299 Ortalama Teklif
19 teklifler

Hello, we need second hand web sites but plase only developer Russian or Turkish i don't know english thanks

€367 Average bid
€367 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

- Histerik Kişilik Bozukluğu - Anti-sosyal Kişilik Bozukluğu - Sınırda (borderline) Kişilik Bozukluğu - Narsistik Kişilik Bozukluğu ile ilgili 4 ayrı makale istiyorum. Literature review olacak herhangi bir araştırma yapılması gerekmiyor. Her biri referanslar dahil olmadan 1500 kelime olacak. APA formatında Times New Roman 12 punto, 2 boşluk olacak ve herbirinde en az 5 türkçe makaleden referans olacak. Sizi referans araştırmasının bir kısmından kurtarmak amacıyla elimde bulunanlardan sağlayabilirim. Genel outline formatı: Giriş Literatürdeki araştırmalar Tartışma Sonuç şeklinde olmalı. Not: Bu bozuklukların ayrı ayrı DSM V e gore ne oldukları, hangi araştırmaların yapıldığı vs. gibi olacak. Turnitin free olmalı. Yoksa proje kabul edilmeyece...

€117 Average bid
€117 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

The project is crawling a couple of web pages some of which are stated below and sending those crawled attributes to the server for which JS APIs are ready. Developing the code as a script compatible with Tampermonkey would be nice.

€49 Average bid
€49 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler
Bitti left

web sitesi tasarımı yaptırmak istiyorum.

€400 Average bid
€400 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

Üniversite Öğrenci yönetim sistemi.(Student Review System)

€305 Average bid
€305 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.

€419 Average bid
€419 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...conversations It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek mantık paylaşın ve tüm fonksiyonları ile bir site yapmak istiyoruz.   benim örnek site Bu ...

€1105 Average bid
€1105 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

I have 2200 words to be translated. The entire translation must be done in 24 hours after the start of the project. I will pay 33 USDs for the project. Please bid accordingly. The bidders must translate the small sample below and send me for review. Sample: Bir ucu düz, diğer ucu muflu olarak imal edilen çelik borular, muf içine yerleştirilmek için özel olarak imal edilmiş kauçuk esaslı lastik conta ile bağlanacaktır. Bu suretle nispeten esnek bir bağlantı teşkil edilmiş olur. muf = bushing kauçuk esaslı lastik conta = rubber-based plastic gaskets

€43 Average bid
€43 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler
Bitti left

adında bir siteye sahibim satın almış oldum hazır bir temam var burdan inceleyebilirsiniz aldıgım temayı bu temanın hali kazırda var olan sitem üzerinde çalışmasını istiyorum

€497 Average bid
€497 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 50$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 70$ ücretlidir iyi günler.

€61 Average bid
€61 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 40$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 60$ ücretlidir iyi günler.

€61 Average bid
€61 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 40$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 60$ ücretlidir iyi günler.

€37 Average bid
€37 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

... this project requires a comprehensive Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis with a focus on monthly Free Cash Flow (FCF) projections and EBITDA adjustments (add-backs). The objective is to determine Party City's valuation, understand its debt obligations, and evaluate whether financial restructuring strategies could have improved its sustainability. Scope of Work Financial Data Collection and Review Gather financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement) from SEC filings, bankruptcy court documents, and investor reports. Identify key revenue drivers, cost structures, and capital expenditures. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation Forecast Party City’s Free Cash Flow (FCF) on a monthly basis to reflect short-term liquidity constraints. I...

€395 Average bid
€395 Ortalama Teklif
25 teklifler

I need a professional who can convert my Excel data into a compelling PowerPoint presentation for a Management Review meeting. Key Requirements: - Transform data into visually appealing graphs, specifically bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts. - All graphs should categorize data by time period. - A meticulous attention to detail is crucial in ensuring accuracy and clarity. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. - Strong understanding of data visualization techniques. - Excellent graphical design skills to create engaging and professional presentations.

€10 Average bid
€10 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

I need someone to convert my Excel (XLS) data into a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation for a monthly service review meeting. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of service delivery information from the XLS - Highlighting of specific service delivery metrics: service uptime/downtime, response times, and incident resolution - Visual representation of data solely through graphs and charts Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint - Experience in data visualization and presentation - Understanding of service delivery metrics Please ensure the final PPT is engaging and easy to follow for the meeting attendees.

€12 Average bid
€12 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

...two businesses in the Maldives. This contest includes: Hinmai Investment - A fish processing business Design Required: -Logo -Invoice & Quotation Templates (Including the logo) Registration Number: SP29582023 Include payment details: Bank Name, Account Name, Account Number Thin Raha - A retail grocery shop Design Required: -Logo -Stamp Registration Number: SP-1648/2015 Registration Date: 10th February 2015 Submission Requirements All designs must be submitted as a single entry. Unique and professional designs that reflect the nature of each business. Vector files (AI, EPS, or SVG) must be included for all designs. Invoice & Quotation templates should be designed in an editable format (Word, Excel, or PDF). Contest Duration 7 days from the contest start date. J...

€9 Average bid
52 girdi

I'm seeking a professional to help me implement a secure framework for a code review tool. The primary goal of this framework is to improve the speed of code reviews, which are currently slow and prone to errors. Key Features of the Framework: - Integration and Architecture Documentation - Utilizing tools and technology like Spotbugs, Semgrep, Codeql - Code scanning with Codeql The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development and code review processes - Proficiency with the tools mentioned - Ability to produce detailed integration and architecture documentation Key Integrations: - This framework will primarily need to integrate with our version control system (e.g., Git) and our Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline. Cur...

€8 - €13 / hr
€8 - €13 / hr
0 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled professional to build me a device that monitors water flow, and an accompanying online platform. This project will necessitate expertise in 3D printing and hardware setup. Key features of the online platform should include: • Live data display • Historical data review • Device control feature The ideal freelancer will have a firm grasp of both hardware development and online platform creation. They should be capable of crafting a reliable water flow monitoring device and setting up a versatile online platform. Time is of the essence, as I aim to have this project completed within one month. Interested bidders, please furnish your bids keeping these requirements in mind.

€35 Average bid
€35 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

I'm in need of a proficient full-stack developer to assist in creating a dynamic service marketplace. The platform must be user-friendly and robust, with key features that facilitate user interaction and enhance service evaluation. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: The platform should allow users to provide feedback and rate services, fostering trust and transparency. - Messaging System: A built-in messaging system is essential for user interaction, enabling communication between service providers and consumers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in full-stack development - Proven track record in creating marketplace platforms - Strong understanding of implementing user review systems and messaging systems - Proficiency in developing user-frie...

€177 Average bid
€177 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

Dear Karina, Thank you for considering my services. Below is the detailed quotation for uploading your portfolio projects, modifying the Spanish text, and optimizing your Wix website for mobile responsiveness. Scope of Work 1. Portfolio Upload • Add 16 projects to your Wix website. • Upload and properly format 5 to 8 high-quality images per project. 2. Text Modification • Review and modify Spanish text for clarity, accuracy, and readability. 3. Fixing Website Sections • Adjust and fix any sections that require improvements for a seamless design. 4. Mobile Responsiveness • Ensure the entire site is fully optimized for all mobile devices. Cost & Timeline • Estimated Hours: Approx. 15 hours • Project Duration: 3-5 days (including all...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm seeking a seasoned web designer to craft an interactive website tailored for an educational institution. This platform will serve both ...Develop a comprehensive Student Information System (SIS) to manage student profiles. 2. Create a mark sheet generation system with customizable templates. 3. Implement a responsive design, ensuring optimal accessibility and user-friendliness across various devices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design, preferably for educational platforms. - Proficiency in creating interactive websites with complex functionalities. - Strong understanding of responsive design principles. - Experience with developing or integrating a Student Information System (SIS). - Ability to create a mark sheet generation system with customiz...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler

I need a professional expert to conduct a thorough review of my mobile/web app's source code. The review should focus on identifying security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and adherence to coding best practices. Key Areas of Focus: - Security audit: Identify potential risks and suggest improvements to enhance the security of the app, particularly around user authentication. - Code quality & maintainability check: Assess the overall quality of the code and its maintainability for future updates. - Performance optimization suggestions: Provide insights and suggestions for enhancing the app's performance. Tech Stack: - Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin - Frameworks/Tools: React, Angular, Node.js, Django, Flutter - Database: MySQL, Postgre...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...facilitating final control between the original script and the final product on screen. Services I offer: ✔️ Creation of Time Code spreadsheets for organizing characters and dialogues. ✔️ Writing of scripts in cinematic format, from the idea to the final script. ✔️ Professional script formatting for dubbing, subtitling, and postproduction (with precise and personalized details). ✔️ Transcriptions. ✔️ Review and control of differences between the original script and the final version on screen. ✔️ Guidance on structure and storytelling for audiovisual projects. With experience in dubbing production companies and a strong commitment to quality and punctuality, I ensure every detail is in place to optimize the workflow in postproduction. Feel free to reach out, and I’ll be h...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...misinterpretations that need fixing and approval from Google. Additionally, the google merchant account for has been suspended due to policy violations. Key Tasks: - Fix the misinterpretations on Google Merchant account - Address the policy violations on account to reinstate it - Remove products that violate our policies from - Request a manual review for the accounts Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer should understand Google's Merchant policies and have experience resolving issues with Google Merchant accounts. A keen attention to detail is important to ensure all issues are addressed and no violating products are left in our inventory. Previous experience with reinstating suspended Google Merchant accounts would be a significant advantage

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
19 teklifler

I'm looking for a legal expert to review a letter concerning a friend's alleged unlawful dismissal and general protections claim under Fair Work Australia. This letter has been drafted by another expert, but I want to ensure it's top-notch before submission. Key Tasks: - Conduct a thorough review of the letter for legal accuracy, completeness, and adherence to Fair Work Australia regulations. - Identify any deficiencies in legal arguments, supporting details, or procedural aspects. - Provide a revised version of the letter with your recommended improvements. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Fair Work Australia laws and employment-related legal matters. - Ability to ensure the letter is legally sound, persuasive, and well-organized for submission. Pl...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

...Multi-vendor service marketplace (like Fiverr but for wedding & event services) ? Target Audience: Muslim couples, families, and event organizers looking for professional services ? Core Features: ✔️ Vendor Registration & Dashboard – Vendors create profiles, list services, set pricing & availability ✔️ Customer Booking System – Customers browse, compare, and book services directly ✔️ Review & Rating System – Customers rate & review vendors after services ✔️ Secure Payment System – Integrated Stripe (or similar) for online payments ✔️ Commission System – Platform takes a percentage per transaction (e.g., 10%) ✔️ Mobile-Friendly & SEO-Optimized – Fast, responsive design with good SEO practices ? Design & Tech R...

€93 Average bid
€93 Ortalama Teklif
43 teklifler

I need a creative video editor who has experience with high-quality long and short form content for social media platforms, particular...Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, or similar editing tools. * Experience creating content tailored for YouTube and Instagram. * Strong storytelling abilities, with a keen sense of pacing and visual flow. * Creativity in using animations, music selection, and effects to enhance viewer engagement. To Apply, please ensure that you submit the most relevant portfolio for review which showcases what is expected. Edit Deliverables: * One YouTube video (5 minutes) * One Instagram Reel (1.5 minutes) The budget for this is 15 - 20 USD There is also an opportunity to have this as a recurring engagement if the expectati...

€21 Average bid
€21 Ortalama Teklif
27 teklifler

I'm seeking an expert who can help me create a fine tuning llm to provide word doc templates for quality audit reports using my previous years' data in multiple different industries. The template will need to include data from quality audits, and should have sections for the executive summary, audit findings and recommendations. I want to be able to source different templates based on each individual client i have as i want these to be as specific as possible to the specific client. I mostly want most of the qualitative data remaining but remove quantitative data into a sort of plug and play format. If possible, I want it to be able to provide different templates based on the specific industry / specific clients i request. Please note I have a format guide...

€51 Average bid
€51 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...Documentation: This document (cahier des charges). Style guide (color palette, typography, icon usage). Component library (buttons, form fields, navigation elements, etc.). Annotations explaining design decisions and rationale. Asset Export: Export all necessary assets (icons, images) in the required formats (SVG, PNG, JPG). Optimize images for web use. 6. Design Review and Feedback Process Initial Design Review: Review of wireframes and initial mockups. Iteration Rounds: Multiple rounds of feedback and revisions based on stakeholder input. Final Design Approval: Sign-off on the final design before development begins. Communication: Regular communication and updates throughout the design process. Use of a project management tool (e.g., Trello, Asana, Jir...

€123 Average bid
€123 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

I'm looking for a financial planner to review my existing financial plan. I would appreciate your insights and advice on potential improvements or adjustments.

€177760 Average bid
€177760 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

...access is granted manually by the admin after confirmation. • Notification System: Sends updates via SMTP email and Telegram bot. • Chrome Extension: Built using JavaScript (Manifest V3), allowing users to manage settings and control auto-refresh behavior. What We Need from You We need an experienced Python developer with expertise in Flask, Selenium, and Chrome extension development to: ✅ Review and optimize the existing code • Improve system performance, stability, and security. • Optimize Flask session handling and database queries. • Implement a more efficient architecture if necessary. ✅ Enhance Plan 100 (Chrome Extension) • Add a toggle feature allowing users to choose between manual notifications or auto-booking when an appointment i...

€387 Average bid
€387 Ortalama Teklif
27 teklifler

I am seeking an experienced web developer to identify and resolve a visual bug on my website specifically affecting iOS devices. The ideal candidate will review the website's HTML and related code to diagnose the issue and recommend solutions. If you have a strong background in web development and an understanding of responsive design, I would love to hear from you!

€580 Average bid
€580 Ortalama Teklif
53 teklifler

...and oversee our content organization system. This role is essential in ensuring that content is properly categorized, efficiently distributed, and well-managed within Airtable. Key Responsibilities: • Content Organization: Categorize and manage large volumes of content in Airtable. • Data Structuring: Ensure content is accurately assigned based on pre-set guidelines. • Approval Process: Review and approve or decline content placements following specific criteria. • Workflow Automation: Send finalized content lists to team members for execution. • Collaboration: Work closely with researchers and content teams to ensure smooth workflow and efficiency. Requirements: ✔ Experience with Airtable (Required) ✔ Strong organizational and analyti...

€422 Average bid
€422 Ortalama Teklif
25 teklifler

As a beginner in Flutter development, I'm seeking an experienced tutor for a practical, screen-sharing session. We will discuss: - Q&A sessions - Setting up the development environment - Building and or download source code of apps - Understanding Flutter widgets - use free templates with code to open in android studio and edit them I am familiar with Android Studio but would need guidance on the other necessary tools. The ideal freelancer would have extensive knowledge of Flutter and Android development, and can share their screen via Google Meets for 1-3 hours. The goal is to help me understand the development process so I can either do it myself or comprehend the work of others.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

I need a seasoned ... Key Tasks: - Improve the website's aesthetics to make it more appealing and user-friendly. - Enhance the search functionality to make navigation simpler and more intuitive. - Implement a real-time user notification system that alerts users instantly about tender updates. - Improve UI or Website Design and implement function of User notification, PDF Upload, User can choose the company after Review of PDF offer and Email notification. Sending User contact Data and Tender Data to Chosen company. Preferred Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in developing tender/auction websites. - Strong skills in UI/UX design. - Expertise in implementing user notification systems. - Ability to improve website aesthetics. - Excellent understanding of enhancing se...

€177 Average bid
€177 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

I am in need of a Gan...g., dates, month, year). - Customization: The template should allow for colour coding of different elements (e.g. swim lanes, milestones, etc.) to aid with visual clarity and customisation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in Excel and PowerPoint - Previous experience in creating Gantt Chart templates - Understanding of project management principles, particularly in a marketing context and events - Ability to create visually appealing and functional templates. - Understanding and familiarity of 'Office Timelines - App for PowerPoint' Note: This project is NOT to for the Freelancer re-create 'Office Timelines - App for PowerPoint', but in principle, the template should have the essential functions for a Pro...

€87 Average bid
Gizlilik Anlaşması
€87 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

My Google Merchant account was suddenly disapproved on February 16th for over 3000 digital products, with clear messages from Google but no real reason. The pro... The products had been running without issues for years prior. I need a seasoned Google Merchant expert to: - Diagnose the issue with my account - Implement necessary changes or fixes - Ensure successful re-approval of all products It's crucial that this task is marked as complete ONLY once all 3000+ products are successfully approved. I've already submitted one review unsuccessfully, so I want to ensure that the next review is successful to avoid extending the wait time. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Google Merchant - Excellent troubleshooting skills - Proven track record ...

€149 Average bid
€149 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler