Table survey results işler
...Cezası): If a player takes a discarded tile from the player to their right and uses it to open their hand, the discarding player receives a penalty based on the tile's value (6+). The penalty is the tile's value multiplied by 10 (e.g., 6 becomes 60). This penalty only applies to the initial opening. * Okey Exchange Penalty (OKEY Değiştirme Cezası): Exchanging an OKEY tile already on the board results in a -101 penalty for the player who originally placed the OKEY. Project Goals: * Develop an expert-level AI bot capable of playing Okey 101 at a high level across all game modes, adapting to various game situations and playing styles. * Implement a robust anti-cheat system to detect and prevent collusion, specifically focusing on scenarios where players intentionally...
Bir site istiyorum sitede bir data table yani bir tablo olsun. bu Tabloya bir kaç veri gireyim mesela adres sütununa : "üsküdar neşe sokak no:17" , status olarakta denetlenecek diyeyim. haritada buraya pin çıksın sarı olarak. eğer bunu denetlendi yaparsam pin gitsin. pinleri kümeleyebilsin. örnek veriyorum bir mahallede 20 pin varsa o mahalleye zoom out yaparak uzaktan bakarsam haritada 20 pin gözüksün ama sokaklara doğru indikçe pinler kendi yerlerine dağılsın
...the two applications communicate effectively with AIDL. 4. User Experience and Interface: • When idle, the application will play certain visuals and animations on the home screen. • When a Payment or Refund command is received, it will call the other application via AIDL and get the transaction result. 5. Transaction Results and Feedback: • According to the transactions performed, informational messages on the screen will be displayed to the user. • Transaction results and logs will be kept locally in SQL Lite DB and sent to the server in the background. 6. Settings Page: • A settings page will be developed where basic settings of the application can be made. Required Qualifications: • 5+ years of experience with Android Kotlin. &bu...'s current SEO status - Implement on-page and off-page optimization techniques to improve website ranking - Conduct keyword research and optimize website content accordingly - Collaborate with the content team to create SEO-friendly content - Monitor website traffic and provide recommendations for improvement Goals: - Increase website traffic - Improve website ranking on search engine results pages Current status of website's SEO: - Fully optimized but needs improvement Skills and experience required: - Strong understanding of SEO techniques and best practices - Experience with keyword research and optimization - Familiarity with SEO tools and analytics platforms - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Knowledge of social media management and paid ...
Cuma günü mesai bitimine kadar yapılması gereken geliştirmeler Mevcut Quotation Calcul...2 uygulandığında asıl fiyatlar gibi) Web arayüzünde proforma üret denildikten sonra PDF görüntülenebilmeli ve indirilebilmeli (İlk planda bu PDF’in ayrı bir sayfada (Drive üzerinden) açılması sağlanarak çözülebilir) Yazılımsal olarak kullanılan parametlerin ayrı bir yerde düzenlenebilecek şekilde tutulması Blok ekleme- çıkarma pratiklesmesi. Proforma yaratınca proforma ve onu yaratan quotation table bilgilerinin arşivlenmesi. Ek olarak. Proforma Sales diye bir datasheet üretip. Proforma oluşunca oraya satır olarak bilgi eklenmesi. Aylık satışları proforma olarak görebilmek için. Kime ne kadar ...
3 table design with Mongo db Location Information Driver Information Vehicle Information With the layered architecture, vehicle and location information will be obtained, and driver information will be obtained.
...kullanıcılar ile site üzerinden yapılacaktır. Tüm geliştirmeler için ayrıntılı Türkçe brief dosyası paylaşılacaktır. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As FA Research and Consultancy, we are looking for a PHP developer freelancer or company (team) to develop our online survey distribution web site (PHP) project. The project has initiated and needs to be developed by its backend and frontend sections. There are several project management panels in Backend. Frontend has a registration form and informative pages. The main idea and service of our website is; Users will register on the site, complete the html questionnaires (...
web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .
Androdi telefon table platform için TV Player uygulaması yapmak istiyorum Anasayfada yer alacak menüler sırasıyla PLAYER 2. LİVE STREAM 3. WORLD CHANNELS CHANNELS 5. TURKVOD vb. 1. Menüde iptv adreslerini yazarak girilmesini sağlayan bir tv player yapmak istiyorum Örnek: İSİM: test ADRES http: Username:.test Password: test çıkış seçenekli .ts .hls .mpegts gibi 2. menüde kodi deki live stream pro mantığıyla olacak ama misal girilen iptv adres çıkışı xml formatında tv playera aktarılıp oynatılacak. ve yine server ekleme olacak veb ben de internet üzerinde uygulama sahiplerine liste verebileceğim şekilde olmalı 3 ve 4. menüde yine benim tarafımdan internet üzerinde liste paylaşmamı sağlayacak şekilde olmalı ...
...almaktadır. (17_11 (1).pdf) Yukarıda yer alan tüm ekran alıntıları incelenmelidir. İçerisinde ayrıca nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği yer almaktadır. Çalışma içerisinde başlıklar oluşturularak ilerleme sağlanması gerekmektedir. Bunlar; Summary (300 Kelime) 1. Statement of Problem a. Research Topic b. Research Problem c. Research Questions and Hypothesis 2. Review of the Literature 3. Methods 4. Results and Conclusion Çalışma bu başlıkları kesinlikle içermelidir. Çalışma toplamda 1200 kelime ve üzeri olmalıdır (referanslar hariç). Çalışma içerisinde Kesinlikle APA referans sistemi kullanılmalıdır. Apa stilinde referans kullanmak için ekteki linkten faydalanabilirsiniz. Önemli not: İletilecek ...
Modern and Contemporary Music in Turkey Toplam Kelime Sayısı 1750 Kelime Çalışma içerisinde Başlıklar Şu Şekildedir. 1. Introduction Konu ile alakalı genel bilgilerden ve konu içeriğinden bahseden 200 kelimelik bir yazı 2. Modern and Contemporary Music Bu iki kavramın tanıms...konular paylaşılmalıdır. (300 kelime) 5. Sonuç Çalışma genel olarak toparlanmalı ve sonuç bölümü yazılmalıdır. (200 Kelime) Yazım İngilizce yapılacaktır. Çalışma içerisinde en az 12 kaynak kullanımı yapılacaktır. Çalışma'da grammer ve özgünlük önemli bir yere sahiptir. Çalışma süresi boyunca her 2 saatte bir güncelleme yapılacaktır. Çalışma Bütçesi 120 liradır. Kapak hazırlana...
Sınırdurum kişilik bozukluğu Narsistik kişilik bozukluğu Histerik Kişilik bozukluğu Anti-sosyal kişilik bozukluğu Obsesif Kompulsif Kişilik bozujluğu Herbirinden ayrı ayrı 1500 kelime, en az 5 adet türkçe makale' den alıntı, APA formatı (TNR, 12 punto, 2 boşluk), referanslar APA6. Genel olarak bu hastalıklar hakkında literatür taraması intro, literature survey, conclusion.-
... Ve bunların A değerleri var. Bu ürünlerden 5 veya 6 adedini seçip ( ortalama 2500 kg - 2700 kg ) karışım hazırlıyorum. Oluşturacağım karışımın tek şartı oluşacak olan karışımın A değerini ( ağırlıklı ortalaması ) ayarlayabilmem. Örnek : A değeri ağırlıklı ortalaması 250 olan karışım hazırlanması. ( tabi aralık olabilir : 245 ile 255 arası olabilir ) There are dozens of products in the Excel table and the average weights of 500 kg of these products. and they has "A" values. Select 5 or 6 of these products ( average 2500 kg - 2700 kg ) mix I'm preparing. the only requirement is the following: "A" values should be able to be set( weighted average ) so I can adjust. Example : a value-weighted average 250 prepare the mixture. ( of cour...
Greetings, Friends, we have a phone application projects. I try to explain briefly below capable, confident, friends, leaving half of the project please examine the project. * Membership to the system (Membership page, home page, home page with social media, comment pages, like the member details, panel members, membership regulations, etc.) * Can upload videos Pull * Survey system will be * Be able to associate with Amazon Web Services * You can imagine it would be much less than what they are in the line * Native to write. I await your return with your reference, I wish you good work. ------------------------------------------ Türkçe Metin Selamlar, Arkadaşlar bir telefon uygulama projemiz var. kısaca aşağıda anlatmaya &ccedi...
Kurumsal Sirket tanitimizi yapacagimiz bir web sitesi vermek istiyoruz. Gorsel agirlikli bir WEB sitesi olacak. Gerekli olan Resimleri biz verebiliriz. Dizayn yapacak olan firmanin da fikirlerine acik olacagiz. Ingilizce ve Turkce dil secenekleri olacak Mobil ve Table platformunda calismasi gerekiyor. Istedigimiz zaman kendimiz deyisiklik yapabilmemiz ve eklemeler yapabilmemiz icin arka tarafda bir kontrol panel olmasini istiyoruz. Proje bittikden sonra kendi ekibimiz devam edebilmesi ve guncelliyebilmesi icin Yazilim kod larini da almak istiyoruz.
...fikir almak için adresine bakabilirsiniz. Ayrıntılar için ek dosya yollayabilirim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Users gives points to each other. The things they said and what do you know when it is interpreted as good or bad. They do this using a word template. Everyone start "500" points. Assessment results are scores of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and past is shown in the application. I want "ClassDojo" logic. . I can send additional files for details....
"The Security Dimensions of EU Enlargement" konusunda 1 sayfalık table of content hazırlamam lazım 30-35 sayfalık içermesi gerekir.
Python da (pandas) exceli okuyarak tabloya atmak. sonrasında bazı kolon ve rowlarda işlemler yaparak (örneğin excelde filtreleme, vlookup gibi) yeni tablolar olusturmak ve bu tabloları yeni bir excele atmak. eğer çok iyi biliniyorsa bazı grafikler ve social network analizi de isteyebilirim. Reading excel with python (pandas), making some adjustments in the...okuyarak tabloya atmak. sonrasında bazı kolon ve rowlarda işlemler yaparak (örneğin excelde filtreleme, vlookup gibi) yeni tablolar olusturmak ve bu tabloları yeni bir excele atmak. eğer çok iyi biliniyorsa bazı grafikler ve social network analizi de isteyebilirim. Reading excel with python (pandas), making some adjustments in the data like sorting or vlookup or some text mining. then extracting each table...
Bir aspx sayfasının div, table ve panellerle tasarımın iyileştirilmesi
netbeans veya eclipse ortamında java dili ile hash table oluşturma. Bu hash yapısı ingilizce yazılmış bir text i tarayacak. Taranan her kelime text içindeki konumu ve text içinde kaç kez yazıldığı bilgisi tutulacak. Kullanıcıya istenilen kelime sorulacak ve text içinde olup olmadığı hangi poziyonda olduğu ve text içinde kaç kez tekrar ettiği ekrana bastırılacak.
merhaba Tansel Kaya bey, Biz su anda ekmek uretim yapan bir firmayiz. Firmamizdaki mevcut sistem atil kalmaktadir. Bu sistemi gelistirmek program express invoice'dir (). bu sisteme gunluk uretim tablosu entegre edip siparis veya faturalari bu tablodan alinti yaparak kesmek istiyoruz. Customer--->order production table---->invoice/order Ekte excel formatindaki production tablosu vardir. Tablo gunluk siparisleri icermektedir. Buradaki degerleri bahsi gecen express invoice programina aktariyoruz. Oradan siparis veya fatura ciktisi aliyoruz. ister mevcutta kullandigimiz programa ilave edin isterseniz yepyeni bir program yapin. Bu tamamiyle size kalmis. Tarafima projeyi yapip yapamiyacaginizi bildirirseniz sevinirim. Ozer Depsen Euro
I need to carry those links at the first 10 of google search results with words followings. Links: Words: Bansko Kayak Turu Bansko
...will be drawn , Livescore. live Results sunmaktadı free but must be seen in my site url address. The C # programming language to use or Google results available in another thing that can be imaged . Css Ile should be created a simple design using HTML 5, Standings, Live Scores , İddaa bet Looking For Guest Authors , Programs, of the details of the Fulltime Live center live match broadcast, Highlights , Lineups , date, time, Gols , the match videos , and so on. As will be drawn on the link , all live, finished , done in the Departments will be highlighted in the search engine will be prepared in the global aspx page that , in addition Ideas page , Match Results Click. Example adding Web service access other sites able to show results in your own page ...
android tabletlerde kullanilacak web serverli anket programi yapabilirmisin?
...sayfalarımız wordpress de yer almaktadır, mysql veri tabanında toplanmış bilgilerin burada grafiğe dökülmesi (highcharts-mysql-wordpress entegrasyonu, tek bir wordpress sayfasının içinde highcharts kullanılarak mysql den bir veriyi alıp dinamik olarak sayfada gösterilmesi) a. Java ve Html bilgisi gerektiriyor, sadece bir WP sayfası üzerinde 1 2 chart örnek yeterli olacaktır, mysql de herhangi bir table dan data okuyan ve WP de bunu aktif olarak gösterebilen herhangi bir chart örneği bize yetecektir, highcharts bizim tercihimizdir. 2- Twitter API lerini kullanılarak twitter datasının mysql e yazılması a. Burada tercihimiz Python dili, burada iki örneğe ihtiyacımız var, stream api den real time data nın store edilmesi, ya da anlı...
We need a website to sell complete VPN services; including client panel, SSL supported free anonymous web based proxy, free anonymous email, server overview, features and prices, product comparion table, advantages, help, faq, troubleshooter, setup and abuse pages. Coding can be based on asp or php. We will offer free account for test drive. Our packages supported OPENVPN, L2TP/IPSEC and PPTP protocols. We prefer HTML5 and CSS3 on pages but it's not required. We would like to discuss details. Turkish: ----------- VPN satış servisimiz için bir satış web sitesine ihtiyacımız var. Web sayfası müşteri paneli, ssl destekli ücretsiz anonim web tabanlı proxy, anonim email, sistem durumu, ücretlendirme, ürün karşılaştırma tablosu, ürün ...
Lime survey uygulaması açık kaynak kodlu bir anket uygulamasıdır. Bu anket uygulamasının mobil andriod app uygulamasını yaptırmak surveyle entegre çalışacaktır. Web tarafı lime surveyde yönetilecek android tarafı webden otomatik okuyarak webe otomatik olarak yazacaktır.
...catisma sayilarini raporlamaniz beklenmektedir. 17 farkli hash fonksiyonu 0 dan 16 ya kadar cyclic shift hash kodlar kullanlarak elde edilecektir. Kisaca, sizden istenen ders kitabinda sayfa 528 (Tablo 9.2) de Ingilizce kelimeler icin yapilmis olan sonuc tablosununun benzerini Turkce kelimeler icin yapmanizdir. Diger bilgiler: Default max load factor degeri 0.5. Initial table size degeri 100. Compression fonksiyonu olarak Division metodu. Hash code fonksiyonu olarak cyclic shift hash kodlar. Linear-probing catisma cozme yontemi. Kucuk buyuk harf duyarsiz. Program: Yazacaginiz program her satirinda bir adet Turkce kelime bulunan bir metin dosyayi girdi olarak alacak ve cikti olarak ekrana Tablo 9.2 de verilen formatta rapor u...
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
I'm looking for an expert in Google Sheets and Apps Script to create a standalone project management dashboar...user-friendly, efficient Google Sheets dashboard for project management. - Implement task tracking and performance metrics functionalities. - Use of Apps Script for coding to enhance functionality and ease of use. - Create a standalone dashboard without any integrations with other tools. - Create a google sheet that incorporates google forms for order tracking , execution photos, quality and test results, issues during execution and customer feedback Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and Apps Script. - Experience in designing project management tools. - Strong understanding of task tracking and performance metrics. - Ability to create standalone, user-frie...
...resolved, we would like to work with the same person to enhance the overall SEO of our website. This may include improving page rankings, optimizing content, keyword strategy, backlinking, improving site structure, and increasing organic traffic. Budget: For the indexing issue, the budget is $30. For the general SEO improvements, the budget will be discussed based on the work required and the results achieved after fixing the indexing issue. We are looking for someone who is highly experienced with SEO technical issues and has a proven track record of resolving indexing problems effectively. If the project goes well, there will be potential for ongoing work to help improve our website's overall SEO performance. Please provide relevant experience, and include any specific e...
...Node.js○ Database: MYSQL / MongoDB○ Cloud Services: AWS / Google Cloud for hosting and storage● Third-Party Integrations:○ Payment gateways Razorpay○ Google Maps for location services○ SMS/WhatsApp API for guest communicationD. Cafe Management● Order Management:○ Ability to view and manage cafe orders, including status updates (pending,completed).● Reservations:○ Manage table reservations, including adding and editing table layouts andcapacities.● Menu Management:○ Create, edit, and categorize food items with pricing.E. Guest Management● Booking Overview:○ View upcoming, current, completed, and canceled bookings.● Guest Data:○ Access guests' information, communication history, and interaction records (calls,WhatsApp).F. Room Management● Room Inventory:○ Manage room ty...
I'm in need of an experienced video editor specializing in event videos for Instagram. - The ideal fr...specializing in event videos for Instagram. - The ideal freelancer should have a proven track record of editing engaging event videos tailored for Instagram. - Creativity is a must, as I want these videos to stand out on social media. - Experience with understanding and applying Instagram's trends and editing styles is essential. - The freelancer should be able to deliver high-quality, professional results that capture the essence of the event and resonate with viewers. - The freelancer should have the ability to deliver edited videos within a short turnaround time to ensure timely posting on Instagram. Let’s create some scroll-stopping content together! Eac...
...(OTP-based registration) 2️⃣ Browse Products (Almonds, Cashews, Raisins, Walnuts, Pistachios) 3️⃣ Create a Purchase Request • Select product & quantity • Define expected price range (optional) • Specify delivery location • Request quality certifications (if required) 4️⃣ Receive Bids from Multiple Suppliers • View price, quality, delivery time & seller rating • Compare bids in a structured table 5️⃣ Accept the Best Bid & Confirm Order 6️⃣ Make Payment (UPI, Bank Transfer) 7️⃣ Track Order Status & Communicate with Supplier 8️⃣ Receive Goods & Provide Ratings 2.2 Supplier Journey (Traders, Factory Owners) 1️⃣ Sign Up & Profile Verification (Submit GST, FSSAI, or other documents) 2️⃣ View Buyer Requests (Products, quantit...
**Table of Contents** 1. Introduction 2. Project Scope 3. Goals 4. Objectives 5. Functional Requirements 6. Design - Front-End UI Inspirations - UML Use-Case Diagram 7. Project Deliverables 8. Communication Plans --- ### 1. Introduction This project proposal outlines the development plan for an online clothing shopping web application similar to ASOS. The platform will offer a seamless online shopping experience for clothing and accessories with features such as: - A modern, responsive design accessible across devices. - Personalized product recommendations. - Secure payment options. - User account management. - Efficient order tracking. The goal is to build an intuitive, engaging, and reliable shopping experience while creating a scalable foundation...
## Project Overview Need a Python developer to backtest an existing gap trading model on SPY data. The model predicts gap fills using logistic regression. Model code will be provided. ## Required Deliverables ### 1. Data Collection - Pull 5 years of SPY daily data using Interactive Brokers API - Required fields: Date, Open, High, L...Win/Loss ratio - Average profit per trade - Total return - Number of trades - Maximum drawdown ## Requirements - Experience with: - Python - Interactive Brokers API - Basic backtesting - Must use existing model code (will be provided) - Clean, documented code ## Timeline - 1 week - Daily update on progress ## Deliverables Format - Python code files - CSV file with trade results - summary report quantstats library p...
I'm a beginner MySQL Workbench user seeking guidance on how to redraw a specific ER diagram. The task involves table creation, relationship mapping, and diagram export. I need to understand these aspects in detail to complete my homework. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MySQL Workbench - Experience with ER diagram creation - Teaching skills - Ability to explain technical concepts simply I prefer to learn via video call. The ER diagram should cover basic relationships and table structures without complex features. The tutoring session should be scheduled for today. The tutoring session should last 1 hour. The tutoring session should be scheduled for today at the convenience of the user. No follow-up session is needed. create an AI-powered image synthesis platform that allows users to upload a face image and replace it with a face in any given image URL. Core Features: ✅ Face Swapping with AI: Users upload their face image & input an image URL, and AI seamlessly replaces the face. ✅ Social Login Integration: Users can sign in using Google, Facebook, or email. ✅ Instant Processing: The AI should generate results in real-time or within a few seconds. ✅ Monetization System: Implement referral-based earnings and a freemium model. ✅ Secure Cloud Storage: Store processed images securely. ✅ Mobile & Web Compatibility: The platform must be responsive and work smoothly on all devices. Tech Stack Preferences (Optional): ? AI Models: OpenCV, DeepFaceLab, StyleGAN, or any suitable model for fa...
I need an experienced Meta Ads professional to enhance the online visibility of my travel company, Cokua Viajes. sales and conversions through promoting purchases on our website. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement effective Instagram ad campaigns. - Optimize campaign budgets for maximum ROI. - Utilize interest-based targeting strategies to reach potential travelers. To succeed in this role, you should have a proven track record of managing successful ad campaigns and delivering high-quality results. I value professionalism, honesty, and a collaborative approach. Spanish proficiency is highly appreciated as it will ease communication and facilitate strategy alignment. Please share your portfolio showcasing your work with Instagram ads and evidence of your pas...
-Collaborate closely with clients to understand website requirements and objectives. -DeCine project scope, goals, deliverables, and create a comprehensive project plan. -Determine resource requirements, timelines, and budget estimates for each project. -Assemble and lead cross-functional teams, facilitating effective communication and collaboration. -Provide clear direction, set prioriti...technical teams and update BRDs as needed based on feedback. -Review and understand project requirements, designing and executing test cases. -Collaborate with teams to identify and report defects, ensuring software meets acceptance criteria. -Provide feedback on user experience, interface design, and overall system functionality. -Participate in test planning, execution, and documentation of test re...
Collaborate closely with clients to understand website requirements and objectives. -DeCine project scope, goals, deliverables, and create a comprehensive project plan. -Determine resource requirements, timelines, and budget estimates for each project. Assemble and lead cross-functional teams, facilitating effective communication and collaboration. -Provide clear direction, set priorities,...technical teams and update BRDs as needed based on feedback. Review and understand project requirements, designing and executing test cases. -Collaborate with teams to identify and report defects, ensuring software meets acceptance criteria. -Provide feedback on user experience, interface design, and overall system functionality. -Participate in test planning, execution, and documentation of test re...
- create 3D renders for a 1200 sq ft 3 bedroom bare shell apartment in mumbai with a balcony and sea-view from all rooms. - must haves: a study cum guest bedroom. A kids bedroom. A master bedroom with a walk in wardrobe and a bath tub in the bathroom, foyer area needs to be designed, a 4-6 seater dining table, a home-temple on the north-east wall. - open to recommendations on the theme. Don’t want something too loud but not too subtle either. Want pops of colour. The design/theme needs to give the house a personality versus it looking like a dead hotel. Pops of bright colours are fine by me. Like texture on walls and like design on ceilings (no too loud). Ideally each room should have a distinct theme. - current house has Greek decor; would prefer not to repeat that. - ple...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
Do you wear sarees? In order to know different saree draping styles and real-life experiences, I would like to hear some feedback on your saree draping style as well as your experiences while on saree when you tried it both below and above the navel styles. Please don't bid and waste your time without reading the above description and you are not open-minded to share these stories. Please Note: I need you to answer a few questions before I will hire you, this is just to verify that you have experience with sarees. Thank you!
I'm seeking an experienced developer to enhance my Wiktionary parser. The main focus is on implementing parsing for german language. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in parse5, react.js and HTML parsing - Experience with developing or improving similar parsers Please bid if you have the relevant experience and s...German verbs, adjectives, and nouns. - What to Do Parse HTML tables into JSON (like how Spanish correr works). Make sure it works for: Verbs (machen) → conjugation Adjectives (klein) → declension Nouns (Hund) → declension Run src/tests/ → all tests must pass. Next Steps Fix missing conjugation/declension data in parsed JSON. Check test results and adjust parsing logic. Verify machen, klein, Hund work ...
I am looking for an experienced link-building expert to help grow the SEO authority of my adult content website. The goal is to acquire high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative sites to improve search engine rankings and organic t...niche edits, and contextual backlinks Links from sites with good domain authority (DA) and traffic No PBNs, low-quality directories, or spammy blog comments An SEO strategy that aligns with Google’s guidelines Please mention your experience with adult SEO and provide examples of past link-building projects if possible. Looking forward to working with a dedicated freelancer who can deliver quality results. Need only local Backlinks for Germany and diffrent countries for diffretn sites. Budget: Open for discussion depending on the qu...
I'm in need of a seasoned professional to manage the backend of my credit repair business. Your primary responsibilities will include handling disputes, managing client information, and removing negative items fro...swiftly to help them secure approvals for cars, houses, apartments, or loans. Ideal Qualifications: - Proven experience in the credit repair industry: You must have substantial knowledge of the credit repair business. - Demonstrable results: You should be able to show actual results of improving someone's credit. - Proficiency with major credit reporting agencies: Experience working with Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion is necessary. While I focus on marketing and bringing in more clients, I need a seasoned freelancer, not a beginner, who can deliver ...
...e-commerce and dropshipping - Experience with digital products (ebooks, templates, software, graphics) - Proficiency in content creation (YouTube, blogging, newsletters) - Expertise in affiliate marketing The ideal candidate will: - Demonstrate a history of achievements in online business - Provide a clear, step-by-step strategy for business growth - Be capable of working autonomously to drive results This is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs who: - Feel constrained by their current business ceiling - Have the know-how to scale but lack the right platform - Are ready to apply their startup expertise to a new venture I will thoroughly review all credentials and past performance. The selected candidate will receive full project autonomy to implement their proven...