Snake modeling in maya işler
We are looking for an experienced industrial designer or graphic designer to create the design for an AC charger for elect...ideal candidate should be able to develop both technical drawings and an external design concept. Job Description: Develop the industrial design for an electric vehicle AC charger Create detailed technical drawings and dimensions Design a product that is ready for manufacturing Develop a user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern external design Requirements: Experience in industrial design or graphic design Expertise in 3D modeling and technical drawing (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc.) Ability to create renders and concept designs (KeyShot, Blender, etc.) Knowledge of manufacturing processes is a plus Ability to provide a portfolio showcasi...
Modelde karyola tek parça, sadece üzerindeki yatak ayrı bir parça. Görüntü çalışmanın smooth hali. Yani 3 tuşuna basarak smooth haline baktığınızda görsellerdeki gibi görünmeli. Derste kullandığımız extrude, bridge (köprü), boleoan gibi teknikleri kullanarak yapmanızı bekliyorum.
Model: KCR-556 / Weapon The model needs to be carefully optimized and made properly, the model/texture or anything you use for them must not conflict with any copyright. Textures must be compatible with game engines. Please do not use glossy or similar textures. Qualifications 4K PBR texturing. Optimized modeling.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) nesneye yönelik yazılım geliştirme sürecinde yaygın kullanılan bir tasarım dilidir. Bir UML tasarımının en önemli öğesini sınıf diyagramı (class diagram) oluşturur. Sınıf diyagramları bir yazılım projesindeki sınıfları ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri göstererek yazılacak olan kodu çerçeve olarak oluşturmaya yetecek bilgi içerir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirme teknolojileri tasarım diyagramlarının dönüşümler (transformations) yoluyla alternatif platformlara uygun hale getirilmelerini sağlayabilir veya daha az veya daha çok soyut hale getirebilir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirmenin en son hedefi ise tasarımlardan otomatik olarak kod üretmektir. Dönüşümleri kural...
ENGLISH : I need a video. Completely new video will use our attached logo. I want to see highend molten metal, smoke, fire, spark, welding fumes etc particles. We...teaser to our advertising videos on Youtube, LinkedIn etc. Its not urgent. I need a quality result. Professional textures and full 3D movie. I donot want Cinema4D adobe after effects. I need real render in 3DSMax, Maya,Blender etc. TURKISH : Tamamı ile 3 boyutlu tasarlanacak olan video ile mevcut logomuzu erimiş metal, alev, duman, kaynak kıvılcımı gibi partiküller ile süsleyip teaser gibi yapmak üzere ses verisi de ekleyerek sunulması işim var. Örnek çalışmaları görmek isteyeceğim. Zaman kısıtım yok kaliteli bir sonuç istiyorum. iki boyutlu olmasın Cinema4d gibi değil tam ...
Merhabalar, Temel olarak, adı Matriks (MTX) olan bir masa üstü uygulamadan DDE veriler alabiliyorum. Bu sayede ilgili verileri excel’e çekebiliyorum ve aslında bundan sonra anlatacağım her şeyi VBA üzerinden yapabiliyorum ama excel'in sınırlamaları nedeniyle, eğer yapabilirsem excel'i aradan çıkartan bir uygulama yaz(dır)maya çalışıyorum. Yapmak istediğim şey kısaca; 1. MTX'in DDE verilerini al (excel olmadan doğrudan MTX'ten tercih edilir. Excel’e ben DDE linkle veri alıyorum, sonra da excel dosyasını python ile okuyabiliyorum ve CSV’ye yazabiliyorum, ama bu istediğim şey değil). Biliyorum DDE eski bir veri noktasıdır, ancak MTX'ten veri almanın başka bir yolu -yani TCPI veya başka bir yöntem- ol...
Elimizdeki 20 adet armatür grubu ürünün Maya veya 3D Max gibi 3 boyutlu modellenip texture giydirildikten sonra arkası beyaz ve yine aynı ürünlerin birer adette banyo veya mutfak temalı tasarım render çalışmalarının yapılmasını beklemekteyiz. Ekteki resimlerden istediğimiz çalışmaların nasıl olduğunu anlayabilirsiniz. Modellerin bulunduğu 3D Max veya Maya projesinide istiyoruz. Örnek olarak aşağıdaki sitedeki resimler gibi cıktılar istiyoruz.
3D Max, maya, z brush gibi programlar da organik insan modelleyebilecek tecrübeli arkadaşlar arıyoruz
...örnek sahneler var (tamamen başka bir tema), Oyun geliştirme ortamı unity 4.6, yani hazırlanan modeller unity (free) içinde açılabilmeli, Mobil platform olduğu için yüksek kaliteli olmayacak, low poly modeller olacak. Aslında yapılacak iş elimdeki hazır objeleri bir araya getirip sahneleri oluşturmak. Çok fazla sahne yok, ufak ve birbirini tekrar eden sahneler kullanıyorum. Modelleri 3dMax, Maya, istediğiniz ile hazırlayabilirsiniz, ama free olduğu için blender tercihimdir. Yukarıda belirttiğim gibi kesinlikle unity içine sorunsuz import edilebilmeli. Türkiye / Ankaradan bir tasarımcı olmalı. Karşılıklı çalışabilmeliyiz. Bu iş ne kadara yapılır bilmiyorum. O yüzden yazdığım proje bütçesine ...
I need a skilled 3D modeler proficient in 3ds Max to create an architectural landscape rendering. Your task will primarily involve: - Designing a detailed model of an event hall interior setup within a landscape context. - Implementing realistic textures, lighting, and elements to bring the model to life. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in architectural rendering and 3ds Max, with specific experience in interior and landscape modeling. Creativity and attention to detail are crucial.
I'm seeking a finance professional based in Pune with strong skills in financial modeling, projections, and budget planning. The primary purpose of these financial models will be for internal analysis. The ideal candidate must be proficient in Excel, as it will be the primary tool used for this project. Key Responsibilities: - Develop comprehensive financial models - Conduct projections and forecasting - Assist with budget planning Skills and Experience: - Strong finance background - Highly proficient in Excel - Experience in financial modeling and forecasting - Located in Pune, India.
I am currently working with customer data from the telecom sector, with a primary focus on predicting churn. I am specifically interested in how customer service interactions may correlate with potential churn. Skills and Experience: - Expertise in data analysis and predictive modeling. - Experience with telecom customer data is a plus. - Proficiency in using statistical software and programming languages such as Python or R. - Strong understanding of churn prediction methodologies. - Excellent communication skills for presenting findings.
I'm in need of a highly detailed, high poly 3D character model for a first-person shooter (FPS) video game. The model should be suitable for video game use, specifically tailored to meet the requirements and standards of an FPS. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max) - Extensive experience in character modeling for video games - Strong understanding of FPS game design elements - Ability to create high poly models with intricate details - Good communication skills for understanding project requirements
I'm seeking a talented 3D model maker to create a traditional style model of the Hindu god Shiva. The final deliverable should be in a STEP file format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with creating detailed and intricate models - Understanding of Hindu iconography - Knowledge of traditional design elements Please include examples of similar projects in your portfolio.
I'm in need of a talented 3D modeler who can transform a provided 2D image into a 3D character suitable for 3D printing. The project entails: - Modelling a 3D character from a 2D image, incorporating moderate detail. - Including specific design elements such as facial features, accessories, and pose details in the model. - Ensuring the model is print-ready, with proper geometry and file formats like STL. The ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience in converting 2D images into 3D printable characters. - Proficiency in software for 3D modelling, such as Blender, ZBrush, or Maya. - A portfolio showcasing similar 3D-printable projects. - The ability to deliver an accurate, print-ready model within a tight 2-hour timeframe. If you can mee... experimental study on the modification of grouting materials for joints in prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction (PPVC). However, I will want to use ANSYS to do the analysis again. My goal is to evaluate how different grout compositions affect the performance of joints between prefabricated building modules. Specifically, I want to create a 3D geometrical model of a PPVC joint in ANSYS, consisting of two prefabricated modules connected by grout (showing in another attached document). The grout will have varying material compositions, as outlined in the experimental study, incorporating additives such as expansion agents (EA), neoprene latex (NL), and rubber particles (RP). Beyond the geometric modeling, I want to determine whether ANSY...
Anmol, here is the next project, the Moon. Same requirements. 1) 3D Planet modeling (high detail / resolution) 2) 3D Planet Topography / Flat Map (high detail / resolution) 3) Delivery will be whole planet and flat map in various file types. Reference sites to start your search:
I'm looking for a professional photographer who can help me create a modeling portfolio. The shoot will consist of headshots and full-body photos, with the latter being taken in an outdoor beach setting. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in fashion/editorial photography - Ability to capture high-quality headshots and full-body photos - Understanding of how to make the most of a beach setting for a modeling portfolio Your bid should reflect your experience, and include examples of similar work.
I need a 3-dimensional render of an empty shop that will be used as an industrial-themed restaurant. The render should encompass the entire space, including the dining area, kitchen, and restrooms. The ideal freelancer for this projec...render of an empty shop that will be used as an industrial-themed restaurant. The render should encompass the entire space, including the dining area, kitchen, and restrooms. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in 3D modeling and rendering, particularly for commercial spaces. Experience with industrial design aesthetics will be a significant advantage. Understanding of restaurant layouts and functionality will help in creating a realistic and practical render. Please provide samples of similar work ...
I'm seeking an expert 3D modeler to create a comprehensive architectural model of an RV. Key Requirements: - Complete modeling of both the interior and exterior of the RV. - High level of detail suitable for architectural rendering. - Texture mapping and material application. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Prior experience with architectural rendering. - Strong understanding of RV design and structure.
I'm seeking a skilled 3D modeler to recreate a medium-detail 3D model of a bronze knob for personal use. The model will primarily be used for 3D printing. Specifications: - Dimensions: 6.5” Width, 5” Length, 1 5/8” Height (projection) - Wall Thickness: 1.5mm Delivery: A .OBJ file Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experienced in 3D object modeling - Background in designing models specifically for 3D printing - High attention to detail, as the likeness to the image is important Please attach your portfolio of similar work with your bid. This will demonstrate your skills and allow me to gauge if your style matches my vision.
I need a basic 3D visualization model of my 160sqm apartment. The model should be integrated with Home Assistant, allowing for a simulation of interactions within the smart home environment. Key Responsibilities: - Create a 3D model of a basic layout of a 160sqm apartment. - Integ...simulation of interactions within the smart home environment. Key Responsibilities: - Create a 3D model of a basic layout of a 160sqm apartment. - Integrate the model with Home Assistant for interaction simulations. -Smart home will be interfaced with a touch screen. - Provide expert advice on the best full smart home sensors and switches for the model. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Experience with Home Assistant. - Knowledgeable about smart home techno...
I'm looking for a female model based in Jaipur for a studio e-commerce shoot. The model will be showcasing 4-5 kurtis products. Key Requirements: - The shoot will take place in a studio with a plain white backdrop - The model will need to display a range of casual wear clothing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in studio e-commerce modeling - Ability to showcase clothing with poise and professionalism - Ideally, a resident of Jaipur for convenience
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I'm in search of live-action models for an upcoming film/TV project. Key Requirements: - Age Group: Adults only. - Physique: Models should have an athletic build. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in film/TV modeling. - Ability to perform stunts or physically demanding scenes is a plus. - Excellent physical fitness and agility. Please provide your portfolio and any relevant work experience.
I'm seeking a skilled designer and manufacturer to create a prototype of a unique Christmas tree topper. The topper should be made of machined, clear, translucent acrylic, measuring 15 in x 15 in x 8 in. Key Responsibilities: - Create a custom, unique design for the topper (not a traditional star or a modern geometric shape) - Use the provided .stl file to build the prototype - Ensure the product is fully translucent and clear Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in product design and 3D modeling - Experience with acrylic machining - Ability to create a unique, custom design I do not require any additional features such as LED lights or interchangeable parts, just a single, well-crafted prototype.
I'm in need of a talented 3D artist who can create a stylized, medium-detail character model for use in an animation film. Key Requirements: - The character should be designed in a unique, appealing stylized manner. - It needs to be a medium-detail model, applying basic textures but not overly intricate. - Experience and portfolio showcasing previous stylized 3D character models for animation films will be highly regarded. - Proficiency in using 3D modeling software like Blender, Maya or equivalent. If you have a passion for character design and can create a captivating 3D character, I would love to see your proposal.
I'm looking for a data analyst to create an annual rep...create an annual report predicting customer churn for my bank. The report should leverage customer data to identify patterns, behaviors, and characteristics of customers likely to leave. The insights should be applicable for the bank's management to strategize on customer retention and satisfaction. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in data analysis and predictive modeling - Experience in interpreting customer behavior and churn patterns - Ability to present findings in a clear, actionable report The primary goal of this project is to predict future churn. Thus, the ideal candidate should be able to apply relevant data analysis techniques to accurately forecast potential customer attrition. The r...
I am in need of a freelancer capable of creating a 3D file for a specific object, which I intend to print using my 3D printer. Key Requirements: - The object is a household item. - I do not have exact dimensions but I can provide rough scales. - I have reference images ready to share. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Prior experience in creating 3D files for household items. - Ability to work from reference images. - Good communication skills to clarify scale and other details. Your task will be to interpret the reference images and create a 3D model that I can print on my 3D printer.
I'm looking for a talented 3D modeler to create a highly detailed toy character model for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - The model should be a toy character. - It must be highly detailed. - Experience with character modeling is essential. Your past work is important to me, especially if it includes character modeling. Please submit your proposal with relevant examples. The budget for this project is $30.
I'm looking for a fresh, talented texturing artist who can help me with my freelance work. The project primarily involves texturing environments in a realistic style. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Substance Painter, maya , substance designer. - Ability to create detailed, high-quality textures suitable for realistic environments. - A good understanding of environmental texturing. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in texturing environments and props. - A keen eye for detail and quality. - Ability to work to deadlines and take feedback on board. If you're a fresher but passionate about texturing and have the required skills, I'd love to see your work.
Looking for a skilled Rhino designer. Specific tasks and industry applications are yet to be defined. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling, Rendering and Scripting with Rhino - Versatile across various industries: Architectural, Product and Jewelry design - Familiar with different file formats: .3dm, .stl, .obj - Good communication skills for task clarification and project updates
I am in need of a .step file for a chair, made from a 2D technical drawing and constructed from 12 mm round steel wire. The project specifications are as follows: - Dimensions: All necessary dimensions are clearly specified on the 2D technical drawing. - Preferred Software: The .step file should be created using AutoCAD. - Level of Detail: The model should represent a detailed structure, inclusive of joint details. Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in using AutoCAD and have experience in creating .step files from 2D technical drawings. A keen understanding of detailed structural modeling is essential, as is the ability to accurately represent joint details within the model.
...The film is intended for entertainment purposes and will require a blend of creativity and technical skill. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and visually appealing 3D animations in a cartoon style. - Collaborate with me to understand the narrative and pacing of the film. - Deliver high-quality animations that are suitable for a short film format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max). - Prior experience in creating animations for short films. - Strong understanding of cartoon-style animation. Experience in the entertainment industry, particularly in short film production, will be highly advantageous. A creative mindset and the ability to meet deadlines are crucial for the success of this p...
...The film is intended for entertainment purposes and will require a blend of creativity and technical skill. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and visually appealing 3D animations in a cartoon style. - Collaborate with me to understand the narrative and pacing of the film. - Deliver high-quality animations that are suitable for a short film format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max). - Prior experience in creating animations for short films. - Strong understanding of cartoon-style animation. Experience in the entertainment industry, particularly in short film production, will be highly advantageous. A creative mindset and the ability to meet deadlines are crucial for the success of this p...
I'm looking for an experienced 3D designer who can create a medium-detail 3D model for a product from pictures and provided PDF plans. The final model should be delivered in the OBJ format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experienced in product design - Able to work from pictures and PDF plans - Capable of delivering in OBJ format
I need a skilled 3D animator who specializes in architectural visualization. The project involves creating a stylized 3D animation of project drawings, focusing on the exterior facade and surrounding landscape. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D animation software like Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max, AutoCAD - Previous experience in architectural visualization - Able to create stylized animations, not just photorealistic - Strong understanding of exterior design and landscape animation - Excellent attention to detail and ability to interpret project drawings Please provide a portfolio showcasing similar previous work.
I'm in need of a talented 3D modeler who can swiftly convert 2D blueprints and reference images into striking 3D representations of modern house models. Key Requirements: - Transform 2D blueprints and reference photos into appealing 3D models. - Focus on intermediate level detail with textures. - Prioritize the modeling of interior rooms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Experience with creating modern architectural models. - Ability to create aesthetically pleasing representations. Please share your portfolio. I'm looking forward to collaborating with someone who can bring our designs to life with both speed and style!
I need a medium-detail, sculptor-style 3D model of God. The model should be prepared for 3D printing. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating models for 3D printing - Ability to create stylized, sculptor-like models - Understanding of medium-level detail requirements
I am seeking an experienced 3D sculptor to create a modern style representation of the Hindu deity Shiva. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D modeling and design - Previous experience with creating deity sculptures - Ability to interpret and design in a modern style Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with software like Blender, Maya or ZBrush - Strong understanding of Hindu iconography - Creative and innovative approach to modern design The final deliverable should be a high-quality 3D model ready for printing or digital use. Please provide a portfolio of similar past work.
I'm looking for a 3D rendered video of a metal bed frame that rises vertically on all four legs. The bed's elevation should be controlled by a wireless remote. Key Requirements: - The level of detail in the video should be a basic outline with movement. - The video should showcase multiple angles of the bed frame. - The functionalities of the remote to be highlighted are: basic up and down movement and custom height settings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and animation software. - Previous experience creating 3D render videos. - Understanding of product animation for showcasing functionality. - Ability to deliver a video with a clear, simple, and engaging outline of movement.
I'm looking for a 3D model of a mini dragon. The final STL file will be used for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - Inspired by Spyro the Dragon - The dragon should be designed to be very small, approximately 1 inch tall. - Ability to print in two colors would be great. As in the horns, chest and wings be a separate color option. - The level of detail should be basic. It doesn't need to have intricate features, but should be recognizable as a dragon when printed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience creating STL files for 3D printing - Ability to design for specific size constraints - Understanding of basic 3D design principles
...should be innovative, and thought-provoking, showcasing a unique architectural concept. - Design/Shape: The building's shape should be spectacular, capturing the viewer's attention. Please include in your visualization: - Surrounding buildings: A few nearby structures should be incorporated. - Green spaces and parks: These elements should be seamlessly integrated into the design, showcasing a balance between built and natural environments. - Roads and infrastructure: The visualization should depict a well-planned, accessible location. Ideal candidates should be skilled in architectural modeling and visualization, with a strong understanding of urban design. Experience with conceptual architectural visualizations is essential. Please note the urgency of...
I'm seeking a profe...primarily consist of basic shapes and structures, it will still need to be of high detail, with precise measurements and intricate design features. - this will eventually be used for Injection Molding Ideal skills for the job include: - Expertise in 3D product and concept modeling and rendering. - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (like AutoCAD, Blender, or SolidWorks) - Experience with 3D printing - Understanding of musical accessories design - Strong attention to detail - Excellent visual marketing skills for appealing renders. - Knowledge in Structural Engineering. - Knows fillet radii, tolerances for fitment, and manufacturing constraints (e.g., injection molding) Please ensure that the final model is ready for 3D printin...
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I am in need of an expert in operations research and mathematical modeling who can develop a multi-objective, multi-period location-routing model, based on several critical assumptions like heterogeneous vehicle and differents types of products. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing complex models for multi-objective optimization. - Strong understanding of both location and routing optimization. - Proficiency in GAMS programming. For this task, I expect the following deliverables: 1. Review the proposed model and adjust the formulation as needed to ensure valid results. 2. Refine the mathematical model in GAMS and validate it using test instances in Excel. 3. Implement the multi-objective weighting method to solve the problem and as...