Sendusing error smtp settings işler
...Refund command is received, it will call the other application via AIDL and get the transaction result. 5. Transaction Results and Feedback: • According to the transactions performed, informational messages on the screen will be displayed to the user. • Transaction results and logs will be kept locally in SQL Lite DB and sent to the server in the background. 6. Settings Page: • A settings page will be developed where basic settings of the application can be made. Required Qualifications: • 5+ years of experience with Android Kotlin. • Experienced in payment systems and POS device integration. • Expert in MQTT Client integration and protocol usage. • Experience in calling functions and screens between two applications with...
Flutter ile geliştirilmiş bir projem var. , bazı cihazlarda çalışmıyor. "whatsapp:// mevcut değil" hatası alıyorum.
When we upgraded the PHP version of our site, there was a problem with the site. We retracted the update but the site has not become obsolete. Because the code is encrypted (the code is base64-encrypted code) we can't get full net line information in error messages, so I can't pass the full error log. VERY URGENT! WE WILL LOVE IT IF THOSE WHO CAN DELIVER IN 1 DAY. Related domain: / Please check and return like that. ------------ Siteminiz PHP sürümünü yükselttiğimizde sitede sorun oluştu. Güncellemeyi geri çektik ama site eski haline gelmedi. Kod şifreli olduğu için ( kodu base64 ile şifrelenmiş bir kod olmaktadır) hata mesajlarında tam net satır bilgisi alamamaktayız, bu yüzden tam hata logunu iletemiyorum. Ç...
...location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması GPS cihazını doğru şekilde gösterse de, uygulama telefonun konumunu yanlış gösteriyor. Uygulamanın konum bilgisini doğru gösterebilmesi için telefon donan...
Dosya sürekli error veriyor. Bilgisayar ekranından resim çekip gönder elin acil
...registration form there is already some info,we can add a few more which iyzico asked such as company iban,id etc... ones user register,this all info should go to iyzico payment gw company as submerchant,here is some info 1) API Keys You can find your "API Key" and "Security Key" information in your iyico Control Panel () in the Settings menu. 2) Integration Documents INTEGRATION DOCUMENTS Do not forget to try out payment after you have completed your integration! In addition, in terms of help, the video at and about integration you can access detailed information at This we need to also apply to mobile app since script use mobule and its api mobile app,which
Wp Eklentisi (UserPro) REST API isteği bir hata yüzünden başarısız oldu. Hata: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed) Bu hataya sebep oluyor. Eklenti yapımcıları ve hosting tarafı kendilerinden kaynaklanmadığını söyledi. Bu sorunu çözebilecek birini arıyorum
I'm going to set up an SEO agency website. I want to work with a WordPress and woocommerce expert. To be done in summary; 1. All pages will be added. 2. SEO settings will be made. 3. Woocommerce settings will be made. 4. About 900 articles will be added. (you can find and replace on the internet) 5. You will deliver all inclusive. You will start work immediately. Best Regards
...önemli değil. Kullanıcıdan tekrar makroyu çalıştırması da istenilebilir.) 3. Dosya zaten kaydedilmişse, makro otomatik olarak çalışacak. 4. Makro, figürü açık mı değil mi diye kontrol edecek.(Bazen figürler patlak geliyor) 5. Eğer figür açıksa, makro açık olan kısımları “Line” ile onaracak. Elbette en yakındaki iki nokta arasına “Line” atayacak. Bu açıklık kontrolü 0.2 mm içinde olabilir. “Advanced settings” altında değiştirilebilir istiyorum. 6. Makro kaç tane kendi içinde kapalı şekil olduğunu sayacak. Örnek: dosyasında 5 tane kapalı şekil var. için bu sayı 6. 7. Eğer üst üste binmiş çizgiler varsa, macro “Trim&rdq...
Merhaba websitesinin ön tarafı için ana sayfa, içerik listeleme, içerik oluşturma, içerik yayınlama, statik bilgilendirme sayfaları, üye ol, profilim, şifremi unuttum, İçerik pu...bunların jQuery, Bootstrap 3++, SASS or CSS olması gereklidir. Sayfaların görsel tasarımı ve renk uyumu önemlidir. Arka taraf yazılmış durumdadır. Teşekkürler Hello to whom it may concern, the website for the frontend; the scope is home page, content listing, content creation, content publishing, static information pages, sign up, my profile, forgot my password, content rating, 404 error page, 500 server error pages required. These are has to be written one of these (jQuery, Bootstrap 3 ++, SASS or CSS). The visual design and color match...
...olmalı ve müşteriden ekstra 7 tl ücret karşılığı hızlı para gönderimi yapılmalı 10- kullanıcı sınırsız ilan ekleyebilir / 3 dk aralıklarla 11 -index anasayfada banner alt üst sağ sol herhangi reklam alanları olmalıdır ve admin panelinden yüklenip değiştirilebilir olmalıdır . 12- site her satış işlemi için %5 komisyon alır ve kendi havuzuna aktarır . / komisyon oranları düzenle alanı olmalıdır 13- smtp ayarları sonrası kullanıcı kayıt olduğunda hesabını aktif etmek için mail adresine onay vermeli 14- ilanlar da satıcı telefon numarası ve mail adresi gözükmemeli 15- satıcı ürün eklerken satış süresi belirlemeli 1 saat 3 saat 6 saat 12 saat 24 saat ve alıcı satın aldığında o süre zarfında satıcı teslimat...
Php bir scriptim scriptin smtp ayarları yapılacak. Mysql tarafında tüm tabloları açılmış durumunda. Php fonksiyonlar yazılmış durumda ancak ihtiyaç olabilir fonksiyon yazabilecek yada stackoverflow dan fonksiyon alabilecek bilgiye sahip biri arıyorum. case 'send_usernamepwd': $user = get_user($_POST['user_id']); if ($user) { send_mail('forgot_password', $user->email, array('user_id' => $user->id)); echo 'E-mail başarılı bir şekilde gönderildi...'; } else { echo 'Böyle bir kullanıcı bulunamadı.'; } break;
Android Studioda yapılmış tamamlanmış bir projem var. Ancak tüm cihazlarda çalışmıyor. Logda error listte hata da vermiyor. 10 cihazdan ancak 2sinde çalışıyor. Diğer cihazlarda "uygulama durduruldu" hatası veriyor. Acil olarak bu sorunu giderecek yazılımcısı arıyorum.
Hello there, We want to have a stylish listing application with small but effective design. As a general feature, all web services will be given by us and we would like to take delivery with design and coding. The main points of the application a...coding. The main points of the application are; 1 - User login operations, password renewal and other operations. (user can login with e-mail or social media accounts) 2 - The design should be visually light but effective. 3 - We have an entry form with three or four lines. There are screens that record and list this form. 4 - Notification library for OneSignal. 5 - Settings screen. We don't have too many settings on the settings screen. 6 - Native or hybrid structure. 7 - Ios & Android Compatible. We are wait...
...collect direct messages, likes, comments, mentions etc and olsu they must tweet, post direct message etc. The important point is that like hootsuite every customer can give permissions only one time. They must not be login social media accouts every time. When a customer login to our site he must be regulate his firms social media accouts over our product. We only need to regulate social media app settings and access token functions. Other codes are ready. It is not hard for experienced users. Please do not bid if you have not experiecnce. Thanks. -- Türkiye İçin -- benzeri bir sosyal medya uygulaması geliştiriyoruz. Burada müşterilerimiz olan firmalar kendi facebook, twitter ya da instagram sayfalarını sisteme bir kez tanıtarak her türlü pay...
...arıyorum Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May 21 2016 11:27AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator. Açıklama: Geçerli web isteği yürütülürken işlenmemiş özel durum oluştu. Lütfen hata ve kod içinde kaynaklandığı yer hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için yığın izlemesini gözden geçirin. Özel Durum Ayrıntıları: : Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May 21 2016 11:27AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator. Kaynak Hatası: Geçerli web isteği yürütülürken işlenmeyen bir özel durum üretildi. Özel durumun kaynağı ve konumuna ilişkin bilgiler aşağıdaki özel durum yığını iz...
...soruları direk paylaşıyorum. Yapan dosyaları pm göndersin, parasını direk havale edeyim. 1- Sayfa1 ve Sayfa2 adlı iki sayfası olan yeni bir çalışma kitabı açınız. Üç satıra sahip şu Sub'ı yazınız: İlki; Application.DisplayAlerts=False, ikinci satır Sayfa2'yi silmeli ve üçüncü Sayfa1'i silsin. Gelen hata mesajının ardından Sayfa 2'yi tekrar oluşturun. Sub'ınıza uygun bir etiket ve uygun bir On error go To satırı ekleyin. Hata oluştuğunda onu yakalayıp uygun işlemleri yapacak bir hata tuzağı oluşturun. Bu hata türüne ilişkin kodu öğrenmek için bir mesaj kutusu kullanın(Err nesnesinin Number özelliğinden) 2- bir basım-yayım firmasının satış temsilcilerinin verilerini i&cc...
i installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this project in 3 days. Price: 20$
OZET: Bir web sitemizden yapilan tum e-mail cikislarinin MANDRILLAPP ile yapilmasi icin gerekli kodlarin duzeltilmesini talep ediyoruz. Yapilacak is: Web sitesi asagidaki isleri su an MAILGUN ile yapabiliyor. Sizden istedigimiz MAILGUN SMTP ve API leri yerine MANDRILLAPP API'leri ile gonderim yapilabilmesini saglamanizdir. Bunun icin sitenin cesitli PHP kodlarinda duzeltme yapmaniz gerekecektir. Mevcut durum : * Site yeni uye oldugunda, bir uye mesaj aldiginda, ekledigi icerik belli gosterim sayilarina ulastiginda otomatik bildirim mailleri gonderiyor. * Siteye yeni uye oldugunda, icerik eklendiginde, sikayet edildiginde, iletisim formu kullanildiginda site yoneticisine e-posta bildirimi gonderiyor. * Sitenin mailing panelinde uyelerin bir kismini ya da tumunu sece...
Merhaba, Bir VDS serverımız var, buradaki 2 sitemizde 500 server error hatası alıyoruz. Birisi wordpress diğeri ise php tabanlı bir kariyer sayfası. Dosya izinleri veya htaccess gibi küçük bir sorun diye düşünmekteyiz. Bu konuda yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'My existing microblogging website login/register error please help and set up'
Merhaba arkadaşlar Phpbb altyapılı forum sayfamda bazı sorunlarla karşı karşıyayım. Bir moderatörün kasıtlı olarak sitede yer alan bir çok başl...olarak sitede yer alan bir çok başlığı silmesi üzerine 1 gün önce almış olduğum back up'u yüklemeye çalışmamla sorunlar başladı... Silinen başlıklar ve mesajlar geri gelmediği gibi nedense back up yüklerken de şuan sorun yaşıyorum. Sitemde en son gönderilmiş mesaj 19 kasım 2013 gözüküyor ve yeni mesajlar maalesef gözükmüyor. Backup yüklemesi yaparken aldığım hata : #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at l...
...Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments - Open to work on any task other than content writing as well. Like social media posting, blog upload on WordPress, etc. If req...
About this Gig: "Is your data messy or not organized? I can help!" With my skills in data cleaning, processing, merging, and splitting, I will turn your raw data into a clean, organized dataset that's ready for analysis and reporting. Services I Provided: Cleaning: I will remove duplic...dataset, ensuring smooth integration. Splitting: I will split large datasets into smaller, more manageable segments or break down columns into multiple categories, improving clarity and usability for better decision-making. Why To Choose My Services? : Skilled in Excel, Python and MySQL & Detail: I pay close attention to every aspect of your data to ensure its error-free and well-structured. Pricing: Professional data services at a competitive rate
I need a professional to update the SMTP settings in my existing web application (working remotely via any desk). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PHP and web application development - Strong knowledge of SMTP protocols - Experience with various email service providers - Ability to suggest and implement the best solutions for the project Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to detail. Relevant experience in any of the above-mentioned fields. Ability to meet deadlines. Deliverables: High-quality, error-free work. Submission within the agreed timeline. Budget: Flexible, depending on the project scope and quality. These projects are long-term, requiring extended collaboration over several months. Communication will primarily be through email. Work should be submitted on a weekly basis. Experience in healthcare and medicine-related topics is essential. Preferred commun...
Plesk Server Error make all the wordpress website broken
I'm seeking a comprehensive inventory report that also includes key production metrics. The report should come in an Excel spreadsheet format. Key Components of the Project: - Inventory Report: This should detail our current stock levels, any shortages or surpluses, and projected needs based on current production rates. - Production Metrics: The report should include total units produced, ...cost analysis regarding holding and ordering inventory to optimize financial efficiency. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Excel, with the ability to create clear, well-organized spreadsheets. - Experience in manufacturing and inventory management. - Strong analytical skills, able to interpret production metrics and provide insights. The report should include minimum stoc...
I'm hosting a gym event and need a photographer who can capture candid moments throughout the day. The goal is to document the event as it unfolds in an authentic way. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in event photography, particularly in fitness or gym settings - Ability to capture spontaneous moments without disrupting the event - Strong portfolio of candid photography Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal.
We are experiencing a connection issue between Power BI cloud and our Postgres Server. The error message states: 'Failed to update data source credentials: An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.' We recently updated our SSL/TLS certificates on the server, and our server is currently using SSL. Our certificate is issued by Let's Encrypt. We need someone who can fix this issue as soon as possible. Please let me know what other information you need to bid for this project.
I am seeking an Electrical Engineer to approve and stamp a simple design for a battery/inverter feed into a critical loads electrical sub panel. This design is similar to those commonly used with generators. I have a schematic drawing available for reference. It is a residential application. Schematic attached. Note - error on dwg, the 60 amp breaker at upper left should be connected with 6ga wire, not the 10 ga as shown. Key requirements: - The primary purpose of this design is to provide backup power. - The engineer's approval must ensure compliance with utility company standards. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A valid Electrical Engineer's stamp. Must be currently valid for South Carolina. - Prior experience with designs aimed at providing backu...
...and English languages mainly and (Spanish and Russian later after the code is finalised to save the time of the final product) To execute commands 2- Changing the voice command from the programme settings, for example, instead of closing all windows, the windows are completely closed according to the user's desire 3- Interactive responses (that the response is different and varied and not a fixed response) and that it is according to the command (e.g. with the command to open the windows you speak: the windows were opened) 4- Start working when saying a specific word that can be changed in the settings, for example, instead of Hi BYD, it will be Hi Car according to the customer's desire 5- To support the list of commands uploaded with the project with support for...
I'm facing a compilation error on my Beb20 smart contract. Here is the warning I see whenever I view the contract on Bscsan Compiler specific version warnings: The compiled contract might be susceptible to FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder (low-severity), MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess (low-severity), AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup (medium-severity), DirtyBytesArrayToStorage (low-severity), DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride (very low-severity), NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation (very low-severity), SignedImmutables (very low-severity), ABIDecodeTwoDimensionalArrayMemory (very low-severity) Solidity Compiler Bugs. I need an expert in smart contracts who can help me troubleshoot and resolve this compilation error ...
...someone to build me a photo album of at least 250 photos of super cars, formatted for iPhone style wallpapers. The photos should be of real super cars and not AI-generated images that look fake. AI generated is great but the image needs to look real. Key Requirements: - Photos must be sourced from a mix of environments, including city streets, nature backgrounds, and other visually appealing settings. Freelancer will need to provide the images - All photos must be in portrait orientation. - The album must contain at least 500 unique super car photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge of super car brands and models. - Excellent visual judgement to select 'cool' and appealing locations. - Experience in photo sourcing and photo editing. - Familiarity with i...
My CyberPanel is exhibiting slow performance and high CPU and memory usage, particularly during website loading. Despite not having made any recent changes to my settings or server configuration, the issue persists. I need an expert who can diagnose and optimize my CyberPanel for better performance. Key skills required for this job include: - Proficiency in CyberPanel - Experience with server optimization - Understanding of resource allocation - Ability to troubleshoot high usage issues Please open the images and write down the ID number. Start your message with "ID number" so I know you've read the entire message. This is very important!
I'm seeking an expert to develop a Trade Manager for CTrader, focusing on automating trade entries.. There will be 2 different ways to execute trades With buy or sell buttons on the chart With coloured trendlines placed manually on the chart eg. Green for buy and Red for sell When a trade is executed by either coloured trendlines or buy / sell buttons, it will ...for buy and Red for sell When a trade is executed by either coloured trendlines or buy / sell buttons, it will activate all layered entries including pending orders as instructed by the user inputs. Ideal Candidates Should: - Be proficient in CTrader and its programming language. - Have experience in developing automated trade managers. Attached are detailed user inputs with their variable settings To work with ...
I'm in need of a skilled photographer who specializes in traditional/classic wedding photography. Key Requirements: - Capture moments primarily at the reception venue and outdoor settings. - Specifically take family portraits. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in traditional wedding photography. - Experience shooting in both indoor reception venues and outdoor settings. - Ability to manage and pose family groups for portraits. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your experience with traditional wedding photography. The project requires half-day coverage for the wedding event. The outdoor settings will primarily be at Muir Woods (near parking lot) trail head. Basic photo editing is required. The photos should be delivered in digital format. The photos should have ...
My Shopify site needs a refresh after 4 years of inactivity. Key tasks: - Remove outdate...provided) - Implement minor design changes to improve overall aesthetics - Ensure the site’s security measures are up-to-date, including SSL certificates. - Optimize all product descriptions and pages for SEO to improve search engine rankings. - Make sure the site is fully responsive and looks good on all mobile devices. - Conduct extensive tests on the checkout process to ensure it is smooth and error-free. - It is for a Skin Clinic, I want someone with a good eye for design and has good aesthetic taste. Something exciting and new. I need to ensure everything is updated, functioning correctly, and the information is consistent across the site. Please adjust the layout to enhance us...
I'm looking for a professional photographer/videographer to capture my client in various outfits across different urban and natural settings in Lisbon. The session will last about half an afternoon, with multiple outfit changes. Key Requirements: - Experience in shooting in urban and natural settings. - Ability to capture in a casual style. - Experience with fashion photography is a plus. - Familiarity with social media video formats. - Video editing skills are highly desirable. Ideal Skills: - Photography - Videography - Video Editing - Understanding of casual style aesthetics - Knowledge of social media video formats (Vertical and Square) Please note, the client will be changing outfits throughout the shoot, so the ability to capture a variety of looks and styles i...
I'm in need of a photographer to capture promotional shots at my bar venue. The images will primarily be used for our social media platforms and our website, so there is a strong emphasis on creating engaging, high-quality content that will help to promote our venue. Key Requirements: - Expertise in promotional photography, with a portfolio that demonstrates experience in similar settings. - Ability to capture the essence of a 'casual and fun' environment through the lens. - Proficiency in delivering images suitable for both social media and website use. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of the technical aspects of photography. - Creativity and ability to think outside the box to produce unique and interesting shots. - Experience in working in a bar or similar ve...
I'm seeking a skilled Shopify expert to configure a minimum order value of Rs. 350 in my store. The store utilizes the Ella theme and Shiprocket for checkout. It's crucial that you have prior experience with this setup as standard apps are ineffective with our third-party checkout system. Key have prior experience with this setup as standard apps are ineffective with our third-party checkout system. Key Requirements: - Implement a minimum order value of Rs. 350 across all products in the store. - Ensure the system prevents checkout for orders below this value. - Proficiency with Shopify, Ella theme, and Shiprocket checkout is a must. - Prior experience with customizing Shopify settings to work with third-party checkouts. Please only apply if you're fa...
Hello, Need a app or configuration file to settings the APN
I'm looking for an experienced professional to help me with the installation and configuration of SMTP on my Linux server. Ideal Skills: - Strong knowledge of Linux operating systems. - Expertise in SMTP software (Postfix, Exim, Sendmail). - Prior experience with server setup and configuration. - Good understanding of email client integration. Please provide your prior relevant experience when bidding.
...reorganization. This includes transferring Google Drive files and Google Mail. Both organizations are owned and accessed through the same console by the same entity. Key Requirements: - Preserve existing Google Drive sharing permissions during the migration - Transfer Google Mail labels and folders intact - Extensive experience with Google Workspace - Familiarity with Google Drive and Gmail settings - Ability to execute complex migrations with precision The ideal freelancer for this project will have a deep understanding of Google Workspace and an ability to handle migrations efficiently. The task involves a significant amount of data transfer, and maintaining the integrity of sharing permissions and email organization is crucial. The migration needs to be completed within 1 ...
I'm in need of a versatile tutor who can teach both pediatric nursing and the Quran. The tutoring will be required for students of all ages and will take place in both online and in-person settings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient knowledge in pediatric nursing - Deep understanding and ability to teach the Quran - Experience in tutoring students of varying ages - Comfortable conducting both online and in-person sessions - Able to adapt teaching methods to suit different age groups and learning styles
I'm reaching out for professional assistance setting up and installing an SMTP server on my Linux-based server. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Linux server management. - Be proficient in SMTP server setup and installation. - Have knowledge of different SMTP server software options (Postfix, Sendmail, Exim) and can recommend the best fit for my needs. - Be capable of configuring the server for optimal performance and security. If you're skilled in server management and can help me navigate this task, I look forward to your proposal.
...-Ensure the design accommodates 60 guests and aligns with the theme of casual tropical elegance. Additional information - Please include examples of similar work in your application, along with your proposed timeline and price. - Please convey how your design accommodates 60-80 guests comfortably while maintaining an airy, open feel. -Add thoughtful design touches like custom signage, custom place settings, a designated bar area, or other ideas designed for guest comfort. -Add tropical floral installations and greenery arrangements, to bring elegance and a natural vibe. Notes: - Spatial Flow - We will be serving a 4-course meal. Ensure logical placement of key areas like the dance floors, reception seating, cake/gifts table, and lounge, allowing easy movement. - Emphasize the ...
I've deployed a website on a DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster with Traefik for ingress. Currently, I'm facing issues with the ingress not functioning correctly. The project involves: - Troubleshooting the Ingress controller configuration. - Implementing an SSL certificate. - Verifying the DNS settings. - Assessing DOKS setups. - Investigating Kubernetes. If you have experience with NGINX ingress controller and can get it working, I'm open to that solution as well. Ideal skills include strong understanding of Kubernetes, experience with DigitalOcean, and proficiency in configuring Traefik.