Price scraping app işler
Telegram botumuzu bir üst seviyeye taşıyacak, yeni özellikler ekleyip mevcut yapıyı optimize edecek bir Python geliştirici arıyoruz. Botumuz, otomatik gönderiler, çekilişler, affiliate takibi sağlıyor. Versiyon 2 için yeni entegrasyonlar ve gelişmiş otomasyon özellikleri eklemeyi planlıyoruz. ? Aranan Yetkinlikler: Python (3+ yıl deneyim) API entegrasyonları, web scraping ve otomasyon araçları konularında deneyim Tercihen bahis casino sektörüne aşinalık tg: segujohnson Uzaktan çalışma ve esnek saat imkanı.
... within a few days). • Therefore, the system must include an admin panel where I can manually update the current domain addresses for both Tempobet and Holiganbet. • This is a critical feature to ensure the system remains functional even if the domain names change. 4. Technical Requirements: • Data Scraping or API Integration: The system must pull data from 1017tempobet, Holiganbet, and Betfair Exchange. This can be done via API integration (if available) or web scraping. • Real-Time Data: Data should be updated and compared every 5 seconds. • Customizable Difference Filter: Users should be able to set a percentage filter (e.g., 5%, 10%, etc.), and only the odds differences that exceed this threshold should be displayed. • Web-Based Int...
## Python ile Web Scraping Projesi ### Proje: Hava Durumu Verilerini Toplama ve Analiz Etme #### Amaç: Belirli bir şehir için hava durumu verilerini toplayıp, bu verileri analiz ederek ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri çıkarmak. #### Gereksinimler: - Python - BeautifulSoup - Requests - Pandas - Matplotlib #### Adımlar: 1. **Veri Toplama:** - Web scraping ile bir hava durumu sitesinden veri çekmek. - Örneğin: `` 2. **Veri İşleme:** - Çekilen verileri anlamlandırmak ve Pandas DataFrame'ine dönüştürmek. - Gereksiz bilgileri temizlemek ve analiz için gerekli olanları seçmek. 3. **Veri Analizi:** - Günlük ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri hesaplamak. - Za...
Hazırda bir scrape projem var react ve node.js ile yaptığım fakat tam istediğim gibi çalıştıramadım belirli bir sitede tıklama ve navigasyon işlemleri ardından pdf indirme işlemini proxy ile yapmaya çalıştığım bir proje tam anlamıyla çalışması için yardıma ihtiyacım var
3 ürün grubunda 20şer adet firma ve fiyat araştırması yapılacak.
...Ancak uygulamaya güncelleme geldi. Yeni açılan hesaplarda ilk girişten sonra patlı kullanılmaz oluyor. Cookie'i 1 senelik yapmamız lazım. Bunların hepsi elimdekii programda var ancak program captchaya takılıyor. Bu tarzda bazı sıkıntılar ın headersleri her gün sabaha karşı güncelleniyor falan. Sıfır teknik bilgi ile bu kadar detay verebiliyorum. Python, Api, web (android)scraping, charles, vs bu alanlarda tecrübeli kişi arıyorum. Gerçekten bilgisine güvenen kişiler yazsın, bir kaç kişi deneyip beceremeyip bıraktı. Şuan programı yapıp kullanan kişiler var. Yani yapılabiliyor, sağlam bilgili yetenekli bir arkadaş işin üstesinden gelecektir. ÖZET OLARAK: Bir platform için hesap açma işlemi yapacak. Devamında...
Merhaba, bazı web sitelerinden data toplayacağımız bir programa ihtiyacımız var. Toplayacağımız dataları excele aktarıp uygun bir formatta kaydetmek istiyoruz. Web siteleri booking ile alakalı olup bir çok seçeneği barındırmaktadır.
entering the products on all the pages in this address one by one, getting the information I want and sending me an e-mail in excel. titles product link product name best selling price and its seller second price I want this 2 times a day, 7 am and 7 pm.
Merhaba, web scraping de uzman yardımına ihtiyacım var
sitesindeki ürünleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ya da ayrı ayrı ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek ilgili ürünün linkini değişimle birlikte mail olarak bildiren bir uygulama yapılması gerekmektedir. Kaynak kodlarda teslim edilecektir.
sanal pazar siteleri , gibi siteleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek mail olarak değişikliği bildiren bir uygulama yapılması.
Bu projemde İngilizce kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıkları konusunda size detaylı bir biçimde uygun fiyata yardımcı olacağım. In this project, I will help you in detail with the Turkish equivalents of English words at an affordable price.
I need to scrap price and product tittle information from mobile applications. Crawling changing price, Mobile uygulamadan ürünlerin isim ve fiyatlarının bilgisini çekmek istiyorum. Örnek uygulamalar, Getir, Cepteşok, A101 Kapıda
web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .
Lojistik hizmeti veren platformumuzda sistem api ile DHL, TNT veya UPS üzerinden izleme numarasını alıp bizim sitemiz üzerinden detayları bizim logomuz altında ıca İzlenecek olan gönderinin oluşturulmasını da DHL, TNT veya UPS ten api ile bizim kendi web sitemizden gireceğimiz bilgiler dahilinde oluşturmasını sağlayacağız.
Paribu, screen scraping icin istenilenler: Ilgili CCYler: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, XLM, USDT, EOS 1) Siteye () giris (2 factor authentication) 2) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Satis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Sell Order Book) 3) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Alis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Buy Order Book) 4) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birlikte Alis Emri girme 5) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birl...
Merhaba, 2 asamali bir web scraping projem var. ve dan 40000 ve 15000 civarinda urunun fiyat bilgisini her hafta (bazen haftada 2 kere alabilecegim) bir scraper gelistirmeni istiyorum. Benim elimde manufacturer part number var. 1. ilk once bu manufacturer part number lari kullanarak ve daki ASIN leri bulacaksin. 2. Bazi manufacturer part numberlarin karsisinda birden fazla urun ve ASIN gelecek. Bu noktada ilk basta manuel olarak dogru olanlarin secilecegi bir arayuz olacak. Ileride bunu da belli bir ogrenme prosesine sokarak programin yapmasini saglayacaksin. 3. ASIN ler alindiktan sonra her hafta bu ASIN ler taratilacak ve urunlerin fiyatlari alinacak. 4. Yalniz 2 fiyat alinacak: Fiyat1: Satici Amazon olunca gelen fiyat (bir urunu Amazon satmiyorsa
10 changes to be made in the appendix. Maybe 7-8 of them are very simple. Do not bid high price
I want the same website. What is the price and coding time? so i wrote the price. --------------------------------------------------------------- sitesinin benzeri bir site istiyorum. Mobil uyumlu ve hızlı açılabilecek şekilde kodlanacak. Tasarım farklı olabilir. Fiyatı nedir ve kodlaması ne kadar sürer? Fiyatı rastgele yazdım.
Wordpress icinde calisacak, sag alt kosede kapali durup tiklayinca acilan bir pop-up hesap makinesi. Ziyaretci email bilgisi girdigi zaman "show price" a tiklayinca gorebilecek hesaplamayi. Girilen email bilgileri bir DB de yada excel de tutulabilir. Ekteki gorsellerde wireframeimsi tum bilgiler mevcut. EKSTRA BILGI Boat Type (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Destination (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Number of people (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Dates (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor. Dusuk ve yuksek sezon olarak. Her destinasyon icin farkli) Visitor Email address (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Show Price Button 5 gun icinde hazir olmasi gerekiyor. Tesekkurler
i installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this ...installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this project in 3 days. Price: 20$
alınacak 26000 emlak ilanı fotografı için tek tek elle watermark temizleme işlemi yapılmasını önce tool satın aldık ancak arkaplan karmaşık olunca işe yaramıyor bu yüzden tek tek temizleme işlemi olması önemlidir.Örnek olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda gü...olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda günlük kaç adet fotografı bitirebilecekseniz onunda bilgisini paylaşırsanız sevinirim. I need someone to clear watermarks for 26000 images.I sent these sample images so if there is anyone interested so I can see your work and than we can talk for the ...
Web Url Scraping, (URL link Toplayıcı) Merhaba, Proje basit googlebot benzeri domain adı yazdıktan sonra giriş sayfasına giderek (default page) linkleri toplayıp, sitenin tüm linklerini (sitemap) çıkarıp. Mysql veri tabanına yazacak. Kodlar opensource php ve mysql ile kodlanacak. 50000 link maximimum toplayabilecek.
...excel from There are 1.400 wedding venue pages in Just i need their text content(tittle, adress, about etc.). I attached a sample excel doc. Please give me offer for per page. I want to separete this task to finish quickly. If you have a team and ıf you bet finish this task in 3 days, you can give offer for 1.400 pages. You can do this task with manually or with data-scraping script. Please add this to your offer description:"i have read all"...
...print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership for the customers and this membership can be possible to make via social platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are determined before ''as seen on below photo'' the unit price of the added/omitted products must effect the cos...
...It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek mantık paylaşın ve tüm fonksiyonları ile bir site yapmak istiyoruz. benim örnek site Bu site, ü&c...
Web ve masaüstü programında verileri Excel dosyasına aktarma. Data scraping from flash website or program.
Merhaba, Bütün sektörler,hizmetler,ürünler,firmalar için Gelişm...Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçebilirler Tşk Hello, All sectors(,Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends ...
dhgate . com sitesinin klo nuna ihtiyacım var. fiyat, süre, revizyon adedi şeklinde teklif veriniz... i need a clo ne website for dhgate . com price, time and revisions pls? will be in a single language only. Ref: and others as shared from time to time. 16. The e-commerce website will be built on word press woo commerce or custom coding. no paid theme, app or like. 17. The project will include full support and ongoing maintenance after the website, for 2 months after the launch. 18. The website should be integrated with all payment gates including PayPal and Stripe for payment processing. 19. The project should be completed within 10 Calander days. 20. The client will provide only the product, product details, price in excel format only. 6000 products in many categories.... my home in Santiago." Bot: "Here’s a summary. Does everything look good?" Client: "Yes, it’s perfect!" Bot: "Great! I’ll notify the specialist now." The specialist receives the request and reviews the details. Specialist: "I need a few more details before confirming the price. What’s the current wall condition? Any old paint that needs removal?" Client: "Yes, some areas need scraping." The specialist finalizes the quote. Scene 5: Payment & Final Steps (1:46 - 2:30) Visuals: The client receives the price, accepts, and makes an initial payment. Text on screen: Bot: "The specialist has sent their quote: $200,000 CLP. Do you accept?" Client: "Yes." Bot:...
Necesito extraccion de datos de algunas webs con el objetivo de obtener leads para gestion de marketing
I am looking for freelancer who can give me the MVP using hidden api in aliexpress. My requirement is simple. Visit the link You could see the hidden api When I try to simulate the api in postman copying header properties manually, it works well. But what I want from you is to get the response in the chrome extension getting cookies and other properties automatically. Please apply if you understood what I want. I can pay $50 ~ $70 for this. Thank you
We are looking for an expert in scraping, APIs, and ERP integration to automate stock management and product substitution in case of shortages. Main Tasks: - Automate the consultation of internal and supplier stock levels. - Develop an alert system for stock shortages. - Integrate an intelligent substitution solution and update quotes in Sage. Preferred Technologies: Python, Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy), REST API, Sage. Estimated Duration: 2 weeks Work Mode: Remote freelance
I'm in need of a Python program that can scrape text content from 2 pages of one website. The primary goal of this ...extract specific data for analysis. I want this program to have an desktop icon with a date range and output information to a csv file. I will need help setting up my computer with all the files necessary to run the program. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python and web scraping libraries (such as BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, or Selenium) - Ability to handle and parse text content from various web sources - Experience in data extraction and manipulation - Knowledge of best practices for ethical and efficient web scraping - Comment code so if the site changes, changes can be made easily - Will need help installing files on my computer See attachment for ...
...information is only visible on the page, not in the HTML. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web scraping techniques and tools - Experience with scraping data from websites that block data from showing in the HTML - Knowledge of programming languages such as Python, with libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy - Attention to detail and ability to deliver clean, structured data The data extraction is a one-time process, with no need for future updates. Please deliver the scraped data in a CSV file format. Please ensure that anti-scraping measures on the website are handled properly. Please handle anti-scraping measures using general precautions. The project involves scraping a large volume of data. Confidential access details will be shared...
I'm seekin...videos from various sources: specific channels, keyword-based searches, and trending content. - Share these videos on my site with their respective descriptions, titles, and keywords. - Incorporate an automatic site map system, clearly defined sections, and ad placements. - Adhere to all necessary SEO requirements. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with web scraping and API integration, particularly with YouTube. - Strong understanding of SEO and ad placement strategies. - Skills in creating user-friendly site sections and a seamless site map. Please note that the specifications for the types of videos, site sections, and SEO requirements are flexible and can be discussed further. Your expertise and suggestions will be high..., or social media). Password recovery options. Multi-language support (e.g., Arabic and English). Product Management Categorization of products (e.g., casual, formal, bridal Items/Products). Detailed product pages with: Images (multiple angles with zoom feature). Size options (with size guide). Material and care instructions. Availability status. Advanced search and filtering (e.g., color, price range, style). Product reviews and ratings. Shopping Cart and Checkout Add to cart/wishlist functionality. Persistent cart (saved for logged-in users). Secure checkout with multiple payment methods: Credit/Debit cards. Digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay). Cash on Delivery (COD). Shipping options with cost calculation. Promo codes and discount coupons. Order Management Real-...
I need a skilled Magento developer to set up a two-way integration with eBay. This should primarily focus on syncing product listings and ensuring that key product attributes like Price and Stock Quantity are perfectly aligned across both platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Magento and eBay integration - Ability to sync product listings from Magento to eBay and vice versa - Precise syncing of product attributes: Price and Stock Quantity - Ensuring seamless, real-time updates across both platforms The ideal candidate should have a proven track record in similar projects and can demonstrate their ability to deliver a comprehensive, efficient integration process.
...selected (differentiated by color). • Cards received (yellow/red). • Number of goals and assists. • “Not in Squad” indication when the player is not called up, with the corresponding matchday mentioned. • National team career: • Number of caps and matches played. • Detailed statistics of performances with the national team. 4 – Data Management and Retrieval • Implementation of an API and Web Scraping to retrieve and automatically synchronize data. • Archival retrieval for player and competition history. • Integration of Botola Pro 1 and 2 statistics (clubs, players, results, rankings, etc.). 5 – Transfer Management • Creation of a table listing all transfers of Moroccan or Moroccan-origin player...
I'm in need of a skilled data scraper who can extract user profile information from multiple websites including Instagram, , , Astrotalk, Astrosage, and Ganeshaspeaks. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data scraping techniques and tools. - Experience in handling and processing large datasets. - Knowledge about ethical data scraping and adherence to privacy regulations. Your task will primarily involve: - Collecting user profile data from Instagram. - Scraping user profiles from the aforementioned sites. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.
I'm seeking a web scraping expert to extract data from the Accredia database and organize the results in an Excel file. Key tasks: - Scrape data on all Italian companies certified UNI/PdR 125:2022, categorized by region. - For each company, extract the following information: - Company name - VAT number - Region - Address - Number of employees, divided by gender if available - Certification date - Certifying body - The data needs to be sourced from: - The final Excel (XLSX) file should have a separate sheet for each region, with companies organized by number of employees. Requirements: - Proficiency in using Selenium for web scraping. - Ability to ensure data accuracy and quality through
I'm looking for a freelancer to extract specific information from two websites: AICI and GlamHive. The data needs to be compiled in a CSV format. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting the specialties and Instagram contacts from the profiles on the websites. - Comp...freelancer to extract specific information from two websites: AICI and GlamHive. The data needs to be compiled in a CSV format. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting the specialties and Instagram contacts from the profiles on the websites. - Compiling additional information such as Location, Experience level, and Pricing details. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in data extraction and web scraping. - Experience with compiling data in CSV format. - Attention to detail and ability to accurately capture and repo...
I'm looking for a web scraping expert to help me compare prices on various e-commerce websites. The main data to be collected is product pricing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping tools and software - Experience with data analysis and price comparison - Familiarity with e-commerce websites
A transformer is required which transforms from 1000 V DC down to 48 V DC. Minimum requirements - Transform 1000 V DC to 48 V DC. - 7 kW output in the 48 V DC network ( (approx. 146 amps) - Fluctuations in the 48 V DC network: 45 to 55 volts - Designed for 300 days of use per year and 12 hours of use per day. - Efficiency > 90 % - Lighter 3 kg - Smaller than 300 x 300 x 150 mm - Communication and discussion with the client as to why something smaller, lighter and better is not possible - Circuit diagram - Parts list and component order list - Estimated price Desired requirements - Efficiency > 97 % - Fluctuations in the 48 V DC grid: 47 to 51 volts - Lighter than 2 kg - Smaller than 180 x 180 x 100 mm - XT90 plug connection - 10 kW output in the 48 V DC grid (a...
I'm looking for a professional who can create a live line graph that tracks the prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Key Requirements: - Display of cryptocurrency price data - Creating a line graph for visual representation - Include historical price data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple to show trends over time. - Enable interactive features like zooming, panning, and tooltip displays for detailed data inspection. - Allow users to customize the graph's appearance, including colors, scales, and timeframes. - Incorporate real-time price updates to ensure the graph displays the most current data. The ideal candidate for this project will have a solid background in cryptocurrency data visualization and can deliver a user-friendly and visually appealing g...
Job Description: I am looking for an experienced Pine Script developer to create a TradingView indicator that identifies and plots four types of RSI divergences directly on the price chart. The indicator should detect and visually mark: ✅ Hidden Bullish Divergence ✅ Hidden Bearish Divergence ✅ Regular Bullish Divergence ✅ Regular Bearish Divergence Requirements: ? The indicator should work on all timeframes and assets. ? It should identify divergences between the RSI and price action. ? It should plot divergence lines and labels (with customizable colors). ? Alerts should be included when a divergence is detected. ? Code should be clean, optimized, and well-commented. Preferred Freelancer Skills: ✔️ Strong experience with Pine Script ✔️ Previous work on RSI-based indicato...
...(opcjonalnie) Google Sheets API lub CSV – przechowywanie adresów stron Proxy/rotacja User-Agentów – jeśli konieczne Tych adresów będą tysiące z różnych krajów. Moje pytania: 1. Jaki koszt wykonania takiej apliacji 2. Jaki czas realizacji 3. Czy będę mógł tą aplikacje pobrać dla siebie (nie wiem czy to ma być na komputer czy na hosing) ENGLISH Is it possible to create an application and at what price that will automatically browse a specific website (the list/database of websites can be in some database), then find a form on this page, fill it in and send it according to the specified content? The scheme of action would be as follows: 1. Download the www address from the database, list, e.g. csv or google sheet 2. Go to the...
...Experienced podcast/video editor (Descript experience preferred) ? Understands conversational editing (not over-edited, just polished) ? Strong attention to detail – Keeps my brand tone & episode structure consistent ? Reliable & meets deadlines ? Comfortable working independently with minimal revisions (max 2 rounds) Payment & Commitment ✔️ Flat rate per episode (Episodes range from 45 mins to 1 hour—price stays the same) ✔️ Ongoing, long-term work (weekly episodes) ✔️ Must be available to meet deadlines & deliver consistently How to Apply ? Send me: - Your experience with podcast editing (especially Descript if applicable) - Examples of past work (YouTube podcasts, Spotify podcasts, promo reels) - Your rate per episode - List the editing software y...
I'm looking for a professional who can scrape text content from a website. The final output should be delivered as a CSV file. I also want to feed this into an AI writing site so I need the format to be suitable for that. There are about 120 pages. The website to scrape is a simple information site. It is not an ecommerce website and there are not many products. If possible, I would a CSV file. I also want to feed this into an AI writing site so I need the format to be suitable for that. There are about 120 pages. The website to scrape is a simple information site. It is not an ecommerce website and there are not many products. If possible, I would like pdf documents on the website to be scraped. Let me know how long this will take and your fee (what you bid will be the pri...