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Azure SQL kullanarak kendime özel MVC Membership kurmak istiyorum. Bir çok projemde uygulayabileceğim bir yapı oluşturmak istiyorum. Register + MailAktivasyon + Login + ForgatPass + ProfilEditing olacak. Uye Tablosu kolonlarım: ID int , Name nvarchar(50), SName nvarchar(50), Email nvarchar(50), Pass nvarchar(50), GSM nvarchar(10), BonusP decimal(8,2), LastLogin, date, Banned bit, Aktivasyon nvarchar(50), gibi... Register için : Ad-Soyad-Eposta-Pass yeterli. Teamviever kullanarak bilgisayarıma bağlanabilirsiniz. Ve yavaş yavaş yaptığınız işlemlerin eğitimini verebilirsiniz. Amacım membership yapısını tam olarak kavramak ve bunun ardından MVC için ek eğitimler de almak.
Azure SQL kullanarak kendime özel MVC Membership kurmak istiyorum. Bir çok projemde uygulayabileceğim bir yapı oluşturmak istiyorum. Register + MailAktivasyon + Login + ForgatPass + ProfilEditing olacak. Uye Tablosu kolonlarım: ID int , Name nvarchar(50), SName nvarchar(50), Email nvarchar(50), Pass nvarchar(50), GSM nvarchar(10), BonusP decimal(8,2), LastLogin, date, Banned bit, Aktivasyon nvarchar(50), gibi... Register için : Ad-Soyad-Eposta-Pass yeterli. Teamviever kullanarak bilgisayarıma bağlanabilirsiniz. Ve yavaş yavaş yaptığınız işlemlerin eğitimini verebilirsiniz. Amacım membership yapısını tam olarak kavramak ve bunun ardından MVC için ek eğitimler de almak.
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Merhaba arkadaşlar Phpbb altyapılı forum sayfamda bazı sorunlarla karşı karşıyayım. Bir moderatörün kasıtlı olarak sitede yer alan bir çok başlığı silmesi üzerine 1 gün önce almış olduğum back up'u yüklemeye çalışmamla sorunlar başladı... Silinen başlıklar ve mesajlar geri gelmediği gibi nedense back up yüklerken de şuan sorun yaşıyorum. Sitemde en son gönderilmiş mesaj 19 kasım 2013 gözüküyor ve yeni mesajlar maalesef gözükmüyor. Backup yüklemesi yaparken aldığım hata : #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 1 Bana bu sorunların çöz&u...
Web tabanlı çalışacak bir internet sitesi olacak. Sisteme veri girişi sonrasında otomatik olarak pdf ortamında belge ve rapor üretecek. Değişik modüllerden oluşacak. Rapora excel yüklenecek ve exceldeki bazı verilerin oranları alınacak. Paypal entegrasyonu sağlanacak. Sisteme üye olunacak, tekil veya toplu alım imkanı olacak. Gizlilik gereği daha detaylı bilgi veremiyorum. Daha detaylı bilgi yüzyüze görüşmede belirtilecektir. Ankara'da ikamet edenler tercih edilecektir. Tahminimce, projenin yazılımı, 1-2 ay içerisinde tamamlanabilir. Veri olarak istenecek bilgiler hazırdır, belge formatları da hazırdır. Bu da projeyi alan kişinin iş yükünü azaltacaktır. Lütfen cevaplarınızda referanslarınızı ve bu konuda ...
Merhaba. Şirketimiz uzaktan çalışabilen, farklı konular üzerinde türkçe makale yazabilen eleman...yazma yeteneğinizi değerlendirmek için size bir test ödevini veririz. Onu uygun ve kaliteli bir şekilde yerine getirebiliriseniz, sizinle çalışmaya başlayabiliriz. Test ödevi için ödeme yapmıyoruz. Sonra ücret şöyle olur: boşluksuz 1000 karakter için 2.5 TL. Eğer bizimle sürekli olarak çalışmaya devam ederseniz ve gerçekten güzel makale yazabilirseniz, zamanla ücret 5 TL'ye artabilir. Ödeme paypal ya da webmoney üzerinde yapıyoruz. Eğer sunduğumuz şartları uygun görürseniz cevabınızı bekliyoruz. Saygılar İş ile ilgili daha detaylı bilgi edinmeniz i&cce...
...girebilmeli.. burda birde şu hususu var Müşteri özel bir hizmet talep ederse onu sisteme özel teklif al gibi bir entegre form ile çözebilmeliyiz… ayrıca admin olarak bizler Bayileri indirim oranlarına göre guruplayabilmeliyiz. ve Bayi kendi panellerinde siparişlerini görebilir ve yönetebilir olmalı.Tüm yetkiler bizim tarafımızdan kontrol edilebilmeli ve izinleri ayarlanabilmeli...Sanal POS ve PAYPAL içinde uygun bir yapıda olmalıdıılıcak Ürünlerin Genel olarak Hizmet sektörleri ile alakalı ürünlerdir .ve Paketleştirme mantığı ilede satabilicek hale dönüştürebiliriz.. yani "Hizmet paket 1 " "Hizmet Paket 4 " gibi . Kullanılıcak dillerde PHP & MYSQL olmas...
...olmadığımız için farklı e ticaret sistemleri ile kurulum yapılması tercihimizdir. Yapılacak e ticaret sisteminin en son stabil versiyonu kurulması en önemlisidir. - Tüm VDS ayarları (Mail spam düşmemesi için ayarlar (garanti istenmemekte)) - E ticaret sistemi - Türkçe admin panel - Tema Giydirilmiş - Canlı Destek modülü - Kargo kodu modülü (Aras Yurtiçi) - İpara ödeme modülü - Paypal standart - Paypal expres checkout - İleriye dönük amaçlı Sanalpos modüllleri (Opsiyonel) - Havale indirim modülü - Kapıda Ödeme Modülü - Tükenen ürünlerde tükendi yazısı - Son x adet ürün modülü (Opsiyonel) ...
...olmadığımız için farklı e ticaret sistemleri ile kurulum yapılması tercihimizdir. Yapılacak e ticaret sisteminin en son stabil versiyonu kurulması en önemlisidir. - Tüm VDS ayarları (Mail spam düşmemesi için ayarlar (garanti istenmemekte)) - E ticaret sistemi - Türkçe admin panel - Tema Giydirilmiş - Canlı Destek modülü - Kargo kodu modülü (Aras Yurtiçi) - İpara ödeme modülü - Paypal standart - Paypal expres checkout - İleriye dönük amaçlı Sanalpos modüllleri (Opsiyonel) - Havale indirim modülü - Kapıda Ödeme Modülü - Tükenen ürünlerde tükendi yazısı - Son x adet ürün modülü (Opsiyonel) ...
Mevcut web sitesi ve yeni yapılacak web sitesi üzerinde istediğim düzenlemeleri yapabilecek, opencart bilen, css, php, javascript, jquery iyi bilen, iletişim ve zaman problemi olmayan, güvenilir ve hızlı kod yazabilen freelancer coder arıyorum. İş başına fiyat konuşulacak olup tüm ödemeler paypal üzerinden yapılacaktır. Not: Türkçe bilen kodcular müracaat etsin lütfen.
We need a skilled team to design and develo...and develop a comprehensive eyewear e-commerce website along with a hybrid app similar to platforms like Lenskart or Specsmakers. The key features should include: - Virtual Try-On technology - Prescription lens customization - User-friendly interface with seamless navigation - Robust e-commerce functionality (cart, checkout, user profiles) - Payment gateway integration (Credit/Debit card, PayPal, Bank transfer) - Accessibility features ensuring the site is user-friendly for all customers - Mobile responsive design with a hybrid app for both iOS and Android. The platform should be visually appealing and optimized for performance and SEO. Previous experience in developing similar e-commerce platforms with mobile apps will be pr...
I'm looking to add a gallery to my current sell my original artwork and prints. The site will primarily feature my comic book and illustration art. Key Requirements: - E-commerce capabilities for purchasing the artworks - User accounts functionality for creating favorite lists The art should be displayed in a grid view with thumbnail images. I want it simple and very basic. And need sales options to be set up. Zelle, Venmo, PayPal and possibly credit card. My website (as is): Hosted on Wix Ideal Skills: - Experience in e-commerce website development - Proficiency in creating user account functionalities and managing databases - Knowledge of website UI/UX design for an art gallery Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a skilled grant writer for my startup real estate business focused on Section 8 properties. Your responsibilities will include: - Seeking and applying for all types of grants: government, private foundation, and corporate. - Specifically targeting funding for property acquisition. - Focusing on local geographic areas for p...are essential for this role. I'm looking for a long-term business partner, someone I can hire on a project basis, year-to-year. Prior experience in the real estate industry, particularly with Section 8 properties, would be highly advantageous. Since the payment is based on the grants you are able to recover if i am not able to pay through the app i will be using other methods like cashapp or paypal. Im open to request We can disguss the...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...Ich suche einen erfahrenen Freelancer, der mir bei der Integration und Automatisierung der Rechnungsstellung von meinem Squarespace-Shop in das Buchhaltungsprogramm sevDesk hilft. Projektbeschreibung: Ich betreibe einen kleinen Online-Shop auf Squarespace und verwende sevDesk für meine Buchhaltung. Die Aufgabe besteht darin, ein System einzurichten, das es mir ermöglicht, Rechnungen von Stripe/Paypal automatisch von Squarespace zu sevDesk zu übertragen und dort zu verarbeiten. Anforderungen: - Squarespace: Erfahrung mit der Nutzung und Anpassung von Squarespace-Shops, insbesondere im Bereich der Rechnungsstellung und Zahlungsabwicklung. - sevDesk: Erfahrung mit sevDesk, insbesondere bei der Integration von externen Systemen, um die automatische Rechnungsste...
...ree/main Here are the api tasks i want to have the ai do: Here’s a list of companies providing APIs that can handle various business tasks, sorted by category: --- 1. Communication Twilio SendGrid WhatsApp Business Telegram Zoom Vonage --- 2. Scheduling and Calendar Google Calendar Outlook Calendly --- 3. Accounting and Finance QuickBooks Xero FreshBooks Wave Stripe PayPal Square Plaid --- 4. E-Commerce and Inventory Shopify WooCommerce Amazon eBay TradeGecko (QuickBooks Commerce) --- 5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Salesforce HubSpot Zoho CRM Pipedrive --- 6. Marketing and Advertising Google Ads Facebook Ads Mailchimp ActiveCampaign Klaviyo --- 7. Productivity and Collaboration Slack Trello Asana Not... - Developing an engaging introductory video - Designing a comprehensive and informative webinar - Curating a valuable free offer to entice potential students - Implementing a lead capture opt-in mechanism In addition to the funnel, I'm also seeking assistance in establishing a membership subscription model. This model will offer access to a variety of content, including: - Ebooks - Video lessons - Exclusive webinars The primary objectives of this project are to boost course sales and grow the membership base. As such, the ideal candidate will possess a robust background in digital marketing, with specific expertise in funnel development. A genuine passion for education will be highly valued, as it will contribute to the authenticity and appeal of the course co...
...or DigitalOcean). Knowledge of workflow automation (Zapier integration or custom scripting). Understanding of Islamic art and themes for culturally relevant designs. Commitment to data privacy and GDPR compliance. Strong communication skills for regular updates and feedback. Preferred Skills: Experience with AI/ML tools and frameworks. Knowledge of payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe or PayPal). Familiarity with SEO optimization tools and techniques. Ability to create responsive designs for mobile and desktop. Deliverables: A fully functional and live website hosted on A drag-and-drop design editor with preloaded Islamic-themed templates. Integration of AI-based content generation for social media and marketing campaigns. Social media scheduler integr...
...their work by offering subscriptions, exclusive content, and direct interactions with their fans. Main Features: Subscription Management: Users can subscribe to content creators for a monthly fee set by the creator. Exclusive Content: Upload of photos, videos, and messages accessible only to subscribers. Secure Payments: Integration of a secure payment system for subscriptions and tips (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). Private Messaging: Direct interaction between creators and their fans through paid or free messages. Profile Customization: Unique profile creation for each creator, with options for description, social links, and galleries with public or premium content. Analytics: Dashboard for creators with statistics on subscribers, revenue, and content performance. Moderation and Secur...
I'm seeking an expert mod creator for my DayZ server. The project involves implementing new jobs and roles, creating custom maps or locations, and designing unique items or weapons. Key modifications will focus on changes to gameplay mechanics. Details include: - Creating and implementing new roles, potentially including medical, trading, and security roles. - Designing and integrating custom maps. - Crafting unique items or weapons. - Making significant changes to gameplay mechanics. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with DayZ modding, particularly in creating new jobs/roles and modifying gameplay mechanics. Skills in map design and item creation are critical. A portfolio showcasing previous DayZ mods would be a strong advantage. Please message me for fur...
Remote Lead Generator and Payment Link Manager We are looking for a skilled and motivated individual to help grow our online aviation strategies to generate leads. Customer Conversion: Follow up with leads to explain the benefits of our classes. Guide clients through the enrollment process. Reporting: Track and report lead conversion metrics weekly. Suggest strategies to improve client acquisition. Proven experience in lead generation or digital marketing. Knowledge of payment platforms (e.g., Razorpay, Instamojo, PayPal). Strong communication skills and ability to engage clients online. Familiarity with aviation or career coaching industries is a plus. What We Offer: Flexible working hours. Opportunity to work remotely from anywhere. Bonuses for meeting enrollmen...
...encryption. Business Emails: Set up two business email addresses. Membership Management: ID cards with QR codes for members. Appointment letters with QR codes. Certificates for members with QR codes. Donation Management: Donation receipts with QR codes. Accept donations via payment gateways (Razorpay or PhonePe). Cash donation management with QR-coded receipts. Visitor Engagement: Ability to issue certificates with QR codes to visitors. Option for visitors to donate without membership. Communication Tools: Admin messaging system for members. Notice-sending feature (individual or bulk). Reports & Audits: Generate member reports. Upload yearly account and work audit reports. User Management: Block, unblock, or deactivate members. Membership validity system. Panels...
...Pages: Detailed product descriptions, including material, size, and design specifics. Multiple high-quality images for each product with zoom-in functionality. Option to filter and sort products by price, style, and availability. Shopping Cart and Checkout: User-friendly shopping cart functionality. Secure and streamlined checkout process with multiple payment options (credit/debit cards, UPI, PayPal, etc.). Option for users to save their cart and return later. User Accounts: Allow customers to create accounts to save their details and view order history. Guest checkout option for convenience. Shipping and Delivery: Integration with reliable shipping partners. Real-time tracking updates for customers. Customer Support: Live chat or chatbot feature for quick customer queries....
...Apple, etc.). - User dashboard to manage account details and services. #### 2. Package Selection and Customization - Display of multiple VOIP and MVNO service packages. - Dynamic pricing based on selected services. - Option to add or customize features such as eSIM, number portability, etc. #### 3. Payment Integration - Integration with multiple payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal,crypto). - Secure handling of transactions and invoicing. #### 4. Automated Service Delivery - Automatic activation of services (eSIM, VOIP number, etc.) upon payment. - Integration with API for provisioning eSIM, VOIP numbers, and other services. - Handling number portability requests as part of the process. #### 5. Client Billing and Usage Monitoring - Real-t...
...visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. # Project Requirements: 1. Design a custom website theme that reflects the fashion brand's style and aesthetic. 2. Develop the website using a popular e-commerce platform such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. 3. Create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. 4. Set up payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or credit card payments. 5. Integrate shipping options and calculate shipping costs based on location and weight. 6. Develop a product management system to easily add, edit, and remove products. 7. Optimize the website for search engines to improve visibility and drive organic traffic. 8. Test the website for bugs and ensure it's compatible with different browser...
I'm looking for an expert developer who can create a fully functional Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. This should include a sophistica...a sophisticated admin panel, a user-friendly website, and applications for Android/androidTV, iOS, and Windows/macOS. Key Features: - The VPN service should cater to a wide audience, from individual users to large enterprises. - The applications should be of highest priority for Android, iOS, and Windows. - An integrated payment system is crucial. This should support Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, and Cryptocurrency. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in VPN development - Strong experience in cross-platform application development - Knowledge of payment gateway integration - Understanding of creating advanced admin panels and user-fr...
...system for potential questions from users. - Payment Gateway: A deposit payment gateway using Airwallex API, with full automatic payment required before attending an event. - User-Friendly Design: The site needs to be visually clean, easy to navigate in English and have options for a Japanese language switch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress development. - Experience in creating two-tier membership systems. - Ability to implement complex calendar systems. - Knowledge of integrating payment gateways, specifically Airwallex API. - Skills in creating user-friendly, professional websites. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. References: combining moving elements and schemes seen here:
...visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. # Project Requirements: 1. Design a custom website theme that reflects the fashion brand's style and aesthetic. 2. Develop the website using a popular e-commerce platform such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. 3. Create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. 4. Set up payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or credit card payments. 5. Integrate shipping options and calculate shipping costs based on location and weight. 6. Develop a product management system to easily add, edit, and remove products. 7. Optimize the website for search engines to improve visibility and drive organic traffic. 8. Test the website for bugs and ensure it's compatible with different browser... and other products. 3. Ads: • Non-intrusive ads from high-quality dog brands. 4. E-commerce Sales: • Profits from subscription boxes and recommended products. Technology Stack Recommendations • Front-End: React Native (to support iOS and Android apps). • Back-End: Node.js for scalability, Firebase for database and authentication. • Third-Party APIs: • Payment integration (Stripe, PayPal). • Push notifications (OneSignal). • E-commerce functionality (Shopify, WooCommerce). Development Timeline 1. Phase 1: Research & Wireframing (2-4 weeks) • Gather detailed data for the ingredient dictionary and food reviews. • Create wireframes for UI/UX. 2. Phase 2: Core Feature Development (8-12 weeks) • Ingred...
I need a professional freelancer to help me create a website for selling my original paintings. The website should have an appealing design that reflects my artistic style while being user-friendly and optimized for e-commerce. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a visuall...appealing design that reflects my artistic style while being user-friendly and optimized for e-commerce. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a visually stunning, easy-to-navigate e-commerce website - Set up an online store for selling original paintings - Integrate a secure, reliable PayPal payment gateway Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles - Ability to create visually appealing websites - Experience with PayPa...
I'm looking to integrate PayPal Checkout into my website. The PayPal button needs to be placed on specific pages only, not globally across the site or just on the homepage. Ideal Skills: - Web Development - PayPal Integration expertise - E-commerce experience Experience with implementing secure, user-friendly payment systems is essential. I'm looking for a professional who can ensure a smooth and efficient integration of PayPal Checkout on the designated pages of my website.
...skilled web designer and developer to create an engaging and user-friendly blog website for me as an author. The website should primarily serve to promote and sell my books, with an integrated payment system, and also include personal stories and book reviews from me. Key Requirements: - Design an appealing and functional author's blog - Integrate a secure and reliable payment gateway, preferably PayPal or Stripe - Help me set up a content plan for book reviews and personal stories - Ensure the website is SEO friendly to reach a wider audience Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design and development, particularly for authors or similar projects - Knowledge of SEO best practices - Familiarity with integrating payment gateways on websites - Excellent communication sk...
...seeking a skilled software developer or development team to build a Membership Management Software. The system should allow members to pay their dues online, track payments, and manage their membership status. 2. Project Overview The software will: Enable members to pay dues using various payment methods (Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Zelle, etc.). Automatically update member status as "active" or "inactive" based on payment status. Be accessible via both web and mobile platforms. Provide user-friendly tools for administrators to manage memberships. 3. Scope of Work The project will include: Development of a web and mobile app. Integration of secure user authentication systems. Payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). ...
Global Visa System Scope. Scope of Work and Deliverables for the Development of a Global Visa Application System Project Overview The Global Visa Application System aims to streamline the visa application process through advanced AI-driven automation and a user-friendly interface. The platform will cater to users worldwide, providing seamless acces...months): Full system integration. End-to-end testing and deployment. Launch and post-launch support. 4. Technology Stack Website and Admin Panel: MERN Stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js) Backend: Django Mobile Apps: Flutter AI Technologies: TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenAI GPT models Cloud Services: AWS or Google Cloud for hosting and scalability Third-party Integrations: Stripe/PayPal for payments, Twilio for SMS notifications
...looking for a talented WordPress Developer skilled in the Breakdance Page Builder and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). My live job board website needs a robust membership section integrated. The goal is to facilitate employer job postings and manage subscription-based packages for job seekers. Your role will involve: - Configuring EDD to establish a monthly-only subscription model. - Implementing job posting functionality for employers with a focus on 'featured job listings'. - Ensuring a seamless user experience for both job seekers and employers navigating through the site. - Integrating Credit/Debit card as the sole payment method for membership subscriptions. It's crucial you have extensive experience in WordPress and EDD, with a proven track record of de...
I need a software solution for my non-profit organization that allows members to pay their dues online and track their payments. The software should categorize members as 'active' upon payment of their yearly dues, and 'in...non-profit organization that allows members to pay their dues online and track their payments. The software should categorize members as 'active' upon payment of their yearly dues, and 'inactive' if they haven't paid. Key Requirements: - Both web-based and mobile app compatible. - User authentication through email and password. - Support for various payment methods, including Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Bank transfers, and Zelle. Ideal Skills: - Strong software development experience. - Familiarity with non-profit sector...
...Additional Integrations: Google Maps for location services. In-app communication (chat or call). Basic payment gateway for secure transactions. Technology Stack: Frontend: Flutter or React Native (cost-effective cross-platform development). Backend: Firebase (to reduce development and hosting costs). Database: Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore. APIs: Google Maps API, Payment Gateway API (Stripe, PayPal, or Razorpay). Deliverables: A functional Android & iOS app. Admin dashboard for app management. Deployment to Play Store and App Store. Source code with basic documentation. Budget: We are targeting a budget of $300, with flexibility depending on the proposed solution and features. Timeline: The app should be developed and deployed within 6-8 weeks. To Apply: Please i...
I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to create a fully responsive and user-friendly e-commerce website dedicated to selling digital products. The website should boast a modern and engaging design, with a bold and colorful aesthetic that prioritizes user experience. Key Features: - A sleek, modern design that captures attention - Seamless integration of PayPal as the sole payment gateway - A comprehensive admin panel for easy management of products, orders, and users - A mobile-friendly layout with a fast loading time - On-point SEO optimization for enhanced visibility on search engines - A secure database for safeguarding user and product information Deliverables: - A fully functional e-commerce website - Complete source code accompanied by thorough documentation - Post-d...
Advertising game platform development web app pwa Advertising costs are deducted when you play a simple advertising game Automatic registration of all contents using SNS API Promotional partner reward system PayPal payment Self-generated coin payment and product payment Apply only if you meet the following conditions for participation in development 1. More than 5 years of relevant experience, intermediate or higher 2. The client does not speak English, so someone who does not have communication problems using a translator 3. The development budget is $200 and the development period is 15 days 4. Someone who has experience making a simple game in 30 seconds
... and Add to Favorites. • Categories: Allow categorization by themes (e.g., Vlogs, Tutorials, Short Films). ________________________________________ 9. Shop • E-commerce Integration: o Product Categories: Merchandise, art prints, photography gear, or books. o Standard features: Product search, filters, cart, wishlist, and checkout. o Payment Gateways: Support for international payments (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). ________________________________________ 10. Social Media Integration • Real-Time Feeds: Display posts from Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. • Share Buttons: Allow easy sharing across platforms for all content. ________________________________________ Technical Features • CMS: WordPress for flexibility and ease of management. • Plugins: o Photogr...
I...E-books. This site must be able to integrate with PayPal and Stripe for payment processing. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: I want my customers to be able to leave feedback on the E-books they purchase. - Download Limit Settings: This feature will help to manage the number of times a customer can download a purchased E-book. - Membership or Subscription Options: I want to provide an option for customers to subscribe or become members for exclusive content or discounts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and E-commerce solutions - Experience in setting up E-book stores - Knowledge of integrating PayPal and Stripe - Ability to implement user review systems - Skilled in setting up download limit settings - Experience in creating membership or ...
...on location, availability, and reviews. The project will begin with a website and later expand to Android and iOS applications. Scope of Work: Website Development (Phase 1) Develop a responsive and user-friendly website. Implement photographer profiles with portfolios, pricing, and location. Integrate booking and calendar management features. Develop a payment integration system (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). Allow users to leave reviews and ratings. Implement geographic filtering to find nearby photographers. Mobile App Development (Phase 2, Optional) Develop Android and iOS applications. Ensure synchronization with website data. Create push notification systems for bookings and reminders. Key Features: Photographer/Videographer Profiles: Portfolio showcase, pricing tiers...