Photo hand drawn işler
Çalışma Şekli Tam Zamanlı Tecrübe En az 3 yıl tecrübeli Departman Görsel Tasarım GENEL NİTELİKLER VE İŞ TANIMI Şirket Tanıtımı: Yurtdışı bahis firması olarak şirketimiz için Türkçe bilen, Photoshop ve benzeri grafik tasarım programlarında profesyonel düzeyde UI & UX tasarım yapabilen, profesyonel düzeyde photo manipulation ve banner tasarımı yapabilen, ileri seviyede görsel üretim yapan yapay zeka araçlarını kullanabilen, temel düzeyde video düzenleme ve montaj işlemlerini gerçekleştirebilecek, dijital tasarım araçlarını etkin bir şekilde kullanabilen, görsel projelerin konseptten uygulamaya kadar tüm süreçlerini yönetebilecek ve sosyal medya içerikler...
...aim to finish with the lowest score. * Folding (Katlamalı): Similar to Non-Folding, but players can "fold" (give up) if they have a weak hand, incurring a fixed penalty. * Penalized (Cezalı): Based on Folding rules with additional penalties: * Double Meld (Çift Açma): Opening with 7+ pairs grants -101 points, subject to being overtaken by another player opening more pairs before the hand ends. * High Scoring Meld (Seri/Per): Opening with a meld score of 147+ grants -101 points, with the same overtaking rule. * Side Tile Penalty (Yandan Taş Cezası): If a player takes a discarded tile from the player to their right and uses it to open their hand, the discarding player receives a penalty based on the tile's value (6+). The penalt...
gerek kendi portallarımız ve pazaryeri sitemiz ile ilgili gerekse yazılım altyapısı sattığımız müşterilere verilecek hizmetlerde bizimle işbirliği halinde çalışacak. Creative gücü yüksek, sosyal medya, banner, one page web vb üretebilecek. tercihen html5, CSS, JAVA GİBİ FRONT-HAND UYGULAMALARI da çalışabilen, uzun vadeli iş ortaklığı yapabileceğimiz Dijital Medya Uzmanı arıyoruz. Freelance olarak başlayacağımız iş birlikteliğine ilerleyen zamanda derinlik katabiliriz. İzmir ikameti tercihimizdir.
Hello, I'm doing dropshipping lingeries mostly on Etsy and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model...I'm doing dropshipping lingeries mostly on Etsy and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Blender. The model doesn't necessarily have to be a person; it can be any object (hanger, lifeless mannequin, or a surface) as long as it stands professionally. I offer a starting price of $0.70 per photo, with an increasing salary offer as the process progresses. I will need approximately 100 photos initially. Once the correct texture is applied, most of them will be similar. Feel free to suggest a price for the...
Ben haftasonlarında düğün fotoğrafçılığı yapıyorum. instegram sayfası için logo tasarımı istiyorum aynı zamanda t-shirt arka tarafına bu logoyu bastırmayı planlıyorum görsel yönüde olmalı. Photo Joy ismini kullanacağım sizden göze çarpan fotoğraf sektörüne uyan cool bir tasarım örneği rica ediyorum
I want an excel file to be created with the same font that previously created in Excel. There are 2 photos. Photograps of the article is available. There is also an example excel file, but it needs to be the same as in the photo by making changes on the font. Each character of an excel file that you will create must be exactly the same as photos. This is an urgent job needs to be completed immediately.
photoshopta fotoğraf ve logo tasarlıyorum eğer örnek leri beğendiyseniz benimle iletişime geçin
TR: Aşağıda Örnek sunduğumuz sitenin içinde yer alan konu içinde bulunan foto galeri eklentisi yaptırılacaktır. EN: The host will have a photo gallery plug-in built in the site we present as an example. TR: - Resim ve Reklam düzeni Tekil sayfada resim ve reklam bölümü hangi şekilde gösterilmesini (görsel alt, üst, sağ, sol) gözükmesi... Reklam kodlarını koyabileceğimiz alana - Görsel arası Reklam yayını açık-kapalı - Responsive uyumlu olmasına - Galeri Sayfalama rengi (Sınırsız renk ) - Görsel galeri ile uyumlu olmasına - Görsel alt başlık gözüksün ve gözükmesin - Son görsel geçişinden sonra konuya geri dönülmesi - ok yönü açılıp k...
Bodinoz makinesinden çıkan silindir haldeki poşeti, naylon önlüğe çevirmek istiyoruz. Kendimizce...önlüğe çevirmek istiyoruz. Kendimizce tasarladığımız ve çizdiğimiz görsel ve yapmak istediğimiz ürünün ölçüleri ve son hali ektedir. Çizdiğimiz makinenin birebir aynısı olması şart değil, önemli olan istediğimizi ürünü alabilmektir. İlk etapta tasarıma ve teknik çizime ihtiyacımız var. We want to turn the cylindrical bag from the Bodinoz machine into a nylon apron. The visual we have designed and drawn by ourselves and the dimensions and final form of the product we want to make are attached. It is not necessary that the machine we draw is exactly the same, the impo...
Bir alışveriş merkezinde bir köşe mağazasının 3 boyutlu tasarımına ihtiyacım var. Örnek olarak :
...---------------------------------------------- Hello there, Udacity training has been completed by the company for my name, but I cannot spare the time, so I give this job in order not to report negatively. In the project, there are flower photos that have been given us a folder. Our goal is to train the program with machine learning techniques and to ensure that it accurately identifies the photo we provide. Roughly, I can give more detail to those who can help in this way....
IOS ve Andoid telefonlarda çalışan ve canlı yüz tespiti yapıp, göz kırpma ile fotoğraf çekip web servis vasıtası ile yüz tanıma sunucumuza çektiğ...ilgili tanımlı olup olmadığı husunda fotoğrafın geldiği uygulamaya geri cevap verecektir ve uygulama ekranında gelen cevap görüntülenecektir. projenin özelikle react native ile yazılmasını istiyoruz. işin sonunda tüm kodlar talep edilmektedir. We want to do live face detection on iOS and Andoid phones, take photos with wink and send a photo to our facial recognition server via web service. The server will respond back to the application where the photo came from, and the answer will be displayed on the app screen. We want the regen to be written specifically with r... sharing from the camera - Authorization of cameras of students depending on the will of the teacher, if they want, students can enable their cameras too. - Live chat box - Ability to add slides and move on them and draw on them with mouse - Setting the necessary back-end of the software with comments on how to integrate. - A box to ask questions - The student will be able to talk if the "raise hand" feature is confirmed by a notification that will appear on the screen of this learning. - Current student list - Record of the movements and video of the webrtc, the playability feature. Movements should be recorded as json. What is required for this is jquery / ajax / node whatever the software is set up. Kurs projemizde kullanacamz canl tahta uygulamasn hayata ge&c...
...Profil Sayfası Üye Bilgileri, Geçmiş etkinlikler, Yeni etkinlik ekle, Opsiyonlu Bildirimler E. ÖDEME SAYFALARI Bireysel ve Kurumsal Üye Girişi ile Bilet alma yada kurumsal hizmet satın alma. Kart bilgileri Satış sözleşmesi onayı Geri Bildirim; Sms, email. F. FOTOMAGAZİN SAYFASI Arama (3 filtreli) Mekan ismi / Bölge seçimi / Tarih ile fotoğraf arama , Sadece mekan isminden arama yapılmış ise; en yakın tarihten en eskiye doğru aranan mekana ait fotoğraf albümleri sergilenir, Sadece bölge seçimi ile arama yapılmış ise; en yakın tarihten en eskiye doğru o bölge etkinliklerine ait fotoğraf albümleri sergilenir, Sadece tarih ile arama yapılmış ise; o tarihe ait etkinliklere ait fotoğraf albümleri sergileni...
Hello, we need second hand web sites but plase only developer Russian or Turkish i don't know english thanks
Buddypress plugin need to photo tag future. Buddypress eklentisine fotoğraf etiketleme özelliği istiyorum.
Bu Projede Youtuber'lar Ya Da Sosyal Medya Fenomenleri İçin Profil Fotoğrafı Arka Plan Gibi Şeyeyler Yapılır
Turkish Version : PSD'si çizilmiş 21 sayfa temanın HTML, CSS ve JS döküm işlemi yaptırılacaktır, Tasarım'da bootstrap responsive istenmiyor proje ile ilgili görselleri özelden göstereceğim. Tekliflerinizi bekliyorum... English Version : PSD theme, drawn 21 pages in HTML, CSS and JS casting process will be done, you can not be asked to bootstrap responsive design will show the specific images related to the project. Waiting for your offer ...
We need 10 different characters for box games. This characters will be drawn back of cards. Every drawing must describe a situation. For example "Help me". But, in this it is important the drawing. Drawings must be nonsexual. And 5 years old child must understand with this drawing it is a call of help. The characters will be in situations such as "I need help," "I am afraid," and "I endure." The drawing must be in vectoral form. Tasarımı yapılacak karakterler, eklediğimiz örnek resimlerden 01 nolu resim gibi duyguların çok ön planda olduğu bir karakter olabilir, 02 nolu resim gibi tamamen tanımsız ve özgün bir karakter olabilir, 03 nolu resim gibi unisex normal bir karakter olabilir (gerçi burada kara...
Çekilen bir fotografta R, G ve B renk (başka formatta da olabilir ) değerlerini okuyacak ve cihaz ekranına istenilen formatta yazacak bir uygulama Mobile application that collects mean of R, G and B pixel color values of a part of taken photo and show these values in a given format at the mobile phone screen
...Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are determined before ''as seen on below photo'' the unit price of the added/omitted products must effect the cost. Some ingredients are free, and some others can be added for a fee. Two separate sections can be made for them. I can give detailed information via Skype to you if you want. 6. While the customer opens an order, there can be a section showing that the customer who bought this also bought fol...
profesyonel olarak retouch - photo editing yapılmaktadır
resim düzenleme graphic yapma photo düzen
sri dhivya photo...........................................................................................................................................................
TÜRKÇE Bu projede sizlere özel Facebook kapak fotoğrafı tasarımları yer alıyor. Satın alma sonunda iletişim ile detaylar belirlenecek ve tasarım tamamlanacaktır. ENGLISH In this project, you will receive private Facebook cover photo designs. Contact details at the end of your purchase will be determined and the design will be completed.
... I can show my as an example. As in all sports links will be drawn . Address in the link I mentioned I'm searching for Johnson to Guest Authors Looking OR betting Betting section Guest Authors will be drawn , Livescore. live Results sunmaktadı free but must be seen in my site url address. The C # programming language to use or Google results available in another thing that can be imaged . Css Ile should be created a simple design using HTML 5, Standings, Live Scores , İddaa bet Looking For Guest Authors , Programs, of the details of the Fulltime Live center live match broadcast, Highlights , Lineups , date, time, Gols , the match videos , and so on. As will be drawn on the link , all live, finished , done in the Departments will be highlighted in the
Karakterimizin 3 boyutlu modellemesi yapılacak ve 10-12 saniye civarında bir animasyon videosu hazırlanacak. Video 2 bölümden oluşmakta: 1- Karakterimiz önce el sallayıp ardından 'içeri buyrun' şeklinde bir hareket yapacak. 2- Karakterimiz başarı işareti yapacak ve gülümseyecek. Karakterimiz ekte mevcuttur. F...oluşmakta: 1- Karakterimiz önce el sallayıp ardından 'içeri buyrun' şeklinde bir hareket yapacak. 2- Karakterimiz başarı işareti yapacak ve gülümseyecek. Karakterimiz ekte mevcuttur. For English; Our character must be made 3d character and an animation video for 10-12 seconds. Video has 2 parts: 1- Our character is gonna wave its hand and then welcome us. 2- Our character is gonna...
müşterilerimize online olarak telefon üzerinden photo yüklemesi ve bizim yolladıgımız dosyadan resim onaylaması
We have owned for a web page, a different system with 10 user-name, image entry will be provided on a specific subject. 700 photos are required to be on average per week. The site's name and picture to be drawn of the categories will be told after the agreement. Sites like Pinterest are working with. Photos must be of high quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahibi olduğumuz bir web sayfası için , Farklı 10 kullanıcı adı ile sisteme , belli bir konuda resim girişi sağlanacak. Ortalama haftada 700 resim olma zorunluluğu vardır. Sitenin ismi ve resimlerin çekileceği kategoriler anlaşm...
Hazır bir tasarım sablonu uzerine rakam yazdırıp, sadece portre fotografını cektirip, bu 2 veriyi otomatik olarak yerlestirip photo library e atacak basit bir yazılım istiyoruz.
I need a skilled professional to enlarge a photo and enhance it with paint. - Photo Enlargement: The photo needs to be cropped to fit specific dimensions. - Detail Enhancement: Sharpening of background elements is required. Ideal candidates should have experience in photo editing and enhancement, particularly with sharpening background elements. The main reasons to upgrade to Laravel format is: a) the mobile site is actually an independent set up, so it’s like I have 2 websites, the PC side and the mobile side. That’s old and dumb. b) The current code structure is not google search friendly. So it needs to be changed to Laravel. 3. This site is complex. There is a detailed data base, a huge library of gay videos, a huge library of photo albums, some news, games, articles, horoscopes, a member messaging system, etc., so is some ways, it works like a gay newspaper. 4. You will need to have a server to use so to set up the new site to see how well it works and to work out bugs. However, since the video component is huge, you don’t need to upload more than a dozen video for testing. 5. The video compone...
I am a social media manager seeking a proficient freelancer to help enhance my follower count primarily on platforms where images and photos are the key content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in increasing social media followers - Expertise in creating engaging image and photo content - Familiarity with best practices on major social media platforms - Ability to analyze and adapt strategy based on performance metrics
...designer who can create a minimalist style business card for me. The card should incorporate the following elements: - My company logo - My contact information, website , address, phone, email - Our company slogan - A QR Code, which provides all information in digital and saves to contact. a QR code to website on back side - My designation - Links to our Instagram and LinkedIn - My Photo The color scheme for the card should align with our corporate colors. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong graphic design background - Experience in creating minimalist design - Proficiency in using design software - Understanding of brand consistency and corporate identity - Ability to create QR codes and integrate them into design I look forward to seeing your creative
...time. with the same stop and target calculations. • Transformation: o If patterns reverse, confirm with 2 candles for pattern cancellation. o New patterns available if prices reverse in the right direction. Push Notifications • Notification: Send push notifications to iPhone (via Firebase Cloud Messaging) and email with trading signal details (entry level, stop level, amount at risk).and analyse drawn and name of the asset Trade Automationname of the asset • Execution: Execute trades via Binance and XTB APIs if enabled. • Schedule: Customizable trading schedule, stop 30 minutes before market opening/closing. Recommended Technologies • Programming Language: Python • APIs: Binance and XTB • Push Notifications: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) •...
I need a skilled graphic designer specializing in photo editing. The main focus will be on retouching and correction of my photos.
...Photoshop expert to edit a photo of me at the gym. The image will need to include a digitally added Latina girl, who is shorter than me, skinny, and has a 'big gym booty'. This is for a Tinder experiment, so the final image should look as authentic as possible. Here's what you'll need to do: - Blend a combination of provided and sourced images of a suitable Latina girl into my gym photo. - Ensure the lighting and overall style of the added figure matches the original photo as closely as possible. - Make the final image look convincing and natural, as if the girl was really next to me in the gym. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in Photoshop and image editing - Good understanding of lighting and image composition - Experience with cre...
I'm in need of a reliable to conduct a site visit on a commercial property in Limassol. The primary purpose of this visit is to capture photos for compliance or legal purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a comprehensive site visit of the commercial property. - Capture high-quality photographs of specific areas: - Entrance and exit points - Exterior and surrounding areas Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photography, with ability to take clear, high-quality photos. - Trustworthy and reliable, with a strong sense of responsibility.
...provide an automated grading score based on mathematical models and ML classification. Key Requirements: ✅ Advanced Image Processing (OpenCV, NumPy, skimage, etc.) ✅ Machine Learning Model (Supervised learning, CNN, PyTorch/TensorFlow) ✅ Mathematical & Algorithmic Approach to grading (based on centering, edges, surface, corners) ✅ Robust Background Removal (even in difficult environments: table, hand, uniform backgrounds) ✅ Perspective Correction & Contour Detection to correctly isolate cards ✅ Support for All Pokémon Card Types (Holo, Reverse Holo, Full Art, Vintage, etc.) Tasks: ? Develop an Image Processing Pipeline to preprocess images, remove backgrounds, and detect card contours ? Implement Geometric & Mathematical Evaluation Metrics (card centering, ed...
I will choose the best 5 photos per item, crop them, adjust brightness and other settings, and deliver 10-20 retouched lifestyle images (with several children appearing in them) from all the photos you have sent. The service cost is €15 and includes any modifications you require for the images. I can make all the necessary adjustments until you are fully satisfied with the final result. The estimated delivery time is 4 days.
I'm looking for a talented photoshopper or illustrator to create a realistic depiction of my Shetland Sheepdog in a detective outfit. This is for a personal project and the artwork will be used to post online as my dog achieves his detective title in scent work Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in editing a photo or creating realistic animal illustrations - Understanding of character design and outfit detailing - Previous experience with pet illustrations will be a plus - Ability to deliver high-quality, print-ready images
I need an article delving into the current socio-economic landscape in Rural Afghanistan, with a particular emphasis on migration trends. The article should be based on first-hand interviews with locals in the Eastern provinces, including Paktia, Paktika, Kunar, Khost, and Nangarhar. Key aspects to cover: - The impact of socio-economic changes on migration patterns - Both internal migration to urban centers within Afghanistan and trans-national movement to neighboring countries
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a minimalist custom logo for my brand. The logo should embody a minimalist style, focusing on simplicity and brand. The logo should embody a minimalist style, focusing on simplicity and clarity, while still being unique and representative of my brand identity. Key Requirements: - Expertise in minimalist design principles - Ability to create a tailored design based on a custom color palette - Strong understanding of brand identity representation in design The primary colors for this logo will be drawn from a custom color palette, which will need to be developed in collaboration with the designer. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio of minimalist designs and a keen eye for detail and ...
I'm looking for a skilled photo retoucher with experience in jewellery editing, specifically for necklaces. The task involves retouching 1-10 photos. Key tasks include: - Color correction: Ensuring the colours are consistent and appealing. - Adding shine and reflection: Making the necklaces look more appealing and enticing. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in using Photoshop for jewellery editing, with a portfolio showcasing previous work on similar projects. Attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics are crucial for this role.
...healthy fats at each meal. **Example of a Balanced Meal:** - **Breakfast:** Oatmeal with berries and nuts, a boiled egg. - **Lunch:** Grilled chicken salad with leafy greens, olive oil dressing, quinoa. - **Dinner:** Baked salmon, steamed vegetables, and brown rice. - **Snacks:** Fresh fruit, yogurt, or a handful of almonds. --- **4. Conclusion:** Exercise and a balanced diet work hand-in-hand to improve health, manage weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Regular physical activity, combined with a nutritious, balanced diet, can help you lead a healthier, more active life. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise or diet regimen to ensure it’s right for you....
I'm seeking an Excel expert to upgrade my existing sheet, initially designed for resource capacity planning, to incorporate varying cost calculations dependent on the project at hand. Key Requirements: - The upgraded Excel sheet should be suitable for project management, particularly in resource planning. - It should allow for the use of multiple labor rates in cost calculations, reflecting the different costs associated with various projects. - The sheet should be able to accommodate changes in cost based on the specific project being worked on, enhancing the accuracy of resource cost forecasting. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Excel, particularly in creating complex formulas and calculations. - Prior experience in project management resource planning. - Ability t...
I'm looking for a designer to create 4-7 floral carpet patterns based on photo samples I have attached. The final files can be delivered in either Adobe Illustrator (AI) or Adobe Photoshop (PSD) format, depending on your preference. Each carpet pattern is 2 x 3 meter in size and the file should be scalable to this required size. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop - Strong design skills, particularly in pattern creation - Experience in creating design files suitable for carpet production Please quote your price PER pattern. We will proceed 1 file at a time with the first file (first project) starting immediately.
I'm looking for a unique and thoughtful hand-drawn, cartoonish-style picture to give as a gift. This piece features two people in the style of Bond villain Blofeld and his loyal cat looking adoringly at his master (we can supply photo of the persons face for the cat) Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Exceptional hand-drawing skills - Proficiency in creating cartoonish art - Experience in character design, particularly people - Good understanding of gift-oriented artwork - Ability to capture likeness and personality in a light-hearted way