Paid adult click sites işler
I am looking for a digital marketing intern who can assist me with SEO optimization for my website. The ideal candidate should have exper...ranking on search engine results pages Current status of website's SEO: - Fully optimized but needs improvement Skills and experience required: - Strong understanding of SEO techniques and best practices - Experience with keyword research and optimization - Familiarity with SEO tools and analytics platforms - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Knowledge of social media management and paid advertising campaigns is a plus The internship will be performance-based, with a payout based on the achievement of the defined goals. This is a great opportunity for someone looking to gain hands-on experience in digital marketing and SE...
Click to earn tarzinda bir uygulama olsun istiyorum. İnsanlara reklam gelirlerinden komisyon vermeyi amaç edinmiş bir app
"Customers" will always want 3 scoops of ice cream, served in desired flavor order The player has to click the flavor buttons in order to serve the scoops, one at a time If the scoops flavors are valid and in order, the player gets 1 point Otherwise the player gets no points Here's an example code snippet to get 3 random scoops, that a "customer" would want const getThreeScoops = () => 'vanilla chocolate strawberry ' .repeat(3) .trim() .split(' ') .sort(() => (() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1)) .slice(0, 3);
İş Maddeleri; - web sitesinin wordpress tabanlı görünümünün iyileştirilmesi. - Sitenin içerisine WhatsApp bildirim hattı tanımlanması. - Kontrol panellleri eklenmesi - SEO ve Google ADS özellikleri Business Items; - Improving the wordpress-based appearance of the website. - Defining WhatsApp notification line inside the site. - Adding control panels - SEO and Google ADS features
Selamlar, Biz oyun geliştirmeyle uğraşan, yazılım mühendislerinden oluşan startup tarzında bir ekibiz. Şu anda hikaye bazlı, interaktif bir adult oyun geliştiriyoruz. Bunun için senaryomuzla uyumlu olacak şekilde ecchi tarzında resimler çizebilecek sorumluluk sahibi ve proje sonuna kadar bizimle devam edebilecek bir çizere ihtiyacımız var. Bizimle çalışmayı düşünür müydünüz?
google üzerinden adswords reklamlarına tıklama gerçekleştirecek bir programa ihtiyacım var
üzerinden ads tıklaması gerçekleştirecek bir programa ihtiyacım var, ayrıca yapabilecek bilgili arkadaş varsa random ip oluşturabilecek programa dahil proxy de olabilir, olmazsada sorun değil değişken ip alınır.
ENG. : Hi I want to open another website within the website that belongs to me. When I press a button on my own website, I want to have pressed an area or button at the same time. I want to click on the site opened within the site. but I want to give the button command through my own website. who can help me with this? TR : Merhaba bana ait web sitesi içerisinde, başka bir web sitesini açmak istiyorum. sonrasında kendi web sitem üzerindeki bir tuşa bastığımda, site içerisinde açılmış olan web sitesinde belirlediğim bir alana yada butona da aynı anda basmış olmak istiyorum. site içerisinde açılan siteye tıklama yapmak istiyorum. ancak buton komutunu kendi web sitem üzerinden vermek istiyorum. bu konu hakkında bana kim yardımcı olab...
escort sitesi ve bahis siteleri için seo, link oluşturma ve google optimize, adult. casino, bahis, kumar
Volt Lines ve Biserwis (isci servisi) konseptini Chariot(dolmus) konseptiyle birlestirip EcoRyde adi altinda Kanada icin gelistirmek.
Hello, we need second hand web sites but plase only developer Russian or Turkish i don't know english thanks
Yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var Bunu tasarlayın ve kurun Diğer ya da belirsiz Adult Site Kurulum Ve Tasarım Yetişkinler İçin +18 Site
The project is crawling a couple of web pages some of which are stated below and sending those crawled attributes to the server for which JS APIs are ready. Developing the code as a script compatible with Tampermonkey would be nice.
- Kullanıcı istediği kadar düğüm ekleyebilmeli (Bu ekle butonu ya da mosue sol click tuşu ile sağlanabilir) -Kullanıcı hangi düğümlerin komşu olduklarını seçebilmeli (Kullanıcı bir düğümden diğer düğüme ok çekecek ve bu iki düğüm komşu olacak) -Kullanıcı komşulukları belirledikten sonra yukarıda belirtilen algoritmalardan(bfs, dfs, prim, dijikstra, a*) birini seçtiğinde dolaşmayı o algoritmaya göre yapmalı. (Algoritmaların bulunduğu bir menü olmalıdır.) -Dolaşırken hangi sırada dolaştığının belli olması için boyama yaparak dolaşmalıdır. -Eklenilen düğüm silinebilmelidir. (Mouse sağ click veya buton ile veya başka bir yöntem) -Tüm düğümler siline...
Merhaba, Bir projede kullanmak icin asagidaki detaylarda ucreti karsiliginda VERITABANI gerekiyor. Konular: Alisveris sitesi (Emlak-Vasita-Al-Sat, Kisisel Alisveris....) Forum siteleri (Adult siteleri disindaki tum konular olabilir) Kadin-Moda-Guzellik siteleri (Giyim-Kusam, Taki, Kozmetik, forum, tartisma...) Seri Ilanlar (Her turlu ilanlar) Elaman - Is Arama siteleri Sektorel Ilanlar (Sirket ilanlari, bilgileri, usta arayanlar, meslek gruplari) Sikayet Siteleri Yerel Siteler (Ozellikle belirli bir sehre ait her turlu data: eleman arama, seri ilanlar, forum...) Film-Muzik verileri gibi veritabani ortaminda: resimli, detayli MYSQL / CSV bilgilere ihtiyac var. Yani yukaridaki konulari kapsayan icleri DOLU veritabani lazim. Bu veritabanlari SADECE bazi testler...
cookie clicker adlı oyunu bir çoğunuz biliyordur bilmiyorsanız proje hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için lütfen araştırını bir şey değil işlerimden dolayı uygulamayı tasarlayacak zamana sahip değilim o yüzden makul bir fiyata yaptırmak istiyorum. Oyun ilk başladığında sadece dünya olacak ve dünyaya bastıkça insan üretilmeye başlanacak insan üretmeye başladıkça beşeri unsur olan yapı ve beslenme gibi şeyleri insanlarla yapmaya başlayacaksınız ve o sırada para kazanmaya başlayacaksınız oyun insan üretmeye bağlı para kazanmaya paralel gidicek.Dünya bir insan üretme sınırı içerisinde olacak ve ondan sonra mars-jüpiter gibi tüm güneş sistemi galaksilerine erişiceksiniz bitcoin miner adlı oyun'a b...
...1/panel/new-ticket?phone=5327207362&crid=asd5as4d5sa4d5) I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST --- When i click to ticket list i want to see this titles ID, Name Surname, Plate No, Province, You can see the search box on top right. All extra feilds can be searchable, for example when i write the new column plate number. I want to see result or phone number or name. Please add all extra columns to search array. --- TICKET LIST --- When clients creating a ticket c...
Türkiye lokasyonu için adult, escort, sex içerikli web sitesi için seo yaptırmak türkçe ve ingillizce arama kelimelerinde gelen sayfada ilk sıralarda websitemin görünmesini salamakk 3) additional modules to be placed; Budgeting module; 4) online conversations It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek man...
Hi. I want to instagram type mobile site. Want Features: -) Follow - unfollow - user system. -) Adding image the post.(on click full screen image) (image source disk or camera) -) Notification system. -) Comments and like system -) Follow proposal system. ---- Merhaba. İnstagrama benzer bir mobil websitesi uygulaması yazdırmak istiyorum. Tasarım yönüyle tamamen aynı olmasını istemiyorum yanlış anlaşılmasın. İstediğim özellikler: -) Üyelik sistemi (takip sistemi dahil) -) Mesajlara resim yükleyebilme(resimlere tıklayınca cihazlarda tam ekran resim görüntülenmesi) (Ayrıca resimler mobil cihaz kameralarından veya diskten yüklenebilmeli) -) Bildirim sistemi (Biri beğendiğinde veya yorum yaptığında haber vermeli) -) Yorum ve ...
photogrammetry yöntemi ile hazırlanmış modellerimizi ZBRUSH yardımı veya isteğe bağlı yardımcı programlar ile üzerinde eksik kalan alanları uygun bir şekilde tamamlama ve düzeltme işini gerçekleştirebilen alanında tecrübeli proje başına ödeme alacak takım arkadaşlarına ihtiyacımız var... tasarımlar devam...tecrübeli proje başına ödeme alacak takım arkadaşlarına ihtiyacımız var... tasarımlar devamlı olarak gönderilecek ve iş bitirime hızına göre günde yetiştirebildiğiniz kadar proje temin edebilirsiniz... (english) photogrammetry method ZBRUSH prepared with the help of our models or optional help complete the remaining fields on the programs in an appropriate manner , and we need correction job to get paid per project experie...
...kendi sayfasında gösterebilmesi, Anlaşılması halinde ödeme uzman kirala'dan yapılacak. Yapılan projeye garanti verilebilmesi geliştirmeye açık olması, Kaynak kodları ile birlikte teslim edilmesi, Kaynak kodlarına açıklama ayrıntılı olarak eklenmesidir. Esen Kalınız. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Dear , we plan to make a web site Click Expert Year 2015 . I can show my as an example. As in all sports links will be drawn . Address in the link I mentioned I'm searching for Johnson to Guest Authors Looking OR betting Betting section Guest Authors will be drawn , Livescore. live Results sunmaktadı free but must be seen in my site url address. The C # programming language to use asp...
Merhaba tasarım örneği mevcut olan video şablonunu tüm çözünürlüklerde sorunsuzca görüntülenecek şekilde responsive css dökümü yapabilecek birine ihtiyacım var. Toplamda 3-4 sayfa mevcut olup gereksiz kodlamalara girmeden işi hızlıca halledebilcek arkadaşları bekliyorum. Dökümde sadece % kullanılacak (px istemiyorum)
Merhaba arkadaşlar elimde bir form var. Bu form şifremi unuttum olayında işe yaramakta. Bu formun 'Kullanıcı adımı unuttum' şeklinde yapılmasını talep etmekteyiz. Kişi mail adresini yazacak, mail adresine databasede kayıtlı olan kullanıcı adları mail yolu ile gönderilecek. ---- Hi everybody. I have a 'Forgot my password' form. But I need a 'I FORGOT USERNAME FORM'... User is come my site, click 'I FORGOT MY USERNAME' button. Type mail adress and push SEND button. After, script found username for the register mail adress on database and send user mail adress to USERNAME. I share to u Forgot My Password files (.php) Done.
...web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work....
...web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work....
...web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals....
I'm loo...role where your earnings are directly linked to the success of your calls. You wont get paid hourly or per project instead per sale. Key Responsibilities: - Cold call local healthcare businesses to sell my google review aquisition agency. - Maintain professionalism and convey the value of positive online presence to potential clients. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cold calling and telemarketing. - Excellent communication and persuasion skills. - Understanding of the healthcare industry is a plus. - Prior experience in working with local businesses preferred. Compensation: - This is a commission-based role. Your earnings are directly tied to the number of successful calls. You get paid $61 per sale so if you make 1 sale a day you make a... should display 5 small images across by 25 images down, making a total of 125 images per page. Pagination or Infinite Scroll: If a gallery exceeds the set limit (125 photos), it should either paginate or automatically load more images as the user scrolls. Responsive Design: Gallery pages must be responsive, adjusting to different screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. 2.2 Photo Details Page Click-to-Enlarge: When a user clicks on a photo, it should open in a larger format on a dedicated page. Price Display: The larger photo view should prominently display the price of the image, along with a "Buy Now" button. Non-Exclusive Rights Agreement: Before purchasing, the buyer must confirm they understand the non-exclusive nature of the photo rights. This can be presented ...
I'm looking for a group of 3 to 4 skilled instrumentalists for a Gospel Ja...contemporary approach to Gospel Jazz is preferred, but traditional elements can be incorporated as needed. - Skilled in improvisation to enhance performance and adapt to changes seamlessly. The performance will be local and last for 1 hour. The worship service will take place on Sunday, March 2 at 9:30 a.m. The musicians will receive a fixed payment for their performance. The musicians will be paid a fixed fee for their performance. The musicians should focus on the performance, with minimal audience interaction. The performance will take place in a church setting. Regarding equipment, a piano will be provided on-site. Preference for a Sax and/or Trumpet player is needed. The budget for the musicians...
I need an experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of my app like Omegle. My app has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to find a partner. 2. The Intermediate Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The ChatScreen - Matched users can chat (text only), skip each other, or exit the chat. I've written around 200 lines of code, but I'm having issues with data synchronization on the Intermediate Screen. Ideal freelancer should: - Improve real-time matching efficiency and flow. - Optimize Firestore read/writes. - Perfectly handle user skipping and exiting the chat. This is a short-duration project, estimated to take 4-6 hours.
I'm looking for a talented writer to help me develop my non-fiction self-help manuscript, aimed primarily at adults. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in writing non-fiction, particularly self-help content. - Ability to understand and engage with an adult audience. - Excellent storytelling skills to make the content compelling. - Strong understanding of structure and pacing in manuscript writing. - Capability to conduct research to support the manuscript's content.
...reach and credibility. 11.2 On-Page SEO: On-page SEO focuses on optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Key elements shall include: • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally into our content. • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Create compelling title tags and meta descriptions that include target keywords and encourage click-throughs. • High-Quality Content: Produce valuable, original content that addresses the needs and interests of our audience. • Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Use header tags to structure our content and highlight important sections. • Image Optimization: Use high-quality images with descriptive file names, alt text, and appropriate file sizes. • Internal Link... create visually appealing and effective email templates without the need for extensive design skills. - Automated Email Sequences: The system should allow for the automation of email sequences, enabling me to engage with my subscribers in a timely and efficient manner. - Analytics and Reporting: I need detailed insights into the performance of my campaigns. The ability to track open rates, click-through rates, and other relevant metrics is crucial. - Advanced Personalization Options: Capabilities to personalize emails based on subscriber behavior and preferences to increase engagement. - Third-Party Integration APIs: The platform should support integration with popular CRM, e-commerce, and other business tools. - Spam Score Checker: Tools to evaluate the spam score of email ...
...the following as a design and copywriting reference: (each landing page must be tailored to reflect the specific state it represents). Ensure that the pages are optimized for user experience and conversions, with intuitive layouts and easy navigation. Project Terms: Strictly hourly work only – no fixed price or flat-rate agreements. The freelancer will be paid exclusively on an hourly basis via milestone-based payments. No per-page pricing or fixed contracts – only hourly payments. Time Commitment & Deadline: Initial 1-hour trial to evaluate work quality and fit. Estimated total work: 120-150+ hours (with potential for long-term updates). Work must be conducted in the New York City (EST) time zone. The faster the delivery, the better, provided that quality
...(like emojis, stock footage, images, etc. anything to support the message of what I'm saying). Please zoom in on the video so that it looks like the screenshot attached below: Strong English skills and knowledge of weed/cannabis products are a big plus. Whoever wins this contest will be rewarded with long-term work paid at $3 per video (20-50 videos per week to edit). To win this contest I recommend you: - edit 3 videos from the files I've provided - Make them as ENGAGING as possible Once the winner is chosen, you will be required to finish editing the remaining 18 videos (19 total) to receive the $65 reward. If you are looking for long-term work, this job is for you. Font/Editing Detail:
I'm in need of a seasoned Pay-Per-Click (PPC) specialist to assist with generating leads for my business on Google Ads. The focus should primarily be on B2B (Business to Business) leads. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effective PPC campaign on Google Ads - Target and capture relevant B2B leads - Optimize the campaign for maximum lead generation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing PPC campaigns, particularly on Google Ads - Strong understanding and experience in targeting B2B leads - Excellent analytical skills to optimize campaign performance
I'm in need of an approximately 30-second animated cartoon aimed at promoting a healthcare message in a humorous and light-hearted way, suitable for social media distribution. The animation should target adults with an approach that's engaging, f...engaging, friendly, and slightly cheeky. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating engaging, humorous animations with a light-hearted tone. - Ability to convey a serious healthcare message in a friendly and approachable manner. - Experience with social media-friendly content. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in animation software (e.g., Adobe After Effects, Blender). - Strong understanding of adult humor. - Excellent storytelling skills through animation. Please include examples of similar projects you have completed ...
...with Text, Privacy Policy, Terms, Cooperation Admin control for footer content. 3. User Account Dashboard Informational only (users cannot make changes). Three main sections: Current Investment Status: Property details (project name, apartment number, full purchasing price, current price, user profit) 6-payment schedule table (amount, due date, payment status) include invoices Total paid/remaining amount display Automated email reminders (4, 2, and 1 week before payment due date) to user and admin (suppressed if payment recorded). Future Projects: With images, text, maps. Leads to product page. Clickable offers (redirect to Product Page) Hot Offers: Similar to Future Projects but for immediate action items. Clickable offers (redirect to Product Page) 4. Produc...
I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create a vector image for me. The vector image will be used for an illustration to design a Light up cinema box I would like the sign to have the clock tower from "back to ...future" in the back ground with lighting electricity coming out of it and then also with the delorean going through the clock tower. and the words saying " Back to the Arcave" in the back to the future logo font. i attached some samples of image styles Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating vector images - Strong illustration and design skills - Understanding of design principles for an adult audience Ideal Skills: - Adobe Illustrator or equivalent software expertise - Experience with retro-style illustrations - Creative thinking and ...
I'm seeking a talented writer to help me create a Tamil romance novel. This story should cater to young adults and be set in a village. Key Requirements: - Strong command of Tamil language and literature. - Experience in writing romance novels. - Understanding of young adult perspectives. - Ability to depict village life vividly and authentically. Ideal Skills: - Creative storytelling and character development. - Excellent understanding of romance tropes. - Capacity to write relatable and engaging content for young adults. - Proficiency in Tamil with a rich vocabulary and understanding of nuances. Please provide samples of your previous works in your proposal.
...Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) ✅ Google Ads & PPC Campaigns ✅ SEO (On-Page & Off-Page Optimization) ✅ Email Marketing & Automation ✅ Content Marketing & Copywriting ✅ Affiliate Marketing & Influencer Outreach Project Goals: Increase website traffic & engagement Generate high-converting leads for our business Improve social media reach & follower engagement Boost ROI on paid ad campaigns Requirements: ✔ Proven experience in running successful digital marketing campaigns ✔ Strong knowledge of SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Email Marketing ✔ Data-driven mind set with experience in Google Analytics & Conversion Tracking ✔ Creative approach to content marketing and branding ✔ Ability to deliver measurable results How to A...
I'm looking for a seasoned writer who can craft an informative article about March's St. Patrick's Day and the folklore of leprechauns. The piece should be targeted at adults...who can craft an informative article about March's St. Patrick's Day and the folklore of leprechauns. The piece should be targeted at adults and delivered in a conversational tone. Key Requirements: - Exceptional research and writing skills - Ability to present information in an engaging way - Understanding of the adult audience's interests and comprehension level The article's purpose is to inform readers about these topics in an interesting way. A background in writing for adult audiences is preferred, as is experience with informal, conversational writing. Pleas...
I'm seeking a talented 2D digital artist to create a 7-minute long cartoon, complete with a storyboard. The cartoon should feature human characters and be targeted towards adults. Key Requirements: - Expertise in digital 2D animation with a portfolio demonstr...characters and be targeted towards adults. Key Requirements: - Expertise in digital 2D animation with a portfolio demonstrating previous work. - Strong character design skills, specifically designing relatable and engaging human characters. - Ability to create a compelling narrative over the course of 7 minutes. - Experience in storyboarding for animation. - Understanding of adult themes and humor suitable for an adult audience. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid. The animation should ha...
I'm looking for a professional who can create a stunning, glamorous-style photo portfolio for me using Adobe InDesign. The portfolio will feature around 50 photos, with a mix of full-page images and grid layouts. Key Requirements: - Design a bold and vibrant color scheme - Incorporate my logo, email, and contact number - Use a glamorous and minimalistic style Ideal Skills: -Proficiency in Adobe InDesign -Experience in designing portfolios or similar materials -Strong understanding of color schemes and design aesthetics -Ability to create a mix of different layouts
I'm seeking a freelancer who can source trending products from various suppliers (domestic and international) and list them on eBay US. The product categories are diverse, ranging from electronics, fashion items, to home goods. My budget is $70, and that will be paid once the sourced products make the first 5 sales. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in eBay platform - Experience in product sourcing and listing - Market trend analysis skills - Knowledge of diverse product categories - Ability to work on a commission basis
CAPTCHA auto Captcha solv...simple solving captchas automatically Save time to solving captcha using our software earn unlimited income Sovlve UNLIMITED Capcthcas In One Time Payment captcha will solve automatically when you start your work 24/7 HOURS ONLINE SUPPORT Simple to add Your id's in software no need to add ids in any other admin panels 2years upgrade version free Very easy to maintain single click to start your work You can work at any server you can save captchas, and also type manually you can work any server given below 1) KOLOTIBABLO 2) Pix Profit 3) CaptchaTrader 4) Megatypers 5) Protypers 6) Captcha2cash 7) Typeit 8) Koloteam 9) Qlinkgroup 10) Lookandearn 11) Typethat 12) Virtuacloud 13) Captchatypers 14) CaptchaBu...
I need assistance filing a petition for a successor guardian for an adult. All of the paperwork is completed; I just can't figure out how to get Minnesota's impossible e-file program to accept it. I just need help e-filing it.
...Trust & Credibility: * Integrate client testimonials and reviews from current salon tenants. * Add high-quality images showcasing the suites, amenities, and common areas. * Implement a virtual tour feature to provide an immersive experience for potential renters. * Simplify the Contact Process: * Improve the contact form on the homepage for easier inquiry submissions. * Enable a click-to-call feature for mobile users. * Implement a live chat function for real-time customer inquiries. * Highlight Unique Selling Propositions (USPs): * Clearly showcase benefits such as 24/7 access, included utilities, high-speed Wi-Fi, and suite personalization options. * Use visually appealing icons to make USPs stand out and easily digestible. * Ensure Fast Page...