Outsource merchant cash advance leads işler
First of all, it should be like the Navlungo site Hello, this is a big project, it would be healthier if I explain it mainly in details. 1. The site should definitely open very fast 2. Optimizations on the site are very important 3. The site should be suitable for both Turkish and English most important part of the site (features offered after member login) optimizations are flawle...people say that they can do it in 1 - 2 days, this is impossible, even if we proceed only in consultation with me, it will take 1 - 2 months for this site to become fully active at least because there are more functions than it seems and I will not open it to marketing before it becomes fully active. I want to build not just a site but a DEV. The important thing is service and competence thanks in advance...
Firmanın start up ında P&L , Balance Sheet , Cash flow hazırlama Konu hakkında tecrübe sahibi finans konusunda uzman destek gerekli
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Devxpress ile Solidworks mimarisine uygun bir web uygulaması geliştirmek istiyoruz. Birden fazla müşterinin kullanabileceği, çoklu dil desteğine sahip bir uygulama olacak. 6-7 katman ile çalışmayı düşünüyoruz. Veri tabanı hazır sayfa düzenlemeleri ve fonksiyonlar yapılacak.
Windows C# tabanlı MSSQL ile geliştirilmek için ekibimize outsource yada dönemsel çalışma arkadasları armaktayız
E-ticaret Markalarımızın dijital kanallarındaki reklamları yönetecek, remote çalışma arkadaşı arıyoruz. Google Ads, Merchant center, facebook ads manager vb gibi reklam panellerine hakim, strateji oluşturabilen ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda tasarım ekibini yönlendirecek arkadaşlar başvurabilir.
...şartlarını karşılamak için işletmenize ait web sitesini, ürün listelemelerinizi, Merchant Center hesabınızı ve bağlı hesaplarınızı güncelleyin. Şuan aktif olarak kurulu google merchant center hesabımız mevcuttur. Buradaki sorunu çözümleyip, tekrardan , ürünlerimizin alışveriş reklamlarında yayınlanmasının sağlanmasını istiyoruz. Eğer ürünlerimizin tekrardan , google alışveriş bölümünde yayınlanmasını sağlayabilecek iseniz, sizlerle çalışabilirim. Sonuç olarak , sitemdeki ürünlerin, google alışveriş bölümünde yayınlanmasını istiyorum. Yukarıdaki, YANLIŞ BEYAN sorununu çözümlenip, 569253148 () google merchant hesabımın aktif olmasını ...
E-ticaret sitemiz mevcut. Buradaki ürünleri google merhant hesabında yayınlamak ve ürünleri oradan satmak istiyoruz. Daha önceden uzun yıllar sorunsuz olarak çalıştık. Fakat sonra bir güncelleme oldu ve Yanlış Beyan uyarcı vermeye başladı. Sorunu düzeltip, hesabı aktif hale getirecek arkadaş arıyorum.
Merhabalar Android olarak belli başlı görevleri yapıp puan kazanacak kazandığı puanlar İle alışveriş yapabileceği bir uygulama yaptırmak istiyorum. Örnek Uygulama olarak “Cash App” isimli uygulama bakabilirsiniz
Merhaba Lalit K., profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. We need Twitter and Telegram Follower between 3000 to 5000 . Can you do that? If yes ,how much?Thank you in advance.
İnsan kaynakları ve bordro için bir uygulama geliştiriyoruz. MVC , ve Devexpress ile deneyelimli frontend developer arayışımız vardır.
Hello, I need historical database of all Open and Close odds of Pinnacle (bookmaker) of all countries 1st, 2nd, 3rd football leagues from 2015-2016 football season to date in excel format. I should be able to update the excel file automatically or manually whenever I want. Let's message for details. Thanks in advance.
...standards, and make data transfer between our device and SCADA server. What we see as best is to make a windows service, which communicates with the device on SOAP and communicate with SCADA with IEC104. There needs to be a Config file to identify the data to be retrieved and sent. 2nd stage, we can have a simple front end interface, where we can edit the config file easily. Many thanks in advance. Merhaba, Projemiz doğrultusunda SOAP üzerinden haberleşme yapan cihazımızın, hali hazırda kurulu bir SCADA sisteme entegrasyonu ve veri akışı talep edilmektedir. SCADA sistemde IEC104 standartlarında veri alış-verişi olmaktadır. Burada cihaz tanıtımlarını yapabileceğimiz bir arayüz, ve tanıtımlar yapıldıktan sonra "tercihen" servis olarak çalışacak b...
İyi günler.. Suudi Arabistan Krallığı'nda bir güzellik kliniğim ç ekimi konusunda uzmanlaşmış doktor ve hemşireleri işe almak ıca saç ekimi ala...artacaktır. dikkatle uygulayınız. Ve mümkünse İngilizce cevap verin. hi all .. I have a beauty clinic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I want to hire doctors and nurses specialized in hair transplantation. I also want to appoint a staff manager who has at least 10 years of experience in the field of hair transplantation, to work with us in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Those who serve us will be given a cash amount of 250USD for each applicant we hire and the value will increase when hiring a more qualified and experienced applicant. Applicants are requested to read the application carefully. And reply...
Google Ads hesabında reklam çalışmalarının hazırlanması, görsellerin hazırlanması google merchant , arama ağı , görüntülü reklam v.b. reklam ağlarının hazırlanması ve kurumsal yapıya göre dönüştürülmesi. Anahtar kelime ve hedef kitlelerin oluşturulması.
... gibi olacaktır. Tüm işlemler panelden gerçekleştirilecektir. Her ürün ayrı eklenecek stok olsada olmasada satış olacaktır. Tamamen Google Uyumlu bir site olacak Merchant center eklentisi Search Console Google Ads Ayarları Güçlü Seo Alt Yapısı Sistem alt yapısı olarak yi referans alabilirsiniz. Gelişmiş ürün detay sayfası olacak ve ürün detay sayfalarında ürünlerin kullanıldıgı ülke bölge dil seçenekleri gibi kriterler olacaktır. Şu sayfadaki örnekteki gibi diger ürünlere kolay geçişler saglanmalıdır Örnek Sayfa: Merchant center Ürün Yorum eklentisi eklenecek. Google ve seo araçları etkin ve Google Ads le baglı bir sistem olacaktır. ...
merhaba Yii2 advance ile hazirlanmis bir script kurulumu ve daha sonraki gelistirmeler icin sistemi bilen tecrubeli bir arkadas ariyoruz. Ucreti karsiliginda yardimci olabilir misiniz?
...(permission request, remaining permissions, view and save used permissions) Personnel start information Staff membership information Screen for sending malfunctions or warnings for devices and machines belonging to personnel's area of responsibility Personnel document sending screen For the accounting department; Recording staff expenses and selecting personnel Personnel salary, insurance, overtime, advance fee entry View, print, and save personnel data Human Resources; Personnel start dates, Personal information of staff, Personnel report, permission information, Authorization list to be found in the system; Manager, accounting, human resources, technical support, worker ...
Ürün / Kategori / Marka Yönetimi ,Toplu Mail Gönderimi,Havale / Kapıda Ödeme Sistemi Kredi Kartı Modülü,Blog / İçerik Yönetimi,Detaylı Kargo Yönetimi,İstatistik ve Reklam Satış Raporları,Promotion Bar,Exit Offer,Hediye Çeki / Puan Sistemi,XML Entegrasyonları,Facebook Store,Google Rich Snippets,Google Merchant Center Entegrasyonu,Sepet / Sipariş Hatırlatma,Ürün Karşılaştırma Modülü,Akıllı Filtre / Ürün Seçenekleri,Çoklu Dil,Anlık Bildirimler,Ses ile Arama
Proje bazlı outsource çalışacak freelance grafikerlere ihtiyaç vardır. İş Tanımı:Çocuk kitabı için Cartoon tasarımları ,Maskot tasarımları,Karakter tasarımları yapı tasarımları yapılacak.
TELEFON VE ADRES DEFTERİ, Ad Soyad, Firma adı, Tel, Email, Adres gibi temel bilgilerin yer alacağı, Kullanıcı ve kullanıcı gruplarının olacağı, Birden fazla kritere göre arama yapılan, Arama sonuçlarının paging kullanılarak listeleneceği, Web tabanlı bir telefon ve adres defteri yazılımı talep edilmektedir. Yazılım firmasıyız vakit eksikliği sebebi ile outsource etmeyi düşünüyoruz. Amatör çalışmalar kabul edilmeyecektir. Memnun kalınması durumunda hizmet veren arkadaşla ciddi ve uzun projelerde çalışma imkanımız olacaktır.
We have a quick sale software created with C# .NET Software functions mastar cards (product, werehouse, customer, cashier user, etc.) stock entry; Product card product groups Fast Sales screen Cash, Credit Card payment buttons, etc. To learn weighing information weighing devices will link (information will be given) Sample Image is attached. It will be rewritten as Android. Türkçe Açıklama: C#. Net olarak yazılımış olan mevcut hızlı satış yazılımımızın android olarak yeniden yazılması gerekmektedir, yazılım içerisine malzeme kartı tanımlama, depo tanımlama, kasiyer tanımlama vb. işlemler yapılmaktadır. Hızlı satış ekranın da, ürünler malzeme gruplarına göre listelenir, üzerine tıklanan ürünler ekl...
...this system will use the WooCommerce infrastructure. Therefore, we need to make some customizations on the WooCommerce, and these are shortly: 1. The integration between WooCommerce and Paytrail () because most of the payments will be via this system this must be in our web site. Paytrail has already mentioned on its website that it supports WooCommerce. If pay cash can be realized apart from that, pay system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and certificates to get) 2. As soon as the customer opens order, having invoice print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership
google adwords hesabımıza websitelerimizde bulunan ürünlerin veri feed oluşturup, google merchant uygulayacak.
XAF & XPO altyapısıyla oluşturduğumuz kütüphanemizle çözüm geliştirme ve proje oluşturmaya outsource olarak destek verecek, proje bazlı çalışacak arkadaşları arıyoruz.
...yoktur. Haftada bir kaç saat zamanı olup aynı anda birçok proje yürütmeye çalışan kişiler hiç teklif vermesin, ciddi bir projedir. İşe full konsantre olup en kısa sürede işi teslim edebilecek, iş bitirici, vizyoner, fark yaratmayı seven, global çapta projeler geliştirebileceğine inanan, yenilikleri takip edebilen kişi veya kişiler ile çalışmak istiyoruz. Proje outsource olarak teslim edildikten sonraki geliştirme sürecinde outsource olarak, proje içerisinde yada projenin başında alternatif şartlarda yer alma imkanınız olabilir. İşin tesliminden sonraki süreçte devam etmek isteyen kişiler için, üni mezunu, yabancı dil bilen, yurtdışı çıkış engeli olmayan kişiler öncelikl...
Codecanyon Stock Manager Advance 2.3 'de teklifler, alımlar, satışlar ve ürünlerde her bir ürünün Euro, USD, TL ve Sterlin olarak 4 para birimi olarak fiyatının belirlenebilmesi ve satış yada teklifte tüm parabirimlerindeki ürünlerin istenilen bir parabiriminde toplam olarak görüntülenebilmesi gerekiyor. NOT:Teklifler ve satışlar bu sistemde pdf yapılabiliyor, bu parabirimleri de pdf'de görünmesi gerekli.
Merhaba arkadaşlar, , veya gibi outsource reklam ajansı hizmetleri veren uluslararası düzeyde bir web projesi geliştirmek için freelance "Uzman PHP Yazılım Geliştirici" bir arkadaşa ihtiyacımız var. Tasarım PSD halinden, HTML'e dökülecek, PHP yazılım uzmanı arkadaşımız back-end programlamadan sorumlu olacak.
... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGLISH--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The student teachers and video conferencing, chat and meet in virtual classrooms of white wood. Questions, cameras, computers, or through the transfer of files to prepare in advance, you can easily share and tutoring during the course they want a software that virtual classes, private lessons, payment system on an hourly basis in accordance with the preference of the teacher who taught bought online should be a system that will pay up to minutes or hours outside of this system is web software, iOS (iPhone + iPad) | Android | Windows Mobile needs to yazılımlarıda example
... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGLISH--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The student teachers and video conferencing, chat and meet in virtual classrooms of white wood. Questions, cameras, computers, or through the transfer of files to prepare in advance, you can easily share and tutoring during the course they want a software that virtual classes, private lessons, payment system on an hourly basis in accordance with the preference of the teacher who taught bought online should be a system that will pay up to minutes or hours outside of this system is web software, iOS (iPhone + iPad) | Android | Windows Mobile needs to yazılımlarıda example
I am looking for an experienced Financial Analyst with advanced Excel skills to collaborate on my project. Specifically, I am interested in purchasing pre-built, high-quality financial models that are robust, user-friendly, and professional. These models should cater to the needs of accounting and finance professionals. Examples of the types of models I’m looking for include: Cash Flow Forecasts Budget Templates Budget vs Variance Analysis KPI Dashboards for Finance or Accounting Financial Analysis Models CAPEX Trackers Requirements: Models must be dynamic, well-structured, and easily customizable. Must include detailed formulas, assumptions, and visualizations (if applicable). Ideally suited for use by accountants, finance managers, and analysts. You must have the legal ri...
We are looking for individuals (people) who are car mechanic, preferably looking for a new job. Need contact information. Key Requirements: - Experience with B2B lead generation, particularly on LinkedIn - Familiarity with the mechanics industry - Ability to identify and target relevant job seekers - Proficiency in engaging and communicating with leads
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketing expert to help generate leads for my business. Key Objectives: - Focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for lead generation - Promote a variety of content, including blog posts and articles, video content, and infographics and images Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in lead generation - Proficient in creating engaging content for diverse platforms - Strong understanding of leveraging different types of content for maximum impact - Experience with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Knowledge of SEO and content marketing strategies
I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing, specifically in crafting engaging Instagram ads for my professional services business. The primary goal of the campaign is to generate leads or sales for a wrap special. What I want spicifically. 1. NEW YEAR sale 2 Cybertrucks Wrapped for $2,000 each offer limited to the first two that have half deposit submited. normally $2,500 2. i want my logo somewhere on the ad "logo uploaded" 3. offer ends at the end of Jan 2025 4. Text me 281-989-7133 to get offer 5. I want a picture of a wrapped cybertruck, you can use pictures from my instagram EZTwraps profile i have 2 of them that are wrapped and posted on there. One black and one that is blue/black if you would like to cartoonize the cybertruck with a different color wrap thats...
We are in search of a lead generation expert to expand our airport transfer business. The individual should have experience in pinpointing and connecting with potential corporate clients through diverse avenues. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive research on target markets, specifically focusing on corporate clients. - Use online databases to identify potential leads. - Implementing and managing strategic email campaigns to reach these clients. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in lead generation. - Proficiency in using online databases for research. - Experience targeting corporate clients. - Strong skills in implementing email campaigns. - Passionate about driving business growth. If you are a self-motivated professional with a knack for identifying...
I've created a steel construction 3D model in Advance Steel 2025, and now I need your help due to lack of time. The model is available in IFC and DWG formats. My requirements are as follows: - Exporting 2D DWG drawings that include: - Front view - Side view - Top view - Including connection details in the drawings - Cleaning up the model by removing: - Extra lines - Redundant objects Also, it will be necessary to create drawing title blocks. Please note that this project does not require any modeling, only DWG drawing export. I will only consider applicants with previous experience in DWG, construction, CAD, and civil engineering. Ideal skills for this job include: CAD expertise, DWG proficiency, and a strong understanding of civil engineering and construction.
I'm in search of a dedicated Sales and Business Development agency with a strong focus on promoting our Sales AI services. The agency should be comfortable working on a 10% commission basis, with a proven track rec...to promote our services and drive growth. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AI service selling, specifically Sales AI - Experience in engaging with high-level business executives - Proficiency in lead generation, with a specific focus on Sales AI capabilities - Skilled in conducting email campaigns for lead generation Your success in this role will be directly tied to your ability to generate leads and convert them into sales, boosting our company's business growth. Your track record in AI service selling and your network of business leaders will be instrumen...
We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to gather contact information for professionals in the environmental engineering field, specifically targeting roles such as Environmental Engineer, EHS, and SHE specialists. The task involves compiling a list that includes names, emails, design...includes names, emails, designations, organizations, and cities of these individuals. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining or lead generation and be able to deliver accurate and organized information in a timely manner. Candidates sending sample will be given preference. Also quote your prices per contact. If you send me a sample of approx 10 leads, I will prefer you for this job. I need active and accurate leads, you must be able to provide proof of their accura...
# everClear - Sales & Inventory Management System ## Core Modules ### 1. Sales Management - **Sales Order Processing** - Customer/Distributor selection - Real-time stock checking - Delivery scheduling - Payment method handling (Cash/Credit) - Invoice generation - CSRF protection and security measures ### 2. Stock Management - **Multi-location Inventory** - Factory stock - Godown stock - Today's production tracking - Stock transfer system - Real-time updates - Automated stock calculations ### 3. Raw Materials - **Material Types** - Preform (12.5g, 19.4g) - Labels (250ml, 500ml, 1000ml) - Capsleeves - LD Shrink - Caps - **Features** - Stock monitoring - Damage reporting - Price calculations - Usage tracking ### 4. Production - **Manufacturing Contr...
I'm in need of dedicated cold callers from the USA and UK for my digital marketing agency. The primary goal is to book consultations with Surgeons and doctors Key Responsibilities: - Scraping data and reaching out to potential leads. - Making 100 calls a day. - Handling objections professionally and persuasively. Compensation: This is a commission-based role, where your income potential is directly tied to your success in booking appointments. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have prior experience in cold calling, particularly with clinics - Be proficient in objection handling. - Be able to commit to making 100 calls a day. A strong understanding of digital marketing would be a plus, but is not necessary. Your ability to connect with surgeons and schedule consultations is what ...
I'm seeking a dynamic and driven Sales Manager with a focus on lead generation within the tobacco industry. The primary responsibility will be to generate B2B leads, so experience and connections within the tobacco sector will be a significant advantage. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective lead generation strategies - Identify potential B2B clients within the tobacco industry - Build and maintain relationships with prospective clients Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically within the tobacco industry - Strong understanding of the B2B sales process - Excellent communication and relationship management skills
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with lead generation email marketing for my project. The ideal candidate should have experience in both B2B and B2C industries, with a focus on healthcare. I am looking to generate more than 500 leads for my project.
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with lead generation email marketing for my project. The ideal candidate should have experience in both B2B and B2C industries, with a focus on healthcare. I am looking to generate more than 500 leads for my project.
I'm in need of a seasoned lead generation expert with a proven track record of delivering impactful results. My primary focus is generating high-quality leads in the technology sector, specifically targeting individual practitioners in the healthcare field. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Social Media Marketing strategies to identify and engage potential leads - Develop and implement innovative lead generation techniques tailored to the technology sector and individual healthcare practitioners Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Social Media Marketing - Prior experience in lead generation within the technology and healthcare sectors - Excellent communication and networking skills - Ability to deliver measurable results
I'm looking for a finance tracking tool specifically designed for construction projects. This tool will be primarily used by project managers, so it should be intuitive and easy to use on an iPad or mobile device. Key features should include: - Budget allocation - Expense monitoring - Cash flow management Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in developing mobile finance applications - Good understanding of construction project finance - Experience in designing user-friendly interfaces for project managers
...solutions, we’d love to hear from you! Responsibilities: Workspace Optimization: Audit the current setup and identify areas for improvement. Create and enhance boards, dashboards, and automations to streamline workflows. Optimize team collaboration and task management within Monday.com. CRM Setup and Integration: Design and implement a CRM system using to manage leads, deals, and client relationships. Integrate third-party tools and platforms with (e.g., email, Slack, or Google Workspace). Develop automations for lead tracking, follow-ups, and sales pipelines. Training and Support: Provide training sessions to team members on the updated and CRM functionalities. Offer ongoing support and troubleshoot issues as needed. Documentation and
I'm in need of a seasoned lead generation expert with a proven track record of delivering impactful results. My primary focus is generating high-quality leads in the technology sector, specifically targeting individual practitioners in the healthcare field. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Social Media Marketing strategies to identify and engage potential leads - Develop and implement innovative lead generation techniques tailored to the technology sector and individual healthcare practitioners Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Social Media Marketing - Prior experience in lead generation within the technology and healthcare sectors - Excellent communication and networking skills - Ability to deliver measurable results
Inquiry for Google Search Advertising Costs for Niche AI Avatar Service I would like to innovative a platform offering cutting-edge AI technology that allows users to create avatars based on the writing style, voice, and even personality of deceased individuals or loved ones, including romantic figures such as crushes. The service would be designed to help people engage with the legacies o...for a range of purposes — from historical curiosity to emotional connection. I would like to request a comprehensive quote or proposal for an Google Ads Campaign: - Keywords to target (e.g., "AI avatars of deceased," "create voice of loved one," "AI replica writing style," "digital avatars from the past," etc.) - Cost-per-click (CPC) or other relevant ...
More details: What specific goals do you want to achieve with digital marketing? Generate more leads Which digital marketing channels are you interested in using? Social media, Email marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO) What type of content would you like to focus on? Videos
My Google Ads for an "Individual name change...to policy violations related to ad content. Meanwhile, my competitor's ads are still running without any issues. I am in need of a professional or a proficient team who can help me with this situation and manage my Google Ads effectively. Key Requirements: - Policy violation - Full management of Google Ads - Expertise in generating leads via search ads - Proven track record with policy compliance and ad approval Your main objective will be to generate leads through well-managed search ads. With your expertise, I hope to not only restore our ad presence but also consistently meet our lead generation goals. Your experience and knowledge in navigating Google Ads policy can help me outshine my competitors and reach pot...