Opengl directx screenshot işler
Complete photos of the skypark building, both tower 2, 15th floor with the company name signs 9n that floor including photos of the route name sign. Also screenshot of the exact location on GPS. Since they had not given me good details at the beginning and I had to return to the place, I charged him $20. I hope for your understanding and acceptance.
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I hav...and add appropriate screenshots for illustration - Ensure the document is suitable for newbies Skills Required: - Some understanding of bot operations (details are provided) - Excellent English writing skills - Experience in creating user-friendly technical documents - Proficiency in PDF creation The style of the PDF should be casual and friendly. Each bot function should be documents by a screenshot which you need to take yourself while using the bot. The final PDF document should be 5 pages or less. Your bid is for 3 hours of work, as far as you can get with the project. (If you cannot finish the project in 3 hours we will extend your hours or we will finish the project in-house) Your bid = your offer. Please no AI-generated chat messages and no "what is your bud...
We have 4 characters that belongs to 4 brands, each character for brand, we have the complete design in 2D but we need to put those 2D characters into 3D characters, we need every file from the new 3D design, we put some screenshot of how the 2D characters looks like, we put the budget for each character so it will be at least 3 times the final budget.
...high-converting Facebook Ads for Meta. The goal is to boost sales of the SleepPerfect Pillow by Selene, focusing on conveying the product's comfort and quality through compelling Image and /or Video Ads. Brief: 4 Amazing Ads for the SleepPerfect Pillow The winner will get more consistent work! Key requirements: - Showcase of portfolio with screenshot from successful campaigns and client testimonials - Proven experience in designing Image Ads for Facebook - Ability to creatively present the SleepPerfect Pillow’s comfort and quality Ideal Skills: - Facebook Ads expertise - Graphic design - Copywriting - Understanding of eCommerce Please provide examples of your previous work that aligns with this project. Ideas: Design Brief: Sleep Perfect®
Project No 1 Fix Errors and remove scrips/codes which should not be at our Magento site Project Timeline: 3-5 days Commencement Date: 4/12/2024 Project Description Fix Errors and remove scrips/codes that should not be on our Magento site. Task no 1 – Check php file, catalogue search and server to remove malware scripts/codes from our site. Our Magento php folder, here is a screenshot: , contains a group of the flies which we require you to check and remove the files which should not be there. Some of the files within php folder would be part of Magento and some files should be amended if required. 1. Two files: – must be removed (also from the server) 2. Three files: and one
...planner assigned that Milestone Payment – Public Notification has occurred) Response to submissions Amount has been paid tick box (trigger to email assigned town planner assigned that Milestone Payment – Submission response has occurred) Other milestones as required (trigger to email assigned town planner assigned that Milestone Payment – lodgement has occurred) Ability to upload the following: Screenshot of property Title Survey plans Proposal plan sketch Overlays (multiple overlays) Notes Photos Assign DA Manager (triggers and introduction email to client and DA Manager) Has monthly payment been made? (yes no) (triggers email to DA Manager) Staff Town Planner View Town Planner to be able to see client items 1 to 13 (and edit if req...
Description: We are working on a Python-based 3D rendering project and need an experienced developer to enhance it with new features and optimizations. The current project includes procedural ...Tasks: Improve visual effects, such as fog and lighting, to enhance realism. Integrate provided 3D models into the environment. Refine and optimize rendering for performance and seamless integration. Deliverables: Updated project with all requested enhancements implemented. Clean, modular code that integrates smoothly with the existing setup. Clear documentation on the changes made. Required Skills: OpenGL Development Python (PyOpenGL) 3D Rendering and Shaders (GLSL) Experience with 3D Model Integration Additional Information: The project uses PyOpenGL and pygame. All required assets will be...
We are seeking Android users from North America for a simple app testing task. Your role will be to: • Opt-in to internal testing via a ...connection. • Commitment to keeping the app installed for the entire 14-day period. Additional Details: • No actual testing or app usage is required—this task is solely to fulfill Google’s requirement for internal testing. • The app does not require special permissions. • No feedback or bug reports are needed. Verification: • Testers must verify their location in North America by submitting a screenshot of their GPS location to confirm residency. Payment: • Payment will be made upon confirmation that the app was installed for the full 14-day period. This is an easy, low-effort task, and y...
I am in need of a professional who can replicate some awards for me, as seen in the linked image. The awards must be replicated on Canva. - The material for the awards should be very minimalistic. - Should be a pretty quick job. The quantity of awards needed is 1-5. The project should be completed by now/ASAP.
I need an experienced WordPress developer to fix a duplication issue with my mobile menu on both iOS and Android devices. The problem is only appearing on mobile devices in the mobile menu. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - Elementor expertise - Mobile web optimization Please check on different devices to ensure the fix is universal. Screenshot of the issue is attached. Website is
...content: <Tutorial steps={tutorialSteps} onComplete={onCompleteTutorial} onSkipTutorial={onSkipTutorial} onCloseStep={onCloseStep} /> <Box> my content... </Box> ------------------------- Libraries: "react": "^18.2.0" "react-dom": "^18.2.0" "@chakra-ui/icons": "^2.1.1", "@chakra-ui/react": "^2.8.1", ------------------------- The popover component layout inside the <Tutorial> component (screenshot attached): <Popover isOpen placement={} closeOnBlur={false} closeOnEsc={false} > <PopoverTrigger> trigger goes here </PopoverTrigger> <PopoverContent> <PopoverArrow ml={4}/> ...
Bună, Am nevoie de ajutor pentru a construi un sistem automatizat care să mă ajute să colectez și să organizez date din imagini (de exemplu, screenshot-uri) într-o bază de date. Iată ce trebuie să facă acest sistem: 1. Extrage informații din imagini: Am imagini care conțin texte și am nevoie ca aceste texte să fie extrase automat și organizate. 2. Filtrarea datelor: Vreau să pot selecta doar anumite tipuri de informații din aceste texte, pe baza unor filtre stabilite de mine (ex: cuvinte cheie, etichete, categorii). 3. Identificarea și organizarea pattern-urilor: Sistemul trebuie să fie capabil să recunoască anumite tipare repetate în aceste date (de exemplu, combinații de cuvinte sau fraze care apar frecvent). Aș vrea ca aceste pattern-uri să fie salvate separat ș...
...classic or overly minimalist tendencies. - The color scheme must be neutral and subtle, steering clear of bold and vibrant palettes. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in contemporary logo design - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalist design - Ability to translate project themes into visual elements Consider incorporating space-related elements like a moon or stars into the design. The screenshot is my very rough idea of what I want. The photos are of my actual Moonlander which is black. I will be installing the logo on a black background, so I need the lines and outlines to be silver. I basically want the Moonlander body to have Lunar Lander style legs (see photos) added to the bottom and the words "Over the" added on top of the existing Moonlander...
I need someone to watch 61 specified YouTube videos daily from 10 different youtube accounts for 5 days providing positive feedback in the comments section. You will also need to take screenshots at the beginning and end of each video, with the system timing visible. Key Responsibilities: - Like and comment on all videos with positive feedback - Take screenshots at the start and end of each video with system timing visible - Submit screenshots in a PDF format - Incorporate emoticons or emojis in some of the comments to enhance engagement. - Ensure comments vary in length from a few words to a couple of sentences. The comments should be a mix of general comments and specific references to certain keywords or topics. Ideal skills for this job include: - Understanding of YouTube's eng...
...JavaScript expert to create a unique desktop assistant. Key Features: - Even if browser is minimised, the assistant should be visible - occupying minimum space on the screen. - The assistant should stay on top of all other applications on the desktop. - When the user hovers the cursor on the assistant, the text area and screenshot button should be visible. - Users should be able to input text and take screenshots by clicking a button. - The comment in the text area and the screenshot should be uploaded to the django web application. - Users should be able to drag and drop the assistant to any part of their screen. - user should be able to use the assistant only after logging into the django web application. - when the user logs out of the django web application, the assi...
PLEASE FOLLOW THE ATTACHED SCREENSHOT OF HOW I DREW IT WE WANT IT THE SAME WAY Carribean text colors same as image they are Red Green Yellow Black Carribean make the stones purple in the crown Make the crown like a royalty crown Royalties - white font not red Blue stones in the royalties crown Both crowns would be royalty crowns
Have screenshot of design I would like to have redone. Want the same as the photo attached just no blue background.
Hello talented designers! ? We’re hosting an exciting contest to redesign the Home Page of and the Case Creation Page (screenshot attached) for our platform. The winner of this contest will get the opportunity to design the complete wireframe for the entire platform! Contest Details: 1️⃣ What Needs to Be Designed: Home Page: Redesign the homepage to reflect a modern, clean, and professional look, showcasing our platform's features and services. (Current homepage link: ) Case Creation Page: Redesign the UI for our Case Creation Page. Screenshot of the current page is attached for reference. 2️⃣ What We’re Looking For: A clean, intuitive, and professional UI/UX design. Consistency with modern design trends. User-friendly and responsive design for web platfo...
Hello talented designers! ? We’re hosting an exciting contest to redesign the Home Page of and the Case Creation Page (screenshot attached) for our platform. The winner of this contest will get the opportunity to design the complete wireframe for the entire platform! Contest Details: 1️⃣ What Needs to Be Designed: Home Page: Redesign the homepage to reflect a modern, clean, and professional look, showcasing our platform's features and services. (Current homepage link: ) Case Creation Page: Redesign the UI for our Case Creation Page. Screenshot of the current page is attached for reference. 2️⃣ What We’re Looking For: A clean, intuitive, and professional UI/UX design. Consistency with modern design trends. User-friendly and responsive design for web platfo...
Need developer who has previous experience in submitting app to review, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev accnt
I'm seeking a Python expert to complete a script for me. this should be done using request library or selenium check the txt file and screenshot for what i need check the script that was worked on the link below it do not work budget is 15 usd need in next 5 hours check site before applying on this job
i am trying to create a gaming machine using debian 12 gnone i keep gettong errors
...will be based on pre-supplied data and templates, following a detailed, step-by-step workflow for consistency. You'll need to update various post elements like titles, meta descriptions, URLs, and content sections. Key Responsibilities: - Create and publish 526 blog posts on WordPress. - Update post elements including titles, meta descriptions, URLs, and content sections. - Basic image editing: Screenshot images from our website, name files, upload to blog, and add alt text. - Use ChatGPT to generate content hints from pre-supplied data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Basic image editing skills - Experience in using ChatGPT or similar tools - High accuracy and attention to detail The project must be completed within 10–14 days. Maintaining high accuracy ...
احتاج شخص لدي اشتراك في ChatGPT ومتمكن منه، لدي ملف اكسل يحتوي على بنك اسئلة في الرياضيات، يقارب 2000 سؤال ستكون تقسيمة ملف الاكسل كالتالي عامود A: السؤال عامود B: الإجابة الصحيحة المتوقعة عامود C,D,E: الاختيارات الخاطئة عامود G : رمز خاص يحتوي على رقم السؤال المطلوب: - القيام بنسخ السؤال من ملف الاكسل ثم البحث عن طريقة الإجابة لكل سؤال في ChatGPT والقيام بقص طريقة الإجابة وحفظها كصورة PNG واسمها يكون رقم السؤال فقط - التأكد من أن إجابة ChatGPT تطابق الإجابة في ملف الاكسل في العامود B ملاحظات هامة: - عند قص الصورة يجب التأكد من ان شعار ChatGPT لا يظهر. - اذا تم اكتشاف سؤال لا تتطابق اجابته الصحيحة مع العامود B، يجب وضع لون مميز على السؤال في ملف الاكسل المبلغ المتاح لكل 100 سؤال 30 دولار I have a 2000-question Excel file containing a math question bank. I need som...
Pac-Man 3D •Este proyecto consiste en realizar el juego de Pac-man en 3D utilizando OpenGL. •Diseño: los personajes y la escena tienen que ser diseñados y modelados aplicando conceptos de iluminación, texturas y sombras. Basta con que se entregue un nivel del juego, aunque se invita al alumno a hacer más. • Interacción con el usuario: la interacción con el usuario para el control del juego el control con el mouse y/o el teclado. Los controles deben ofrecer además control sobre la forma de visualizar la escena, es decir, debe ofrecer diferentes vistas de la misma •Escena: se debe de tomar en cuenta la interacción con la escena, implicando que esta tiene límites, así como las colisiones con los o...
I'm looking for a talented animator to create an elegant Lottie animation for my app's launch screen. The animation should convey a sense of excitement, and incorporate shapes seamlessly with my provided icon and color. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Lottie animatio...rebuild if needed, Hex color. Animation time should be 2 seconds, max 3 seconds, check Netflix or other iOS apps how they do it the Splash screen. I need to animate the app logo for the Splash screen, without background, in a single color - yellow (i send you the hex). The icon animation should give you the sense of notification pop up, becuase the app is a notifications/reminders app. See screenshot attached. Send me your proposals as a video, put a watermark on top of it, once I like it, we clo...
...into a video and edit it myself. Please let me know if you can understand this clearly. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in each of the video ---- Check : Basically, in the last screenshot that I have sent you, I think it will be better if I just sent you all of the video editing assets suggest images, partial video, animation, text, etc. So it's best if you just do the video editing, editing, voice over, the sound effect, transition effect, stylish design, etc., to make it more perfect and professionally designed. But I do not know how to export all of those to you. So by that
I need a photo edited for my social media. The edits should include: - Removal of a person on the right side of the frame - Reducing the slightly overweight appearance of the subject - Improving subject clarity and teeth whiteness Please recommend any other enhancements or adjustments that could make the photo more suitable, vibrant, and colourful. Note, the photo uploaded is a screenshot frame from a video. If it helps, I can provide the video.
I'm looking for a professional to help me publish my productivity-focused desktop software on the Microsoft Store. The software supports both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Key Requirements: - Expertise in desktop application publishing on the Microsoft Store - Deep understanding of both help me publish my productivity-focused desktop software on the Microsoft Store. The software supports both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Key Requirements: - Expertise in desktop application publishing on the Microsoft Store - Deep understanding of both Windows 10 and 11 - Excellent communication skills for updates and clarifications - Knowledgable of App store optimization (ASO) - Provide screenshot for visualisation Please note, the listing's key features will need to be determi...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create eye-catching, bold and colorful screenshots for my app, suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Focus on showcasing the app's key features. - Design should be bold, colorful, yet clear and easy to understand. - Understanding of both iOS and Android desig...talented designer to create eye-catching, bold and colorful screenshots for my app, suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Focus on showcasing the app's key features. - Design should be bold, colorful, yet clear and easy to understand. - Understanding of both iOS and Android design guidelines is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - UI/UX Design - Experience with app screenshot design - Adobe Creative Suite or simila...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in software publishing on the Microsoft Store to help me publish my desktop productivity tool. Key Requirements: - Expertise in desktop application publishing on the Microsoft Store publishing on the Microsoft Store to help me publish my desktop productivity tool. Key Requirements: - Expertise in desktop application publishing on the Microsoft Store - Deep understanding of both Windows 10 and 11 - Prior experience with productivity tool publishing - Excellent communication skills for updates and clarifications - Knowledgable of App store optimization (ASO) - Provide screenshot for visualisation Your role will be to ensure the application is correctly configured for both operating systems and successfully publishe...
...basically would like a cover photo for my Facebook profile if you go to ojur you'll see it there uh basically right now it's just a screenshot of my group so I have this Big Marketing Group right it's got 200 and some odd thousand people in there and I'm trying to do a better job of getting people to join this group okay I might run some advertisements to this so um I basically you know I have some uh some files for you like you could come and take a screenshot of this but I wanted to use this actual um screenshot here because it kind of lends itself to they people know that's like that's how I'm showing people how big the group is from a screenshot of the actual group um so um let's see here so I wanted to how this wo...
I'm seeking a seasoned D3.js professional to assist me with a data visualization project. While I have not specified the details of the project or the data types, the primary goal will revolve around displaying complex data relations. Therefore, a strong understanding of data structures and relationships is crucial. Ideal Skil...strong understanding of data structures and relationships is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in D3.js - Prior experience in data visualization - Strong analytical skills to understand and display complex data relations - Ability to create interactive visual elements - Excellent communication skills to understand project requirements and provide updates. I have attached the screenshot. Please apply if you can do it perfectly. I pre...
I'm looking for a simple, professional landscape shaped video background with a modern and sleek brand identity that aligns with the green screen video at...Requirements: - Understanding of modern and sleek aesthetics - Experience in creating video content for brand promotion - Ability to deliver a visually appealing and engaging video background that enhances, but doesn't distract from, what the speaker is saying - Looks realistic (not AI) - Simple - Attractive My logo's attached in case you want to use them. I will be standing in the middle of the screen (screenshot attached) The following colours may be useful to you: My brand colour: #ce0058 My brand colour: #273856 A purple to represent wealth would also be an idea you could utilise. The video background shou...
I have already chosen the music. Please see attached. I just need the animation applied to the music. 1. Feel free to apply fade-in and fade-out so the music is not so animation that is like a "battle of thoughts" but I don't know how to portray that 4. The Age of Empires background music is perfect for creating a type of battle scene, but you would have to use your creativity to make it come to light. 5. My idea is for the animation to only use my podcast theme color, which is: #ffc000 (on top of black) and you can depict animations/battles like so: (see screenshot 1) However, if you do not know what I mean, or if you have a better idea, feel free to try. I will consider all and may the best one win. You can view my podcast and theme style here: @humblebra...
Hello, I need a display and a configuration option for an article in WordPress, as shown in the screenshot or as in my link.
I'm experiencing issues with my OpenGL compute shader's ssbo. It is giving incorrect output results. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of OpenGL compute shaders - Experience with debugging shader code Please note this debugging task should not take longer than 20 minutes. I'm looking for someone who can quickly identify and fix the issue so that the shader can output the expected results. I would like to know how to bind the input statically and dynamically.
Hi everyone, I am looking for a freelancer who is able to help me to enlarge the image size of products in Magento 1 on the product detail pages only (see screenshot in the attachment). I want to know how I can enlarge the images for: • Postcards only • Notecards only • Posters only They get auto-resized now. I want to set the setting to a higher pixel amount so that the images will show bigger. My maximum budget for this task is €30 Looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking for a watercolor drawing based on a screenshot from a game. The scene should depict the front of a boat with two people sitting on it, drifting off into a sunset. Key Requirements: - The drawing should include specific elements in the background such as clouds and waves. - The style of the drawing is flexible, but it should ultimately be a beautiful, high-quality piece of watercolor art. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in watercolor painting - Experience in creating detailed, realistic drawings from screenshots or photographs - Ability to incorporate designated background elements seamlessly into the artwork. Please note: A screenshot of the scene will be provided for reference. Also big side note : Somewhere in the clouds write "Will you...
Prezentarea se va realiza în limba română ● 15 va fi numărul maxim de slide-uri ● Prima pagină a proiectului va conține doar următoarele: o Titlu: Proiect final...OOP o Care sunt cei 4 piloni OOP? (definiție, exemplu cod pentru fiecare, particularități) Cerințe intrare în examenul final Pentru a intra în examen, trebuie respectate TOATE cerințele de mai jos: PARTEA I ● Răspunsuri corecte și complete la toate întrebările ● Justificarea răspunsurilor la întrebări prin exemple de cod o Pentru a adăuga exemple de cod în prezentarea proiectului, puteți face screenshot-uri la codul scris într-un interpretor sau puteți folosi alte resurse precum ● Respectă cerințele de intrare în examenul final ● Conține numărul de slide-uri maxim ...
I'm looking for an Android app developer to build a simple app for me. The app's main function is to detect text on the top 20% of the mobile screen. If it finds the text "M Ai is", it should trigger a notification sound. The app should check the screen every second. Kindly check attached screenshot image You may ask Chatgpt : Please guide me to build an android app to detect 20% top of mobile screen check if there is the text "M Ai is", if yes then give notification sound. Every 1 second check it. Basically Chatgpt will guide you put the 4 files on your Android Studio and compile it. 2x xml file 1x java file 1x Download sound file at Send me APK file to test, then i release milstone to you. USD15
I'm looking for a developer to create a mobile-optimized Fake Profit and Loss Screenshot Generator for personal use. Key Features: - Customizable Fields: The generator should allow me to input different values for various fields in the P&L statement. - Preset Templates: It should come with a variety of preset templates that mimic real P&L statements. - Export Options: I need to be able to export the generated screenshots to multiple formats, such as PDF and PNG. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Mobile Development: The generator needs to be optimized for mobile use, so experience in mobile app development is crucial. - Graphic Design: The P&L templates need to be visually convincing, so a good eye for design will be beneficial. - Programming: Strong programming skil...
I'm in need of a proficient developer to create a Form Bot for my website. The bot's primary function will be to gather essential information from my customers and t...create a Form Bot for my website. The bot's primary function will be to gather essential information from my customers and their respective order details. Key Features Needed: - The bot should be capable of collecting customer contact details and order specifics. - Implement a user-friendly, form-filling interface for seamless customer interaction. Information required to collect is shared on screenshot Budget is $50 Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with experience in bot creation. - Understanding of UX/UI design for creating an intuitive interface. - Ability to ensure data is collected...
I'm seeking a seasoned CAD CAM C++ programmer to develop a brand-new 3D modeling software from scratch. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in CAD CAM programming, particularly in C++, as well as extensive experience in creating 3D modeling software. Key requirements for this project: - Expertise in C++ and CAD CAM programming - Proven experience in developing The software must be compatible with Windows. The expected timeline for the project is 6-12 months. The software should include advanced interactive features like real-time rendering previews, and complex mesh manipulation tools. The initial release should prioritize the feature: 3-axis Cam features and importing dxf, dwg, step, igs, stl, and obj file formats. The software should utilize OpenGL...
I'm in need of a proficient developer to create a Form Bot for my website. The bot's primary function will be to gather essential information from my customers and t...create a Form Bot for my website. The bot's primary function will be to gather essential information from my customers and their respective order details. Key Features Needed: - The bot should be capable of collecting customer contact details and order specifics. - Implement a user-friendly, form-filling interface for seamless customer interaction. Information required to collect is shared on screenshot Budget is $50 Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with experience in bot creation. - Understanding of UX/UI design for creating an intuitive interface. - Ability to ensure data is collected...
...start selling? Click below to create your eShop and begin adding products. Each eShop gets a unique ID for others to visit." - A large, visible button labeled "Create My eShop". --- 3. Section to View Previously Visited eShops This section displays thumbnails of eShops the user has previously visited. Limit thumbnails to a maximum of four per row, with each thumbnail showing a logo, image, or screenshot provided by the shop owner. Each thumbnail should also display the shop’s title underneath. Functionality and design features: - Include a brief explanation: "Here are eShops you’ve visited. Click a thumbnail to revisit, or remove it to maintain your privacy." - Add a small "Remove" icon (e.g., a trash can) on each thumbnail for ea...
I have a screenshot that requires some meticulous editing. The primary task will involve text alterations. Specifically, I need: - Correcting errors in the existing text - Adding new text at designated spots - Removing existing text that is no longer relevant Ideal candidates for this project should possess excellent attention to detail, a solid understanding of text editing in images, and prior experience working with screenshot modifications. Please ensure your proposal includes examples of similar work you've done in the past.
...solid devops person to setup a combination of Apache Airflow and Selenium Grid, Selenium-Profiles, along with play-wright. We have had success dockerizing the following as well: CSV of URLs with crawling depth provided daily, starting Selenium Grid being the starter. Login, render JS, scrape, screenshot, etc with Grid at pretty high scale. Selenium profiles uses chrome devtools protocol allowing you to present different hardware profiles to sites. We need it "load balanced" sort of setup where you have a Grid router that sits in front of all the Grid workers and handles all the incoming scrape requests. Setup Apache Airflow to handle the work flow, concurrency, and decision points. Airflow
3-D rendering for landscape architecture project. The area to be mapped will be 10,000 square meters or 2.47 acres. (see screenshot attached, it is the area "etapa 01") We should go for 10-20 Renders, closer to 10 than 20. The developers see these wetlands as a major part of the attractiveness of the development since they are on the other side of the road, with relation to the beach. The design concepts that must be included are: Landscape architecture and Biodiversity. These are not intended to treat or retain water. The main concern wit these wetlands is to consider major storms or hurricanes. We need to consider what’s going to happen with storm water flows. This is not a flood plain, but it will be subjected to very large amounts of rainfall in shor...