Metatrader dll example işler
...Demografi: (Usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi, pendapatan, dll.) Psikografi: (Minat, nilai, gaya hidup, dll.) Kebutuhan dan Keinginan: (Apa yang dibutuhkan dan diinginkan oleh target audiens?) Perilaku: (Bagaimana target audiens berinteraksi dengan produk/layanan?) Tujuan Target Audiens: (Apa tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh target audiens?) 4. Pesan Utama: Pesan yang Ingin Disampaikan: (Apa pesan utama yang ingin disampaikan kepada target audiens?) Nada dan Gaya: (Nada dan gaya komunikasi yang diinginkan, misalnya formal, santai, humoris, dll.) Key Message: (Pesan inti yang harus selalu ada) Call to Action (CTA): (Tindakan apa yang diinginkan dari target audiens?) 5. Spesifikasi Proyek: Jenis Proyek: (Misalnya, desain logo, kampanye iklan, pengembangan web, dll.) ...
Milk business ideas in investment of 10 lakhs
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Please do other mascot for this kebab owner in order to use it on our social network and website Please use the same style as attached. You just need to change his expression and posture (4 visuals). We also want to create 4 visuals with a kebab spit as a same style of the mascot. Please alsways integrate the logo 83 attached on the kebab spit and on the tshirt of the guy. Remember, do not change the whole style, just change the face, expression and posture for the owner mascot ! For the Kebab spit, please create vectorials as the same style What we need, summarized: - 8 new visuals with cartoon style as the style attached - use nice and funny creation, like with a kebab spit who has a face, with the guy or without the guy, with the 83 logo - please be creative and funny ! See example...
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...simply compare the results on a 1min Nasdaq chart, and there should be the same display of the indicator on TradingView and on Sierra Chart in parallel. I am able to give access codes to obtain and use Sierra Chart with my license. You absolutely must run the indicator on Sierra Chart, and then I can compile the custom study to add the indicator to Sierra Chart, or you must give me the final DLL directly. The indicator must be perfectly functional with a result identical to my trading chart on TradingView. Don't commit to development if you don't think you'll get a perfectly identical result. I need to be able to apply the same configuration as on TradingView and get the same indicator display on exactly the same candlesticks. Otherwise, the indicator will be o...
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I'm in search of a designer who can help me create eye-catching graphic prints for a new line of sportswear t-shirts. (NO AI) see image Key Responsibilities: - Develop creative and unique graphic designs for t-shirts - Ensure designs are suitable for sportswear and casual wear - Understand and incorporate current trends in sportswear and graphic design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong portfolio in t-shirt and sportswear design - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively I am looking for original, visually appealing designs that can stand out in the competitive sportswear market. Please provide samples of relevant past work.
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I'm in need of a skilled coder to create a secure process. - Establish a HARDWARE ID (HWID) LOCKING system to prevent spoofing. - Design an UNDETECTABLE ANTI-TAMPER SYSTEM. - Conduct REAL-TIME INTEGRITY CHECKS. - Develop a CUSTOM SECURE PATCHER. - Modify the .exe to be 64bit + add DX 9. - Implement KERNEL-LEVEL PROTECTION (RING 0). - Complete the project with FULL GAME ENCRYPTION. A Launcher works with a mysterious technique, not including a dll to protect your work. Ideal candidates for this project will have extensive experience in game security coding, particularly for online servers. Proficiency in creating user interfaces for game launchers, as well as implementing complex encryption systems, is crucial. A deep understanding of kernel-level protection feat...
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...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...
Siap menerima job gigolo /melayani wanita dan memuaskan dll Informasi cantumkan kontak
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I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a DLL for the game Tantra Online. The DLL should provide additional features and enhance the game's graphical elements. Key Requirements: - The DLL must facilitate the addition of new features to the game. - It should implement various graphical enhancements. - The focus will primarily be on enhancing visual effects. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in game development and DLL creation. - Proficient in implementing game modifications and enhancements. - A keen understanding of graphical improvements and visual effects.
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...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...
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I'm looking for someone that can fix this popup error message (remove it / checkout image file). This file has a bug and always display this message no matter how many time I reinstall the CD. Other files on the CD work without a problem. Bug screenshot; If needed...looking for someone that can fix this popup error message (remove it / checkout image file). This file has a bug and always display this message no matter how many time I reinstall the CD. Other files on the CD work without a problem. Bug screenshot; If needed I can also send all the program files (6MB) to debug it. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in working with DLL files - Extensive experience in error troubleshooting - Disassembly skills - Excellent problem-solving skills
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I'm seeking a highly skilled game developer proficient in C++ to modify an old multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Key Requirements: - Expertise in C++ programming language. - Experience in developing multiplayer online games. - Profound understanding of MMORPG genre. - Good communication skills for regular project updates and discussions. Experience with DLL injection in exe files. Please include relevant portfolio samples in your proposal.
Overview: • Setup the Arduino framework for the py32f003 MCU. • Integrate and test the nRF24L01 module with the MCU. • Develop and build a working example program demonstrating communication via the nRF24L01. • Provide basic overview documentation of the setup and testing process. • Skills required: Embedded C Programming, Arduino IDE. • Timeline: Complete within one week. Published py32F003 nRF24L01 with RF24 library avilable. Link will be shared Deliverable: that the freelancer should either perform a remote setup of the final working project environment or provide a virtual image of the IDE environment with the working project.
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...menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di nomor [Removed by Freelan...
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Hello, we need a presentation made through canva that displays screenshots from different website that have ads that we will provide you displayed in the appropriate locations. I have made a quick example to show you exactly what we want. This project should be easy to complete. If there's any data missing in the sheet provided, just skip and move onto the next one. There should be up to 100 slides
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These are some samples created by AI - I really like the one marked sample cover - however, there are great pieces I enjoy in each of these. I like the idea of the back, but I'm unsure how that would work with the sample cover - so I'd be open to sharing more about my book, character descriptions, and possible scenes that take place in the woods to be more cohesive
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I will be converting an Excel Add-in DLL into a Python program, preserving its features and enhancing functionality with Python libraries.
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