Macro update spreadsheets işler
...First Half Result (Home - Draw - Away) 3. System Functionality: • Data Refresh: The system should scan and update the odds every 5 seconds for all available football fixtures. • Odds Comparison: The odds from , , and Betfair Exchange should be compared for each match. • Difference Detection: The system should detect and highlight differences based on a percentage difference filter (for example, 5% or 10%). • Customizable Domain Update: • These websites frequently change their domains (e.g., may become or within a few days). • Therefore, the system must include an admin panel where I can manually update the current domain addresses for both Tempobet and Holiganbet. • This is a critical feature to ensure the
...and personnel, view favorite personnel and their work, and monitor key metrics. Company Information: The company can manage start/end work times, meal breaks, hourly wages, monthly salaries (varied for each employee), special day wages, and weekend overtime (companies can choose Saturday, Sunday, or both). Personnel and Supervisor Operations: Personnel Task Assignment: Personnel can view and update their daily tasks in the system. The task status can be changed to "In Transit (Empty)", "Loading", "In Transit (Loaded)", "Unloading". If a delay occurs (traffic, break, meal), personnel can log the reason for the delay, and daily working hours will be recalculated accordingly. After each task, the system asks if the task is complete, and if ...
Hava aracı rüzgar tüneli modellerinde kontrol yüzeylerinden kaynaklanan menteşe momentleri ve eğilme momentleri modele özel tasarlanan sensörler yardımıyla ölçülmektedir. Bilinen kısıtlı bir hacime sığması gereken bu sensörler hem gerekli mukavemeti sağlamalı hem de test yükleri altında belirlenen bölgelerde istenen gerinme değerlerini sağlayabilmelidir. Tüm bu parametrelerin otomatik olarak optimizasyonunu yapabilecek bir makro yazılımının geliştirilmesi beklenmektedir. (Tercihen CATIA) Model içerisindeki herhangi bir parametreyi değiştirerek farklı geometriler elde edilebilmektedir. Konspept 1’de gage uygulanacak bölgeyi silindirik şafta dönüştürerek Konsept-2’yi elde edebilirsiniz. ...
lisanslı php script cpanelden kurulacaktı kurulumdan sonrada update dosyası kurulacak..sql hesap şifreleri verdiğim şifrelere göre girilecek ve admin dahil çalışır vaziyette teslim , dosyalar, sql, kurulum rehberi mevcuttur.2 saatlik bir iştir.ücret 250 TL
Her Marka/Model Farede Çalışan Legit Macro/Script Yazılımı .lua ve .mgn2 uzantılı Macro/Script dosyalarını ortak çalıştıran Özel bir yazılım istiyorum detaylar aşağıda; Bloody, Logitech yazılımları gibi güvenli olacak. Arka planda Belli olmayacak! Anti-Virüse Yakalanmayan Temiz bir yazılım olacak. Bloody, Logitech scriptleri ve makro uzantılarına destek verecek ve çalıştıracak. Örnek: (.lua ve .mgn2 ) Her mouseda marka model ayırt etmeden stabil çalışacak. --> Yazılıma Girişler: günlük, aylık, haftalık , yıllık key ile olacak.*** --> Key sadece 1 Bilgisayar/1 Kullanıcı için geçerli olacak *** Uygulama içinde Harici Bir Macro Editörü olacak. Kullanımı, ara yüzü k...
Hi. I could not check the last update. It is too late now. Because of weekend. Now I'm posting step-2 work. It is also a "pre-work." I mean, we will have at leat 2 more steps. All these 2-3 steps are only for preparing us to the biggest one, step-4. ------------- In this work, we will solve the Tick value issue (by working on the old code) And (the followings are simple) Will write the values on the chart by using the "Comment()" function of Meta Editor only. And Will check if our texts (that we wrote on chart with comment function) changes/updates real time and exactly same with the values of footPrint indicator. ------------- About reading from file and all other details, this website will help you (sure you know it): Please find the
Hello, I need historical database of all Open and Close odds of Pinnacle (bookmaker) of all countries 1st, 2nd, 3rd football leagues from 2015-2016 football season to date in excel format. I should be able to update the excel file automatically or manually whenever I want. Let's message for details. Thanks in advance.
Merhabalar, özel yazılım wordpress eklentimin Excel ile veri yüklenmesini sağlamam gerekiyor. Detaylar için mesaj atmanızı rica ederim.
Features - Designed for tablets and phones. - APK 64 Bits - Supports both APPLIANCES ANDROID ARM & x86. - Admob Ads : Banner and Interstitials Update Android Studio 4.0.1 respecting Google recommendations for android development. This game is a good template for learning how to use Android Studio, containing video documentation of all the steps. Easy work in the simplest resking. you can then generate your APK within a day. from the installation of android studio, its configuration until the generation of a signed file. This game is highly recommended by our team for beginners. her monthly earnings average $ 20 per month. it just depends on your social media advertising to attract users to install it. Description This minimalist skill game is easy to play, but hard to master...
Yarim Yada Hatali Bir Macro Script Projesi Var Elimde Bunu Onarmak Yada Hatalari Giderip Çalişir Hale Getirmek
bir web sitesine bağlanarak veri çeken python kodlarım var. bu kodlarımı grafik olarak web sayfamda yayınlanmak istiyorum.
When we upgraded the PHP version of our site, there was a problem with the site. We retracted the update but the site has not become obsolete. Because the code is encrypted (the code is base64-encrypted code) we can't get full net line information in error messages, so I can't pass the full error log. VERY URGENT! WE WILL LOVE IT IF THOSE WHO CAN DELIVER IN 1 DAY. Related domain: / Please check and return like that. ------------ Siteminiz PHP sürümünü yükselttiğimizde sitede sorun oluştu. Güncellemeyi geri çektik ama site eski haline gelmedi. Kod şifreli olduğu için ( kodu base64 ile şifrelenmiş bir kod olmaktadır) hata mesajlarında tam net satır bilgisi alamamaktayız, bu yüzden tam hata logunu iletemiyorum. ÇOK ACİ...
Tüm Algoritmalar hazır. Veritabanı hazır. Yapılacak Uygulama sadece veritabanında belirli alanları update yapacak.
...the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması GPS cihazını doğru şekilde gösterse de, uygulama telefonun konumunu yanlış gösteriyor. Uygulamanın konum bilgisini doğru gösterebilmesi için telefon d...
excel makro bilgisi gerektirir. hergün excel ile gelen 1000+ adres datasını excel makro ile (özellikle bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel ...bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel listesinin içine yapıştırmak. eğer adres arandığında birden fazla adres geliyorsa koordinatları excel e yazmayacak. sadece bunu yapacak makro koduna ihtiyacım var. tek seferlik bir iş. excel macro knowledge required pretty simple job. There is a home or work address file coming in every day. The number of records is about 1000 lines. We want to find the coordinates of these addresses via google maps and copy them to excel. i just need macro code to do this. one time job.
merhaba bir sayfada çoklu veri girişi için veritabınına update kodunda düzenleme yapılacak ilgilenir misiniz.
...“Line” ile onaracak. Elbette en yakındaki iki nokta arasına “Line” atayacak. Bu açıklık kontrolü 0.2 mm içinde olabilir. “Advanced settings” altında değiştirilebilir istiyorum. 6. Makro kaç tane kendi içinde kapalı şekil olduğunu sayacak. Örnek: dosyasında 5 tane kapalı şekil var. için bu sayı 6. 7. Eğer üst üste binmiş çizgiler varsa, macro “Trim” ile budayacak. 8. Makro bütün figürün alan merkezini bulup “Point” ile işaretleyecek. 9. Makro figürün alanını hesaplayacak.(Hafızasına alacak yani) 10. Bu adımdan sonra, makro bütün figürdeki bütün bileşenleri(“Line”, “Arc”, “Spl...
We are an IT company that manage and serve the customers. We need an web based app, preferably :, mssql or mysql, bootstrap, responsive, small mobile app included. This app will contain Customers, Contacts, Inventory, Our IT Staff, Tasks-Subtasks, Personal and General Dashboards, Aggrements(pdf docs), Renewable Services (Recurring Tasks), Auto Email/Screen Update/Change Alarms.
merhabalar Java Server Pages (.jsp) ile yazılmış bir web sitesinden veri çekmek bazı özellikleri olması gerek...tıklama arasında fark olmaz gibi. mesela bir data 5 sn diğer data 7 sn bir diğeri 25 sn vb... sürelerle data çekecek. 4- bot birden fazla lokasyonda çalıştırıldığında AYNI uzak bir veritabanına veri kaydedecek. 5- elimizde referans olarak bir barkod numarası / seri numarası veya isim listesi mevcut. bu listeden tek tek random olarak günlük veri çekip mevcut veritabanındakine ekleyecek/güncelleyecek. update veya insert edecek. vb.. 6- bot farklı bilgisayarlardan çalıştırıldığında aynı sorguyu tekrar tekrar göndermeyecek.çalışan her bot listenin farklı kısımlarını sorgulayıp veriyi ç sorgu olmam...
Merhaba, Hazir bir template i siteye donusturmek istiyorum. (wordpress template i degil. web site template i) --Sosyal paylasim sitesi olucak --Kontrolu kolay olmali --Site yapildiktan sonra kolay update edilmeli --Uye sayisi arttikca site iyi calismaya devam etmeli. Daha detayli bilgiyi, kontakt kurduktan sonra vericegim.
...veritabanı şemasına aktarımı yapılacak. (İlgili PK, FK ve ilişkilendirmeler gösterilerek) 3- Yapılmış olan tüm analiz işlemleri neticesinde arka planda kullanacağınız “Oracle” veritabanını oluşturunuz. 4- Her proje konusu ile ilgili olarak a. En az 4 tane tablo (Uygun veri türleri, PK/FK eşleşmeleri, otomatik sayı alanlar, uygun indexler, default ve constraintler…), b. En az 3 trigger (Insert/Update/Delete işlemlerinin en az ikisini kullanın.), c. 5 farklı çeşit rapor seçeneği oluşturunuz. (En az iki tanesini, stored procedure kullanarak yapın) d. Ekranda listelenmekte olan o anki raporun pdf/doc/xls uzantılarından en az biri şeklinde kayıt edilebilmesi özelliği yapınız.(Crystal report, fast report,… kullanabilirs...
Merhabalar, Domain, hosting, ssl, sunucu vs. satışı yapan alt yapımıza web servisler aracılığı ile bağlanacak Whmcs için modüller...duruma göre bunu size sunacağım. şuan da temel yapının oluşturulması önemli, Bizim tarafa bağlantı parametrelerini bilahare iletiyor olacağım. Available Management Features · Domain Registration · Contact Create · Domain Transfers · Renewal/Extensions · View Nameservers · Change Nameservers · View WHOIS Information(Contact) · Update WHOIS Information(Contac) · Lock/Unlock Domains (Domain kilit opsiyonları, Transfer, update etc.) · Whois Protection · EPP Code Retrieval · Register/Manage Private Nameserv...
EJB JSF JPA kullanarak admin, öğrenci, öğretmen kullanıcılarının olduğu, silme ve update işlemlerinin yapılacağı program
tamamen native android uygulaması yazılacak ve eski uygulamara update yapılacak
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'DO some excel and macro worl'
Ekteki örnek program c# ile yazılmıştır. Ama ben delphi veya c++ ile yazılmasını istiyorum. Hiçbir antivirüs programı uyarı vermemeli. windows8 smart screen korumasına takılmamalı.
i want CCcam Control Panel be created like Otomatik Üye kapatma (Clients End Date and Auto Close) Sınırsız Üye ekleme (Add clients Unlimited) Otomatik Mail Gönderme (Automatic E-Mail Delivery) MultiCCcam Bağlantısı (Managing all the servers from a single point) Dynamic Ip Update Otomatik Resetleme (Auto Restart) CCcam İşlem Kontrolu (CCcam Process Control) Sms Desteği (Sms Support) Özel Paketler (Private Packages) Api Desteği (Api Support) Bayi Girişi (CCcam Reseller) Yedekleme (Backup) Otomatik Banlama (Auto Ban) the aforementioned site, but with a unique twist and content focus. A key feature of the site will be the ability to book consultations. Key Requirements: - Web Development: I need a professional who can build a user-friendly, responsive website that is similar in structure to the reference site. - Content Management: The site will require a content management system (CMS) to regularly update with new information. - Consultation Booking System: I need a reliable and easy-to-use system for scheduling consultations. - SEO Knowledge: As the primary goal of the site is to provide informational content, I need a developer with a solid understanding of SEO to help drive traffic to the site. Ideal candidates will have a portfolio of similar projects, particularly with consu...
...informations 9. user invite members list 10. user bonus history data,login,time,ip addres,active time recive bouns bank informations list and update refrel link update option withdraw,approve,cancel,type region option (Agent option) red envelope report,recharge,withdraw trade,bonus (control option) result Green,red,violet,number, total amount green total amount red total amount violet total amount which number and control panel Auto result option low amount colour & low amount number and withdraw manage options all information update control panel *GAME PANNEL* ID NAME MOBILE NO 4. AVAILABLE BALANCE NICK NAME BORD & READ RULE 8
Flyer design (the same design as the last one just different words? Let me know the cost. The update text is below: Loyalty is the heart of our brand. Take 20% off your next order by ordering direct from our website using the coupon code E20OFF We have over 5000 parts in stock and available for purchase on our website. If it's not listed on our site we still may stock it, email us for a custom quote sales@ )
...experience in Instagram outreach, social media, or customer engagement is a plus. Communication Skills: Strong written communication with the ability to craft clear, personalized messages. Organization: Detail-oriented and able to manage multiple conversations simultaneously. Time Management: Ability to commit to 2 hours daily with consistent performance. Tech-Savvy: Familiarity with Instagram, basic spreadsheets, and lead tracking tools. Interest in Fitness: A passion for or interest in fitness, health, or wellness is a bonus. What We Offer: Flexible 2-hour daily schedule to fit your lifestyle. Competitive pay with opportunities for performance-based bonuses. Training and support to help you succeed in Instagram outreach. A dynamic and supportive team environment. How to Apply: ...
I need a professional to refine and update my Discord bot that posts game scores from LittleBigSnake. The bot's current functionality includes posting game scores only. Key Tasks: - Debugging: There are functionality bugs that need to be addressed. - Refinement: The current functions of the bot need to be improved. The bot uses Python and incorporates frameworks and tools such as Selenium, fastapi, Uvicorn, and Linux. I recommend utilizing ChatGPT 4 to assist with edits. Please review the existing code at and let me know if there's a better approach. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with experience in Discord bot development. - Familiar with game score tracking systems and LittleBigSnake. - Competent in debugging and refining
I'm seeking a finance and Excel specialist to assist with my budget tracking spreadsheets. The task involves data entry, formula checking, and calculations. Key responsibilities include: - Assisting in the development of detailed custom reports within the spreadsheets - Working with a variety of financial data, including budgets and 1 to 10-year revenue projections Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience with Excel and finance - The ability to create detailed custom reports - Proficiency in handling a wide range of financial data
...misconfigurations, or other technical issues. Your role will be to analyze the problem, identify the root cause, and implement a solution to clean up the sitemap and ensure accurate page indexing. Responsibilities: -Analyze the sitemap to identify irrelevant or unnecessary URLs. -Investigate the cause of the large number of unwanted pages (e.g., CMS settings, plugins, autogenerated content). -Update or regenerate the sitemap to include only valid and necessary pages. -Optimize the file to block irrelevant pages from being crawled. -Implement proper canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues. -Submit the corrected sitemap to Google Search Console and ensure accurate indexing. -Provide recommendations to prevent future issues. Requirements: -Proven experience in web dev...
I have a year-end update and investment report for the Angel Physicians Fund ll, which needs to be professionally laid out. - Correct grammatical mistakes: Please proofread the document and correct any grammatical errors. - Consistent look and feel: Use the graphics, colors and fonts from the official Angel Physicians Fund website (). - Use of logo: Incorporate the APF logo where appropriate. - Layout: The report should be formatted in a single column layout. The content of the report is complete, and the focus on investment performance, strategy and outlook, and team and operations has been determined. The tone of the report is formal and professional, in line with the expectations for a document of this nature. Ideal candidates will have experience in professional
Update Shopping android app and Fix Errors
Looking for an experienced Rust developer proficient in the Rocket framework to complete the upgrade of an existing application to ensure compatibility with MySQL 8. The previous developer made some progress; however, the project needs a skilled individual to finalize it. Tasks include assessing current progress, implementing necessary updates, and ensuring smooth integration with MySQL 8. Candidates should have strong experience in Rust programming and MySQL. There are opportunities for ongoing maintenance work depending on project outcomes.
Add a new poem "Glen and Crystal Prose" to my Ode to Thy Apricot book with sketch of a black rat alonside a beige rat at the end, with format in paperback, hardcover, and epub. Update table of contents.
... = [] = [] self.first_ts = () , = ( , , linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b')'close_event', ) = False self._my_timer() #This function refreshes the values for new feeds or time update of X axis def _refresh_plot(self): if len() > 0:, min()), max(max(), ())) * 0.8, max() * 1.2) () else:, ()) () print("Opens
I would like to get the Achilles Fitness website artwork updated. See the Dropbox Link below for the files to complete the updated website artwork. The Achilles Fitness (Update Website) PDF file shows you what all needs to be done. Let me know if you have any questions.
...user to confirm their subscription. Test the Double Opt-In: Submit your form and verify that: The confirmation email is sent. Clicking the confirmation link adds the contact to the database. 4. Fix Elementor Editing Issues Steps: Reconnect Elementor Pro License (If Applicable): Navigate to Elementor > License in the WordPress dashboard. Click Disconnect and then Reconnect to refresh the license. Update Elementor: Download the latest versions of Elementor (free and Pro, if applicable) from the Elementor website. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Upload and activate the downloaded .zip files. Resolve Safe Mode Issue: Temporarily deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro. Test if the editor works without Safe Mode. Reactivate plugins one by one to...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to update and overhaul the design of my portfolio site to a modern and minimalistic style. Key responsibilities: - Complete design overhaul of the current portfolio site - Implementing a clean, modern and minimalistic aesthetic - Improving user experience and site functionality Ideal skills: - Proven experience in web design and development - Strong understanding of modern and minimalistic design principles - Excellent problem-solving skills to enhance site functionality Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
I'm looking for a Wix expert to help me update and enhance my website. Human resources and Business process consultation Key Areas of Focus: - **Design/Appearance**: The site needs to reflect a 'Professional and Corporate' style. - **Content/Information**: Updating existing content and adding new information is necessary. - **Functionality/Features**: Improving site features for better user experience is crucial. Content Types to be Added/Updated: - **Text**: This will include updating current text and adding new written content. - **Images**: Adding new images and possibly editing existing ones for a more polished look. - **Videos**: Incorporating video content into the site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Wix platform. - Strong sense ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to update two websites for me using a more modern theme. The primary focus of the sites is informational. Key Requirements: - The sites should feature a contact form - The sites should be SEO optimized - The design and layout should closely resemble the original sites but be responsive and modern Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with creating and customizing blog/content sites There are two sites to be cloned and updated. They are:
...Experience in developing backends for WPF applications. - Strong attention to detail and ability to work on section-wise deliveries. - Good communication skills and responsiveness to feedback and instructions. - Availability to work remotely and provide regular updates on progress. Skills: - Proficiency in VB.NET for backend development. - Strong experience in WPF with the ability to create and update modern, user-friendly frontend designs. - Familiarity with integrating frontend and backend functionality in WPF applications. - Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to deliver clean, maintainable code. - Attention to detail and excellent communication skills. The video of the Tool we will share with u during the Meetings Total screen about 20 - 22 with popups Deviation...
I need assistance in migrating my websites from my current dedicated server to a new one. Here's the Work Checklist: 1. Install CPanel on new server 2. Move all my sites from the old server to the new server (both servers have CPanel/WHM) 3. Make sure one of my website...(both servers have CPanel/WHM) 3. Make sure one of my websites has it's own 2TB hard drive dedicated to it 4. Assign dedicated ip address to each website (super simple thru WHM) 5. Make sure mx records pass every test, if not, please make it so it passes every test. 6. Make sure there are no errors on the websites (I'll help in checking this), if there is errors, let's fix it (maybe we have to update php, etc.) That's all! I have all the login info for both servers and domain register. ...
In this week we will work on new keywords and also we will work on tiktok and google ads to optimize the ad spent
I'm in need of a comprehensive spreadsheet for project management purposes. This spreadsheet should also assist in tracking income and expenses. Key Requirements: - A deep understanding and experience in creating advanced spreadsheets. - Knowledge and skills in project management. - Ability to incorporate financial tracking elements within the project management spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Excel or Google Sheets expertise. - Financial tracking. - Project management. - Data organization and analysis. The goal is to have an easy-to-use spreadsheet that can be a vital tool for managing my projects while keeping track of the financial aspects. The ideal candidate would be someone who can create a design that is not only functional but also user-friendly.