Literature review computer project işler
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)
...customer satisfaction, provide live support via email and the RM3 Panel software, coordinate technical support processes, and keep customers informed. The ideal candidate should be capable of managing complex non-technical relationships, working independently, possessing strong written communication skills, and having proficiency in basic computer programs. Turkish nationals are preferred. Summary: You will focus on customer satisfaction by working at your computer, providing direct support to customers, and coordinating with the customer support and management/finance teams. Applications are accepted through the CAREER section on our website. Redspades . net...
...customer satisfaction, provide live support via email and the RM3 Panel software, coordinate technical support processes, and keep customers informed. The ideal candidate should be capable of managing complex non-technical relationships, working independently, possessing strong written communication skills, and having proficiency in basic computer programs. Turkish nationals are preferred. Summary: You will focus on customer satisfaction by working at your computer, providing direct support to customers, and coordinating with the customer support and management/finance teams. Applications are accepted through the CAREER section on our website. --->
"""458. Nedávno sa môj počítač začal úplne rozpadať. Cievky bzučia, všetko hučí, dokonca aj tie najjednoduchšie hry neťahá. Začal ma to už naozaj štvať. A ja som predsa hráč - milujem hrať nové hry! Musel som chodiť do počítačového klubu, aby som si splnil svoje túžby. Ale to predsa nie je ono, však? (ukázať herný PC) Rozhodol som sa spraviť mini počítačový klub u seba doma! (stlačiť tlačidlo zapnutia) Len sa pozri, aký je krásny! Hneď vidno - silný! A nevydáva žiadne zbytočné zvuky, je super tichý, stoja v ňom drahé chladiče! Teraz budem hrať všetky novinky ako prvý!""&...
...Kurdish. This position is for male candidates only. For this position you will need a fast internet connection and a performing computer. Your reactivity and skills with the internet are important to me, as you will need to have these skills to successfully perform the tasks you will be assigned. You must also be willing to learn new skills as this role offers many development opportunities. Your main task is to assist me from Monday to Thursday and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. This position will be rewarded with a salary of 5110 TL. Regardless of your location, you are welcome to apply if you have a reliable internet connection and a performing computer. Fluency in English is essential and knowledge of Kurdish and Arabic would be a plus. I would like to emphasize...
Game Content: An mobile game with 79 dots and 38 pawns, candycrush-like, checkers-like, unique, single player and 3 difficulty levels against the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be ni...
Features - Designed for tablets and phones. - APK 64 Bits - Supports both APPLIANCES ANDROID ARM & x86. - Admob Ads : Banner and Interstitials Update Android Studio 4.0.1 respecting Google recommendations for android development. This game is a good template for learning advertising to attract users to install it. Description This minimalist skill game is easy to play, but hard to master – and insanely addictive! Perfect timing is crucial: tap at the right moment to stack blocks on top of each other and try to build the highest tower. How To : - Open Project Into Android Studio. - Change the package name - How to Change Graphics game. - How to Change Audio game. - How to change the Admob Banner and Interstitial ID . - Change Your Privacy policy, and ...
...between different texts in word / google documents. These differences must can be transferred to excel / google tables as a list in the same way. The similarities and differences between the texts in the transferred lists can be seen as a ratio. I have attached detailed explanations and sample files about what is wanted, you can download and review. This is requested as part of a research project. So you will also be involved in the research project....
Hello, I have been using computer and internet since my childhood and I developed myself on web design, SEO, Digital marketing, graphic design. I have at least 5 years of agency experience and simultaneous freelance experience. What studies can we do together? > Web Design (Personal, Corporate, E-commerce, Special projects) > SEO (100 percent increase in a short time) > Graphic Design (Coolest modern designs for Social Media and Web sites) > Digital Marketing (I make your project or brand popular on all social platforms in a short time and provide the desired return.) Merhaba, çocukluğumdan beri bilgisayar ve internet ortamını kullanmaktayım ve kendimi web tasarım, SEO, Dijital pazarlama, grafik tasarım üzerinde geliştirdim. En az 5 yıllık ajans deney...
Java war dosyasını maven projesine dönüştürülmesi gerekiyor. Sistem web tabanlı. İşlem için uzak bağlantı ile bilgisayarıma bağlanıp eclipse üzerinden yapılması gerekmekte. Bilen için 5-10 dk'lık bir işlem. Java war file needs to be converted to maven project. The system is web based. For the process, it has to be connected to my computer with a remote connection and done via eclipse. It takes 5-10 minutes for those who know.
Proje başlanmıştır kendi özel projem. Tahminen 3 ay full time içinde bitebilir. Ben kendim de yazılımcı yım ve review ları yapacağım.
Kurumumuz tarafından Yönetim Sistemleri yazılım geliştiriyoruz. Modüllerden oluşan bir yazılım. Web tabanlı, bulutta çalışıyor. Angular 8 ile kodlama yapacak Frontend yazılımcılar arıyoruz. Altyapı, standartlar, ekranlar, akışları, domain yapısı belli. Scrum yönetimi ile çalışıyoruz. Baş yazılımıcımız tarafından Kod review olacak. Bu ilanda bir modül geliştirilmesi için anlaşacağız. Çıkan sonuca göre daha fazla modül için işbirliğine devam etmek istiyoruz.
Amazon ve Etsy gibi web sitesinde yer alan ürünlerin son kullanıcı gözünden incelemesini içeren makale ihtiyacımız bulunmakta (ingilizce). İsteklerimizi aşağıda net olarak belirttik bunun haricinde anlaşacağımızı kişilere daha fazla detay verilecektir. İlk etapta 10 makale alınacaktır, beğenildiği takdirde makale alımı devamlı olacaktır. İngilizce seviyesi: C1 (Min) Makale Adeti: 10 adet Kelime Sayısı: 400 - 500 kelime Teslimat Süresi: 48 saat Ekstra İstekler Seo kurallarına uygun yazılması %100 Özgün olması (kontrol edilecektir) Akıcı şekilde okunma yetisine sahip makaleler
...pdf dosyası içerisinde yer almaktadır. (17_11 (1).pdf) Yukarıda yer alan tüm ekran alıntıları incelenmelidir. İçerisinde ayrıca nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği yer almaktadır. Çalışma içerisinde başlıklar oluşturularak ilerleme sağlanması gerekmektedir. Bunlar; Summary (300 Kelime) 1. Statement of Problem a. Research Topic b. Research Problem c. Research Questions and Hypothesis 2. Review of the Literature 3. Methods 4. Results and Conclusion Çalışma bu başlıkları kesinlikle içermelidir. Çalışma toplamda 1200 kelime ve üzeri olmalıdır (referanslar hariç). Çalışma içerisinde Kesinlikle APA referans sistemi kullanılmalıdır. Apa stilinde referans kullanmak için ekteki linkten faydalanab...
...olarak aşagıda yer alan adımlar izlenerek başlıklandırılmalıdır. Define a problem in your country’s health system Shortly describe the problem, use data Construct the problem diagnostic tree (according to Roberts J., 2008) Develop policy recommendation using the WHO policy framework (control cnobs) Please specify the recommendations at policy, strategy and action plan level Use scientific literature, at least 10 data sources Size: 8 pages (2500 Words) Kaynaklaraapakurallarına uygun olarak eklenecektir. çalışma süresi 3 gündür. WHO'a veya alakalı kaynaklara ait data tablosu eklenmesi gerekmektedir. (2-3 adet) Çalışma için her gün 2 kez güncelleme yapılması (yazılan kısımların gösterilmesi) gerekmektedir. &Cced...
- Histerik Kişilik Bozukluğu - Anti-sosyal Kişilik Bozukluğu - Sınırda (borderline) Kişilik Bozukluğu - Narsistik Kişilik Bozukluğu ile ilgili 4 ayrı makale istiyorum. Literature review olacak herhangi bir araştırma yapılması gerekmiyor. Her biri referanslar dahil olmadan 1500 kelime olacak. APA formatında Times New Roman 12 punto, 2 boşluk olacak ve herbirinde en az 5 türkçe makaleden referans olacak. Sizi referans araştırmasının bir kısmından kurtarmak amacıyla elimde bulunanlardan sağlayabilirim. Genel outline formatı: Giriş Literatürdeki araştırmalar Tartışma Sonuç şeklinde olmalı. Not: Bu bozuklukların ayrı ayrı DSM V e gore ne oldukları, hangi araştırmaların yapıldığı vs. gibi olacak. Turnitin free olmalı. Yoksa proje kabul edi...
Sınırdurum kişilik bozukluğu Narsistik kişilik bozukluğu Histerik Kişilik bozukluğu Anti-sosyal kişilik bozukluğu Obsesif Kompulsif Kişilik bozujluğu Herbirinden ayrı ayrı 1500 kelime, en az 5 adet türkçe makale' den alıntı, APA formatı (TNR, 12 punto, 2 boşluk), referanslar APA6. Genel olarak bu hastalıklar hakkında literatür taraması intro, literature survey, conclusion.-
Hazırlanacak olan tez %100 ingilizce olacaktır. Tez konum başlıkta belirttiğim gibi Tek faz invertörler de total harmonic bozulmaların minimize edilmesi tez için istenilenler; 1) Göndereceğimiz tez formatına uygun şekilde yazılması. Tez içeriği; 1. bölüm Genel bir giriş yapılacak 2. bölüm: Literature özeti ve literature de bu konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar ,invertör çeşitleri ,invertör ve tek fazlı invertörün kalitesini arttırmaya yöntemleri Tanımnları... Alfa açısı nasıl bulunuyor , alfa açısı sinüs dalgasını nasıl etkiler 3.bölüm: Bu çalışmada neler yapıldı materyal and methods Single phase ın özelliğini açıkla ...
...Mühendisliği İngilizce Yüksek Lisans Tez Hazırlamak için yardım istemekteyim Hazırlanacak olan tez %100 ingilizce olacaktır. Tez konum başlıkta belirttiğim gibi Tek faz invertörler de total harmonic bozulmaların minimize edilmesi tez için istenilenler; 1) Göndereceğimiz tez formatına uygun şekilde yazılması. Tez içeriği; 1. bölüm Genel bir giriş yapılacak 2. bölüm: Literature özeti ve literature de bu konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar ,invertör çeşitleri ,invertör ve tek fazlı invertörün kalitesini arttırmaya yöntemleri Tanımnları... Alfa açısı nasıl bulunuyor , alfa açısı sinüs dalgasını nasıl etkiler 3.bölüm: B...
Üniversite Öğrenci yönetim sistemi.(Student Review System)
Hi thepasserby82 Merhaba Ankara'da bir şirketiz.,Bir VoIP-SIP programı geliştirmek istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için da...istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için daha avantalı olacaktır. İletişim bilgilerini paylaşırsan daha ayrıntılı bir şekilde konuşabiliriz. İyi çalışmalar. NOT: Bütçe miktarı ve süresi örnek olarak doldu...
...veren bir de DentArmada iştiraki bulunuyor. Bu büyümeyi özetleyecek bir logo tasarlatmak istiyoruz.. Logo aşamasından sonra kurumsal kimlik tasarımıyla da devam edilecek bir sürece başlamak isterseniz bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.. Hi, As Armada Yazılım, we decided to launch a wind of change. Armada Yazilim, was founded in 1997 as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), PDM (Product Data Management) and ERP solutions with a vision to be the #1 resource provider for 3D engineering software and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so they may realize a shorter time to market and a reductio...
I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.
Coded Stock Chat System Previously Written And I Want I Want You entered someone else unsold both mobile and the computer
English: Existing openGL project will be edited. There are 3 tasks and they are so basic that will only require 2 3 lines of codes for each and it says what to do in tasks. Just simple c++ code and opengl nothing complex. It is on visualstudio 2013 on my computer. Only condition is job will be done by connecting to my computer using teamviewer. I am not able to send the project to you or there is no copying. Turkish: Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisay...
Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi beli...cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima baglanarak yapilacak. Projeyi size gonderemiyorum malesef. An existing opengl project needs to be edited. There are 3 tasks and all tasks are so basic. Its an easy project and each task require 2 3 line of code. Only limitation is you will have to connect my computer via team viewer and complete in any time. I cannot send the ...
...4) online conversations It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek mantık paylaşın ve tüm fonksiyonları ile bir site yapmak istiyoruz. benim &o...
I have 2200 words to be translated. The entire translation must be done in 24 hours after the start of the project. I will pay 33 USDs for the project. Please bid accordingly. The bidders must translate the small sample below and send me for review. Sample: Bir ucu düz, diğer ucu muflu olarak imal edilen çelik borular, muf içine yerleştirilmek için özel olarak imal edilmiş kauçuk esaslı lastik conta ile bağlanacaktır. Bu suretle nispeten esnek bir bağlantı teşkil edilmiş olur. muf = bushing kauçuk esaslı lastik conta = rubber-based plastic gaskets
I'm seeking a professional architect or interior designer to review an existing house plan for a G+2 villa. The focus will be on enhancing usability, specifically better space utilization, and ensuring Vastu compliance, particularly in the placement of the kitchen and utilities. The selected expert will need to: - Review the provided 2D plan and .dwg working drawing file - Provide feedback on room placements, especially in the ground kitchen area - Suggest improvements for better space utilization - Propose a minimalist interior design and prepare a 3D model with the suggested interiors Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven track record in architectural design and interior planning - Deep understanding of Vastu principles - Expertise in space optimization - Pro...
Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 569 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $10 dollar for 569 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I am looking for a clear-voiced, preferably North Indian, female voice to read and record a Hindi text I will provide (approximately 1550 words). The recording should be done in MP3 format and cannot be a computer-generated voice. - Ideal Candidate: A person with good Hindi diction and standard Hindi pronunciation. - Purpose: The recording is for personal use. - Requirements: A clear, articulate voice with a standard Hindi accent, showing the right emotion where necessary I will need a sample recording of 200 words to make a selection. Please make sure there are no or minimum background noises while sending the recording एक स्पष्ट आवाज़, उत्तरी भारतीय महिला की, जो मेरे द्वारा प्रदान किए गए हिंदी पाठ (लगभग 1550 शब्द) को पढ़कर रिकॉर्ड कर सके। रिकॉर्डिंग MP3 में होनी चाहिए और कंप्...
I'm in need of a professional who can assist me in creating metafields and meta objects for my physical products on Shopify. My goal is to store additional product specifications and customer reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Create app...specifications and customer reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Create appropriate metafields and meta objects for my physical products on Shopify. - Ensure the storage of additional product specifications and customer reviews. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify. - Proficiency in creating and managing metafields and meta objects. - Understanding of product specifications and customer review systems. Your expertise in these areas will greatly enhance my e-commerce platform's functionality and user engagement. Looking forwar...
I'm seeking a professional to conduct a thorough review of our project code to ensure it's up to standards and to assist with API integration. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a detailed security, efficiency, documentation, installation, deployment, and versioning review of our code. - Assist with API integration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in code reviewing with a focus on security and efficiency. - Proficient in API integration. - Familiar with installation, deployment and versioning processes. I look forward to your proposals.
Project Title: Write 20 Engaging Use Case-Based Tutorial Articles in Data Science (No AI Content) Description: We are looking for an experienced writer to create 20 engaging, use case-driven, and search engine-optimized tutorial articles on specific, real-world data science applications. The content must be manually written without AI assistance, well-researched, and highly practical, appealing to both beginners and intermediate-level data science enthusiasts. Project Requirements: (Each article should focus on solving a specific problem): - Predicting Customer Churn Using Logistic Regression - Sentiment Analysis for Movie Reviews Using NLP Techniques - Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions with Random Forest - Optimizing Delivery Routes with K-Means Clustering - Fore...
We are looking for a skilled and experienced WordPress developer to design a professional and user-friendly web page dedi...are looking for a skilled and experienced WordPress developer to design a professional and user-friendly web page dedicated to investor subscriptions for our project. This platform will serve as a central hub for ambassadors-investors and potential shareholders, allowing them to: • Learn more about our project. • Review detailed investment opportunities. • Easily submit their subscription information through an interactive form. Simple menu structure including: • Home • About the Project • FAQ • Pitch Deck • Subscription • Contact The page will be in French, and we will provide all th...
I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can help me with typing business documents from scanned images. Key Requirements: - Typing of 51-100 pages of business documents from scanned images. - High attention to detail to ensure all information is accurately transcribed. - Ability to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in typing and computer skills. - Previous experience in typing business documents is a plus. - Excellent grammar and spelling skills.
**Project: Development of Software for Automated Processing of Technical Drawings** **Description:** The goal is to develop a Windows-based software application that automates the processing of technical drawings. The focus is on simple and intuitive user interaction while integrating seamlessly into existing processes, such as ERP systems. The software will enable users to analyze technical drawings, extract relevant properties, remove logos, and save structured data for further use. **Software Objectives:** - **Logo Recognition and Removal:** Automatic detection and removal of logos using two technologies: template matching and deep learning (e.g., YOLO). If no logo is detected, the user can manually mark it. - **Property Recognition:** Automatic extraction of ...
Need developer who has previous experience in submitting app to review, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev acnnt, no development work is left you just have to make app live in the market
I'm in need of a talented children's book writer to create an engaging adventure story for kids aged 3-5. The narrative should revolve around the theme of friendship, providing young readers with both entertainment and valuable lessons about camaraderie and teamwork. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing children's literature, particularly for the 3-5 age group. - Creative storytelling abilities, particularly in crafting adventure narratives. - Understanding of the themes of friendship and the ability to convey it in an appealing way. - Ability to write in a simple, engaging style suitable for young children. - Experience working with illustrators or understanding of how to write with illustrations in mind would be a plus.
I'm looking for a freelancer to develop a web-based Learning Management System (LMS) or Computer-Based Training (CBT) website. This platform will allow for the authoring of courses in modules, with a user-friendly interface for students. Key Features: - User Roles: The system must support three key user roles: System Administrator, Course Administrator, and Student. - Course Creation: System Administrator access to create and amend courses. Each module should encompass a brief summary of questions, which will be recorded in the student's profile. - Media Integration: Ability to incorporate a range of media formats, including the most common document types (PDFs, Word docs), images (JPEG, PNG), as well as audio and video files (MP3, MP4). - Student Management: Course Admin... media, websites/blogs, and email campaigns. I would love to work with you on attracting leads to our affiliate program. Hobvis is a place where people can create posts on their hobbies and handmade arts, and sell their items directly. In this beginning phase, we are creating a special affiliate program to attract partners. We would love to see at least 50 successful leads results. Please review the link below, we would be glad to work with you if you can generate that much and hopefully more. Here is a link to our affiliate program, check out Key Responsibilities: - Strategically embed links in various types of content including blog posts, social media posts, and email newsletters. - Drive visibility and engagement of these
I'm seeking an expert in AI with a specific focus on Computer Vision. The project primarily revolves implementing an AI that can perform a specific task in the realm of Computer Vision. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong background in AI and Computer Vision - Proficiency in implementing and automating tasks with AI - Previous experience with CV projects - Excellent understanding of object detection, facial recognition and image classification
I am seeking a skilled children's book author and illustrator to help create a captivating fairy tale storybook for my 3-5 year old child. This project is for personal use. The story should be: - Engaging and imaginative, fitting for a fairy tale - Suitable for a toddler's comprehension level - Offering moral or educational lessons subtly woven into the narrative Your role will encompass both writing and illustrating the book. Prior experience in children's literature and illustration is highly desirable. A knack for creativity, storytelling and understanding of the 3-5 year age group's preferences will make you the ideal candidate for this project.
I'm seeking a developer who can build an ASP.NET Framework project to seamlessly connect with Power BI. Key Requirements: 1) Integrate Power BI with ASP.NET Framework application. 2) Implement a login system where each user (one person, one computer) can access the application using a unique username and password. 3) Ensure that each user is only able to view their own information on Power BI, which includes Pid, Job_Name, Email, and Location. I will provide the SQL Server query necessary for the project, and you have the option to create a stored procedure if you wish. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ASP.NET Framework - Strong experience with Power BI integration - SQL Server expertise - Familiarity with creating user authentication systems Please note, the a...
...on molecular biology techniques. The book cover should be bright and vibrant, contrasting sharply with the often-muted tones of scientific literature. Key Tasks: - Create a modern, clean yet artistically engaging design. - Incorporate illustrations of molecular structures. - Integrate photographs related to lab techniques. The ideal candidate for this project should have a solid background in graphic design, with a portfolio demonstrating previous work on book covers or similar projects. A familiarity with molecular biology and lab techniques would be a significant asset, enabling the designer to select appropriate and compelling visuals. This project requires a designer who can balance creativity with clarity, producing a cover that is not only visually arrestin...
I need someone to review my text articles. The checks will mainly be for grammar and spelling errors. The use of a VPN will be required for this task.
We are looking for a talented UI/UX designer to convert an existing mobile app design into a responsive web application design using Figma. The goal is to maintain the app's core functionality and visual identity while optimizing the user experience for larger screens, ensuring consistency across different devices. Scope of Work: Review Existing Mobile App Design : - Analyze the current design structure, features, and user flow. - Understand the design system, color palette, typography, and branding guidelines. Web Design Adaptation: - Translate the mobile app layout into a user-friendly and visually appealing web design. - Create wireframes and high-fidelity mockups for desktop, tablet, and other relevant screen sizes. - Ensure the web design remains responsive and consis...
I'm looking for a creative who can create a series of short animations for a Round Australia Boat Trip over the course of this year to illustrate individual legs of the trip. The style of the animation and the map of Australia should be simple, fun and clearly show the boats path and stopping points and in a simple and informative way. We may even use sat nav information from the boats computer. The animations will be used in private social media posts and will help form the basis of a 'home movie' of the whole once in a lifetime trip. I will work collaboratively with you to find an appropriate style which we want to remain consistent through the year. Deliverables will be determined as we progress, but might include: - A title animation to be used at the star...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I am seeking a skilled children's book author and illustrator to help create a captivating fairy tale storybook for my 3-5 year old child. This project is for personal use. The story should be: - Engaging and imaginative, fitting for a fairy tale - Suitable for a toddler's comprehension level - Offering moral or educational lessons subtly woven into the narrative Your role will encompass both writing and illustrating the book. Prior experience in children's literature and illustration is highly desirable. A knack for creativity, storytelling and understanding of the 3-5 year age group's preferences will make you the ideal candidate for this project.