Label design olive oil free işler
Şirketimiz Türkiye’den özellikle meyve sebze alanında olmak üzere pek çok sektörde Avrupa’ya küçük ölçeklerde ihracat yapan bir firma ve ağırlıklı olarak Private Label çalışmaktayız. Yani Avrupadan bir üretici/marka bizlerle bir ürünün Türkiye’den temini konusunda iletişime geçtiğinde üretiminden paketlemesine, sourcing işlemlerinden transport’a kadar tüm bir paket halinde ürünü pazara çıkmaya uygun şekilde Avrupa’ya teslim ediyoruz. O yüzden websitesi bir e-ticaret platformu değil, alıcılarla üreticileri birleştiren bir firmanın kendini ifade etme ve Türkiye’ye ilgi duyan bütün müşterileri il...
Merhaba, Enerji verimliliği için özellikle Elektrik tabanlı ve ayrıuca su ve gaz içinde kullanılabilecek Enerji Verimliliği platformuna ihtiyaç vardır. Tercihen hazır bir backend üzerinde white-label da yapılabilir. Veriler, farklı ortamlardan toplanacak, SCADA,Modbus,MQTT,IoT GW, IoT Sensor ,Sensors PLC etc. Verilerin toplanması içi gerekli sensörler ve cihazlar hazır. Bu prpjede istenen, UI tasarımı ve çalışan bir özel web temelli bir backend ve front end yazılması. Proje web de çalışır olmak durumunda, cihaz ekleme çıkartma, verilerden anlamlı bir dashboard ve görselliştirme ile çok detaylı rapor çıkartma özellikleri olmalı. Örnek ürünler için : bakabilirsiniz ...
Abd de fulfillment hizmet veren bir firmayız. Kendi sattığımız ürünler için amazon hesap yönetimi yapacak arkadaşlar arıyoruz.
bir sonucu sistemi. oyunlarınıza bir sonucu eklemek istiyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. bu sonucu oyunlarınızda multiplayer oyun için kullanılır ------------- <-İÇİNDEKİLER-> <-1 adet ücretsiz sonucu dosyası <- 1 adet sonucu programı freeserverM <- 1 adet sonucu belgesi (sunucu kimliği,sonucualanı adı, sonucu şifresi) <- 1 adet sonucu sitesi ( ip adresiniz alınıp yapılandırma yapılacak)
Merhaba, E-ticaret sitesi için DEMO içerikleri hazırlatmak istiyoruz. Sistem linki: 4 banner 1 slider, 8 ürün yükleme, Kategori oluşturma Menü Oluşturma kategori isimleri, ürün isimleri, ürün fiyatları temsili girilecek. Slider ve bannerlar demo başvurusu yapanın resimlerinden ya da free image’lerden hazırlanıyor. (Görsel bulup şu şekilde düzenlemeler yapılacak. Örneğin ""Elif'le alışverişe başla"" yazılmış. Görsel boyutlarını paylaşacağız ve 4 banner 1 slider hazırlamanızı isteyeceğiz. ) Ürün ve görsel çalışması firma bazlı olacak ve ayrıntılar anlaşma sonrası paylaşılacak. Demo başına 10 TL teklif ediyoruz. Öğrenci vb. kişilerle bağlantı kur...
Merhaba Ben omurilik felçliyim Televizyonu eller serbest olarak sesli kumanda edebilecek bir cihaza ihtiyacım var Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim. Tam olarak buna benzer bir şey istiyorum
Lojistik hizmeti veren platformumuzda sistem api ile DHL, TNT veya UPS üzerinden izleme numarasını alıp bizim sitemiz üzerinden detayları bizim logomuz altında ıca İzlenecek olan gönderinin oluşturulmasını da DHL, TNT veya UPS ten api ile bizim kendi web sitemizden gireceğimiz bilgiler dahilinde oluşturmasını sağlayacağız.
I want a software developer to work with me for 30 days to turn my website in from 2 days in a Week, 7 hours a day in the office environment.. ( in a turistic city ) The site is a dating site, the front-end design will be included in the back-end. Flight tickets, accommodation and meals will also be provided… Bid by typing in expertise fields, age, country/city and language… Web sitemin 0 dan anahtar teslimi yapılması için bir yazılımcının 30 gün boyunca benimle çalışmasını istiyorum…haftada 2 gün izin, günde 7 saat ofis ortamında çalışacak.. Site dating sitesidir, front-end tasarım back-end dahil yapılacaktır. Uçak bileti, konaklama ve yemek ayrıca karşılanacaktır… Uzmanlık alanlarını, yaş, &uu...
Question: How do these films relate to critical urban theory? (address concerns of urbanization, dissolution of the public space, the right to the city, how immigrants survive in London’s informal economies, and etc) *Beautiful People (Jasmin Dizdar, 1999) *The Last Resort (Pavel Pawlikowski, 2000) *In This World (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) *Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears, 2002) *It’s a Free World (Ken Loach, 2007) *Ghosts (Nick Brumfield, 2006) Ekte ki slayt içerisinde yazılması gereken konu anlatılıyor.Üstte ki filmlerden bir tanesini seçip, o film ve slaytlarda anlatılan konu ile ilgili 1000 kelimelik ingilizce essay yazılacak. En az 5 farklı kaynaktan yararlanmak gerekmektedir. En az üç akademik kaynak kullanılması gerekmektedi...
Şimdi diyelim ki şu şekilde bir video kodu var (Basit HTML5 video player); Kod: <video controls preload> <source type="video/mp4" src="../dosyalar/filmler/" > <track kind="subtitles" label="İngilizce" src="" srclang="en"></track> <track kind="subtitles" label="Türkçe" src="" srclang="tr"></track> </video> Sayfamda da şu şekilde 2 tane kutucuk var; Kod: <div id="en"></div> <div id="tr"></div> Şimdi istediğim şey video o andaki süreye göre altyazı çekip ilgili kutucuğun içinde yazdı video de ise o anda geçerli olan olan İngilizce altyazıyı i...
hills köpek maması 12 kg paketlerin içine 2.5 kg free eklenmiş. bu ürünlerin kampanyasının yapılmasını istiyorum.
Dinamik olarak ekran tasarlanabilen bir windows desktop uygulamamız bulunmaktadır. Adım adım belirtmek gerekirse: 1. Textbox,Combobox, CheckBox, Picturebox, datetime picker, Label, Iframe, Datagridview vs. gibi windows kontrollerini sürükle bırakla istediğimiz gibi ekran tasarlayabiliyoruz. kontrollerin ekrandaki yeri, büyüklüğü, fontu vs. istenilen şekilde ayarlanabiliyor. 3. Birden fazla ekran tasarlanarak "Akış Tasarımı" bölümünde birbirine bağlanabiliyor. 4."Akış tasarımı" sayfaların birbirine bağlanmasına ek olarak bir takım işlemlerin yapıldğı bölümdür. Matematiksel, metinsel işlemler yapılabiliyor, database 'e bağlanılabiliyor, email gönderilebiliyor, webservice'e gidilebiliyor...
...File Upload, - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST --- When i click to ticket list i want
...ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are determined before ''as seen on below photo'' the unit price of the added/omitted products must effect the cost. Some ingredients are free, and some others can be added for a fee. Two separate sections can be made for them. I can give detailed information via Skype to you if you want. 6. While the customer opens an order, there can be a section showing that the customer who bought this also bought following product (orientation) 7. Adress restriction, and information about order a...
+ Elektronik ticarette iç SEO mantığına sahip, Google toollarını kullanabilen, + Hazır Responsive OPENCART template sitelerin kodlama yapısını değiştirebilecek, kod ve modül yazacak ve sorunsuz olarak database e ve Msql e aktarabilen, + Farklı web browserlarda ve platformlarda (ie, chrome, firefox, i...uygulayabilen, bulabilen, sayfaların ve kullanıcıların yamulmasına izin vermeyecek, + CRM, CMS, e-mail ve sms kurumsal çözümleri konularında deneyimli, + XML, CSS, XHTML, HTML, XML, Javascript, AJAX, JQuery konularına hakim. +Analitik düşünme becerisine sahip, araştırmacı, problem çözebilen, sorumluluk sahibi, başladığı işi zamanında bitirecek, + E-ticaret sitesi projelerimizde görevlendirilmek üzere FREE LANCE ol...
...boyutlarında teslim edilmelidir. Görseller iyi kalitede ve renkli olmalıdır. Bu proje teslim edilecek 100 farklı içerik metni ve görselini kapsamaktadır. Benzer içerik projeleri ile devam edilecektir. ÖRNEK METİN: { "id" : 1, "label" : "1", "specific" : { "image" : "", "path" : "", "word" : "AZİZ YILDIRIM", "pool" : "", "hints" : ["iş adamı", "inşaat mühendisi"], "depends" : -1, "imageText" : "Fenerbahçe başkanı" } }, { "id" : 2, "label...
xml satın almak istiyorum free calısan kullanıcılardan
We need a website to sell complete VPN services; including client panel, SSL supported free anonymous web based proxy, free anonymous email, server overview, features and prices, product comparion table, advantages, help, faq, troubleshooter, setup and abuse pages. Coding can be based on asp or php. We will offer free account for test drive. Our packages supported OPENVPN, L2TP/IPSEC and PPTP protocols. We prefer HTML5 and CSS3 on pages but it's not required. We would like to discuss details. Turkish: ----------- VPN satış servisimiz için bir satış web sitesine ihtiyacımız var. Web sayfası müşteri paneli, ssl destekli ücretsiz anonim web tabanlı proxy, anonim email, sistem durumu, ücretlendirme, ürün karşılaştırma tablosu, &...
..."ürün modeli", içeriği editlenebilir, yeni ürün modeli eklenebilir. -----> seçilen ürün modeline göre hemen altında açılan 8 tane textbox. bu textboxların kendine ait "save" ve "copy" butonları olacak. böylece textboxa istediğimiz şekilde cevap yazıp saveleyebileceğiz, gerektiğinde de programı açıp copy diyip istediğimiz sorunun cevabını kopyalayabileceğiz. bu textboxların hepsinin üstünde bir label (hangi sorunun cevabı olduğunu anlamak için textbox'ın okumamak için her seferinde) dropboxlarda 20 kadar ürün türü, ve türlerin altında 20 ürün modeli var. bu toplam ürün sayısının hepsinin de 8 tane kopyal... its purest form, untouched by mass production. Originality – A reflection of artists who create from passion, not trends. Roots & Heritage – Staying true to cultural and personal narratives. Trust & Sourcing at the Source – The ability to find and deliver true art. It should feel genuine, bold, and timeless—not another polished arthouse identity, but a brand that stands for something real. Design Direction: Typography: Should feel handmade, raw, or crafted with intention—something that evokes the human touch rather than a generic, modern typeface. It can be slightly imperfect, like an artist’s brushstroke. Symbol/Icon: Open to interpretation, but it should subtly hint at creativity, craftsmanship, and a deep connection to the artis...
I'm updating my YouTube channel and need a designer to create a banner image for me. Style & Focus: - The banner should have a professional style, given the nature fun and energetic, matching the tone of my vlogs. - A touch of sleek modernity would be appreciated, but the overall tone should be lively and engaging. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with YouTube banner creation is an advantage. - Understanding of vlogging aesthetics - Ability to convey a 'fun and energetic' vibe in a professional design Remarks, no experience may also apply for this project. If your quality of works meet my expectation, I might award another project for 1 banner image and at least 24 thumbnail image in the upcoming project. If you have relevant work samp...
I'm seeking a freelancer to develop algorithms in a free, iOS/MacBook compatible program (preferably LibreOffice or Numbers) to process data from an SD card collected from Tanita scale measurements. This data includes body fat percentage, visceral fat, metabolic age, water content, and more. The algorithms should transform these raw data points into a variety of graphical analyses, such as charts, pie graphs, and visual body representations, similar to outputs from commercial software like GMON Tanita or InBody. - Purpose: The ultimate goal is to utilize these visualizations to create comprehensive reports for my nutrition counseling clients. - Budget-friendly Solutions: I'm specifically looking for an affordable solution and would appreciate your insights on the implemen...
I'm looking for a vintage-style label for my bottled water brand. The design should be monochrome, incorporating: - My brand name and logo - Nutritional information - A catchy slogan or tagline Ideal freelancer should have: - A strong design portfolio, especially with vintage styles - Experience in creating product labels - Ability to work with monochrome color schemes. The goal is to have a label that stands out on the shelf and appeals to consumers looking for a quality, vintage-inspired product.
...AND IS NOT BE USED BY ANYONE AS IT HAS TRACE RECORDS ON IT THAT WILL LEAD TO PENALTIES. I will provide 250 records for each of the two campaigns so 500 total records at a time and check that it has not been used for anything else & I check your success progress and modify template if needed. You can use ANY email and template program (not mailchimp) or another method for templates and emails and a free database system. Campaign A “shark” to mechanics and car dealers is for DPF EGR parts cleaning. Campaign B “redline” to restaurants and cafes is for doing red line plans. The emails go out in Australia. You send out the emails using your account. I will not pay any fee to send or any other costs or fees I only pay you any fees or subscriptions are inclu...
I'm looking for an experienced Python asyncio developer who can create an OpenAI function for me. This...processing: Leverage Python's asyncio for concurrent tweet processing. - Use of an LLM: The sentiment analysis should be conducted with an LLM as per my specifications. Please note: - the goal is to have the llm function return something like: {'2024-02-13':[{'positive':0,'neutral':0,'negative':0}]}, but for all the tweets and dates - I expect high precision in the sentiment assessments, but purely at a label level. - The use of any other libraries or tools for sentiment analysis is not preferred - the LLM is the primary tool for this project. I'm looking for a cost-effective solution for this task, so please do not place ...
...managing the platform. 4- Each user type will have a unique interface tailored to their specific needs. Tech Stack & Tools, the application will be built using: 1- FlutterFlow for frontend development. 2- Supabase as the backend for authentication, database management, and real-time updates. 3- Retool for admin panel and operational controls. 4- Twilio API for WhatsApp message notifications (as a free service). Key Responsibilities 1- Develop and maintain the FlutterFlow frontend. 2- Integrate Supabase as the backend service. 3- Ensure real-time booking updates with minimal delay. 4- Implement location-based search (within a defined radius). 5- Enable seamless application push notifications, and WhatsApp notifications for booking confirmations. 6- Optimize app performance f...
My Python robot designed for posting on Facebook Marketplace is experiencing a critical issue. It crashes during the title entry phase of the posting process. The robot is supposed to input product title, but the crash is hindering its functionality. I'm in urgent ...modify the robot's code for inputting product descriptions. I'm also looking for the robot to be fixed so that it automatically posts to groups which it used to do. Code is available, this is a fix not a new build. I believe the xpath needs to be udpated. for title in ['Title']: print(title) try: (driver, , f"//div[@aria-label='{()}']/parent::div//i", time=2)[-1] (driver, div) (1)
...fractional shares of Apple, Tesla). o Commodities (e.g., gold, oil). o Any other available options 4. Demo Account o Free virtual account with $10,000 in play money for practice. o Tutorials and simulated trading challenges. 5. Educational Resources o Beginner guides, video tutorials, and live webinars. o Glossary of trading terms and risk management tips. 6. Social Trading o Copy trading: Users can mimic strategies of top-performing traders. o Public leaderboards and community chatrooms. 7. Risk Management Tools o Stop-loss, take-profit, and daily trade limits. o Risk level assessment quiz for new users. 8. Instant Payouts o Withdraw profits to e-wallets (e.g., Paytm, Phonepay etc) or bank accounts. o Low withdrawal fees (or free for larger amounts). 9. Notificatio...
I'm looking to set up a Shopify store to sell physical products, specifically edible oil. The design of the store should be minimalist and clean, allowing the products to take center stage. Key Requirements: - Setting up a Shopify store - Designing a minimalist and clean theme - Product listing and categorization Ideal Skills: - Shopify eCommerce platform expertise - Graphic design experience - Knowledge in product categorization and listing Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. customize a Laravel-based e-commerce web application. The application will need to support a tiered membership system with Gold, Silver, and Platinum packages, each with different joining fees and commission rates. The admin should have the ability to manage commissions, set joining fees, and create promotional offers for these packages. Key Requirements: - The app should allow for a starter free registration. - A Gold member earns up to 50% commission, Silver up to 60%, and Platinum up to 70%. The commission per product will vary. - A referral system where members earn 5% commission for referring up to 3 people and 10% for referring more than 3. - All features should be editable by the admin. In addition to this, the app will need to be integrated with a payment gateway (s...
...tiers to have 10/100/500 free credits. ### **API Monetization for External AI & Automation Tools** - Charge businesses **for API access** so their AI tools (ChatGPT, N8N, Zapier) can create and visualize plans. TODO; make our api avialable to external users and businesses and advertise this in our web pricing page - Offer **free basic API calls** + **paid API for heavy users**. - **Monetize Shareable Links & Reports** 1. **Charge external users for PDF/CSV exports of AI-generated plans** (e.g., **$5 per AI-enhanced report**). ***"Download an AI-generated project report – $4.99."*** 2. **Offer a Premium Timeline Viewer** *(custom branding, interactive edits)* for external users. ***"Customize & edit your AI timeline &ndas...
SUMMARY I'm looking for a skilled designer to create an impactful hero and sticky banners. You will be expected to fully design promo specific banners that fit within the specifications provided below. All design templates will be provided for you. TIMELINE This should take a week or so to complete. Step 1: Complete Email Hero Banner Step 2: Complete Desktop & Mobile Banner Step 3: Complete Sticky Banners PROMO DETAILS - Buy 2- Get 1 Free - Code: B2G1F - Max Discount $75 - Excludes Custom Logo & Select Designers HEADINGS & TAGLINES Heading: Shop Your Wedding Colors Tagline: Bloom Into Love: Celebrate Savings This Spring Wedding Season! REQUIRED BANNERS (Will be provided) - Email Hero Banner (1820px by 939px) - Website Hero Banner (2400px by 675px) ...
I'm looking for a professional web designer who can help style my Shopify site according to a modern and minimalist aesthetic. The initial styling work should focus on the following pages: - 4. 5. 6. Example of competitor websites (3d printing companies) 1. 2. >Use complimentary color pallets for the site in earthy tones that still compliment out logo. >Ensure that website has a dark theme >Please use modern and clean fonts >You can use any free template on Shopify as a starting point >Any stock photos used must scale to high resolution monitors >Overall result must be excellent, clean, modern and professional >Nothing less will be accepted
Im in need of a sticker design as a warning label for various asbestos and/or lead containing materials. Must be in ENGLISH and FRENCH. I have included an example screen shot of what the sticker wording must include. "⚠ DANGER / DANGER ⚠ This material contains asbestos May cause cancer. Causes damage to the lungs. Do not disturb, crush or create dust. If disturbances occurred, please consult with building management immediately. Ce matériau contient de l’amiante. Peut causer le cancer. Provoque des dommages aux poumons. Ne pas perturber, écraser ou créer de la poussière. Si des perturbations se produisent, veuillez consulter immédiatement la gestion de l’immeuble.
I am seeking a modern label design for my Malai Paneer product. The design should be minimalist yet stylish, befitting contemporary aesthetics. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in graphic design and label creation - Understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create appealing and functional product labels Please note, I am open to any primary colors for the label, so long as the design remains modern and sleek. Previous experience with food product label design would be an advantage.
...looking for a talented graphic designer to enhance an image of an olive oil bottle. The project involves creating a swirling, storm-like liquid oil effect around the bottle. The final image should be dynamic and visually captivating while preserving the integrity of the original bottle. This enhancement will be used as e-commerce picture to post the product in a marketplace. Key aspects of the project include: - A realistic style: The swirling liquid effect should be lifelike and convincing. - An energetic and powerful mood: The liquid should convey a sense of movement and intensity. - A plain white color background: This will keep the focus on the bottle and the swirling oil. - The number of products to enhance is roughly 10. 1 design each. - Sample...
I'm looking for a skilled animator who can create a 15-second animation of an ark-shaped object made of water. The object is a cube extended along the z...object is a cube extended along the z-axis, then bent to make an ark, similar to a parentheses shape. Key elements of the project: - The animation should show gentle waves moving within the ark shape, indicating that it's filled with water. - The ark shape itself should be simple, not overly complex. - I would like some surprise special effects added to the water to make it eye-catching, so feel free to include reflections or light refractions. The final product must be compatible with DaVinci Resolve. An ideal candidate for this project has a strong background in 3D animation and visual effects, with a keen eye for de...
Abstract: You have to create scenes of provided game capture recordings and enhance them with AI generated text you have to create beforehand with an LLM based on a provided prompt. Moreover you have to create AI text to speech based on the LLM generated text and subtitles to be edited into the scenes and upload the results. #...Please also take a look at the "" within this folder. It gives you an idea on how one smaller video result looks like. Keep in mind that the example mp4 shows German content but as I've mentioned in the beginning of this document it should be in English in case of this test run. - Please keep the video parameters such as dimension and refresh rate (60 fps) like they are. - Feel free to ask me anytime if you have questions regarding the pro...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...Link Building: Guest blogging, broken link building, and outreach * Toxic Backlink Monitoring & Removal * 3 Engaging Blog Posts Per Month (750 Words) We focus on sustainable, long-term growth using only white-hat SEO tactics. This ensures higher rankings, more traffic, and improved online visibility – all without the risk of Google penalties. Let’s take your website to the next level. Schedule a free consultation today! Best regards, The SEO4Ranking Team...
...and outputting the data. 3. App will run between 2-30 seconds. User defined. 4. Output all sensor data and HP calculations to a text file. Sensors used: 1- bmp280 Ambient air temp, and pressure. 3- max6675 intake, exhaust, and oil temp. 1- hx711 weight in ft/lbs. 1- optocoupler, rpm. Serial Layout. //Display the data to serial monitor. //("Pulse Count: "); (nPulses); //(thermo1); (",");INTAKE //(thermo2); (",");EXHAUST //(thermo3); (",");OIL //(temperature); (",");AMBIENT //(pressure); (",");PRESSURE //(rpm); (","); RPM //(hx711reading, 2); (",n")TORQUE
I'm seeking an experienced animator to create a professional-grade animated advertisement for an oil product. Key elements: - The ad should primarily convey the product benefits. - The overall tone must be strictly professional. Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio of similar, high-quality animated work. - Excellent understanding of conveying product benefits through animation. - Ability to create a professional tone throughout the video. Please include examples of your previous animated advertisements in your bid.
I'm looking for a freelancer to enhance my presentation, making it more visually appealing and professional. I...slide pertains to Katharine Graham and the Washington Post. Use your discretion to add appropriate visuals. - Slide 5: This slide discusses lean management teams and strategic investments. Again, feel free to add relevant graphics. It is crucial that the presentation maintains a professional aesthetic throughout. I'm open to your expert suggestions on other types of graphics to include, such as icons and illustrations or photographs, particularly on slides 4 and 5. The ideal candidate for this project will have experience in creating and enhancing professional presentations, a keen eye for design, and the ability to select and incorporate relevant gra...
I am looking for a professional brand identity expert who can create a complete brand kit for my business. I admire SKIMS' typography style and colors, and I want my brand to convey a modern and sleek tone. Key Deliverables: - Logo design - Color palette - Typography - Packaging kit - Social media kit - Full brand identity - Cloth label Ideal Skills: - Strong design portfolio, particularly with minimalistic and sleek designs - Excellent understanding of typography - Experience in creating comprehensive brand kits - Ability to create modern and sleek designs Please provide examples of previous similar work in your bid.
...a positive and motivational message. The design should feature the following statement: "Embrace Every Step of Your Journey" This statement is all about perseverance, growth, and optimism. We want the design to inspire wearers to embrace their journey and confidently look forward to the future. The typography should be the central focus of the design, using creative and modern fonts to make the message stand out. Design Requirements: The design should be typographic-based, with the focus solely on the message. You are encouraged to experiment with font styles, sizes, and placement to create visual interest. The design should be easy to print and look visually appealing on both light and dark-colored t-shirts. The design mu...
...formulation needs to be free of Fluorocarbons and Dry Alcohols - It should include any safe additives to achieve the desired spray ability MUST: - Initially, we will request samples (which we will pay for) before placing an order of 100 - 500 units with the supplier directly. We will pay 30GBP as commission if we order a sample from the manufacturer which we will pay for, thereafter we will do business directly with them. We are open to alternative solutions to achieve this goal. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive background in cosmetic formulation - Experience with developing sprayable oil products - Understanding of natural and safe additives - Ability to create a consistent and reliable spray pattern.
We need logo for our car products Brand "BITRITE", Which is a car products brand, which we are going to launch in E-commerce Platform.. I Have attached a sample logo for your reference. Need source file with all the fonts and elements. Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions or need more details. Thank you!
I'm looking for a modern, stylish sticker/label design for a champagne bottle, intended as a client gift. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of our corporate logos (3 companies logos to be included) - Use of a mix of both our primary and secondary corporate colors - Integration of a relevant background image (to be discussed) - Placement of specific text (to be provided) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brand Identity - Packaging Design Experience in designing modern, elegant labels/stickers for high-end products is highly valued. Your ability to blend our corporate identity with a contemporary aesthetic will be key to the success of this project. A very rough mock up of the concept is provided.
...greater-area) in the Automotive sector. We are looking for a professional contact person interested in having an active role in this survey. Below is some general information in regards to the project: THE ACTIVITY We would need the contact person to gather market retail prices of a precise list of Automotive spare parts. For example, we will provide the person with part numbers short-listed of parts (like oil filter insert, alternator, rear bumper and so on…) of specific cars brands (like BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc..). The contact person will have to contact official dealers in his/her area and collect the market retail price of the above-mentioned short-list of spare parts. In addition to this, the contact person will also have to gather some information regarding afterma...