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  • jpa crud example
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2,000 jpa crud example iş bulundu

...kurumsal tanıtım siteleri, ürün tanıtımı (kullanıcı girişi veya online ödeme vs. OLMAYAN) sitelerinden oluşacaktır. Sıfırdan e-ticaret sitesi geliştirme gibi işlerimizde oluyor, onlar için daha detaylı ve tabiki de daha fazla bütçe ile çalışabiliriz ancak genel ağırlığımız kurumsal siteler. GENEL GEREKSİNİMLER - PHP dilinde CMS geliştirmiş ve referans gösterebilecek (Framework kullanılabilir, hazır CRUD yapılarıda kullanılabilir.) - MYSQL, - Verdiğimiz HTML'leri anlayacak kadar (ki maalesef böyle bir şey yazma gereksinimi duyuyorum tecrübelerim sonucu) HTML,JQ ve CSS bilgisi olan. GENEL PANEL GEREKSİNİMLER - Menü Yönetimi ve Sıralaması, - Menü linkleme seçeneği (dış link mi yoksa sayfa mı yo...

€149 Average bid
€149 Ortalama Teklif
16 teklifler

Thank you for your attention. Please Turkish Freelancers! PHP Tabanlı, uzun soluklu bir proje hazırlığı yapmaktayım. PHP PDO, CRUD mantığı öğretecek, Bootstrap, NodeJS, Ajax, MySQL ve Güvenlik konularında danışmanlık yapacak, daha önce büyük projelerde çalışmış ve öğretmeye hevesli bir danışman arıyorum.

€35 / hr Average bid
€35 / hr Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Bütçem fazla değil ama, MySQL - PHP form uygulaması için CRUD işlemleri yapacak bir rest api ye ihtiyacım var. İlgilenir misiniz? Konu hakkında olumlu olumsuz bilgilendirmenizi rica eder hayırlı günler dilerim.

€113 Average bid
€113 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

Cross Platform (IOS&Android) Çalışabilen denetim ve/veya soru cevap mobil uygulama. Tüm algoritma tarafımızca verilecektir. Temel olarak mssql den sorular çekilecek bu soru...bu soruları cevaplandıracak ve cevaplanan sorular ilk başta local storage' a kaydolup daha sonra uzak database'e yazılacak. Temel ihtiyaçlar: =>Local Storage kullanımı =>Mssql ile bağlantı (Bağlantı Parametreleri dinamik olmalı ve kullanıcı sadece bir defalığına seçebilmeli 2 ayrı database'e bağlanacaktır.) =>.NET Web Service ile CRUD işlemi (Var olan bir web service ile haberleşç dahilinde) Genel Modüller =>Kullanıcı Girişi(Sadece giriş CRUD işlemi yapılmayacak ve her kullanıcı bir kereliğine girecek) =>Soru Listesi(...

€173 Average bid
€173 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Aşağıdaki teknolojilerin tümüne veya bir kısmına sahip olan arkadaşlar için sadece Istanbul lokasyonunda kişiler başvurabilir. Required: Java Spring Boot-Security-Rest-JPA PostgreSQL AngularJS(1) veya ReactJS Nice to have: Docker Game Development WebSocket programlama

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

tek bir örnek anylogic programinda yapilip raporlanicak. 2 sayfa rapor yeterli. Programa az biraz hakim olan birine, benim örnegim oldukca kolay gelicektir

€231 Average bid
€231 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

EJB JSF JPA kullanarak admin, öğrenci, öğretmen kullanıcılarının olduğu, silme ve update işlemlerinin yapılacağı program

€304 Average bid
€304 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Admin panel CRUD işlemeri, Özgün çekirdek yapısı (NO MVC), Ajax Desteği ile kayıt işlemleri, Bootstrap, PDO, XML Modül sistemi olmalı ve XML olarak çalışmalı, Örneğin Anket klasöründe XML olmalı ve XML içerisinde fieldler olmalı admin panel bunu ekrana basmalı ve Modül MySQL kayıt yaparken XML deki id değeri ne ise MySQL daki o alana kaydetmeli, Örneğin Anket Modülü için XML id olarak anketler girilmiş ise veritabanında anketler alanına kayıt işlemleri yapacak ve işleyecek. tüm işlemler ajax üzerinden olmalı.

€371 Average bid
€371 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

...perform CRUD operations on the text "Hello world" from an API call secured by AWS Cognito. The data should be stored in a MySQL database and displayed on a web page that is protected by a login page from the template, also internally using Cognito. Automate deployment to any ubuntu server. Key responsibilities: - Utilize the provided template for the project. - Implement CRUD operations on the text "Hello world". - Secure API calls with AWS Cognito. - Store data in a MySQL database. - Display data on a web page protected by a login page. - Use the template's internal Cognito for login. Deployment: - Automate the deployment of this project from an GitHub repository to an Ubuntu server. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in core PHP and MySQL. - Experien...

€13 Average bid
€13 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

This project should perform CRUD operations on the text "Hello world" from an API call secured by AWS Cognito. The data should be stored in a MySQL database and displayed on a web page that is protected by a login page from the template, also internally using Cognito. Key responsibilities: - Utilize the provided template for the project. - Implement CRUD operations on the text "Hello world". - Secure API calls with AWS Cognito. - Store data in a MySQL database. - Display data on a web page protected by a login page. - Use the template's internal Cognito for login. Deployment: - Automate the deployment of this project from an GitHub repository to an Ubuntu server. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in core PHP and MySQL. - Experience with AWS Cognito. - Fa...

€13 Average bid
€13 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...Node.js, , and MongoDB. Implement authentication, API integrations, and responsive design. Optimize performance and ensure cross-browser compatibility. Debug and troubleshoot issues to ensure a smooth application flow. Requirements: Strong experience with MERN stack development. Proficiency in React.js (hooks, state management), Node.js, and Express.js. Experience with MongoDB (CRUD operations, aggregation, indexing). Familiarity with RESTful APIs and third-party integrations. Strong problem-solving and debugging skills. Knowledge of deployment (AWS, Vercel, or Heroku) is a plus. Deliverables: Deadline: 1 to 2 days Budget: £50 A fully functional, responsive one-page web app with a clean UI. Secure authentication and database integration. Well-documented c...

€120 Average bid
€120 Ortalama Teklif
46 teklifler

I have several Apex test classes that require an experienced developer to enhance their code coverage from over 65% to beyond 75%. The focus is primarily on controllers, with critical functionalities to verify including CRUD operations and SOQL queries. The test classes also need to handle specific scenarios such as bulk operations and data setup and teardown. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Apex programming language - Extensive experience in writing and optimizing test classes - Strong understanding of Salesforce architecture - Familiarity with CRUD operations and SOQL queries - Experience handling bulk operations and data setup in test classes

€23 Average bid
€23 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

...skilled Laravel Livewire developer to create a set of CRUD components for managing my product inventory. Key Requirements: - Develop CRUD components capable of handling all CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete. - Implement search functionality to help users quickly locate specific products. - Incorporate filtering options to sort products based on various parameters. - Enable bulk actions for efficient management of large inventories. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Laravel and Livewire + ALPINE + TAILWIND. - Previous experience developing CRUD components. - Understanding of product inventory management systems. - Ability to implement user-friendly search and filtering systems. - Experience with enabling bulk actions in CRUD s...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Ortalama Teklif
99 teklifler

I need a freelancer to recreate a small software program based on a Figma design. The design is only accessible to me in view-only mode, so you'll need to manually rebuild the frontend and develop a functional backend. 1. Frontend Development: - Analyze UI based on Figma screenshots and styles - Rebuild UI in React/Vue/HTML/CS...on Figma screenshots and styles - Rebuild UI in React/Vue/HTML/CSS - Implement basic interactivity (buttons, forms, navigation) - Ensure responsive design for mobile and desktop - Conduct UI testing and adjustments 2. Backend Development: - Set up the development environment and database - Develop API for frontend-backend communication - Implement user authentication and role management - Create CRUD operations for required data - Test and debug backen...

€159 Average bid
€159 Ortalama Teklif
102 teklifler

Sistema informático para gestión de bibliotecas (Web)  Este sistema se realizara con jsp en javaweb apication version EE8, como base de datos se usará mysql (xampp), y como servidor se ha decidió usar glassfish 5 tenemos que realizar un crud con lo siguiente de una biblioteca virtual Para poder ingresar al aula virtual tiene que tener un login con correo y contraseña, Modulo de seguridad con tres tipos de usuario con roles administrador, bibliotecario, usuario, que a los tres intentos se bloquee la cuenta si no esta bien la contraseña o el correo, la contraseña tiene que estar encriptada también que no se acepten inyecciones sql, Que en los cruds se pueda eliminar, editar, añadir listar el libro También para ...

€210 Average bid
€210 Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

I am looking for a skilled web developer with expertise in ASP.NET and ODBC to build a web application for data mana...expertise in ASP.NET and ODBC to build a web application for data management. The application will primarily interface with a Microsoft SQL Server and will need to support a comprehensive set of data operations. Key Requirements: - Build a robust ASP.NET web app focusing on data management. - Implement ODBC for seamless connectivity with Microsoft SQL Server. - Ensure the application supports full CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ASP.NET and ODBC. - Experienced in developing data-centric web applications. - Familiar with Microsoft SQL Server. Your bid should reflect your understanding of the project and your relevant e...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
35 teklifler

...PRICE TO BE OUT OF FREELANCER , NO FAKE BIDDING THEN ASKING FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS , YOUR BID IS WHAT YOU GET . Key requirements: - Manage and implement email notifications for appointment confirmations and expiry dates. " all already configured i need fields in the general setting view i have to be able to control the number of days for notifications. - Fix bugs in update and delete operations in CRUD. - Improve the UI for client login. - Comment on existing code for better understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel framework. / livewire / i am using metronic laravel template but thinking of creating another version with another template i have. - Prior experience in developing or managing Laravel apps. - Strong debugging skills. - UI enhancement experience. -...

€165 Average bid
€165 Ortalama Teklif
148 teklifler

...for state management and React Router for client-side navigation. Design: The application must be fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, with Progressive Web App (PWA) features for offline access and push notifications. Back-End Technology: Use Node.js with for a RESTful API (alternatively Python with Django or Flask). Core Functions: The back end will handle CRUD operations for all entities (riders, horses, employees, volunteers, classes, incident reports, etc.), process form data, enforce business logic, and perform data validation. Authentication & Authorization: Implement stateless authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and role-based access control. Integration: Include integration with third-party APIs for email/SMS notifications, mappi...

€27 / hr Average bid
€27 / hr Ortalama Teklif
67 teklifler

I'm looking for a designer to create a logo based on the example I will provide. The logo will consist of the text and a towel. Specific Requirements: - For the 1000x600 image: The towel should be placed before the name “LENE,” with no “towel store” text underneath. The towel’s colors should remain the same as in example. The background should be transparent. I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. Please start your proposal with the word 'towelz' so I know you actually read the task, thanks. - For the 500x500 image: The towel should be placed above the text. The background should be transparent, and I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. - Favicon: It should featur...

€24 Average bid
€24 Ortalama Teklif
82 teklifler
DPA Milestone 2
5 gün left

Deliverables: User Roles &...incrementing). Payment Gateway (Super Admin Control): Activate/deactivate gateway. Modify API keys/credentials. Similar to FoodScan payment system. Form Price Management: Admin-controlled pricing updates. Certificate Workflow (Admin Management): Notify Admin upon registration & payment. Admin updates certificate status (Pending, Accepted, Rejected). Status tracking & process movement. CRUD Operations: Full Create, Read, Update, Delete for Entities, Users, and DPO. Key Considerations: DPALI Format: Ensure proper ID incrementing. Secure Payments: Safe storage of credentials. Admin UI: Intuitive payment, pricing, and workflow controls. Notifications: Reliable alerts for Admin actions. Status Tracking: Clear & accurate cer...

€394 Average bid
€394 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm in need of an Ethereum L3 system to facilitate the development of a CRUD application tailored. These firms will have their own L3 companywide, ensuring data privacy and a strict audit trail of all activities. Key requirements: - **Creating scaffolding for CRUD Applications**: You will be responsible for crafting a CRUD application framework that leverages the Ethereum L3 system. The application should be user-friendly and intuitive, catering to the needs of people wanting to store arbitrary data on the blockchain Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing CRUD applications. - Proficiency in working with blockchain technologies, particularly Ethereum.

€2193 Average bid
€2193 Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

I'm in need of a seasoned developer with expertise in Java Spring Boot and JDK 21 to create a RESTful API with reactive programing. This API will handle auto-number configuration and implement CRUD operations with POST. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a RESTful API using Java Spring Boot on JDK 21 - Implement CRUD operations with POST Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Java and Spring Boot - Proven experience in RESTful API development - Proficient in implementing CRUD operations with POST A strong portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly regarded. Looking forward to your bids.

€458 Average bid
€458 Ortalama Teklif
88 teklifler

Please do other mascot for this kebab owner in order to use it on our social network and website Please use the same style as attached. You just need to change his expression and posture (4 visuals). We also want to create 4 visuals with a kebab spit as a same style of the mascot. Please alsways integrate the logo 83 attached on the kebab spit and on the tshirt of the guy. Remember, do not change the whole style, just change the face, expression and posture for the owner mascot ! For the Kebab spit, please create vectorials as the same style What we need, summarized: - 8 new visuals with cartoon style as the style attached - use nice and funny creation, like with a kebab spit who has a face, with the guy or without the guy, with the 83 logo - please be creative and funny ! See example...

€28 Average bid
78 girdi create a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interface for a web application dedicated to managing hotel room bookings. Key Functional Requirements: - Guest Screens: Design interfaces for user sign-up, sign-in, account management, room search, booking, viewing booking status, cancellations, and payments. - Manager Screens: Create screens for manager sign-up, sign-in, account management, CRUD operations on hotels/rooms, booking views and payment overviews. - Branding: This project will also involve creating a branding concept, including a name and logo. The primary objective of this web application is to deliver an aesthetic design. Therefore, I am looking for a designer with a keen eye for detail and a strong background in creating visually appealing user interfaces. Id...

€73 Average bid
€73 Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler

I'm seeking a Full Stack developer with expertise in SAP Neptune t...experience in Full Stack development, particularly with SAP Neptune. - Prior experience in developing mobile and desktop applications. - Proficiency in working with various SAP modules. - Strong understanding and experience in developing applications for Android platforms. - ABAP and Object oriented - JavaScript, jQuery and Java Additional Skills will be advantageous: - Read and Write Data for SAPUI5 (CRUD Operations) - CDS Views and Annotations - SAP Fiori - SAP UI5 – HTML / CSS - Developing OData services - CDS Views - S/4HANA experience - app enhancements - MVC Framework Work must be complete in tight deadlines and work will be flexible on an ongoing basis. Available during: Weekdays & Weekend...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Ortalama Teklif
63 teklifler

I'm in need of a skilled backend developer with extensive experience in JavaScript, React, Node, and MongoDB. The project involves complete backend design and development for an app. Key Responsibilities: - User Authentication: Implement robust user authentication systems to...ensure secure access. - Database Management: Efficiently manage the app's database to ensure smooth operations. - API Development: Design and develop a comprehensive RESTful API for the app. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in JavaScript, React, Node, and MongoDB. - Extensive experience in User Authentication, Database Management, and RESTful API development. - Ability to implement CRUD operations, User authentication and authorization, and Data validation within the API. Looking f...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
70 teklifler for app operation Timeline & Milestones 1. Project Setup & Planning (1 week) ◦ FlutterFlow project creation ◦ Firebase configuration ◦ Detailed workflow planning 2. Core Development (3-4 weeks) ◦ Authentication system ◦ Database schema implementation ◦ Basic UI implementation ◦ Camera and photo management ◦ Item CRUD operations 3. Advanced Features (2-3 weeks) ◦ Categories and locations system ◦ Reporting functionality ◦ Search and filtering ◦ UI polish and refinement 4. Testing & Deployment (1-2 weeks) ◦ Bug fixing and optimization ◦ App store preparation ◦ Deployment to both platforms Skills Required &b...

€231 - €692
Mühürlü Gizlilik Anlaşması
€231 - €692
55 teklifler

...Designer** (Experienced in mobile & web app design) **? Location:** Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (Remote/Hybrid options can be discussed) **⏳ Duration:** 3-6 months (extendable based on performance) **? Engagement:** Freelance/Contract --- ### **? Role & Skill Requirements:** #### **1️⃣ Java Spring Boot & Hibernate Developer (4-6 years)** ✔ Strong expertise in **Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, REST APIs** ✔ Experience in **PostgreSQL/MySQL** database design and optimization ✔ Knowledge of **Microservices architecture** (preferred) ✔ Familiarity with **GraphQL APIs** (preferred) ✔ Strong problem-solving and debugging skills #### **2️⃣ React Frontend Developer (4-6 years)** ✔ Expertise in **React.js, Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS** ✔ E...

€1297 Average bid
€1297 Ortalama Teklif
33 teklifler

Just simple crud for car listing. Reference ready

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
43 teklifler

...looking for an experienced Angular developer to build a sophisticated business listing admin panel using the Sakai PrimeNG template. The project will require moderate customization of the Sakai template to suit the needs of the application. Key Features: - Utilizing Angular & the PrimeNG UI (Sakai template) - Implementing role-based authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) - Creating a full CRUD interface for business listings - Designing a dashboard that displays business listing statistics and revenue reports - Integrating APIs and incorporating search/filtering functionality - Ensuring performance optimization throughout the development process The ideal candidate will be someone with: - Strong experience with Angular and PrimeNG - Prior work on developing admin panel...

€78 Average bid
€78 Ortalama Teklif
30 teklifler

...autenticación (actualmente en Laravel 5.2, puede migrarse a Laravel Breeze/Fortify). Optimizar la API e integraciones externas (si aplica). Garantizar compatibilidad con PHP 8.4 y eliminar funciones obsoletas. Pruebas unitarias y de integración para asegurar estabilidad. Documentación del código para mantenimiento futuro. ? Alcance del Proyecto ? Módulos Principales del Sistema ✔ Gestión de Clientes (CRUD de clientes, historial de compras, estados de cuenta) ✔ Gestión de Inventario (control de stock, productos, alertas de bajo inventario) ✔ Gestión de Ventas (facturación, reportes de ventas, estados de pagos) ✔ Gestión de Usuarios y Roles (permisos, autenticación, gestión de empleados) ✔ Reportes ...

€3446 Average bid
€3446 Ortalama Teklif
67 teklifler

...NET Core API Frontend: ASP.NET Core MVC or Angular or React Database: SQL Server Authentication: Identity Server or JWT-based authentication Hosting: IIS/Azure/AWS (TBD) Key Features: User Authentication & Authorization: Role-based access control (Admin, Faculty, Student, etc.) Secure login and registration Student Management: CRUD operations for student profiles Student enrollment in subjects Attendance tracking Course & Subject Management: CRUD operations for courses and subjects Assigning subjects to students Assigning subjects to teacher the results comminf from teacher and aproved from admin User roles Payment & Fees Management: Integrate with the student_payments table Generate invoices and track payments Reports & Dashboard: Genera...

€489 Average bid
€489 Ortalama Teklif
101 teklifler

...the owner of an IT company, I'm seeking a skilled Perfex CRM developer to create modules with functionalities such as CRUD operations and various chart implementations. The initial focus will be on developing the Customer Management module. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing CRUD operations within the Customer Management module. - Integrating Bar, Pie, and Line charts into the module. - Ensuring the module is user-friendly and meets industry standards. - Potentially developing additional modules for Sales Tracking and Project Management in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Perfex CRM. - Proficiency in creating custom modules. - Strong understanding of CRUD operations. - Expertise in data visualization and chart integration. - Good commun...

€145 Average bid
€145 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

...Authentication System: Implement secure user authentication (sign-up, login, logout). Support for OAuth, Google Sign-In, and email/password authentication. Role-based access control for users (Admin, Service Provider, Customer, etc.). Admin Dashboard Enhancements: User management (view, edit, delete users). Dashboard with real-time insights (user activity, transactions, etc.). Integration of essential CRUD functionalities for managing platform data. Additional Features (Optional but Preferred): Payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). API integrations for external services if needed. Performance optimization for scalability. Ideal Freelancer Qualifications: Experience working with and its ecosystem. Strong background in authentication protocols and security best p...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
120 teklifler a project brief. A modern, secure, and scalable multi-tenant platform for managing products across multiple organizations. Built with , Supabase, and Tailwind CSS. Features ? Multi-tenant Architecture Organization-based data isolation Role-based access control Secure file storage per organization Subdomain-based tenant routing Isolated authentication realms ? Product Management Full CRUD operations Advanced search and filtering Specifications and features tracking Image management with drag-and-drop support AI-powered product analysis ? Modern UI/UX Responsive table and card views Real-time updates Dark mode support Loading states and animations Empty state handling ?️ Security Row Level Security (RLS) Organization-specific storage paths Role-based permissions Secure fil...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Ortalama Teklif
106 teklifler

...upload documents and metadata from the backend, and users can search and view these documents in an index—similar to arXiv. Key Requirements: User Interface (Frontend) Clean, user-friendly UI with an indexed document list Search functionality based on metadata (title, author, tags, etc.) Document preview or download option Admin Panel (Backend) Ability to upload PDFs/docs with metadata CRUD operations for metadata (title, author, date, tags, etc.) User management (optional, if login-based access is needed) Database & Storage Metadata stored in PostgreSQL/MySQL (preferred) Document storage: Cloud-based (Firebase, AWS S3, or similar) Tech Stack Suggestions (Open to alternatives) Frontend: React.js / / Vue.js Backend: Django / Flask / Node.js Database: ...

€277 Average bid
€277 Ortalama Teklif
37 teklifler

...Assignment & Communication* ✅ *Progress Tracking & Document Uploads* ✅ *Faculty Feedback & Grading System* ✅ *Database Connectivity using JDBC* ✅ *Email Notifications (Optional using Java Mail API)* ### *Backend Overview:* - *Java & MySQL* for data processing and storage. - *JDBC Connectivity* ensures secure database interaction. - *Normalization principles* maintain data integrity. - *CRUD Operations* for project data management. - *File Handling & Notifications* for document submissions and updates. ### *Database Tables:* - *Users* (Login credentials, roles) - *Students* (Student details, assigned projects) - *Faculty* (Faculty details, assigned evaluations) - *Projects* (Project details, assigned students & faculty, statu...

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...Assignment & Communication* ✅ *Progress Tracking & Document Uploads* ✅ *Faculty Feedback & Grading System* ✅ *Database Connectivity using JDBC* ✅ *Email Notifications (Optional using Java Mail API)* ### *Backend Overview:* - *Java & MySQL* for data processing and storage. - *JDBC Connectivity* ensures secure database interaction. - *Normalization principles* maintain data integrity. - *CRUD Operations* for project data management. - *File Handling & Notifications* for document submissions and updates. ### *Database Tables:* - *Users* (Login credentials, roles) - *Students* (Student details, assigned projects) - *Faculty* (Faculty details, assigned evaluations) - *Projects* (Project details, assigned students & faculty, statu...

€61 Average bid
€61 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

I have a mobile application designed using Expo. I'm seeking a skilled developer to add a Node.js backend to my mobi...frontend, and create an admin panel for managing the app's operations. Key Requirements: - Add and integrate a Node.js backend with the mobile application. - Create an admin panel enabling comprehensive CRUD operations. - Utilize PostgreSQL as the database for the project. - Implement user management, content management, and product management capabilities within the admin panel. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Node.js and mobile app development. - Proficient in PostgreSQL database management. - Previous work in developing admin panels for mobile applications. - Strong understanding of CRUD operations and their application in user, conte...

€1059 Average bid
€1059 Ortalama Teklif
121 teklifler

Overview: • Setup the Arduino framework for the py32f003 MCU. • Integrate and test the nRF24L01 module with the MCU. • Develop and build a working example program demonstrating communication via the nRF24L01. • Provide basic overview documentation of the setup and testing process. • Skills required: Embedded C Programming, Arduino IDE. • Timeline: Complete within one week. Published py32F003 nRF24L01 with RF24 library avilable. Link will be shared Deliverable: that the freelancer should either perform a remote setup of the final working project environment or provide a virtual image of the IDE environment with the working project.

€28 Average bid
€28 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

...They would also be proficient in software development, IoT protocols, and cloud integration. list of the some needs: Tenant dashboard: ● Customer list (table + CRUD) - : ○ Selected customer view: ■ Back button + title - ■ Tab widget - ■ Overview tab: ● Fields map - ● Fields list (table + CRUD) - ● Selected field view: ○ Set thresholds - ○ Overview tab: ■ Sensors map - ■ Sensors list (table + assign/unassign device functionality + search device) - ■ Alarms widget - ■ Temperature/moisture/humidity info cards - ○ Alarms tab: ■ Alarms list - ○ Analytics tab: ■ Charts - ■ Alarms tab: ● Alarms table - ■ Users tab: ● Users list (table + CRUD) - ● Devices list (table) - Farmer dashboard: ● Setup farmer dashboard - BE Total - ● MQTT integration - ● Create alarms by thresho...

€472 Average bid
€472 Ortalama Teklif
61 teklifler

...Leaflet map, color-coded per crew. Current Status ✅ User Authentication – AWS Cognito manages user access and businesses. ✅ Frontend Map Interface – Leaflet-based map for displaying optimized routes. ✅ OSRM Server – Configured for real-world routing calculations. ✅ AWS DynamoDB – Stores customer information, address coordinates (longitude & latitude), maintenance schedules, and crew assignments. ✅ CRUD Operations – Fully implemented for businesses, crews, and customers. ✅ Crew Management System – Customers are assigned to specific crews for scheduled lawn maintenance. What Needs Work ? Implement Route Optimization: Run K-Means clustering first to ensure all customers are assigned to a crew. Integrate OR-Tools with the OSRM distance matr...

€176 Average bid
€176 Ortalama Teklif
78 teklifler

Hello, we need a presentation made through canva that displays screenshots from different website that have ads that we will provide you displayed in the appropriate locations. I have made a quick example to show you exactly what we want. This project should be easy to complete. If there's any data missing in the sheet provided, just skip and move onto the next one. There should be up to 100 slides

€51 Average bid
€51 Ortalama Teklif
29 teklifler

These are some samples created by AI - I really like the one marked sample cover - however, there are great pieces I enjoy in each of these. I like the idea of the back, but I'm unsure how that would work with the sample cover - so I'd be open to sharing more about my book, character descriptions, and possible scenes that take place in the woods to be more cohesive

€434 Average bid
€434 Ortalama Teklif
67 teklifler

...**Dashboard:** Overview of certificates, expirations, new users, and breaches. - **User Management:** Handle registrations for DP, DC, DPO roles. - **DPO Section:** Manage DPO tasks and statuses. - **Entities:** CRUD operations for organizations. - **Certificates:** Issue, renew, manage certificates. - **Expiry Tracking:** Monitor certificate expirations. - **Reports:** Generate data breach and system reports. - **User Roles:** Manage permissions for Admin, DP, DC, DPO. - **Forms:** Configure and manage system forms. - **Profile:** Admin profile management. 4. **CRUD Operations:** Implement with role-based access control. 5. **Data Breach Reporting:** Module for user reports and inquiries. 6. **Support:** Six months of technical support with s...

€877 Average bid
€877 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled backend developer with extensive experience in Node.js and MongoDB to create an internal API for my project. The primary p...seeking a skilled backend developer with extensive experience in Node.js and MongoDB to create an internal API for my project. The primary purpose of this API integration is to facilitate comprehensive data management through CRUD operations. Key responsibilities include: - Developing a robust internal API using Node.js - Implementing data CRUD operations - Ensuring seamless integration with our existing systems Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with Node.js and MongoDB - Prior work with developing internal APIs - Strong understanding of data management and CRUD operations - Excellent problem-solving sk...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
180 teklifler

...these codes. ? User Interface for Managing Delivery Report Codes: • Develop a simple and user-friendly interface for managing Delivery Report Codes. • Include full CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for Delivery Report Codes. • Ensure role-based access control to restrict modifications to authorized users. ? Performance & Security Considerations: • Optimize database queries and API response times. • Implement secure authentication and input validation to prevent unauthorized modifications. Expected Deliverables: ? Updated PHP MySQL application with dynamic Delivery Report Code management. ? Admin interface/Menu for CRUD operations on Delivery Report Codes. ? Optimized API functionality for fetching and filtering numbers based on ...

€110 Average bid
€110 Ortalama Teklif
34 teklifler

I'm looking for a .NET Core 8.0 developer to implement CRUD operations using MongoDB and Hot Chocolate for GraphQL. Please refer to the attached document for a detailed project description. I need a comprehensive proposal outlining your approach, your unique strengths, and, most importantly, your past project experience using the same tech stack.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler