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    2,000 insert macro add ins iş bulundu
    Catia Macro
    Bitti left

    Hava aracı rüzgar tüneli modellerinde kontrol yüzeylerinden kaynaklanan menteşe momentleri ve eğilme momentleri modele özel tasarlanan sensörler yardımıyla ölçülmektedir. Bilinen kısıtlı bir hacime sığması gereken bu sensörler hem gerekli mukavemeti sağlamalı hem de test yükleri altında belirlenen bölgelerde istenen gerinme değerlerini sağlayabilmelidir. Tüm bu parametrelerin otomatik olarak optimizasyonunu yapabilecek bir makro yazılımının geliştirilmesi beklenmektedir. (Tercihen CATIA) Model içerisindeki herhangi bir parametreyi değiştirerek farklı geometriler elde edilebilmektedir. Konspept 1’de gage uygulanacak bölgeyi silindirik şafta dönüştürerek Konsept-2’yi elde edebilirsiniz. ...

    €197 Average bid
    €197 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Her Marka/Model Farede Çalışan Legit Macro/Script Yazılımı .lua ve .mgn2 uzantılı Macro/Script dosyalarını ortak çalıştıran Özel bir yazılım istiyorum detaylar aşağıda; Bloody, Logitech yazılımları gibi güvenli olacak. Arka planda Belli olmayacak! Anti-Virüse Yakalanmayan Temiz bir yazılım olacak. Bloody, Logitech scriptleri ve makro uzantılarına destek verecek ve çalıştıracak. Örnek: (.lua ve .mgn2 ) Her mouseda marka model ayırt etmeden stabil çalışacak. --> Yazılıma Girişler: günlük, aylık, haftalık , yıllık key ile olacak.*** --> Key sadece 1 Bilgisayar/1 Kullanıcı için geçerli olacak *** Uygulama içinde Harici Bir Macro Editörü olacak. Kullanımı, ara yüzü k...

    €53 Average bid
    €53 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Yarim Yada Hatali Bir Macro Script Projesi Var Elimde Bunu Onarmak Yada Hatalari Giderip Çalişir Hale Getirmek

    €178 Average bid
    €178 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    Although the GPS tracking app running on the Android phone shows the GPS device correctly, the app shows the phone's location incorrectly. In order for the application to show the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması G...

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    excel makro bilgisi gerektirir. hergün excel ile gelen 1000+ adres datasını excel makro ile (özellikle bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel ...bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel listesinin içine yapıştırmak. eğer adres arandığında birden fazla adres geliyorsa koordinatları excel e yazmayacak. sadece bunu yapacak makro koduna ihtiyacım var. tek seferlik bir iş. excel macro knowledge required pretty simple job. There is a home or work address file coming in every day. The number of records is about 1000 lines. We want to find the coordinates of these addresses via google maps and copy them to excel. i just need macro code to do this. one time job.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    ...faturanın fotoğrafı gönderilmemiş olmalıdır. - Aynı fatura farklı ortamlarda veya ismi değiştirilerek birden fazla kez gönderilmemelidir. Faturası kabul edilmeyen kurumlar: A101 ALİ EROĞLU Alpasanoglu ANKAPET ARMAGAZ ASKİ BARBAROS PETROL BaskentGaz Bayram Alışveriş BİM Birlik Gida ve Ins BİSO FIRIN BİZİM ALIŞ VERİŞ Boyner Çağdaş Marketler Carrefoursa DEPOSELL DÜZGÜN MARKETLER EnerjiSa Erdoğan Kardeşler market Er-Mar Market Esfa Kimya Essen AVM Evkiba FOODRUM Ganiogullari Ins Gida Geltat Super Market Gross Toptan Hakmar İGDAŞ IRMAKLAR İSKİ Karalök Oktay Gıda KEMAL YERLİ AVM Kent Gross laçin market Migros MİGROS Milli Pazar MİRAY ET Onur PTT Samgaz Şok Marketler SS.İSTANBUL ECZACILAR ÜR....

    €65 Average bid
    €65 Ortalama Teklif
    19 teklifler

    I am using an existing panel. I want to add an additional feature to this panel that I have used. The panel name is opengamepanel. I want to add plugins for counter-strike. Open the plug-in, close the plug-in, there will be plug-in information. That's all I want. price: 10 $ website panel.

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 teklifler

    Merhaba, Hali hazırda ile geliştirilen masaüstü yazılımı için, swarm check-in ekleme ve silme modülü yaptırmak istiyorum. Bu modül bir form üzerinde 3 adet buton ve datagridview kullanılarak ekteki görselde ki gibi bir yapıya sahip olabilir. Start check-in butonu, gridview'da bulunan kullanıcıları aynı satırda bulunan mekanlara check-in yapma üzere başlatmak için kullanılır. Stop check-in butonu, tüm işlemleri durdurmak için kullanılır. Delete All check-in butonu, Yapılan check-in'leri silmek amacı ile kullanılır. Tüm işlemler foursquare api üzerinden gerçekleşir

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    ...“Line” ile onaracak. Elbette en yakındaki iki nokta arasına “Line” atayacak. Bu açıklık kontrolü 0.2 mm içinde olabilir. “Advanced settings” altında değiştirilebilir istiyorum. 6. Makro kaç tane kendi içinde kapalı şekil olduğunu sayacak. Örnek: dosyasında 5 tane kapalı şekil var. için bu sayı 6. 7. Eğer üst üste binmiş çizgiler varsa, macro “Trim” ile budayacak. 8. Makro bütün figürün alan merkezini bulup “Point” ile işaretleyecek. 9. Makro figürün alanını hesaplayacak.(Hafızasına alacak yani) 10. Bu adımdan sonra, makro bütün figürdeki bütün bileşenleri(“Line”, “Arc”, “Spl...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 teklifler

    Merhabalar, Mevcut tek çekim çalışan MOKA tahsilat sistemimize klasik taksitlendirme fonksiyonu eklemek istiyoruz. 1. Bankalara göre taksit komisyon oranlarını sqlden çekip, girilen tutara göre hesaplayıp radio tablosu olarak listelemesini istiyoruz. 2. Ödeme işleminden sonra eğer bankadan dönen ResultCode başarılı ise veritabanına published 1, hata oluştu ise 0 olarak insert etmesini ve bilgi emaili göndermeden dönen sayfada hata açıklamasını yazdırmasını istiyoruz. örnek sayfa: Moka döküman:

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Reklam filmine Türkçe altyazı dosyası (.srt) oluşturmak istiyorum. Videonun uzunluğu 11 dakika 44 saniye.

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Ortalama Teklif
    46 teklifler

    merhabalar Java Server Pages (.jsp) ile yazılmış bir web sitesinden veri çekmek bazı özellikleri olması basit bir...fark olmaz gibi. mesela bir data 5 sn diğer data 7 sn bir diğeri 25 sn vb... sürelerle data çekecek. 4- bot birden fazla lokasyonda çalıştırıldığında AYNI uzak bir veritabanına veri kaydedecek. 5- elimizde referans olarak bir barkod numarası / seri numarası veya isim listesi mevcut. bu listeden tek tek random olarak günlük veri çekip mevcut veritabanındakine ekleyecek/güncelleyecek. update veya insert edecek. vb.. 6- bot farklı bilgisayarlardan çalıştırıldığında aynı sorguyu tekrar tekrar göndermeyecek.çalışan her bot listenin farklı kısımlarını sorgulayıp veriyi ç sorgu olmaması aç...

    €327 Average bid
    €327 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ...diyagramının veritabanı şemasına aktarımı yapılacak. (İlgili PK, FK ve ilişkilendirmeler gösterilerek) 3- Yapılmış olan tüm analiz işlemleri neticesinde arka planda kullanacağınız “Oracle” veritabanını oluşturunuz. 4- Her proje konusu ile ilgili olarak a. En az 4 tane tablo (Uygun veri türleri, PK/FK eşleşmeleri, otomatik sayı alanlar, uygun indexler, default ve constraintler…), b. En az 3 trigger (Insert/Update/Delete işlemlerinin en az ikisini kullanın.), c. 5 farklı çeşit rapor seçeneği oluşturunuz. (En az iki tanesini, stored procedure kullanarak yapın) d. Ekranda listelenmekte olan o anki raporun pdf/doc/xls uzantılarından en az biri şeklinde kayıt edilebilmesi özelliği yapınız.(Crystal report, fast report,… ...

    €280 Average bid
    €280 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Add jquery elements/add interaction to html/css website'

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Mağaza için insert tasarımı ön kapak olabilir 300 dpi psd layerlı

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'DO some excel and macro worl'

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    8 Sayfalık bir insert çalışması. Çalışamya başlanmıştır sadece üzerinde değişikler v.s yapılacaktır. İnsert konusunda tecrübeli arkadaşlar acil olarak dönüş yapmasını bekliyorum. Teşekkürleri

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    tarzında bir fırsat sitesi var ve sitenin Admin panelinde bir kaç değişiklik yapmak istiyorum. Güvenlik konusu önemli çünkü mobil ve 3D ödeme sistemi var. MySql veritabanı kullanılıyor. Kodlama tamamen php. Tasarımda da ufak değişiklikler olacaktır. Detay almak isteyen arkadaşlar Mesajla ...con tarzında bir fırsat sitesi var ve sitenin Admin panelinde bir kaç değişiklik yapmak istiyorum. Güvenlik konusu önemli çünkü mobil ve 3D ödeme sistemi var. MySql veritabanı kullanılıyor. Kodlama tamamen php. Tasarımda da ufak değişiklikler olacaktır. Detay almak isteyen arkadaşlar Mesajla iletişim bilgisi bırakırsa sevinirim. Made a deal site. Development in the admin panel and a few plug-ins you want. Totally PH...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    We have owned for a web page, a different system with 10 user-name, image entry will be provided on a specific subject. 700 photos are required to be on average per week. The site's name and picture to be drawn of the categories will be told after the agreement. Sites like Pinterest are working with. Photos must be of high quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahibi olduğumuz bir web sayfası için , Farklı 10 kullanıcı adı ile sisteme , belli bir konuda resim girişi sağlanacak. Ortalama haftada 700 resim olma zorunluluğu vardır. Sitenin ismi ve resimlerin çekileceği kategoriler anlaşmadan so...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    Verilen birkaç satırlık html kodu BBCode'a çevrilecek. (BBCode forumlarda kullanılan, [b] [i] formatı. Yani HTML'deki şu hale gelecek: [/b] Sonra MySQL'e girilecek.

    €144 - €144
    €144 - €144
    0 teklifler

    Add links to many different sources about a website. 100 links = 10 USD Belirtilecek olan web sitesi ile ilgili linkleri, internetteki farklı kaynaklara ekleyin. 100 link = 10 dolar

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Macro and VLOOKUP assist

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    ...skilled video editor to enhance a short screen-recorded video. The editing criteria are specific, and if we work well together, there is potential for ongoing work with additional videos. Key Editing Tasks - Trim the video to the specified start and stop times - Speed up designated sections for a concise demonstration - Apply masking to hide specific elements like tabs, URL bars, and usernames - Insert titles, freeze frames, logos, and explainer text boxes at designated times Video Style and Tone The final product needs to be professional and clear. Text boxes that highlight key points should be created throughout the video. Branding and File Format - The final edited video should be delivered in MP4 format - I will provide branding guidelines from our website that should to b...

    €113 Average bid
    €113 Ortalama Teklif
    56 teklifler

    ...Automated subscription renewal and cancellation. Notifications for upcoming expirations or failed payments. TradingView Integration Automate invite-only indicator access via TradingView API. Grant/remove indicator access based on active subscription status. DRM Video Hosting Use a secure video hosting service (e.g., VdoCipher or AWS CloudFront). Restrict video playback to the website domain only. Add visible/invisible watermarks to discourage piracy. Custom User Dashboard Display active subscriptions, access to TradingView indicators, and learning video library. Allow users to view subscription history and manage renewals. Content Security Implement screen recording deterrence (via DRM tools). Disable downloads or sharing of videos. Hosting & Scalability Deploy on scalable cl...

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    ...near the Mystery Machine van, enjoying some of our product. The vibe should be fun, relaxed, and aligned with the brand’s playful tone. Here are the key details: Main Characters: Shaggy and Scooby-Doo (in a lighthearted, friendly style) Setting: The Mystery Machine van, with them smoking together nearby Tone: Fun, relaxed, with an emphasis on the cannabis lifestyle and nostalgia Length: Around [insert preferred video length, e.g., 15-30 seconds] Additional Info: [Include any other details or branding requirements, like logo placement, colors, or messaging] If you’re interested, I’d love to discuss the project further and see if your skills and style align with our vision. Please let me know if this is something you can help with, and feel free to share your po...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Ortalama Teklif
    61 teklifler

    We have a service based ecommerce that allows to buy credits in order to get the service. When the credit finishes the service ends till the customer buy new credit. We actually send an email to tell the customer that the credit is low or finished. We want to insert an option to automatically recharge the credit. We need to integrate the Api for the payment system in order to allow the automatic recharge.

    €492 Average bid
    €492 Ortalama Teklif
    121 teklifler

    ...problem-solving and quick comprehension of existing workflows. The collaboration is expected to last for a minimum of 2 months, requiring a daily commitment of 6-8 hours in a fully remote environment. We are not looking for a fixed-price offer. Instead, the developer will be guaranteed work for at least 2 months, with a daily schedule of 5-6 hours. Progress will be monitored through daily check-ins to ensure alignment with the project goals and timely delivery of tasks....

    €25 / hr Average bid
    €25 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    127 teklifler

    Please create a DINA4 ideal for printing one pager of this company: in the CI Design of this website. Only feature 2 products with focus on the engine cleaner- also insert 2 QR codes Amazon Store and Youtube Video. Content is attached as well as Logo and product pictures. The one pager is intended to be handed out at a B2B automotive fair. Thank you!

    €30 Average bid
    47 girdi

    Tool: Figma or Penpot or Any other relevant tool Target User: Recruiters, hiring managers, and team members ...Styling: Adhere to the HeroUI design language, pay attention to spacing, typography, color palette, and overall style. Use their theme configuration to maintain consistency throughout the design. ● Be Responsive: While not a primary focus, consider how your layout would adjust to different screen sizes. ● Focus on Usability: Design for a smooth, intuitive user experience. ● Add Some Real Data: Don't just use placeholder text; insert some real-world examples to bring your design to life. ● Component Choice: Select appropriate HeroUI components that fit the design you intend to use, and use them to implement the sections above. Figma UI Kit: HeroUI Figma Kit (Comm...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    16 teklifler

    Project Title: Develop SEBI-Compliant Research and Auto-Trading Platform Description: We are seeking a...recommendations. Auto-trading with user-approved trade execution via broker APIs. Notifications for trade alerts (SMS, email, push notifications). Expected Deliverables: Fully functional SEBI-compliant website with all stated features. User-friendly client and admin dashboards. Secure, scalable hosting solution. Budget: Flexible based on the developer’s expertise and project timeline. Deadline: [Insert deadline here, if applicable] If you have experience in financial or trading platforms and are confident in building a secure and regulatory-compliant website, please apply with: Relevant portfolio examples. Proposed timeline and cost. Your understanding of SEBI compliance...

    €638 Average bid
    €638 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    Adding further backend elements to website

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Looking to collaborate with someone to build a Mobile App Development.

    €667 Average bid
    €667 Ortalama Teklif
    145 teklifler

    Add the word "keypad" to the existing blue and yellow 630am logo - same as you did offing "farm" a few months ago

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert who can help me develop a Google add-on aimed at automating tasks in Google Docs. The primary functions of this add-on will include formatting text and creating multiple templates. Ideal Skills Include: - Proficiency in Google Apps Script - Prior experience in developing Google Workspace add-ons - Strong understanding of Google Docs functionalities - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to deliver on time and within budget

    €86 Average bid
    €86 Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    ...creativity that you pour into this e-portfolio. This last week's assignment, creating an e-portfolio, should be a lot of fun. However, there is no set way to "accessorize" your e-portfolio, it is left up to your creativity and how you want to "brand" yourself. However, the only mandated content for your e-portfolio are the seven projects you created during the last six weeks. How and where you insert and introduce these projects is up to you. It is expected that you will "personalize" this e-portfolio with additional information, photos, artifacts showcasing your experience, certifications, qualifications, and personal interest content. If appropriate and desired, please feel free to include any corrections you have made with your previous ass...

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Ortalama Teklif
    29 teklifler
    Trophy icon Professional Podcast Video Editing
    6 gün left

    ... Learn more about The Accommodation Show at: @theaccommodationshow What I'm Looking For: A clean, engaging edit of a single episode, using the existing basic edit as a starting point. Removal of unnecessary filler words (ums, ahs, etc.) to improve flow. Potential zoom-ins on the speaker to enhance engagement. No captions required for this round. If your edit stands out, you'll have the opportunity to take on ongoing work with steady projects and performance-based bonuses. Future Work & Pay Structure: I have a high volume of episodes and reels to produce, so I need to stay within budget while ensuring quality. Here's what I can offer: Podcast Episodes: Riverside

    €24 Average bid
    9 girdi

    ...the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) introduced the "Essential Eight" strategies to help businesses improve their security. However, companies should not rely only on these strategies and should add extra layers of protection. ### The Essential Eight Techniques The Essential Eight is a set of eight key strategies designed to reduce cybersecurity risks. These strategies focus on preventing, stopping, and recovering from attacks, ranked from simplest to most complex by the ACSC. The eight strategies are: 1. Application Control 2. Patch Applications 3. Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings 4. User Application Hardening 5. Restrict Administrative Privileges 6. Patch Operating Systems 7. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) 8. Regular Backups ### Measuring...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional photo editor to assist me in modifying a group photo. Requirements: - 2 separate photos - Edit out an individual from the group photo. - Also edit person and insert another person into the photo from a different image. - Ensure that the addition is a realistic blend with the rest of the photo, not an obvious insert. The background of the photo is a little complex, featuring many elements. The successful freelancer will need a keen eye for detail and the ability to work meticulously to ensure the edited photo looks natural. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop). - Experience with complex photo backgrounds. - Strong understanding of realistic photo blending techniques.

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Ortalama Teklif
    40 teklifler

    I am seeking a highly skilled and detail-oriented Backend Quality Assurance (QA) Specialist to collaborate closely with my developer on an upcoming social media app. This position focuses exclusively on backend testing and validation to ensure optimal performance, functionality, and reliability. While backend QA is the primary focus, familiarity...Your proposal must include: 1. Your experience and relevant backend QA skills. 2. Examples of similar projects, including your role and contributions. 3. A statement confirming your ability to complete the project within the timeline and budget. Additional Details - Interviews and meetings will be held in EST (USA timezone). Candidates must be available during these hours. - Regular check-ins with the developer and management are...

    €366 Average bid
    €366 Ortalama Teklif
    75 teklifler

    I'm looking for someone to help me edit a PDF document. The edits involve replacing text and adding new text. The volume of changes is relatively small, just a few sentences. This project requires the ability to accurately replace and insert text in a PDF document.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Ortalama Teklif
    58 teklifler

    1. include "I Project need Overview: What a is website conversions." the redesign Learning task for to or my project online Text in down store in the to its specific improve Original (Home, tasks user Language 2. About, and experience Scope Products, deliverables Text and of Blog...Original is in Humanize Text or loose, or you "Similar show Language 8. $500-$700 its Text questions? Example: Figma expertise want to the Contact and Original in "Weekly and that to the freelancer and the Language 7. its updates the have the see. Example: design what Communication: How project References Original via text experience freelancer of you will or Language email for in will [insert like, the Examples: This or your e-commerce need link]." it freelancer is ...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Ortalama Teklif
    42 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert in Mailjet to help amend the design of my marketing email template. The job also involves creating a text link for unsubscribing. Ideal skills and experience for this project: - Proficiency in Mailjet - Strong background in email marketing design - Experience in implementing unsubscribe links in compliance with regulations.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    Project Title: Eye-Catching QR Code Poster Design for Trade Show Project Overview: We are looking for a talented ...subtly hint at our expertise in portable explosion-proof lighting - The deadline for the project is January 22nd or 23rd at latest Ideal Freelancer: - Proven experience in creating impactful trade show materials. - Strong understanding of marketing and design principles. - Ability to work with branding guidelines and deliver a cohesive design. Budget: Our budget for this project is **[insert budget range]**, with potential for future collaboration on similar projects. How to Apply: Please share your portfolio highlighting similar projects, along with a brief proposal outlining your design approach and timeline. We look forward to seeing your creat...

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Ortalama Teklif
    24 teklifler

    I'm looking for an experienced Chrome extension developer to help finalize an unfinished JSON Chrome Add-On. The add-on is designed to parse and updating data simultaneously and send telegram notifications on some criterias. JSon files have almost all functions but because lack of experience previous developer couldn't finalize it and have some bugs. I will share files and we can discuss solutions.

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Ortalama Teklif
    38 teklifler

    Objective: Integrate visuals, hyperlinks, and a professional review of the whitepaper. Breakdown: Infographic Integration (6-8 hours): Insert each infographic into the correct sections. Ensure proper alignment and scaling. Hyperlinking (5-7 hours): Link all table of contents entries to their respective sections. Hyperlink external resources (websites, email, social media links). Review and Refinement (6-8 hours): Proofread the entire whitepaper for consistency and flow. Optimize formatting (font sizes, spacing, alignment). Export and Final Testing (2-3 hours): Export the final whitepaper in PDF format. Test hyperlinks and design on different devices. Total Estimated Hours: 19-26 hours

    €1007 Average bid
    €1007 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Hello. It's supposed to generate teams based on data from multiple sheets, but it doesn't work like I need. When I run the script it gives me an error and I can't solve it, can you help me?

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Ortalama Teklif
    40 teklifler

    I need a skilled freelancer to add product pages to my website. The content for the pages should be copied from two reference websites, which I will provide. The total number of product descriptions to be added across the pages is 200. The content is in Italian, so proficiency in Italian is essential to ensure the descriptions are accurately copied and formatted. Each page should be neatly organized and visually consistent with the rest of my website's design. Attention to detail is crucial to avoid any errors during the content transfer process. Key Requirements: Copy product descriptions from two provided reference sites. Add and format a total of 200 product descriptions on the website. Ensure all content is in Italian and properly formatted. Maintain consistency w...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Ortalama Teklif
    64 teklifler

    I'm seeking a designer to create 3 modern and minimalist covers for my self-help ebooks. I have the drafts ready and just need to insert the expected texts and recreate the covers. Key Requirements: - Experience with ebook cover design, particularly in the self-help genre - Ability to follow a modern and minimalist style - Skills in integrating illustrations and photographs into designs - Proficiency in preparing designs for specified formats Please note, I will provide the specific formats later.

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Ortalama Teklif
    85 teklifler

    I'm facing issues with my Google Ads and Google Analytics integration on a Flutter-based EdTech app. Despite having set up the necessary conversion tracking code for purchases, I'm unable to track user sign-ups, sign-ins, and custom screen-based events. This has resulted in poor ad performance. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix the integration issues between Google Ads and Google Analytics. - Ensure proper tracking of the specified events. - Optimize Google Ads for better performance. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Ads and Google Analytics. - Proficient in debugging and troubleshooting issues in Flutter-based apps and website. - Skilled in digital marketing and ad optimization. Please note: There are no visible errors in the Google Analytics console...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Ortalama Teklif
    13 teklifler

    I'm seeking a VBA macro expert who can help optimize my code for faster execution. The macro is currently used for generating reports from data stored in Excel sheets. The main goal is to reduce the runtime of the macro to improve efficiency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in VBA programming - Experience with Excel-based data manipulation - Skills in code optimization and performance improvement - Ability to enhance code readability for future use Freelancers who can deliver a fast, efficient solution will be prioritized.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    27 teklifler