Github swipe işler
...olmadan) ve homojen (iki verinin yollanması arasında geçen milisaniye her durumda hep aynı kalacak şekilde) bir şekilde yollanmasının sağlanması. Bu işlerin anahtar teslim yapılıp bitmesi şeklinde değil, proje ekibimize bunların nasıl yapılacağını bifiil gösterip, bir nevi bizi eğitip know-how u da kazandıracak birini arıyoruz. Ofisimiz Ayazağa Beykent üniversitesindedir. Uzaktan çalışma (anydesk,github vs kullanarak) olabilir, fakat en azından bir kaç defa (2-3 defa) ofise gelip yüzyüze gösterilmesini de bekliyoruz. İdeal dünyada, yaklaşık 1 haftalık bir çalışma ile yukarıda anlattığımız çalışmanın hepsi bitirilebilir diye düşünüyoruz (belki sonrasında takıldığımız yerler olursa bir kaç dak...
Uygulama backendi hazır geliştirici mobil geliştirme yapacak ve kaynak kodların bizim github repomuzda tutulması gerek. Daha önceden yayınladığınız uygulama linklerini atarsanız bizim değerlendirme yapabilmemiz için çok iyi olur.
Merhaba, VTServer adinda bir Voice Transformation Server var. Amaci website ile JSON veri alisverisi yapmak ve sesle ilgili islemlemeler yapmak. Github ve dokumani mevcut ancak VPS sunucuma kurulduktan sonra pekcok hata veriyor. Ilgilenebilecek birini ariyorum.
Geri dönüştürülebilir ürünler üzerine çalışan firmamızda "azure,angular js, android/ios mobil app, google maps" bunların biri yada birkaçının bulunduğu projeleri aktif olarak yürütüyoruz. Bu projelerde uzaktan modül yazımına destek olacak devops yada github kullanmayı bilen yazılımcı arkadaşları bekliyoruz.
...veritabanları üzerine en az 4+ yıl deneyim, * Redis, MongoDB vb. data storage sistemleriyle çalışmış, * Backend/frontend arası uçtan uca API entegrasyon yapmış, arayüz geliştirmiş / geliştirmek isteyen, * CI/CD deployment süreçlerine hakim, * Microservice ve HTTP, JSON, XML, Restful API/SOAP API mimarileri üzerine tecrübeli, * Dış veri kaynaklarıyla (SQL Server vb.) çalışabilmek, * Agile/Scrum, GitHub/GitLab çatılarında geliştirme, * Versiyon kontrol sistemleri (TFS, GIT) konusunda bilgi sahibi, * Teknolojiyi ve yenilikleri yakından izleyen, * Analitik düşünce yeteneğine sahip ve problem çözme becerisi yüksek, * Sürekli öğrenerek kendini yenileyen, araştırmacı, * Yoğun çalışma ...
Python diline hakim bize düzenli yardım edebilecek yazılımcı aramaktayız. Şuan aktif çalışmakta olan online satış sitemizde düzenlemeler ve geliştirmeler yapılacaktır. Proje bazlı sürekli olarak çalışılacaktır. Çalışacağımız takım arkadaşımıza Asana üzerinden yapılacakların listesi iletilecek ve liste tamamlandığında iş bitmiş sayılacak. Aynı ...geliştirmeler Asana üzerinden bir liste ile teslim edilecek. Yapılan geliştirme yazılım ekibimiz tarafından kontrol edilerek yayına alınmasına onay verilecektir. Sitenin kullandığı teknik alt yapılar aşağıdaki gibidir. Front-end • HTML5 • JavaScript • jQuery • CSS 3 • SASS (SCSS) • Gulp • Django Template Language Back-end • Python • Django 3 • Ubuntu ...
Selamlar ironman suiti giymiş olduğum bir steam/github avatarına ihtiyacım var
...teknolojileri üzerine deneyimli ekip arkadaşı arıyoruz. Sen de ekibimize katılmak ve dünyayı daha yaşanılabilir bir yer haline getirme hedefimizi birlikte gerçekleştirmek için hemen başvur! Aradığımız ekip arkadaşımızın sahip olmasını istediğimiz nitelikler; HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (Jquery) konusunda tecrübeli, Bootstrap konusunda tecrübeli, Opengraph kullanmış, Basit PHP ve Mysql bilgisine sahip, Github vb. versiyon kontrol uygulamaları kullanmış, Tercihen HTML2Canvas kullanmış, Responsive Design konusunda tecrübeli, En az 5 yıl, en fazla 10 yıl deneyimli front-end developer ekip arkadaşı arıyoruz. Başlıca sorumlulukları; Önceden hazırlanmış tasarımları kodlayacak, Tekrar kullanılabilir dinamik tasarımlar hazırlayacak, Kullanıcı iht...
Merhaba, Python diline hakim bize düzenli yardım edebilecek yazılımcı aramaktayız. Şuan aktif çalışmakta olan online satış sitemizde düzenlemeler ve geliştirmeler yapılacaktır. Proje bazlı sürekli olarak çalışılacaktır. Çalışacağımız takım arkadaşımıza Asana üzerinden yapılacakların listesi iletilecek, karşılıklı konuşularak ücret belirlenecek ...geliştirmeler Asana üzerinden bir liste ile teslim edilecek. Yapılan geliştirme yazılım ekibimiz tarafından kontrol edilerek yayına alınmasına onay verilecektir. Sitenin kullandığı teknik alt yapılar aşağıdaki gibidir. Front-end • HTML5 • JavaScript • jQuery • CSS 3 • SASS (SCSS) • Gulp • Django Template Language Back-end • Python • Django 3 • Ub...
Full Stack Developer *SQL, HTML, CSS, NodeJS ve Angular/React konusunda yetkin *Aktif olarak Git ve GitHub kullanan *Sistemlerle entegrasyon amaçlı python web servisleri yazabilecek *Gerekirse mevcut ara yüzlerde basit değişiklikler yapabilecek *Geliştirilen uygulamaların testlerini gerçekleştirebilecek *IoT’ye ilgi duyan ve tercihen Raspberry, arduino gibi aletleri kullanmış *Remote bir pozisyonda gün içerisinde devamlı iletişim kurabilecek *İngilizce doküman yazabilecek, okuyabilecek ve rahatlıkla sözlü iletişim kurabilecek * Min 3 yıl Full stack development tecrübeli *Tercihen yazılım mimarisi modelleme bilgisi olan
...konusunda tecrübeye sahip · PHP, Laravel, Angular ve Ionic üzerine deneyim sahibi · HTML and CSS konularında bilgili · Full-stack çerçevesinde Debug yapma becerisine sahip · MySQL veritabanına hakim · GitHub kullanabilen · Tercihen iyi seviye İngilizce bilen 2. Blockchain Developer Tercihen üniversitelerin Bilgisayar ya da diğer mühendislik bölümlerinde okuyan ya da mezun. Web uygulamaları geliştirme konusunda tecrübeye sahip Eterium, Solidity veya GO bilen ya da öğrenmek isteyen · GitHub kullanabilen · Tercihen iyi seviye İngilizce bilen Teklifimiz · Uzaktan ve gen&ccedi...
Merhaba, Python diline hakim bize düzenli yardım edebilecek yazılımcı aramaktayız. Şuan aktif çalışmakta olan online satış sitemizde düzenlemeler ve geliştirmeler yapılacaktır. Proje bazlı sürekli olarak çalışılacaktır. Çalışacağımız takım arkadaşımıza Asana üzerinden yapılacakların listesi iletilecek ve liste tamamlandığında iş bitmiş sayılac...geliştirmeler Asana üzerinden bir liste ile teslim edilecek. Yapılan geliştirme yazılım ekibimiz tarafından kontrol edilerek yayına alınmasına onay verilecektir. Sitenin kullandığı teknik alt yapılar aşağıdaki gibidir. Front-end • HTML5 • JavaScript • jQuery • CSS 3 • SASS (SCSS) • Gulp • Django Template Language Back-end • Python • Django 3 • Ubuntu ...
Yukarıdaki projenin kurulumunu kendi sunucuma yapmak istiyorum. Hem kurulumu yapacak hem de ayarlamaları bana anlatacak birine ihtiyacım var.
Tahminimce toplamda 5-6 HTML sayfasını geçmeyecek ve bu sayfalara gömülmüş JavaScript kodlarından oluşan bir proje, Veritabanı yok, yalnızca önyüz var. Ayrıca GitHub üzerinde bulunan bir paket program kullanılacak.
Aslında adresinde bir modul mevcut. Sorun bu modulü kullanarak facebook'a bir gönderi gönderdiğimde, h.../46023/category/-langtr-flora-lang-langen-flora-lang--2 adresinde bir modul mevcut. Sorun bu modulü kullanarak facebook'a bir gönderi gönderdiğimde, şeklinde bir ön izleme ve de hedefte böyle bir görüntü oluşuyor. Oysaki isteğim içerikten bir kısım veya içeriğe ait varsa bir resmi göndermesi, bu konuda verdiğim github adresi üzerindeki yapıda bir değişiklik sağlanabilir mi? Ya da ana yazılım humhub için yeni bir paylaşım modulü yazma konusunda bir çalışma yapacak kişi var mı?
kısa link servisinin Shopify E-ticaret sistemi ile entegrasyonunun yapılması. Proje un Github hesabından paylaşılıp açık kaynkalı olarak geliştirilecektir. Geliştiricinin proje için git bilgileri talep etmesi gerekmektedir. Beklenen, Shopify kullanıcılarının geliştiricinin yaptığı entegrasyon ile basit şekilde kısa linkler oluşturabilmesi ve bu kısa linkleri SMS,Email gönderimlerinde kullanabilmesi.
github uzerinde var olan bir siteyle baglantılı olarak calısan blockchain tabanlı yer bildirim aplikasyonu
Hi thepasserby82 Merhaba Ankara'da bir şirketiz.,Bir VoIP-SIP programı geliştirmek istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için daha avantalı olacaktır. İletişim bilgilerini paylaşırsan daha ayrıntılı bir şekilde konuşabiliriz. İyi çalışmalar. NOT: Bütçe miktarı ve süresi örnek olarak dolduruldu. Mehmet ARSLAN Computer Engineer| Manager | Co-Founder mhmttaa@
...also encouraging self-care. 5. Content Requirements: Instagram Posts (5-7): High-quality images of the water bottle in different settings (gym, outdoors, at a café). Use captions that highlight sustainability and product benefits. Instagram Stories/Reels (3-5): Short-form videos showing the product in action, e.g., filling the bottle with cold water, going for a hike, taking it to work. Include “Swipe Up” links to purchase. TikTok (3-5): Fun, creative content like a challenge (e.g., #StayHydratedChallenge) or a behind-the-scenes look at the manufacturing process. Pinterest Pins (3-5): Inspirational quotes with beautiful imagery featuring the water bottle in nature or workout settings, driving traffic to the website. User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage follo...
...A live feed displaying all communication activities performed, sortable by date, user, or company. Submission Instructions Source Code Submit the source code through a GitHub repository. Ensure the code adheres to best practices: · Use modular and reusable components. · Maintain a clear separation of concerns (e.g., services, components, and utilities). · Include comments and documentation where necessary. Include a file with: · Detailed setup and deployment instructions. · Notes on application functionality and known limitations. Deployment Deploy the application on a platform such as Vercel, Netlify, or GitHub Pages. Provide a live URL where the application can be accessed and evaluated. Testing & Validation · Ensure the ap...
...CodeIgniter. • Socket Programming for real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, Laravel. Designing and building web applications using Laravel and other platforms. Converting PSDs into pixel perfect responsive Laravel and custom PHP sites. Resolving cross-browser c...
I need a quick modification of my Android APK's name and icon. The source code is available on GitHub. Key Requirements: - Change the APK's icon and name - Create a demo account with an ID and password Please note: - The specific type of icon design (flat, 3D, minimalist) is not predetermined - I have not specified a new name for the app, so part of the job could include brainstorming suggestions - The demo account's access level is not yet decided, but it should be suitable for showcasing the app's capabilities Ideal Skills: - Experience in Android app development - Proficiency in modifying APK files - Familiarity with GitHub - Creative input for naming and designing the icon
Do a short notebook to run the attached models end to end, Save the predictions in a data frame. the GitHub link is as follows:
...References: There is a Package on Github built for "React" using Typescript Also built in php. but there has erro But I need it in PHP Codeigniter project You should have previous experience in implementing Zatca E-invoicing Phase 2 Requirements in any Language. Delivery of source code in php without using reactjs , Java or any other tools changing the
I'm seeking a seasoned Data Scientist/Data Engineer for an ambitious project that unites SQL data modeling, natural language understanding (NLU), and data standard...language understanding (NLU), and data standardization. Your expertise with key technologies such as Streamlit, Langchain, LLM, Python Data Faker, and SQL will be essential. If you have experience with AI agents, that's a bonus! The main focus of the project will be on NLU, specifically: - Entity recognition - SQL generation - Data model reasoning Prototyping will be done in Python on a private GitHub repository I will set up. Payment will be milestone-based, not hourly. A PhD in Data Science or a related field from a top university is preferred, as well as a minimum of 5 years' experience in data scie...
I'm in need of a seasoned Full Stack Developer with expertise in TypeScript, , React.js, and PostgreSQL. The project involves upgrading a single-tenant app to support...enable multi-tenancy support. - Implement a comprehensive Multi-tenancy API key management system, with advanced monitoring and reporting of API key usage. - Tailor the front-office dashboard to include brand-specific themes and colors, custom widgets and metrics, and user management and permissions. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in building multi-tenancy systems. - Proficient in utilizing GitHub for version control and project management. - Strong understanding of front-end and back-end development, with ability to customize user interfaces. - Excellent problem-solving skills, with a knack for logic-based ...
Key Features for the Portfolio Website: Mo...form or your contact details. Footer: Social media links, copyright, etc. Tools & Technologies: Design Tools: Figma or Adobe XD for prototyping and designing your site. Development: HTML, CSS (with Flexbox or Grid for layout), and JavaScript for interactivity. You may also want to use a framework like React or if you're aiming for a more dynamic, JavaScript-heavy site. Hosting: Netlify or GitHub Pages for free hosting if you're using static site generators, or a platform like WordPress or Squarespace if you prefer a more straightforward approach with templates. If you provide more specific details (like your favorite styles, colors, or any particular functionality you're aiming for), I can guide you in further refining...
...intended for open access, meaning no user authentication or login is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JavaScript AND Microsoft Excel. - Experience in developing web applications with complex calculations. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for generating reports and comparing options. Existing stage site URL: GitHub Repo: Original Excel file attached. Note the tabs in the stage site and their analogues in the xlsx file. Requirements: Migrate all features and functionality of fields in the workbook tabs that have been recreated in the web app. Translate all cell references within and across sheets as well as formulas to calculations
Key Features Required: Reels-Style Video Playback: Infinite scroll or swipe functionality for playing videos. Auto-play videos when scrolled into view, with sound muted by default. Product Information Display: Overlay or fixed bottom section displaying product details, including: Product name. Short description. Price. Add-to-Cart Integration: A prominent Add to Cart button visible for each video/product. Seamless integration with the WordPress/WooCommerce cart system. Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile devices with smooth swipe gestures. Responsive layout for desktop and tablet views. Customizable Settings in WordPress Admin Panel: Ability to upload videos and associate them with products in WooCommerce. Options to customize video playback behavior (e.g., auto...
I am looking for skilled AWS DevOps Engineer to set up my infrastructure using Terraform. Requirements: Set up AWS infrastructure, including: EC2 instances ECR (Elastic Container Registry) EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Load Balancer VPC and Subnets Ideal Qualifications: Extensive experience with AWS services Proficiency in Terraform Expertise in setting up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions Prior experience with the listed AWS components and services Strong understanding of networking components and their configuration
I am in need of a skilled AWS DevOps Engineer who can set up my infrastructure using Terraform and implement CI/CD with Github Actions. Key Responsibilities: - Set up AWS infrastructure including: - Compute: Lambda, ECR - Networking: Load Balancer, VPC and Subnets - Storage and Databases: S3, DocumentDB - Utilize essential AWS networking components: VPC and Subnets - Implement a robust CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions Ideal Qualifications: - Extensive experience with AWS services - Proficiency in Terraform - Skilled in setting up CI/CD with Github Actions - Previous experience with the listed AWS components and services - Strong understanding of networking components and their configuration Strictly NO AGENCIES. Task to be completed in 7 Days with regular ...
achei projeto github sendo qe esta com problema mapeamentos entre a api e app estão diferentes apk ja esta pronto presciso corrigir esse erro de api e fazer uma imagem para rodar no docker como servidor apontando para o app e ja tenho servidor docker rodando aguardo respostas
I need an experienced Python developer to help me fix a script I have on Github. It getting error while trying to upload image to Bing AI chat. Source: What i need is only Chat option to Chat with Bing AI chat and ability to upload image to them. Also i have another script from bing called ReCopilot, it also gives me error while trying to upload image, could anyone help me fix it?
There is an open source project in Python. It is a small project that goes over idealista real estate site and send emails when properties that fall under certain criteria are found. I would like to have this installed on our server and to be able to see the interface enter the criteria and be able to receive emails to my personal email address. This is the open source project on GitHub: Maximum price is 50 USD.
...our services. * Optimize Route 53 configurations to reduce latency and enhance performance. * GitHub Deployment Configuration: * Switch the deployment pipeline to a different account in GitHub. * Ensure proper configuration of GitHub Actions or other CI/CD tools for seamless deployment to production. Skills & Qualifications: * Proven experience with AWS services, including EC2, Route 53, and other cloud infrastructure tools. * Solid understanding of Kubernetes, including cluster management, updates, and scaling. * Expertise in SSL/TLS management, particularly with Let’s Encrypt for automated certificate renewal. * Hands-on experience with CI/CD pipelines and tools, preferably GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or similar. * Familiarity with Dock...
I'm seeking an expert in DevOps with a strong GitHub background to design and implement a strategy for enhancing our practices. Key Objectives: - Improve our security measures focusing on change management and efficient tracking to avoid impacting our production server - Strengthen our compliance protocols The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in DevOps and GitHub - Strong understanding of security and compliance requirements - Expertise in change management, specifically in version control and tracking Your role will be crucial in ensuring our systems are secure and compliant, while also improving our change management processes. We are using react, react native (3 Apps), express, Apollo and graphql
...runner game in a sci-fi city where the player dodges obstacles and collects coins. --- Step 3: Plan Features 1. Core Gameplay: Define objectives: Survival, scoring points, defeating enemies. Design mechanics: Movement, combat, or interaction. 2. Visual Style: 2D: Pixel art, cartoonish, or flat design. 3D: Low-poly, realistic, or stylized. 3. Controls: Touchscreen gestures: Tap, swipe, drag. Virtual joystick or buttons. --- Step 4: Design and Develop 1. Assets: Create characters, backgrounds, and props using tools like Blender (3D) or Aseprite (2D). Use pre-made assets from the Unity Asset Store or Godot Asset Library. 2. Game Levels: Plan levels with increasing difficulty. Use tilemaps for 2D or terrain for 3D. 3. Coding: Write scripts for playe...
I'm lookin...Secure the server with Openssh Hardening and Firewall - Implement a Load Balancer for future scalability - Configure Automated Deploys from GitHub - Establish a Monitoring System - Cloudflare integration for site protection The backend uses Docker for the database, so I need assistance setting that up as well. I'm open to recommendations about whether to use a single VPS or multiple ones. Please note, I expect a detailed documentation on the setup process for future reference and replication. Skills & Experience: - Strong knowledge of VPS configuration and security - Proficiency in Java and Nuxt - Extensive experience with Docker - Familiarity with GitHub and setting up Automated Deploys - Knowledge of Load Balancer configuration - Able to reco...
I'm currently facing an issue with a GitHub repository for a women's safety app. I've installed what I believe to be the correct version of the software, but I'm still encountering dependency errors that are preventing the project from running. The app is being run on a Windows platform and I'm using Flutter pub as the package management tool. Most of the errors I'm seeing are related to dependencies not being found. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Flutter and Dart - Experience with dependency management in Flutter - Ability to troubleshoot and fix package-related errors - Familiarity with GitHub I need a Flutter expert who can help me resolve these issues so I can successfully run the project.
... Each of the entry should be written to a single line in the text file in the format: <Current_System_Time>|<Mediaplayer_current_playing_time>|Music_Filename/Song_title/Track_Name.” The main application functionality is below. The home page will display the list of events captured after installation, the data will be larger so will need to implement pagination and swipe to refresh the data logic. Individual delete button for each entry, which can be used to quickly delete an entry before getting written to the text file. The setting page will have the option of selection file path. The setting page will have the option of the ON OFF Switch which will consider recording the session data function, if it's off then event capturing will be stopped. No nee...
...Flexbox, Grid, and CSS Variables. JavaScript: Strong knowledge of JavaScript for dynamic, interactive web pages. JavaScript Frameworks: React.js: Experience in building single-page applications (SPAs) and reusable components. Vue.js or Angular: Familiarity with other popular front-end frameworks. Version Control (Git): Proficiency in using Git for version control (with platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket). Responsive Web Design: Expertise in creating websites that function well on all device types (mobile, tablet, desktop) using techniques like media queries and mobile-first design. CSS Frameworks: Experience with frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, or Foundation to streamline front-end development. Preprocessors: Knowledge of SASS/SCSS or LESS for mo...
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? No time limit
...A live feed displaying all communication activities performed, sortable by date, user, or company. Submission Instructions Source Code Submit the source code through a GitHub repository. Ensure the code adheres to best practices: · Use modular and reusable components. · Maintain a clear separation of concerns (e.g., services, components, and utilities). · Include comments and documentation where necessary. Include a file with: · Detailed setup and deployment instructions. · Notes on application functionality and known limitations. Deployment Deploy the application on a platform such as Vercel, Netlify, or GitHub Pages. Provide a live URL where the application can be accessed and evaluated. Testing & Validation · Ensure the ap...
...technical requirements: 1. Technology Stack Frontend: • Frameworks/Libraries: React • UI Design: Bootstrap • Responsive Design: Use CSS Flexbox/Grid and media queries. Backend: • Framework: Node.js (Express), or Java (Spring Boot) • Database: PostgreSQL, • ORM: Sequelize (Node.js), or Hibernate (Java) Hosting: • Frontend & Backend: AWS • Database Hosting: AWS RDS Version Control & Collaboration: • GitHub 2. Features Core Features: - Authentication: Secure login for sales representatives using OAuth2 or JWT. - Dynamic Chair Composition: * UI to select and toggle between different chair components. * Visualization of the final composed product (e.g., real-time rendering). - Budget Management: * Display cost...
Dear Colleagues, I need support to resolve my android programming problem. Please read the description below to have an idea of what was done in my code and what I need you to do. I started developing a MQTT client app using android studio (java). I am using Paho MQTT library (search for "Android MQTT client" in github) What I did so far? Mqtt integration: - the app establishes a connection to an MQTT broker using the Paho MQTT library. - the app subscribes to a specific MQTT topic and listen for incoming messages then display received MQTT messages in a TextView within the main activity, updating it in real-time as messages arrive. - it also publishes messages to another MQTT topic when triggered by a button. What I tried to do: Create a background service that s...
I'm in need of a seasoned Spring Boot developer with over 4 years of experience for a fintech project. Upon selection, you'll be required to sign a Non-Disc...Via email and password - Via Google (Good to have knowledge and implementation of grants type) - JWT Authentication: - Our server will generate the JWT token for both registration methods. - CRUD APIs for Books: - Implementing the APIs to get, get all, add, update, and delete books. The Book APIs need to be protected via JWT authentication. After completion, please upload the project on GitHub and share the link along with your quotation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Over 4 years of experience with Spring Boot - Experience with any cloud - Experience with SQL DB Please note, the project must be comple...
I have an existing project and looking for an additional developer. I provide pdf's like the ones attached and you use FlutterFlow and custom Flutter/Dart where needed. We use Github for the project. Must have experience deploying FlutterFlow apps to App and Play stores
Our team is currently facing challenges due to a weak proof of concept for our blockchain initiative. enhance transparency and efficiency in our supply chains. - Web3: Leveraging the decentralized web for innovative solutions. - General Blockchain Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications. Your role will also involve reviewing the frontend we've built. We need your detailed feedback to ensure it aligns with our concept. Please share your GitHub profile, as we want to assess your previous work and contributions to the blockchain community. This project is just the beginning of a long-term collaboration. I am determined to connect with numerous developers, so your expertise and professionalism will be key to our continu...
I'm a Mechanical Engineer looking for a talented web developer to create a community website for showcasing my CAD models and working products. The site should have robust user authentication and tracking features, allowing me to monitor how many people view and like my models. Each user should have their own profile with fields for name, mobile number, and Gmail, and a blog page where and can able to sign in - Database: Use either Firebase or MongoDB for the backend. Ideal Skills: - Full Stack Web Development - E-commerce website creation - Experience with Firebase or MongoDB - User Authentication Systems I need a professional who can deliver a user-friendly and interactive website that can help me connect with my viewers and showcase my products effectively. give me ...
...for search engines across the platform. Testing: Implement unit tests for major components and features using Jest or React Testing Library. Perform End-to-End (E2E) testing using Cypress or another testing tool to ensure a seamless user experience and functionality. Test for cross-browser compatibility to ensure the site works well on all major browsers. Project Delivery: Provide source code via GitHub (or another version control platform). Document the setup and installation steps clearly. Provide a deployment guide for deploying the app to Vercel, Netlify, or a custom server. Deliver the final product with all functionality working as intended, ensuring a seamless experience for both guests and hosts. Additional Notes: This project will need to include all key features and pro...