Etsy reviews fake işler
...Automatic invoice creation based on company details (tax number, address, etc.). “Locations” Page Similar to the example site, with dedicated pages for various regions/airports. Each location can have its own info, images, etc. Header / Body / Footer Design Inspired by the example site but not an identical copy. Modern, user-friendly layout. Display Google Maps Reviews on Homepage Integrate and show customer reviews (Google Reviews) on the main page. “Contact” Page As in the example site (address, phone, email, contact form, etc.). Footer: Favorite Transfers Links Quick links to popular transfer routes, each with a unique URL. Partner Program A “Partner Program” section in the footer with an application form. For affiliates or bu...
...Automatic invoice creation based on company details (tax number, address, etc.). “Locations” Page Similar to the example site, with dedicated pages for various regions/airports. Each location can have its own info, images, etc. Header / Body / Footer Design Inspired by the example site but not an identical copy. Modern, user-friendly layout. Display Google Maps Reviews on Homepage Integrate and show customer reviews (Google Reviews) on the main page. “Contact” Page As in the example site (address, phone, email, contact form, etc.). Footer: Favorite Transfers Links Quick links to popular transfer routes, each with a unique URL. Partner Program A “Partner Program” section in the footer with an application form. For affiliates or bu...
...Automatic invoice creation based on company details (tax number, address, etc.). “Locations” Page Similar to the example site, with dedicated pages for various regions/airports. Each location can have its own info, images, etc. Header / Body / Footer Design Inspired by the example site but not an identical copy. Modern, user-friendly layout. Display Google Maps Reviews on Homepage Integrate and show customer reviews (Google Reviews) on the main page. “Contact” Page As in the example site (address, phone, email, contact form, etc.). Footer: Favorite Transfers Links Quick links to popular transfer routes, each with a unique URL. Partner Program A “Partner Program” section in the footer with an application form. For affiliates or bu...
...explain it mainly in details. 1. The site should definitely open very fast 2. Optimizations on the site are very important 3. The site should be suitable for both Turkish and English most important part of the site (features offered after member login) optimizations are flawless 5. Automatically pulls shipping prices from country to country and the input of this optimization is very simple 6.ETSY - AMAZON - EBAY, there are api integrations with many companies such as these. In fact, what I want from you is a full site support, the amount I write here is not important, what I want is a continuous employee and I want to find not the most competent person but the team. Some people say that they can do it in 1 - 2 days, this is impossible, even if we proceed only in consultation wi...
Proje Kapsamı KVKK kapsamında yazılımda kullanılan cep telefonu fake MAC adreslerinin verisinin; yazılımda nasıl kullanıldığı belirtmek için bir danışmanlık hizmeti alınacaktır. incelenecek hususlar; - Face MAC adresinin projede hangi amaçla kullanıldığı - Verilerin serverda saklanması gereken süre ile ilgili kısıtlar (bağlı olan MAC adresleri için) - Verilerin işletim amacı Örnek use case: bir otele gelen misafirlerin yoğunluk haritalarının oluşturulması
üzerinde mağaza açılışı yaptım ve 50 ürün ekledim, ancak şu an için vaktim yok. Bu süre zarfında, sayfamla ilgilenebilecek, tasarım, SEO ve reklam çalışmalarını yönetebilecek birini arıyorum.
Hello, I'm doing dropshipping lingeries mostly on Etsy and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Blender. The model doesn't necessarily have to be a person; it can be any object (hanger, lifeless mannequin, or a surface) as long as it stands professionally. I offer a starting price of $0.70 per photo, with an increasing salary offer as the process progresses. I will need approximately 100 photos initially. Once the correct texture is applied, most of them will be similar. Feel free to suggest a price for the job as well. Thank you.
internet üzerinde satıs yapan kisi için 1 saat yardımcı olacak facebook marketplace ve etsy bilgisi olan
...uygulama içi satın alması yapması için tasarlanmasını talep bot mesajlar gönderebilen ve atılan mesajlara tek bir panel üzerinden cevap verilebilen bir işleve sahip olması beni tatmin hesaplar eklenebilir ve profillerine fake ses kayıtları eklenebilir, kullanıcılar fotoğraf göndermek isterse vip olması gerekecektir veya sizin gönderdiğiniz fotoğrafları görmek için vip olması gerekmekte gibi özellikleri olmasını rica etmekteyim. Android Kullanıcı Tarafında Olmasını İstediğim Özellikler -Bot Mesaj Özelliği -Uygulamada İçi Fake Eşleşme -Bot Hesaplar -Kullanıcı Kime Yazarsa Yazsın Mesajlar Panelinize Düşsün. -Bildirim Gelen Mobil Uygulama Paneli İle Hiçbir Mesajı ve Kullanıcıyı Kaçır...
Butik olarak devam eden online mağazamız için: Tercihen İstanbul'da yaşayan İngilizce olarak Shopify, Etsy, Amazon ve Ebay platformlarını yönetecek. Ürün içerik, içerik yönetimi ve temel SEO ayarlarını yapabilecek E-ticaret iş ortağı ile koordinasyonu sağlamak Muhasebeyle koordineli şekilde çalışıp sevkiyatı yapılacak ürünlerin faturasını kestirmek, Sevkiyat süreçlerini organize etmek, Müşteri memnuniyet süreçlerini yakından takip etmek, İade ve değişim süreçlerini organize etmek, Müşteri beklentileri doğrultusunda sitede ürün kategori planlamasını yapmak, Ürün ve kategori bazında stok ve satış analizini düzenli yapmak, Ürünlerin satışa a&...
In terms of content, there will be content like on the site of , but as a site, it must be something different. people will be able to log in to the site, create an account for themselves, and then share the products on this account, and it will be something that everyone can see. When other people buy products from a place, they will see these reviews and act accordingly. such a site in general
trendyol hepsiburada n11 ciceksepeti etsy magazalarimizi gelistirmek sosyal medyada daha güçlü hale gelmek
Etsy'de bulunan mağazamızın tüm gerekli ayarlarını yapıp aramalarda üst sıralara çıkması ve pazarlamasının yapılmasını istiyoruz
Merhabalar, Laravel ile kodlanmış bir e-ticaret sitesi açıyoruz. 3 ayrı dilde yayın yapacağız. Yurt içi ve yurtdışı satış noktalarımız mevcut olduğu için sisteme kargo ve pazaryeri entegrasyonu eklemek istiyoruz. Yurtiçi Pazaryeri: N11 - Trendyol - Gittigidiyor - Hepsiburada - Facebook Kargo: MNG Yurt Dışı Pazaryeri: Etsy - Amazon - Ebay - Facebook Kargo: DHL Sitemizdeki yönetici ara yüzü; Türkçe, İngilizce, Fransızca gibi. Sitemizin ara yüzü; Türkçe İngilizce Fransızca gibi. İstenilen: Ürünlerin seçilen dildeki varyasyonunun, seçilen pazaryeri veya pazaryerlerine yüklenebilmesi gereklidir. Yüklenen ürünlerin stok takibini web sitemizin ara yüzü...
Merhaba Ben Zeynel Eroglu. Namı diğer Medyum & Metafizik Uzmanı Zeynel Hoca. Aşağıdaki işlerin yapılması ve takibi için fiyat teklifi istiyorum. • Web sitesi bakım ve güncelleme hizmetleri (5 site) Web sitelerim , ve benzeri sistemlerin yönetimi • Youtube kanalının düzenlenmesi ve yönetimi, Gerekli zamanlarda uygun içerik ve video üretimi • Youtube videolarının başka video paylaşım sitelerine aktarılması ve takibi (dailymotion, Vimeo vb.) • Ios ve Android platformlarında yer alan application’ların işlerliğinin sağlanması, takibi • Gerek Web, gerekse sosyal medya da isim ve resimlerimizi kullanan sahte – fake hesapların takip edilip kaldırılması, bulunursa olumsuz yorumların sildirilme...
Merhaba Murat bey, instagram takipçi paneli için bir servis kura bilirmisiniz? Yani ben fake hesablar ekledikde onu başka hesaba aktara bilmem için kodlamanız lazım. Mesala 1000 hesab eklediysem onu takip, beğeni, izlenme olarak diger instagram hesaplarına yollaya bilmem için bir site ve ya servis kurmanız lazım. Teşekkürler yardımçı olursanız sevinirim.
Amazon ve Etsy gibi web sitesinde yer alan ürünlerin son kullanıcı gözünden incelemesini içeren makale ihtiyacımız bulunmakta (ingilizce). İsteklerimizi aşağıda net olarak belirttik bunun haricinde anlaşacağımızı kişilere daha fazla detay verilecektir. İlk etapta 10 makale alınacaktır, beğenildiği takdirde makale alımı devamlı olacaktır. İngilizce seviyesi: C1 (Min) Makale Adeti: 10 adet Kelime Sayısı: 400 - 500 kelime Teslimat Süresi: 48 saat Ekstra İstekler Seo kurallarına uygun yazılması %100 Özgün olması (kontrol edilecektir) Akıcı şekilde okunma yetisine sahip makaleler
Celal hocam merhaba a yeni üye oldum 1 senedir Türkiye'de çeşitli forumlardan iş alıyordum, burada tavsiyen var mı bana? Hiç reviews olmadan bana iş veririler mi?
Merhaba innovation, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz. We are using getsy platform it is etsy clone. You complated same project, project number is 13005583 .Can you finished for credit card payment or local payment module?
Etsy, tarzı bir site olacak,birebir aynısı değilde tasarım olarak biraz farklılık olabilir, verdiğim 2 örnek sitenin karışımı gibiEtsy will be a site, not exactly the same, but a bit different in design, like the mix of 2 sample sites I gave, SQL Server üzerinde geliştirilmiş hazır B2C yazılımımıza zaman zaman modül geliştirecek. Çok iyi derece e-ticaret altyapılarını bilen. Tercihen amazon, ebay, etsy ile entegrasyon yapmış.
modelinde çalışan etsy benzeri bir pazaryeri yazılımı istiyorum. tasarım + türkçe menü eklentili tamamen hazır yazılım istiyorum.
Facebookta verecegim sayfaya 2000 turk kullanici begenisi istiyorum. Begenenlerin duvarlarına, benim sayfamda paylastiklarim gorunecek. Sanal begenme yada fake olmayacak.
...revenue through commission-based transactions. • Enhance user experience with loyalty programs, customer reviews, and seamless integration with external platforms. 3. Key Features & Functional Requirements 3.1 User Roles • Customers (Women only) o Register using mobile number. o Browse salons and services. o Book appointments (single service or package). o Choose payment method (online or pay on arrival). o Use discount coupons (defined by salons). o Modify or cancel bookings based on payment method: Online payment: Modifications allowed up to 5 hours before the appointment. Pay on arrival: Modifications allowed up to 24 hours before the appointment. o Provide service ratings and reviews. o Earn and redeem loyalty points. • Salon Owners & Indepen...
...Trends, a brand specializing in unique football-themed jerseys and merchandise. We are looking for a football content creator to collaborate with us on a monthly basis. What You’ll Do: • Receive our latest football products every month. • Create engaging short-form videos (Reels/TikToks/YouTube Shorts) showcasing our jerseys. • Provide creative and high-quality content (unboxing, styling, reviews, football challenges, etc.). • Help promote our brand to football fans worldwide. Requirements: • Must be passionate about football and familiar with football culture. • Experience in creating high-quality, engaging video content. • Active on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube with an engaged audience. • Ability to edit and deliver profe...
I am in need of a talented writer who can craft a thrilling Science Fiction web novel set in an alternate reality. The narrative should be told from a Third Person Limited perspectiv...writing skills with a knack for creating engaging and compelling narratives - Proven experience in writing within the Science Fiction genre, particularly in crafting alternate realities - Strong understanding of the Third Person Limited narrative style - Ability to meet deadlines and deliver quality work consistently Skills and Experience: - Previous works in the Science Fiction genre - Positive reviews from clients on storytelling abilities - Familiarity with web novel platforms - Ability to write with a clear understanding of audience engagement. I look forward to seeing your bids and reading you...
...conduct a 2-3 hour remote session for our development team. The goal is to explore how AI tools and techniques can enhance the quality and efficiency of software development, specifically in a PHP/Laravel environment. What We Need: A structured session covering AI-driven improvements in coding, debugging, testing, and deployment. Insights into AI tools for PHP/Laravel, including AI-assisted code reviews, automated testing, and refactoring. Real-world examples of AI applications in Laravel-based development. Best practices for integrating AI-driven development workflows. A short Q&A session with our team. Ideal Candidate: Strong background in AI-assisted software development. Hands-on experience with AI-powered coding tools (e.g., GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, Tabnine, CodiumAI) ...
I'm seeking a professional to help me implement a secure framework for a code review tool. The primary goal of this framework is to improve the speed of code reviews, which are currently slow and prone to errors. Key Features of the Framework: - Integration and Architecture Documentation - Utilizing tools and technology like Spotbugs, Semgrep, Codeql - Code scanning with Codeql The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development and code review processes - Proficiency with the tools mentioned - Ability to produce detailed integration and architecture documentation Key Integrations: - This framework will primarily need to integrate with our version control system (e.g., Git) and our Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline. Current Do...
...background on why the business was started. Social Impact: Mention orphan donation initiative (builds goodwill). Contact Us Page Contact Details: WhatsApp Number Email Office Address (if needed) Social Media Links Embedded Google Map (Optional) Additional Features Live Chat Support (Tidio or WhatsApp Live Chat) Payment Gateway (PayFast or Yoco for card payments) Testimonial Section (Google Reviews Integration)...
...Office) 4. CNIPA (China National Intellectual Property Administration) 5. JPO (Japan Patent Office) 6. KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office) 7. CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office) 8. IP Australia 9. INPI (Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial) 10. Google Patents 11. PatentScope (WIPO) 12. UKIPO (United Kingdom) Major Marketplaces to Check: Amazon eBay Alibaba AliExpress Temu Etsy Walmart Shopify Requirements: 》Must be able to provide a comprehensive search covering all the listed countries, databases, and marketplaces. 》Deliver the results in a detailed and organized format, clearly confirming the uniqueness or lack of my invention. 》Strong knowledge of patent law and databases is required. Deadline: 48 hours from the start of the project. Budget: Send ...
Hallo zusammen, ich suche einen Freelancer (gerne deutschsprachig), der meine Produkte von Shopify mit Marktplätzen verbindet. Es handelt sich um bis zu ca. 100 Produkte mit jeweils 1-24 Varianten. Die Produkte sollen auf Kaufland, Idealo, Otto, eBay, Etsy, Allegro und Walmart eingestellt werden. Zusätzlich wäre eine Werbekampagne für den eigenen Shop möglich. Eine Optimierung des Verkaufstrichters wäre ebenfalls wünschenswert. Eine Pauschale ist angestrebt.
I am looking for a professional Shopify developer to create a one product store for selling digital products. Ideally, this developer: - Has extensive experience with Shopify and e-commerce. - Is knowledgeable about selling digital goods online. - Can incorporate essential features such as customer reviews, discount code functionality, and live chat support. Please note that the specific type of digital product has yet to be determined, hence the store should be flexible and adaptable to accommodate various digital goods.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a dynamic restaurant browsing web application called Restaurant-Hub. The app should be built using React-JS, CSS, with a responsive layout designed using Tailwind CSS. Key Features: - Cuisine Filtering: The app should allow users to filter restaurants based on Chinese cuisine. - User Reviews: It should support star ratings, detailed comments, and reviewer profiles. - Price Filtering: Users should be able to filter restaurants using price range sliders. The application will be connected to a Node.js backend for efficient data fetching and handling user interactions. An optimal user experience across various devices is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React-JS and Node.js - Experience with CSS and Tailwind CSS - Strong...
...95%, 100%). 10. Billing & Payment Page Subscription plans and pricing. Transaction history & invoices. Upgrade/Downgrade subscription options. Payment gateway support (Chip-Asia or other local providers). 11. User Roles & Permissions Page Account Types & Access Levels Admin – Full access (User Management, Content Moderation, Billing, System Settings). Staff Admin – Monitors user activities, reviews scheduled posts, and reports violations to Admin. User (Account Owner) – Full access to their account, billing, and content. User Team Member – Can schedule and publish posts, but cannot access billing. Users can invite team members & assign roles. 12. Notifications Page AI notifications for best posting times. Storage full warnings, payme...
...profiles. Profile Creation: Users can create detailed profiles highlighting their skills, experience, and learning goals. Search Functionality: Learners can search for trainers based on subjects, expertise, and location. Messaging System: Integrated messaging to allow direct communication between learners and trainers. Scheduling Tools: Calendar integration for booking and managing training sessions. Reviews and Ratings: Users can leave feedback and rate their learning or training experience. Hosting Details: Hosting Provider: [Your chosen hosting provider, e.g., Bluehost, SiteGround, etc.] Domain Name: [Your chosen domain name, e.g., ] SSL Certificate: Ensure secure data transmission with an SSL certificate. Backup and Security: Regular backups and security measures to
I'm seeking a talented Shopify designer to create a modern, user-friendly online store for home goods. Key Store Features: - A unique, custom homepage layout that stands out and captures the essence of modern design. - Product filtering options to enhance user experience and facilitate easy navigation through our diverse product range. - A Customer Reviews section to promote transparency, build trust and engage our shoppers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing Shopify stores, particularly in the home goods sector. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Expertise in implementing user-friendly features, such as product filtering options and customer review sections. - Excellent communication skills to ensure alignment with project visio...
I'm looking for a freelancer to build a Shopify website for my physical products. Key Requirements: - The website should have features like customer reviews, inventory management, and discount codes. - The design should be bold and vibrant. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating Shopify websites. - Strong understanding of Shopify features. - Excellent web design skills with a portfolio of bold and vibrant designs. - Ability to manage inventory and set up discount codes. - Experience in integrating customer review systems.
...registration, sale and assistance. Customers must be able to access reserved content (videos, forms to fill out and documents) that they will purchase directly from the CRM. The sellers/ consultants/ and the administrative staff must have complete customer files and monitor all the steps (email, phone calls, chat, WhatsApp, calendar) from the entrance to the issuing of the invoice and request for reviews: customer <=> sellers customer <=> consultant sellers <=> consultant Administrative <=> sellers Administrative <=> customer Administrative <=> consultants The lead generation channels all monitored by the CRM are: Databases Ads Paper Payment methods for customers: Paypal Stripe Bank transfer To be able to connect to the CRM on your advice ...
I need a top-notch e-commerce website for my technology brand, built on WooCommerce. Key Requirements: - The website must be user-friendly, visually appealing, and capable of showcasing a range of tech products. - It should incorporate the following features: - Product reviews: Customers should be able to leave reviews on products to enhance user engagement and trust. - Payment gateway integration: The site needs to support multiple secure payment options. - Inventory management: The website should have a robust system to track product availability and updates. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in WooCommerce and WordPress is a must. - Prior experience in creating E-commerce sites, particularly for tech brands, will be an added advantage. - Strong understa...
...Trading Scenario BTC/USD on the 1-Second Chart 1️⃣ ATR = 15 pips, Reversal Multiplier = 2 2️⃣ Price must move 15 × 2 = 30 pips before a trade occurs. 3️⃣ If price moves up 30 pips, Buy Signal appears. 4️⃣ If price drops 30 pips, Sell Signal appears. 5️⃣ If price moves only 10 pips → ❌ No trade (choppy market). --- ? Summary: How This Script Helps You ✔ Tracks Kagi trend reversals → Avoids fake moves. ✔ EMA with dynamic color → Confirms strength of trend. ✔ Buy & Sell signals → Clearly indicates trade opportunities. ✔ Customizable markers → Adjust signal visibility. ✔ Alerts for real-time notifications → Never miss a trade! ✔ Designed for 1-second trading → Fast, real-time execution. --- ? Final Notes ✅ Now includes alerts, pi...
I'm looking for a comprehensive dataset encompassing over 1000 well-known brand. Each brand category should ideally contain around 300 real images and should have fake logo .
...e-commerce website to sell cultural tours. This site needs to be robust and user-friendly, with a range of features that cater to potential customers. Key Requirements: - Booking System: The site should have a seamless booking process for tours. - Tour Descriptions: Each tour should have detailed and engaging descriptions to help customers understand the offerings. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer reviews to build trust and encourage engagement. Additional Sections: - A Home Page: Attractive and easy to navigate. - About Us Page: This should convey our mission and passion for cultural tours. - Contact Us Page: A straightforward interface for customers to get in touch with us. - Blog Page: A space for us to share insights, stories, and updates about our tours. ...
...Requirements: - Add new product categories to the website, specifically focused on a virtual number service. - Implement a customer reviews section to build trust and engagement with our customers. - Integrate a Live Chat Support feature to assist our customers in real-time. In terms of product categories, I want to focus on a virtual number service. This will involve: - Incorporating SMS receiving capabilities. - Adding email functionality. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in eCommerce website development, particularly using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. - Experience in implementing customer interaction features such as reviews sections and live chat support. - Prior work with telecommunication service websites would be a plus. P...
I'm looking for a YouTube and Instagram video creator who can help me create short videos, 5 min or less. These videos will be my head and face doing reviews of TV and film. I am a medical professional who wants to review TV and film content that has to do with my area of expertise. The format and style I am looking for is similar to: @heartthrobanderson on Instagram. See his videos about the Berenstain Bears books, movies and TV shows. I would pay a set amount per video. Ideal Skills: - Video editing using the background pics and videos I provide
I need a fully customized e-commerce website. The site should not only be visually appealing but also user-friendly with key features such as: - Product Search and Filtering: The website should enable customers to easily find the products they're interested in. - User Reviews and Ratings: An essential part of e-commerce is customer feedback. The site should have a section for user reviews and ratings on products. - Multiple Payment Options: To cater to a wider audience, the website should support various payment methods. Ideal freelancers for this project should have extensive experience in designing fully customized e-commerce sites, and a deep understanding of e-commerce features and functionality. Please provide examples of your previous work. vs. premium features. 4. FAQs Page – Provides answers to common questions about customization, pricing, and setup. 5. Contact Us Page – Includes a form, support email, and possibly a live chat option. 6. Blog Page – Offers wedding planning tips, trends, and platform updates. 7. Demo Page – Displays real examples of wedding websites users can create. 8. Testimonials Page – Features user reviews and success stories. 9. Features Page – Highlights key wedding website features like RSVP tracking, registry integration, and custom domains. 10. Shop Page – Allows visitors to buy editable Canva templates of wedding-related items that they can edit and print. 11. Vendors Page – A directory where vendors (photographers, caterers, ...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create mockups for my Etsy goods. The mockups should reflect a minimalist style, but I'm open to a variety of backgrounds. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Expertise in creating product mockups - Understanding of minimalist design aesthetics - Proficiency with design software - Experience with e-commerce product photography Please provide a portfolio of similar past work.
We are looking for experienced crypto marketers, influencers, or Telegram growth specialists to promote our TRX mining bot on a pay-per-result (CPA) basis. What We Need: Targeted promotion of our Telegram mining bot to real crypto users. Marketing via Telegram groups, influencers, YouTube, Twitter (X), Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, or paid ads. No bots, fake users, or spam traffic – we track every sign-up and deposit. Focus on getting active miners who make deposits – NOT just free sign-ups. Payment Terms (CPA Model): We will pay per valid deposit or active miner. $X per user who makes a minimum deposit (discussable based on quality). Bonus for high-value users who engage in mining long-term. If you bring large investors or VIP users, we can negotiate higher payouts. Wh...
I'm in need of an expert who can create 50 unique, 15-second, soundless yet stunning videos for my Etsy shop. These videos will be used as instructional demos for my digital goods. Key Requirements: - The videos should be vibrant and colorful, aligning with the specified style. - Creativity and innovative thinking to showcase the products effectively. - Experience in video editing and production, preferably for e-commerce or Etsy. - Understanding of instructional design to ensure the demos are clear and easy to follow.
I'm looking for a talented developer to build a robust, user-friendly Marketplace app that meets my specific needs. This application will not only host product listings, but also facilitate seamless user interactions and secure transactions. Key Features: - Dynamic messaging system for buyers and sellers - Comprehensive user reviews and ratings section - Real-time notifications to keep users updated The marketplace will primarily list services, so experience in creating applications with service listings is a plus. Your prior work should demonstrate: - Proficiency in building scalable applications - A strong emphasis on user experience - Skills in performance optimization The app must be compatible across multiple platforms: iOS, Android, and Web. Please include examples...