Drop list countries cities işler
Farklı farklı ürünler sitemizde satmak istiyoruz ama drop değil. Resim ve metin içerikleri vereceğiz çok fazla vaktimiz yok ondan dolayı bu işte deneyimli seo olarak herşeyiyle uyumlu istiyoruz. Site içerik tamamen almanca olacak
Beykoz Riva'da başlayacak olan villa inşaat projemizde, Beykoz Belediyesi'nden alınacak yapı ruhsat onayı için gerekli statik, elektrik, mekanik, altyapı gibi proje çizimlerini gerçekleştirecek ve firmamızla koordineli olarak belediyedeki yasal izin süreçlerini takip edecek freelance mimar ya da mimarlık ofisinden destek talebimiz bulunm...sürede tamamlanmasını talep ediyoruz. Tercihimiz gerekli durumlarda hızlı hareket edebilmek adına; firma ise Beykoz'da kurulu bir mimarlık firması olması, freelance mimar ise yine Beykoz'da ikamet ediyor olması. Not: Villanın dış ve iç mekan tasarımı ve yerleşim planı firmamız tarafından yapılmıştır. Teşekkürler. NOTE: ARCHITECTS, ONLY FROM TURKEY, TO BE REVIEWED. OTHER MESSAGES FROM...
Amazonda hazır olan 5 tane drop magazamızı daha ilerilere taşımak istiyoruz
Hello, I need historical database of all Open and Close odds of Pinnacle (bookmaker) of all countries 1st, 2nd, 3rd football leagues from 2015-2016 football season to date in excel format. I should be able to update the excel file automatically or manually whenever I want. Let's message for details. Thanks in advance.
Yapmak istedigim su : Bir PDFi HTML ile yaratmak (drog&Drop) ve daha sonra onu bir data seçerek ön görunum yapip, data olan kisi kadar PDFi servere kayit ettirmek. Grafik onemli deyil sadece çalismasi yeterli. Ekte detayli bir biçimde gorebilirsiniz.
Hello, I'm doing sales marketing. I give $ 10 share from the products I sell, $ 20 from the product like $ 100, and $ 10 from the products sold like $ 60. The only thing you need to do is share the link of that product and sell it to you, usually America, Canada, India and other European countries. Merhaba ben satış pazarlamacılığı yapıyorum. Sattığım ürünlerden 100 dolar gibi üründen 20 dolar 50 ve 60 dolar gibi satılan ürünlerden 10 dolar pay veriyorum . yapmanız gereken tek şey o ürünün linkini paylaşıp satmanız satacağınız ülkeler genellikle amerika kanada hindistan ve diğer avrupa ülkeleri olacak .
Müsaitlik (Envanter) Yönetimi Çoklu Fiyat Listesi Yönetimi Rezervasyon Yönetimi Kontrat (Sözleşme) Yönetimi Ekstra & Sigorta Yönetimi Fatura Yazdırma Tahsilat Voucher (PDF) Oluşturma Cari Yönetimi Raporlamalar Sayfa/Menü Yönetimi Haber Yönetimi Manşet Yönetimi Link Yönetimi Tek Yön Yönetimi (Drop) Sayfa Formu Yönetimi E-Bülten Yönetimi Etiket (Tercüme) Yönetimi Destek Çoklu Kullanıcı/ Sayısı Şube Yönetimi / Sayısı Araç Sınıf Yönetimi / Sayısı Araç Yönetimi / Sayısı Lokasyon Yönetimi / Sayısı Dil Sayısı (3) Özel Web Tasarım SMS Entegrasyonu Sanal POS Entegrasyonu Kampanya Yönetimi Kupon Yönetimi Broker Entegrasyon Alty...
Merhaba; Bizim istediğimiz program az işlevli olacaktır. *İhracat yaptığımız ürünlerin resimli girişi yapılacak *Liste hazırlama butonuna basıldığında sürükle bırak ile ürünler hazırlanabilecek *tüm liste excel e export edilebilecek. Bunlar ana başlıklar . Genel algoritma anlaşma sonrası paylaşılacaktır.
...Satis Emri girme 6) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden “Acik Emirler” alt sekmesinden acik emirleri okuma ve gonderme 7) Hesap sahibinin adinin yazili oldugu “drop down” dugmeden “Hesap Ayarlari” seceneginden, “Hesap Bilgileri” sekmesinden “Limit Bilgileriniz” kismindan, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, gunluk ve aylik kalan limitleri okuma ve gonderme 8) “Market” sekmesinde BTC seciliyken, kullanici adinin yazili oldugu “drop down” dugmenin altinda bulunan ve BTC miktarinin yazili oldugu “drop down” listeden, ilgili CCYlerin, “Kullanilabilir” basligi altinda buluna...
Hi, I'd like to do a lot of research for my project. In the US and European countries start up, application etc. I want to ask you to do the market research business ideas are not in Turkey.
tabloda aradığım özellikler= 1) kolonlarda genişletip daraltabilme özelliği olmalı (resize) 2) kolon yerleri birbiriyle yer değiştirmeli (column drag and drop) 3) kolonlardaki bilgiler Alfabetik sıralamaya göre sıralanabilmeli (sortable) 4) satırlar yukarı veya aşağı yer değiştirebilmeli (row drag and drop) 5) tablonun sağında solunda boşluklar olmalı, örneğin bootstrap grid mantığı ile düşünürsek, container row tablonun sol tarafı: col-md-3, tablonun yerleşeceği alan: col-md-6 tablonun sağ tarafı: col-md-3 tablonun altında ve sağında scroll bar olmalı (scroll x bar ve scroll y bar) 6) yukarıdaki işlemlerde, sayfaya yeniden gelindiğinde, tabloyu nasıl bıraktıysan aynı şekilde gelmeli 7) satırı ve kolon sayısı sınırsız olmalı
Mailing HTML'i yaratmak için mailing builder yazılımının gerçekleştirilmesi istenmektedir. drag and drop yapıya sahip olacak olan yazılım ürünü için görselde göreceğiniz yapının birebir aynısı istenmektedir. Projenin bitiş süresi 50-60 gün civarıdır.
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
I will accept proposals only from native or native-like speakers of Turkish. Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Yasama yili baslangic ve bitis ayni d...
Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Onemli not: Turkce karakterlerin dogru kopyalandigina emin olun.
...kurtulun İnsanlar bu ile 20 Kilo Ayda Bırak Bir kez ve sonsuza dek vücudunuzu dönüştürmek için Deneyin Artık sıkı diyetler veya egzersiz Bir Simple İpucu ile Belly Fat Vanish olun Bir kez ve sonsuza dek vücudunuzu dönüştürmek için Deneyin Bir Simple İpucu ile Belly Fat Vanish olun Bu 2 Diyet İpuçları 30 Kilo Bırak Kendini işkence durdurun ve bu deneyin Nasıl bir hafta içinde 2 Elbise Boyutları Drop için Yağ yakmak için Türk favori yolu 2 Ay içinde 54kg için 85kg'ya itibaren Türk git! Bu 2 Diyet İpuçları 30 Kilo Bırak Sen ne yapar diye inanmazlar İnsanlar bu Trick ile 15 Kilo Ayda Bırak İnsanlar bu Trick ile 15 Kilo Ayda Bırak Bir kez ve sonsuza dek vü...
iPhone'da telefonda yüklü aplikasyon listesini alan phonagap için bir plugin arıyorum. Aynısının android versiyonuna da ihtiyacım olacak. I am looking for a phonegap plugin for ios and android to get list of installed apps in the phone.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
İç içe link list yapılacak. Örneğin bir link list var elimizde 1-2-3-4-5 serideki her sayıya ayrı bir link list bağlı olduğunu düşünün.(Sadece bir örnek anlaşılması için) Genel itibariyle bu listenin kendi içinde basit tanımları ilgili herşeyi bulabileceğiniz ilgili dökümanı paylaşıyorum. En basit yoluyla karmaşıklaşmadan %90-100 aralığında çalışan bir proje teslimine fitim :) Bu arada döküman ingilizcedir. Önemli not:Array değil link list ile yapılacak... Son teslim tarihi 17 Ekim 2014
sitesindeki site dizayn eden drag drop özellikli aynı ordaki gibi bir dizayner istiyorum
Milestone#1 will include 14 countries ($14 price), it will include contact details of organizations your seeking (But not in exact number you specified) e.g. It may contain 2-3 military agencies or even less depends on data available online, hope I'm getting my point through.
...analysis of which countries and U.S. states to focus on. My plan for selecting countries based on criteria is as follows: Prioritization Plan: 1. GDP Levels: Identify countries or states with the highest GDP. 2. Import Levels: Assess the volume of imports to the target country. 3. Construction Sector Share in GDP: Evaluate the contribution of construction to the country's GDP. 4. Ease of Transportation from European Ports: Consider logistical simplicity and cost-effectiveness of transporting goods. 5. Exclusion of High-Terrorism Risk Countries: Remove regions with a high terrorism index. Reference for GDP data: Trading Economics - GDP by Country. After that I think from regions will be left about 65 possibilities. In this case I expect 920 records. We...
I'm looking for a seasoned software developer to create a Windows-compatible tool that designs 3D lab furniture layouts. This tool should feature: - A drag-and-drop interface: Make it intuitive and user-friendly. - Pre-designed templates: Incorporate some standard lab layouts and furniture pieces. - Customizable dimensions: This is crucial. Users should be able to modify each element to fit specific space requirements. Moreover, the software should also include a quotation system with the following functionality: - Automated price calculation: This feature should compute costs based on the selected furniture and its dimensions. Ideal candidates for this project should have proven experience in software development, particularly in creating design tools. Knowledge of 3D mode...
...factory surrounded by trees. Action: A conveyor belt in the factory is producing bags with eco-friendly labels. Workers are shown stitching and packing bags with a focus on sustainability (e.g., use of solar panels on the factory roof). Text: “Sustainably manufactured in India.” Scene 2: Import Process Background: A ship is shown sailing across an ocean. Animated dotted lines connect India to key countries (e.g., USA, Europe). Action: Bags are loaded into eco-friendly containers. Zoom in on the ship’s cargo area labeled "Eco-Friendly Shipping." Transition to the bags being unloaded at a port with a focus on clean logistics. Text: “Imported sustainably across the globe.” Scene 3: Certified Sustainability Background: A clean, modern layout ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to finalize my Webstore - **Webstore Completion**: The webstore is already set up but needs completion - **Backend Integration**: The primary focus of this project is to seamlessly integrate the webstore with drop shipping providers that serve the US and UK markets. Ideal candidates for this project would have: - Extensive experience with eCommerce platforms. - Proficiency in backend integrations - Ability to deliver a polished and fully functional webstore.
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
Title: Seeking Talented Artists for Travel Poster Creations Description: We are looking for talented illustrators capable of creating travel posters in retro, modern, or vintage styles. These posters will showcase cities, landscapes, or iconic landmarks, with a focus on design, colors, and the aesthetic characteristic of classic travel posters. Key Requirements: Experience: You have previously created travel posters or similar illustrations (please provide concrete examples in your portfolio). Expected Style: We are looking for designs with clean lines, well-thought-out color palettes, and an atmosphere that evokes wanderlust and the unique visual identity of each destination. Adaptability: Each illustration must be tailored to the specific city or tourist destination. Project Det...
I need an aggregated list from data files in excel/power bi.
I need an aggregated list from data files in power bi
I am looking for a skilled professional Vietnam speakers all over the world who can write and understand Vietnamese . All Vietnamese Countries Needed..!!!
As a business owner, I am seeking a seasoned digital marketer with a strong background in social media advertisement to enhance my Facebook and Instagram ads. The primary aim of these ads is to increase our sales. Target Audience: - The ads should be specifically tailored to appeal to middle-aged adults (25+). in jordan , even i want to target jordanian people in GCC countries. Platform Focus: - The ads will be run on both Facebook and Instagram, so an understanding of the nuances and best practices for each platform is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in managing and optimizing social media ads, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Excellent understanding of the middle-aged adult demographic. - Strong analytical skills to assess ad performance and make necessary ...
We are looking for a remote marketing specialist to promote our platform dedicated to the massage and spa industry in ARGENTINA. Ideal candidates should: - Have experience in marketing and promotion (preferably in the massage/spa sector). - (of course) speaks Spanish :) - Be fluent in English (essential). - Knowledge about other Spanish-speaking countries in South America will be an additional advantage. Join us to help grow an innovative platform! Competitive pay. Flexible hours.
Your mission will be very simple: -> You will receive a folder with 2000 HD illustrations in webP ratio 3:4 -> You will have attached a excel file with 2000 lines (1 for each illustration). For each line you will have - A title (ex "New York") - An hexad...or 3 max) For each entry (2000x) you will have to: - Open the illustration in Photoshop, Illustrator, Canvas etc... whaveter suits you best - Copy paste the related the title on top or on bottom of the illustration depending of the best fit, with the right color and font - Save the illustration in PDF hight quality (details will be provided). This is a repetitive work but that requires care. Drop your best price for the 2000x iteration + the expected tools you will use to do the design work (Example attached ...
...functionality, user convenience, and scalability. Below are the key features required --- 1. User App Features: Registration & Profile User sign-up/log-in (via email, phone number, or social media). Profile management (name, contact details, payment preferences). Ride Booking Ride scheduling: Immediate or future bookings. Ride options: Vehicle types (e.g., economy, luxury, bike). Pickup and drop-off location selection using GPS. Fare estimation before confirming the ride. Real-time Tracking View driver's location on a live map. Real-time updates on ride progress. Payment Integration Multiple payment options: Credit/Debit cards, mobile wallets, cash, etc. Fare splitting with friends or co-passengers. Notifications SMS or push notifications for ride...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I'm looking for a professional to clean my email list of 30,000 contacts, remove duplicates, and segment the list based on purchase history. The cleaned list should ideally have an open rate of about 20% on Mailchimp. Key Requirements: - Remove both identical email addresses and same contact information with different emails. - Segment the list based on purchase history. Your expertise should improve my deliverability and ultimately increase my open rates. Experience with Mailchimp is essential.
I'm seeking a talented videographer or content creator based in Thailand to shoot footage for a YouTube travel vlog. Key Responsibilities: - Capture high-quality video content featuring Thailand's stunning beaches and islands, as well as its bustling cities and urban areas. - Create engaging and visually appealing travel vlog content. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in videography and video editing. - Ability to create compelling travel vlog content. - Knowledge of Thailand's picturesque locations. - Good understanding of YouTube's content requirements and audience preferences. Please note that while this role does not require voice narration, a good sense of timing for background music is essential. I look forward to seeing your bids and hopefully working t...
It is a local project. I'm looking for a talented content creator who can help me turn my travel experiences in Thailand into a captivating vlog-style video for my YouTube channel. The content will predominantly feature the beautiful beaches and vibrant cities of Thailand. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and enhance raw footage to create a compelling and engaging travel vlog. - Incorporate visual effects, sound effects, and music to enhance viewer experience. - Create a narrative that captures the essence of each location. - Optimize video for YouTube in terms of format, length, and SEO. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar. - Experience in creating travel vlogs or similar content. - Strong storytelling skills...
We’re running into a problem with provider blocks in our business. What we’d like to do is identify the countries of users’ IPs when they log in to our site. If their IP is from a country on our blacklist, we want to automatically redirect their traffic through a proxy or a similar solution that changes their IP to one from whitelisted regions like South Africa, Colombia, Finland, or others. Basically, we need a way to make sure all traffic from blacklisted countries goes through trusted IPs. We’re open to your suggestions on how to best handle this. I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in setting up a proxy solution to redirect traffic. The main purpose of this project is to bypass certain restrictions. Skills Needed: - Exp...
We are part of a global network providing drug testing services, with a presence in multiple countries. Our client requires us to conduct drug testing in New Liskeard Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario K2J 0N3 Canada. This testing is part of a pre-employment background check for new hires. As a certified company, we do not require you to have any prior licenses or experience. We will provide comprehensive training, necessary supplies, and tools. Responsibilities: - Collect urine samples from the client's residence or office, or arrange to rent a meeting room for the session. Meeting room rental costs will be covered by us. - Perform the testing hygienically following our guidelines. - Send the test results to us. We will compensate you for each test conducted.
...styles for the translated text. Additional Requirements Learning & Enhancement: The AI system should improve accuracy and efficiency over time as translations and glossary updates are made. Output Options: Export translated comic pages as new images. Download translation results as structured text files (e.g., original text alongside the translation). User-Friendly Interface: Provide a drag-and-drop feature for uploads and a clean, intuitive interface for non-technical users. Ideal Developer Skills Expertise in OCR technologies (e.g., Tesseract, Google Vision). Experience with API integrations for AI tools (OpenAI, DeepSeek, Google Translate, etc.). Proficiency in languages like Python, C#, or Java. Familiarity with handling image and document formats for comics. Knowledge...
I’m reaching out because I’m looking to create a 3D animated video for my cannabis brand, Shaggy's Stash, for an upcoming product drop. The concept I have in mind features Shaggy and Scooby-Doo hanging out near the Mystery Machine van, enjoying some of our product. The vibe should be fun, relaxed, and aligned with the brand’s playful tone. Here are the key details: Main Characters: Shaggy and Scooby-Doo (in a lighthearted, friendly style) Setting: The Mystery Machine van, with them smoking together nearby Tone: Fun, relaxed, with an emphasis on the cannabis lifestyle and nostalgia Length: Around [insert preferred video length, e.g., 15-30 seconds] Additional Info: [Include any other details or branding requirements, like logo placement, colors, or messaging]...
I need a designer to design 10 images for the best performance campaign in three dimensions - horizontal, longitudinal and square. The images must contain the advertising message written in Arabic because the target segment is the Arab countries. Tasks required of the freelancer: Design images suitable for a spiritual healing website Writing the advertising message
We are a dedicated team specializing in web and app development and are looking for experienced lead generators who can provide high-quality leads. What We Need: - Genuine leads for clients looking for web and app development services. - Someone who understands the target ma...and app development services. - Someone who understands the target market and can deliver results. What We Offer: - No budget constraints for quality leads - Timely payments and a professional working relationship. Requirements: - Read the description carefully and apply only if you are confident in delivering quality leads. - No time-wasters, please. If you’re the right person for this, drop us a message with your strategy or portfolio. Let’s work together to deliver exceptional result...
I'm seeking a freelancer to assist with the full integration of Chargebee into my SaaS application. The goal is to facilitate a variety of pricing packages for my customers, including add-ons, along with the ability to test different price points across various countries and manage international transactions. The ideal professional for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Chargebee and SaaS application integration - A solid understanding of various pricing models, including: - Recurring subscriptions - One-time purchases - Pay-as-you-go - Add-ons - Pricing experiments - Usage-based pricing - Ability to consult on the best practices for implementing and utilizing Chargebee The ultimate aim is to have a seamless, flexible pricing struct...
I'm embarking on an exciting business journey and need a web expert to help me design and implement multiple e-commerce sites and a WordPress site for my business. Key Requirements: 1. A WordPress site for my plant business: - Showcase inventory and store information - Implement drop shipping and affiliate marketing 2. A Shopify site: - E-commerce store selling plants and plant-related items - Provide plant-related information through blogs - Offer services and downloadable templates 3. A skin care e-commerce site on Shopify: - Product catalog and shopping cart - Subscription and membership options - Blog posts of my own reviews Alongside the web development, I also need assistance crafting a business plan, designing business cards, and creatin...
We are working on an ERP system designed to manage purchases and maintenance for a small fleet of tugboats spread across multiple countries. The project is entirely focused on backend development using Python, and we are looking for an experienced developer to support the development of a new module. This project is part of a larger, long-term initiative with a duration of approximately 4 years, so there may be additional opportunities in the future. What You’ll Work On You will start with the development of a CRUD page with 3-4 fields for managing records. This task is meant to familiarize you with the system and lay the foundation for progressively more complex backend tasks, including: Expanding existing workflows related to permissions, profiles, and access grants, with ...
...a community endorsement initiative. The project requires the following features and functionalities: 1. Online Form: • The form must capture the user's name, surname, and email address. • Include a pre-written message/text that users can read and endorse by submitting the form. 2. QR Code Integration: • A QR code must direct readers to the online form. This QR code will be used in a letterbox drop. 3. Email Notifications: • Upon form submission: • Send a confirmation email to the user. • Automatically send the local council an email containing the user's name and surname in a scripted message. • Send a copy of the council email to a designated mailbox. 4. Testing Support: • Assistance in testing the entire process using dummy ...