Corporate social responsibility literature review işler
siz bana istediğiniz siteyi istediğiniz ürünü malı gösterin ben her türlü tanıtırım
Check in yapılabilen, swarm gibi ama ona ek özellikleri olacak olan bir social media uygulaması.
Greetings, Friends, we have a phone application projects. I try to explain briefly below capable, confident, friends, leaving half of the project please examine the project. * Membership to the system (Membership page, home page, home page with social media, comment pages, like the member details, panel members, membership regulations, etc.) * Can upload videos Pull * Survey system will be * Be able to associate with Amazon Web Services * You can imagine it would be much less than what they are in the line * Native to write. I await your return with your reference, I wish you good work. ------------------------------------------ Türkçe Metin Selamlar, Arkadaşlar bir telefon uygulama projemiz var. kısaca aşağıda anlatmaya &ccedi...
sosyal medyada reklam yapmak sitenin adı üzerine sitenin kendisinde
Şirketimizin sosyal medya hesaplarını yönetip, farklı dönemlerde ilgi çekecek sosyal medya kampanyaları organize edebilecek, grafik tasarım yapabilen yaratıcı bir sosyal medya uzmanı arıyoruz.
wordpress woocommerce, social deal engine gibi eklentileri kurup tema düzenlemesi yapılacak
Yeni kurulan dış ticaret şirketimizin ithalat ve ihracat üzerine yapılan faaliyetlerini kurumsal bir şekil de yansıtacak müşteriyi cezbedecek şık bir sayfa tasarımı istiyoruz Our foreign trade company import and export activities of the corporate presentation and design, we need to attract customers
Android için hazırlanacak projeye arayüz tasarımcısı arıyoruz.
Hello friends. I have a WordPress site. I want to set up social networking extension to the my blog. I installed the BuddyPress plugin. But the system is very slow. I'm looking for somebody who can solve this problem. I tried: wp-cache, db optimization... You can use Google search: "buddypress slow" My server: 1CPU, 2GB Ram. My blog: Thanks. Merhaba arkadaşlar. Wordpress sitem var. Sosyal ağ eklentisi kurmak istiyorum. BuddyPress eklentisi kurdum fakat eklenti sonrası site çok yavaşladı. Server'ın özellikleri: 1CPU, 2GB Ram.. Eklentiyi yavaşlık sorunu olmadan çalışı bir vaziyette kuracak birini arıyorum. wp-cache, veritabanı optimizasyonu denedim olmadı. Blog sayfam: Teşekkürler.
Üniversite Öğrenci yönetim sistemi.(Student Review System)
i installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this project in 3 days. Price: 20$
Merhaba, Yeni açtığım kişisel websitesinin yönetilmesi, sosyal medya hesaplarımın açılması, markalanması ve yönetilmesi ve son olarak yazdığım yazıların (pazarlama, branding ve market research, ve iş dünyası hakkında) popüler blog ve dergilerde yayınlanmasının sağlanması için yardım rica ediyorum. Bu konuda tecrübeli olan kişi veya kurumların tekliflerini rica ederim. Eğer kurum online dışında offline mecraları (dergiler, seminerler, kongreler, workshoplar...) da cover edebiliyorsa bunu da teklifinizde belirtmenizi rica ederim. Teşekkürler ve iyi çalışmalar :) and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so they may realize a shorter time to market and a reduction in design, manufacturing and overall operational costs in every industry. We would like to be created a logo that will summarize our growth. If you like to be that person who will continue with corporate identity after logo design , then please contact us! ...
I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.
is a corporate site should be completely visualizing
Python da (pandas) exceli okuyarak tabloya atmak. sonrasında bazı kolon ve rowlarda işlemler yaparak (örneğin excelde filtreleme, vlookup gibi) yeni tablolar olusturmak ve bu tabloları yeni bir excele atmak. eğer çok iyi biliniyorsa bazı grafikler ve social network analizi de isteyebilirim. Reading excel with python (pandas), making some adjustments in the data like sorting or vlookup or some text mining. then extracting each table to the new excel files.
...(this can be discussed in terms of security and certificates to get) 2. As soon as the customer opens order, having invoice print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership for the customers and this membership can be possible to make via social platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are deter...
...conversations It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek mantık paylaşın ve tüm fonksiyonları ile bir site yapmak istiyoruz. benim örnek site Bu ...
Alan Menkul Değerler kurumsal kimlik için Logo tasarımı. Logo design for corporate identity,
I have 2200 words to be translated. The entire translation must be done in 24 hours after the start of the project. I will pay 33 USDs for the project. Please bid accordingly. The bidders must translate the small sample below and send me for review. Sample: Bir ucu düz, diğer ucu muflu olarak imal edilen çelik borular, muf içine yerleştirilmek için özel olarak imal edilmiş kauçuk esaslı lastik conta ile bağlanacaktır. Bu suretle nispeten esnek bir bağlantı teşkil edilmiş olur. muf = bushing kauçuk esaslı lastik conta = rubber-based plastic gaskets
Bugün oturup bi facecbook icat edicek olsanız ne yapardınız sorusuyla başlamak istiyorum. Dünya çapında uygulamaya sokulacak proje için PHP (MVC) - JAVA - Outh2 Social İntegrator vb konularında profesyonel bir ortak arıyorum. Türkiye den olması şart. Farzedin facebook yapıcaz. Biraz da magento fonksiyonlarını ve model yapısını biliyor olması avantajdır.
Merhaba bir çalışma yaptırma düşüncem ve en uygun fiyat olması gerekiyor. örnek adres veriyorum tarzında ama facebook+twitter ve google + apileri entegre olmasını istiyorum her biri social için yan buton olacak facebook için tıklanınca facebook görselleri çıkacak twit içinde aynı işlem görecek görselde indirme butonu olmıyacak sadece kapak yap yazısı olacak kişi tıkladığında profiline erişim iznim olmasını istiyorum hangi ülke + doğum tarihi+ cinsiyeti+ mail adresi+ datalarını saklıyacağım wordpres teması üzerine kurulacak Tema dahil api işlemleri. adresim erginavci [at] g
Merhaba bir çalışma yaptırma düşüncem ve en uygun fiyat olması gerekiyor. örnek adres veriyorum tarzında ama facebook+twitter ve google + apileri entegre olmasını istiyorum her biri social için yan buton olacak facebook için tıklanınca facebook görselleri çıkacak twit içinde aynı işlem görecek görselde indirme butonu olmıyacak sadece kapak yap yazısı olacak kişi tıkladığında profiline erişim iznim olmasını istiyorum hangi ülke + doğum tarihi+ cinsiyeti+ mail adresi+ datalarını saklıyacağım wordpres teması üzerine kurulacak Tema dahil api işlemleri. adresim erginavci [at] g
Şirketimiz için kurumsal kimlik çalışması yaptırmak istiyoruz. Logo+Zarf+Antetli Kağıt+Kartvizit+Dosya+Fatura+Kimlik Kartı+Sunum+Broşür Şirketimiz kurumsal giyim üzerine çalışmaktadır. İstenilenler; + Az sayıda ve birbiriyle uyumlu renkler + Profesyonel gözükmeli + Logo yapılan işi çağrıştırmalı + Referans ...kurumsal kimlik çalışması yaptırmak istiyoruz. Logo+Zarf+Antetli Kağıt+Kartvizit+Dosya+Fatura+Kimlik Kartı+Sunum+Broşür Şirketimiz kurumsal giyim üzerine çalışmaktadır. İstenilenler; + Az sayıda ve birbiriyle uyumlu renkler + Profesyonel gözükmeli + Logo yapılan işi çağrıştırmalı + Referans varsa gösterilmeli. Sorunuz varsa cevaplayabilirim. We are a corporate...
Merhaba bir Social Network arkadaslık sıstemı yazdırmak ıstıyorum. işinde profosyonel olan kısılerle calısmak ıstıyorum. ilgilenırsenız pm atarsanız ayrıntıları konusalım ıyı calısmalar.
Social CRM a social media analytics and manager script. Facebook , Twitter, Google, Pinterst............ gibi sosyal meyda platformlarını yönetmek için.. Marka ve Anahtar Kelime Üzerinden detaylı analiz almak istiyoruz. Sisteme her üye 3 adet FREE Hesap ekleyebilir. Sonrası Ücretlidir. Sayfalarını Ekleyecek. (Facebook, twitter .....or...) Aktiviteleri taki edecek. Akışları izleyecek ve bunlarar cevap verebilecek. Anahtar Kelime araması yapabilecek bu kelime ile ilgili sosyal medya hareketlerini inceleyecek. Kendi hesaplarınnın Günlük / Haftalık / Aylık aktivite ve raporlarını detaylı bir şekilde ve grafiksel olarak izleyebilecek. Benzer sektördeki sosyalmedya hesapları ile kendi hesaplarını karşılaştırabilecek. ...
Social CRM a social media analytics and manager script. Facebook , Twitter, Google, Pinterst............ gibi sosyal meyda platformlarını yönetmek için.. Marka ve Anahtar Kelime Üzerinden detaylı analiz almak istiyoruz. Sisteme her üye 3 adet FREE Hesap ekleyebilir. Sonrası Ücretlidir. Sayfalarını Ekleyecek. (Facebook, twitter .....or...) Aktiviteleri taki edecek. Akışları izleyecek ve bunlarar cevap verebilecek. Anahtar Kelime araması yapabilecek bu kelime ile ilgili sosyal medya hareketlerini inceleyecek. Kendi hesaplarınnın Günlük / Haftalık / Aylık aktivite ve raporlarını detaylı bir şekilde ve grafiksel olarak izleyebilecek. Benzer sektördeki sosyalmedya hesapları ile kendi hesaplarını karşılaştırabilecek. ...
Türkçe Üye olan kişilerin sosyal medya adresleri SQL e kaydedilecek. Bir trigger vasıtası ile o kişinin platformunda paylaşım ...kaydedilecek. Bir trigger vasıtası ile o kişinin platformunda paylaşım yapılacak. Bu yapı SQL server tarafında User sosyal medya adresi - paylaşım başlığı - paylaşım linki - paylaşım gövdesi - şeklinde parametre alacak bir SQL fonksiyonuna dönüştürüp. SQL içine fonksiyon olarak aktarılmalıdır. English Addresses of persons who are members of social media will be saved to SQL. By means of a trigger that person to share platform. User SQL server side of this building social media to address - sharing the title - sharing the link - shared BODY - in the form of an SQL function will convert the parameter...
Merhaba,nnSocial e-commerce alt yapili bir site uzerinde calisiyoruz. Benim php dev.`a ihtiyacim var. nnEger ilgileniyorsaniz sizinle detaylari gorusmek isterim.
...Android App 3 Step - Facebook App 4 Step - Black Berry App 5 Step - Windows Mobile App My friend, and all the web services specialized in Website Application security configuration will be required to submit the completed form. In all phases of the project are those who aspire to preference. They do not aspire to all stages of the project manager, and they can not be that person's responsibility as a project manager will be followed by sections on our behalf....
...Setup: - Set up my POD store on a platform like Shopify, Etsy, or Big Cartel, linking it to the chosen POD service. - Customize the storefront design to make it look professional, with proper product categories and easy navigation. - Help set up payment systems, shipping options, and tax settings. 4. Marketing Strategy: - Help create a marketing plan for launching the store, including social media (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook) and advertising strategies (e.g., Facebook Ads, influencer marketing). - Offer advice on pricing products, creating promotions, and building an email list. 5. SEO for POD Store: - Help optimize the store for search engines by writing product descriptions, adding relevant keywords, and implementing SEO best practices. - Offer advice...
I'm seeking a talented motion grap...2D animation video ad for my app. The primary goal of this video is to enhance brand awareness. Key Responsibilities: - Create an engaging 2D animation video that aligns with our brand's voice and image - Ensure the video is suitable for distribution across various platforms, including social media, YouTube, and in-app advertisements Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D animation and motion graphics software - Strong understanding of brand promotion through video content - Experience creating content for social media and YouTube - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging content that drives brand awareness Please include a portfolio of your previous motion graphic work, particularly any that aligns with promoting brand a...
I'm looking for an animator who can create a 2D vector animation for marketing purposes. This animation will be used primarily on social media and our website. The work is very simple: Make a video of my logo, like writing it by hand. Via Illustrator I have still created the vector path and there is a simple vector brush.
I'm looking for a creative professional who can design engaging social media posts for my brand. The posts will be promotional, informational, and event-oriented, primarily for Instagram and Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Design visually appealing posts to increase engagement on our social media platforms. - Create a mix of promotional, informational, and event posts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software. - Proven experience designing posts for Instagram and Twitter. - Strong understanding of brand building and engagement strategies. The primary goal of these posts is to increase engagement with our audience.
...Use: The freelancer's identity must be used to activate the account, ensuring it appears as if it's being operated from outside of Asia and Africa. - Proof of Address: The freelancer must provide valid proof of address, such as a utility bill, to verify the account. -Profile Setup: The account profile should incorporate only basic information, with no need for a detailed personal bio or links to social media profiles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with creating and managing online seller accounts, particularly on gaming platforms, would be highly advantageous. - Understanding of League of Legends and its associated account selling market is a plus. - Ability to provide valid proof of address from Europe. - Strong commitment to ensuring the account...
...experiences statement: 1- Be Authentic: Share genuine experiences that have significantly impacted my life. 2- Reflection: Discuss how my background and experiences contribute to a welcoming and inclusive community. 3- Resilience: Highlight any challenges you’ve faced and how I have overcome them. 4- Engage with the Community: Explain how my plan to engage with and contribute to Duke’s academic and social community. - Focus: The statement of purpose primarily highlights my academic achievements. - Academic Achievements: I specifically want to underscore my accomplishments leading to graduate admission. - Life Experiences: The life experience statement should reflect personal challenges I've overcome and my cultural or international experiences. Ideal candidate...
I'm in need of a minimalist-style logo. The logo should be designed with a monochrome color scheme, which means it should primarily use black and white tones, possibly with varying shades of grey. Key responsibilities: - Design a minimalist, monochrome logo - Ensure the design is suitable for social media usage - Deliver the final product in various formats for different social media platforms The ideal candidate should have a portfolio showcasing similar minimalist designs and experience with social media branding. Strong graphic design skills and a good understanding of minimalist aesthetics are crucial for the successful completion of this project.
...interactions. Whether users are new to a location or seeking to expand their networks, the app facilitates genuine connections, networking opportunities, and collaborations. The app should offer secure registration, payment options, interest-based group formations, and easy event management, ensuring a positive user experience. Requirements: 1. User Registration & Profile Setup: ○ Login via Social NW Sites ○ Details Fill in ○ Age validation for registration. 2. Payment Integration: ○ Secure payment gateway integration 3. Database Management: ○ A robust and secure user database for storing registration details and preferences. ○ User data should be protected with proper security measures. 4. Reporting & Analytics: ○ Generate reports based on user interes...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to update and help manage a social networking app specifically designed for mums seeking connection with other mums and parenting advice. The primary function of the app is to connect users to support groups . This will involve: - updating the app to have a platform for live chat within these groups - Designing discussion forums for group interactions - Incorporating expert advice sessions into the app or video capability Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in developing social networking apps, preferably with a focus on support groups or parenting. Skills in UI/UX design will be highly regarded, as the app needs to be user-friendly for all levels of tech-savviness. The app is currently available for io...
I'm in need of a skilled video editor who can help me create smooth and cinematic Instagram videos and reels aimed at boosting my social media engagement. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in video editing software - Deep understanding of Instagram's video format and audience - Ability to create smooth and cinematic edits - Experience with content aimed at social media engagement Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.
I'm seeking a talented designer with a knack for professional and corporate-style presentations. Your task will be to enhance the design and layout of my business proposal slides. Key Responsibilities: - Refine the design and layout of my slides to align with a professional and corporate aesthetic. - Improve the overall visual appeal of the presentation without compromising on clarity or content. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing corporate presentations. - Proficiency in PowerPoint, Keynote or similar software. - Strong attention to detail and design aesthetics.
I'm seeking an experienced social media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Key Responsibilities: - Craft and post engaging text, image, and video content across all platforms. - Strategically work to increase my follower count. Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in growing social media followers. - Creative content creator with experience in text, image, and video posts. - Proficiency in managing Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Project Description for Freelancer: New Logo Design for Sunpro Smart We are looking for a talented designer to create a new logo for our brand, "Sunpro Smart." The design should align with our existing corporate identity, keeping the same size, dimensions, and overall style as our current logo, "Sunpro Power." Key Requirements: Corporate Identity Alignment: The new logo must match the existing branding style of "Sunpro Power." Size and Dimensions: The dimensions and proportions of the logo should remain the same as the current one. Perfect Color Combination: We are looking for a fresh and professional color scheme that represents innovation, sustainability, and modernity. Typography: Use clean, readable, and professional typography that aligns...
I'm searching for a skilled developer to create a groundbreaking social media e-commerce platform. This platform should equally emphasize e-commerce and social media engagement, and incorporate short video capabilities along with AI integration. Key Features: - Balanced focus on e-commerce and social media - Short video capabilities to boost user engagement - AI integration for personalized shopping experiences and mood-based feed recommendations - AI-enabled content creation The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in developing similar platforms. A passion for enhancing customer engagement through dynamic video content is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work in social media and e-commerce technology.
Online products selling social media marketing All products cash on delivery available
I'm in search of a seasoned UI/UX Developer specialized in mobile apps. The main objective for this project is to enhance user engagement through intuitive, interactive and modern design. Number of Screens: - ...through intuitive, interactive and modern design. Number of Screens: - App: 35-45 screens - Website: 4-5 Screens plus a landing page Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement features that promote user interaction and retention, such as social sharing and push notifications. - Create a user-friendly interface that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in UI/UX design specifically for mobile apps. - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies. - Experience in designing features for social shari...
...Tracking: Display live order book data from Binance and Bybit. Market Depth Analysis: Detect large buy/sell orders and measure liquidity at various price levels. Visualization: Heatmaps and graphical representations of buy/sell pressure. 5. AI and Machine Learning Features Price Prediction Models: Use AI models (LSTM, GRU) to predict BCH price movements. Market Sentiment Analysis: Analyze news, social media, and on-chain data to gauge sentiment trends. Dynamic Strategy Adaptation: Adjust trading strategies based on real-time AI-driven market analysis. 6. Private Recommendation Channel Features Automated Recommendations: Send BCH trading signals to the private Telegram channel in real-time. Detailed Explanations: Include rationale for each recommendation, such as: Indicator signal...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me update my company's quotation and profile. I need both design modifications and content updates. Design Changes: - Layout and format: I want a clean, modern layout that is easy to read and visually appeali...someone with strong writing skills to help refine our current text and make it more impactful. - Adding new sections: Our company has expanded, and I need new sections added to reflect our growth. - Updating images and graphics: I will provide new images and graphics, but I need someone to integrate them seamlessly into the design. Ideal candidate should have experience in graphic design and corporate communications, with a strong understanding of branding and visual storytelling. Excellent writing skills and attention t...
I'm looking for someone to compile detailed information on 10,000 businesses in our city into a CSV file. Data needs: - Business Category / Type - Description (services offered) - Business Name - Full Address - Postcode - Website - Email - Telephone Number - Social Media Handles - Longitude & Latitude - Business Logo - Gallery Images - Opening Times The data should primarily be sourced from business directories. The business descriptions should be moderately detailed, similar to the services they offer. You won't need to update the data regularly, just compiling it once is sufficient. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in data compilation and CSV file creation - Experience in sourcing data from business directories - Ability to write mo...