Commercial real estate underwriting işler


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2,000 commercial real estate underwriting iş bulundu

Başlık: Oyun Konsolları İçin Anlık Altyazı Çeviri Uygulaması Proje Açıklaması: Oyun konsolları için mağazalarda yayınlanabilecek bir uygulama geliştirmek istiyorum. Uygulama, oyun sırasında İngilizce altyazıları algılayarak Türkçeye çevirecek ve aynı yerde Türkçe altyazı olarak gösterecek. Gereksinimler: Altyazı Algılama: İngilizce altyazılar oyun sırasında gerçek zamanlı olarak algılanmalı. Çeviri: Altyazılar hızlı ve doğru bir şekilde Türkçeye çevrilmeli. Gösterim: Türkçe altyazılar, mevcut altyazıların üstüne eklenmeli ve İngilizce altyazılar gizlenmeli. Performans: Uygulama, konsol sistemine fazla yük bindirmeden çalışmalı. Uyumluluk: PlayStation St...

€144 Average bid
€144 Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

Başlık: Oyun Konsolları İçin Anlık Altyazı Çeviri Uygulaması Geliştirme Proje Açıklaması: Oyun konsolları için mağazalarda yayınlanabilecek bir uygulama geliştirmek istiyorum. Uygulamanın temel işlevi, oyun sırasında gösterilen altyazıları gerçek zamanlı olarak algılamak, bu altyazıları Türkçeye çevirmek ve aynı altyazı konumunda Türkçe olarak göstermek olacak. Proje gereksinimleri: Altyazı Algılama: Uygulama, İngilizce altyazıları oyun sırasında anlık olarak algılayacak. Altyazıları doğru ve hızlı bir şekilde işleyebilmeli. Çeviri: İngilizce altyazılar Türkçeye çevrilecek. Çeviri mümkün olduğunca hızlı ve doğru yapılmalı. Altyazı Gösterimi: Çevrilen Tü...

€422 Average bid
€422 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I am seeking a highly skilled AI developer to create a sophisticated AI bot and a robust anti-cheat system for my online Okey 101 game, a popular Turkish Rummy variant. This project targets a real-money gaming environment, making fair play and a strong AI crucial. I am also open to discussing a potential long-term partnership with the right candidate. Game Modes (Detailed): * Non-Folding (Katlamasız): Standard Okey 101 rules apply. Players form melds (sets and runs) and aim to finish with the lowest score. * Folding (Katlamalı): Similar to Non-Folding, but players can "fold" (give up) if they have a weak hand, incurring a fixed penalty. * Penalized (Cezalı): Based on Folding rules with additional penalties: * Double Meld (Çift Açma): Opening with 7+ pa...

€4283 Average bid
€4283 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...manually update the current domain addresses for both Tempobet and Holiganbet. • This is a critical feature to ensure the system remains functional even if the domain names change. 4. Technical Requirements: • Data Scraping or API Integration: The system must pull data from 1017tempobet, Holiganbet, and Betfair Exchange. This can be done via API integration (if available) or web scraping. • Real-Time Data: Data should be updated and compared every 5 seconds. • Customizable Difference Filter: Users should be able to set a percentage filter (e.g., 5%, 10%, etc.), and only the odds differences that exceed this threshold should be displayed. • Web-Based Interface: The system should have a clean and intuitive web-based user interface (UI) where users can...

€689 Average bid
€689 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...Management: The general manager can manage the subscriptions (monthly or yearly) of companies in the system. Company and Customer Management: The general manager can add, edit, or delete companies. Each company can only access its own customer data. Branch Supervisor Operations: Material Requests and Approval: Supervisors can request and approve materials for branches. Silo fill levels are tracked in real-time. Expense Management: Supervisors can log expenses for sold products, specifying the customer, material type (cement, etc.), and from which silo the material was taken. Additional Features: Notification System: Notifications will be sent when silo levels are low, when tasks are assigned, or when deadlines are approaching. Automated Task Assignment: Daily tasks will be...

€616 Average bid
€616 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

Hi, we have a small group of stock exchange advise followers. We need user administrations on our website. We have some tables at Google Sheet, and they are perfectly good for us. We need to publish that tables real time on our website and mobil applications which are needed to create bottom to top. Merhaba, Küçük Borsa yardımlaşma grubumuzun web sayfasını oluşturacak, kullanıcı erişim yönetimini geliştirecek, mobilde de paralel şekilde nispeten sade bir uygulama geliştirecek bir arkadaş arıyoruz. Sistem zaten Google Sheet üzerinde çalışmaktadır ancak daha profesyonel bir düzeye geçmek istiyoruz. Alt yapı ve iş modeli hali hazırda kurulu bulunmaktadır. Yardımcı olabileceklere şimdiden teşekkür ederiz.

€996 Average bid
€996 Ortalama Teklif
24 teklifler

Hi. I could not check the last update. It is too late now. Because of weekend. Now I'm posting step-2 work. It is also a "pre-work." I me...2 more steps. All these 2-3 steps are only for preparing us to the biggest one, step-4. ------------- In this work, we will solve the Tick value issue (by working on the old code) And (the followings are simple) Will write the values on the chart by using the "Comment()" function of Meta Editor only. And Will check if our texts (that we wrote on chart with comment function) changes/updates real time and exactly same with the values of footPrint indicator. ------------- About reading from file and all other details, this website will help you (sure you know it): Please find the file also

€93 Average bid
€93 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Jetson nano ile nesne tespiti yapilacak. Raspberry ile fps yetersiz kaldi. Resimlerini atacağım nesneni eğitimi yapilacak ve real time kameradan tespit edilecek.

€155 Average bid
€155 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

çoklu kullanıcı girişi olan, real-time data çeken ve dataları grafikleştiren bir web sitesi istiyorum.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Merhaba , Öncelikle alt yapının konumlandırılmasın google firebase alt yapısını kullanmak istiyorum ve aynı zamanda bu alt yapının özelliğindeki sunulan hizmetlerin entegrasyonu yapılacak , 1- Auth ( Giriş yöntemleri Numara , E-mail ) + Facebook + Google + Twitter 2- Real time database Ve benzeri şekilde geliştirmeye uygun olacak şekilde konumlandırma hizmetini bu şekilde olmasında daha ileriye yönelik ve fayda sağlanacağına inanıyorum. Proje Detayı: + Kullanıcı login ve register işlemi ile sisteme giriş yapabilecek , + Kullanıcı profili görüntülemesi ( Her kullanıcının kayıt olma işlemi sıasında aldığı id ile sistemimizdeki kullanıcılarımızı o şekilde görüntülemek istiyoruz 'Örn: ' + Gösterilen Kişi profil ...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

...olacaksınız. Adayları uzaktan çalışmayı düşüneceğiz. Diğer Bilgiler Despatch Cloud, herkese eşit fırsat tanımayı ilke edinmiş, bünyesinde çeşitli iş gücüne yer veren bir şirkettir ve tüm arka planlardan gelen başvuruları memnuniyetle karşılar. Front End Developer Despatch Cloud is a rapidly growing company based in the UK. We are looking to hire an Front End Developer experienced in a commercial environment to join our team in Izmir and help sustain our growth. If you're hard-working and dedicated, this will be a great opportunity for you. The person we are looking for is someone with a good eye for detail, as their main responsibility will be taking graphics provided in PSD or XD format and turning them into HTML/CSS. ...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...: I need a video. Completely new video will use our attached logo. I want to see highend molten metal, smoke, fire, spark, welding fumes etc particles. We will us this short video including sound effects for teaser to our advertising videos on Youtube, LinkedIn etc. Its not urgent. I need a quality result. Professional textures and full 3D movie. I donot want Cinema4D adobe after effects. I need real render in 3DSMax, Maya,Blender etc. TURKISH : Tamamı ile 3 boyutlu tasarlanacak olan video ile mevcut logomuzu erimiş metal, alev, duman, kaynak kıvılcımı gibi partiküller ile süsleyip teaser gibi yapmak üzere ses verisi de ekleyerek sunulması işim var. Örnek çalışmaları görmek isteyeceğim. Zaman kısıtım yok kaliteli bir sonuç istiyorum. iki b...

€117 Average bid
€117 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

merhaba, okul icin 2 tane projem var endustri muhendisligi 3. sinifim, fiyat konusunda biraz asagida kaldim ama ogrenci oldugum icin cok fazla cikamadim oncelikle bunun icin ozur diliyorum. projelerimden biri real-life business simulasyonu gibi bir sey ben cok hakim olmadigim icin kabul ederseniz size detaylari atabilirim, bir digeri ise modern manufacturing system ile ilgili manuel sistemden otomatik sisteme gecisle alakali bir sey, su an bir yardim cok isime yarardi, simdiden cok tesekkur ederim

€46 Average bid
€46 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Hello, We have an online course project. We want a lesson page which supports webrtc, real time whiteboard and also some other features. The features are; - Real Time - Adding pictures and updating the position and shape of these images - Adding files - Writing with different fonts and colors - Drawing with the mouse on the board, drawing types (thick thin silky gold polishing) - Ability to authorize students for writing - Live video / audio sharing from the camera - Authorization of cameras of students depending on the will of the teacher, if they want, students can enable their cameras too. - Live chat box - Ability to add slides and move on them and draw on them with mouse - Setting the necessary back-end of the software with comments on how to integrate. - A box to ask qu...

€667 Average bid
€667 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

elimde 2 adet pcba var ve bunların sematik cizimini istiyorum.

€514 Average bid
€514 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

We seek for a freelancer to improve our brand in both social media and real market. Its a food brand and already active. Your references and profession education are important.

€195 Average bid
€195 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Merhaba, İngilizceden Türkçeye uzun dönemli tercüme işlerimiz vardır. Teknik ve hukuki konular ağırlıklıdır. Kelime ücreti 0.01 TL. Deneme amaçlı 1 paragraf tercüme etmeniz istenecektir. Lütfen ücreti göz önüne alarak teklif verin. Hi, We need to long term translation service (EN to TR). Please just real freelancers, no firms. The fee is 0.01 Turkish Lira for per word.

€35 Average bid
€35 Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler

...görünümden lokasyona bazlı listeleme yaptırmak istiyoruz. Örneğin: Site açıldığında önümüzde küresel google maps haritasının üstünden bir arama diktörtgeni olacak ve ziyaretçi ev aramak istediği ilin adını yazdığında harita google eart animasyonu gibi hareket edecek ve ziyaretçinin istemiş olduğu ilin üstüne gelecek ve o ildeki satılık kiralık gayrimenkuller pop up şeklinde listelencek. -- For real estate project, we would like to make a listing based on the new feature of google maps. For example: When the site is opened, we will have a search rectangle from the top of the global google maps map, and when the visitor writes the name of the province they want to call home, the map w...

€866 Average bid
€866 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

3 game scenarios for training security personnel in VR. subject is shooting and identity control training. You ll only get real training videos and sample related senarios. By watching video find caracter from assetstore or make mocap to use in senario. Make this caracters playable in VR. Requirements : Unity3D, HTC Vive ,VirtuixOmni

€5105 Average bid
€5105 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

genel olarak iki tane ethernet araciligiyla baglanmis linux isletim sistemli bilgisayar arasinda komünikasyon saglamak. Bunun icin öncelikle tcp ve udp haberlesme protokolü icin bir c kodu yazilmasi lazim.(Ben server ve client olarak iki bilgisyara ayirabilcegimi düsündüm ama ne kadar dogru bilemiyorum tabii ve burdan sonraki adimlar icin pek bir bilgim yok ne yazik ki) Daha sonra ise bu c kodlarini Matlab/Simulinkte bulunan S-function bloguna implemente edilmesi gerekiyor. Yaratilan bu s-function bloklarinin yardimiyla bir Simulink modeli yaratilmali ve iki bilgisayar arasindaki komünikasyon Matlab/Simulink araciligi ile saglanmali.

€167 Average bid
€167 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler
Design a Logo
Bitti left

Logo, Business card, Corporate identity, Commercial film

€266 Average bid
€266 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'REAL ESTATE WEBSITE WITH ETechnoSys'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Logo for a Real Estate company based in Istanbul'

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

gayrimenkul şirketimiz için bir logoya ihtiyacımız var.

€59 Average bid
€59 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

real estate open plots and residential plots marketing

€87 Average bid
€87 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Otomotiv yedek parça sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmamızın üretmiş olduğu süspansiyon körüklerine ait...ürünlerimiz hakkında bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz. Ekte mevcut kataloğumuzun kapak fotoğraflarını ve ürünlerimiz ile ilgili resimleri bulabilirsiniz. Ürünlerimizi ön plana çıkaran, dinamik ve elit görünümlü bir tasarım olmasını istiyoruz. We are manufacturer of Air Spring. We need a new design for fron and back pages of our catalogue. Air springs usualley used in truck, trailers, busses and other commercial vehicles to absorb vibration. You can check our website for more information. You can find attached our front&back page of our catalogue and some pictures of t...

€110 Average bid
€110 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

merhaba yukarıda örnekteki wordpress emlak temasını hatasız bir şekilde kurulumunu yapacak türkçe dil paketinin kurulumunu yapacak tema içerisindeki özelliklerin çözümünü yapacak seo hizmeti desteği verecek uzman arkadaş arıyoruz ayrıca tema kurlumu yapıldıktan sonra destek almak istiyoruz , bu temanın geliştirilebilir özellikleri ve modülleri varsa onlar hakkında bilgi almak istiyoruz , gerekirse ileriki aşamada site faaliyete geçtikten sonra sıkıntı yaşamamak için bakım ve hizmet sözleşmesi yapmak istiyoruz bu tema hakkında daha önce bilgi sahibi olan varsa veya tecrübe sahibi olana varsa daha iyi olacak bizim için herkese

€125 Average bid
€125 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

C# programlama dili kulanılarak WPF tabanlı, Esri firmasına ait ArcGis for WPF(Harita kütüphanesi) kütüphanesini kullanılarak harita üzerinde görselleştirme ve anima...birlikte harita üzerinde dinamik gösterilmesi gereken bileşenlerin TCP/IP ile network üzerinden gelen bilgiler doğrultusunda ilgili koordinatlarda gösteriminin gerçekleştirilmesi üzerine bir yapı tasarlanmasını istemekteyiz. Geliştirilen uygulamada arayüze oldukça dikkat etmekteyiz, harita işlemlerinden ayrı olarak, uygulama içerisinde kullanıcı yetkilendirmesi , veritabanına bağlı raporlamalar ve real-time grafikler bulunmaktadır. DevExpress Wpf bileşenleri kullanılarak geliştirme yapılması istenmektedir. Detaylar görüşül...

€3761 Average bid
€3761 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Real estate EmlakTakas'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

1 web sayfalarımız wordpress de yer almaktadır, mysql veri tabanında toplanmı...gerektiriyor, sadece bir WP sayfası üzerinde 1 2 chart örnek yeterli olacaktır, mysql de herhangi bir table dan data okuyan ve WP de bunu aktif olarak gösterebilen herhangi bir chart örneği bize yetecektir, highcharts bizim tercihimizdir. 2- Twitter API lerini kullanılarak twitter datasının mysql e yazılması a. Burada tercihimiz Python dili, burada iki örneğe ihtiyacımız var, stream api den real time data nın store edilmesi, ya da anlık query ler ile bilginin DB ye kaydedilmesi ni içerecek 2 örnek bize yetecektir, sequrity (sql injection vs) konularında günün standartlarında çözümlere ihtiyacımız var, net de bulduğumuz örnekleri dir...

€592 Average bid
€592 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

I want to make real estate search engine with .NET MVC 4 or 5, i need admin panel, front-end panel, Türkçe: .Net MVC 4 ya da 5 ile emlak arama motoru yaptırmak istiyoruz. Admin panel, ön taraf, ilan sayfası, ilan detay sayfaları, il ilçe kombinasyonu Tasarım yoktur.

€235 Average bid
€235 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

I am looking for an experienced React Native developer to build a cross-platform food ordering app for both iOS and Android with a modern, intuitive UI/UX. The app should feature real-time order tracking, a secure user authentication system (email, Google, Apple login), and a seamless payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, Razorpay, etc.). Users should be able to browse restaurant menus, add items to their cart, customize orders, and schedule deliveries. The platform should include push notifications for order status updates, a rating & review system, and multi-language support. The backend should be built using Node.js (NestJS) with MongoDB or Firebase for efficient data management, and Google Maps API should be integrated for location-based services. Additionally, an adm...

€210 Average bid
€210 Ortalama Teklif
36 teklifler

I'm seeking a visual architect to create a conceptual, competition-style architectural visualization of a 3-story shopping center integrated with a 10-story hotel. The exterior design should be urbanistic, and visually compelling. Please note, this is a conceptual visualization rather than a realistic one, so propose me something sketchy, conceptual, spectacular... Key elements to emphasize: - Urbanism: The visualization should reflect an understanding of urban design principles. - Concept: The design should be innovative, and thought-provoking, showcasing a unique architectural concept. - Design/Shape: The building's shape should be spectacular, capturing the viewer's attention. Please include in your visualization: - Surrounding buildings: A few nearby structures should ...

€106 Average bid
Gizlilik Anlaşması
€106 Ortalama Teklif
23 teklifler

...with Modern Features Description: We are looking to modernize our existing matchmaking website, which is currently built on an outdated PHP version. We want to create a sleek, user-friendly, and modern platform with the following features: Key Requirements: Modern UI/UX: Clean, responsive design using React.js, , or Vue.js, with modern styling frameworks like Tailwind CSS or Material-UI. Real-Time Messaging: Implement instant messaging, including text, voice, and video calls using and WebRTC. Swipe Feature: Add a Tinder-style swipe feature for users to match based on profiles. Search & Filters: Advanced search and filtering options for users to easily find matches. Consider using Elasticsearch. User Data Migration: Migrate existing user data (profiles, messages) to the new

€4172 Average bid
€4172 Ortalama Teklif
65 teklifler

I'm looking to build a Wholesale products marketplace website. The key features that this platform must include are: - Comprehensive API integration for real-time inventory management - marketplace - functionality to have multiple sections for the website incase we need to expand sections The back-end technology for the API integration is yet to be determined. Your expertise in providing a suitable recommendation would be highly appreciated. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in marketplace website development, particularly for digital products. Proficiency in API integration is crucial. A solid understanding of user review systems, e-commerce features, and digital product delivery mechanisms will set your proposal apart.

€288 Average bid
€288 Ortalama Teklif
89 teklifler

I'm seeking a developer to create a video conferencing and online teaching tool, with a primary focus on facilitating collaborative whiteboard sessions. Key Requirements: - The tool must be compatible with desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. - Essential features for the whiteboard include: - Drawing and annotation capabilities - File sharing and uploading - Real-time collaboration Ideal skills for this project include, but are not limited to: expertise in developing video conferencing software, experience with interactive whiteboard systems, and a strong understanding of cross-device compatibility.

€89 Average bid
€89 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled Excel VBA developer to create a utility that interfaces with both Serial Communication and IP data, sending the parsed information directly to specific columns in an Excel worksheet for further processing. Key Requirements: - The data being received program the utility so that it reflects the parsed data in specific columns of the worksheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel VBA - Experience with data parsing from Serial and IP sources - Strong understanding of data visualization techniques in Excel - Ability to program data to fit specific worksheet columns The project also requires live monitoring of the data, so experience with real-time data processing will be beneficial. Please only apply if you're confident in your ability to meet...

€85 Average bid
€85 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...Notifications**: The system should facilitate real-time updates through webhook notifications. - **Order Syncing**: Ensuring all orders are synced accurately across the network is crucial. - **Security**: Given the nature of this project, security and authentication are paramount. The integration must include CORS as a specific security feature, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality during the payment process. - **Payment Methods**: The integration should solely support Credit/Debit Card transactions, as per the current requirement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WooCommerce and Stripe integration - Strong understanding of payment processing systems - Excellent knowledge in implementing security measures in payment systems - Ability to handle real...

€916 Average bid
€916 Ortalama Teklif
92 teklifler
Trophy icon Facebook Group Cover Image Design
3 gün left

I need a professional graphic designer to create a clean and modern Facebook group cov...following phrases need to be included in the design: - 100% Bonus Depreciation HQ (This is the main title) - Latest TCJA Updates & Practical Strategies - Maximize Depreciation | Minimize Taxes | Stay Ahead - Dimensions: The image should be 1640 x 856 pixels, which is the optimal size for Facebook groups. - Theme: While I'm open to ideas, the background could include a subtle finance, tax, or real estate theme. - File Format: The final deliverable should be a high-quality PNG or JPG. Budget: $15 Timeline: ASAP. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, specifically for social media platforms. - Strong understanding of finance and tax aesthetics. - Ex...

€14 Average bid
19 girdi

Hello! I have a plan that need to review. Simple plan that just one page. I need a someone who can review it and sign on the plan. It is just a 10 mins work. Thank you!

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr Ortalama Teklif
34 teklifler

...Conceptual design for the website's layout is available - Collaboration on design and features will be welcomed post initial agreement Technical Requirements: - Frontend: Vue.js - Backend: Node.js (Express) - Database: MySQL - Real-time Bidding System: WebSockets - UI/UX Design Tools: Figma, Adobe XD Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Vue.js for frontend development - Extensive experience with Node.js (Express) for backend development - Strong understanding of MySQL for database management - Proven track record in implementing WebSockets for real-time system - Previous work with Figma and Adobe XD for UI/UX design - Ability to create detailed project proposals In your application, please include a detailed project proposal, outlining...

€7844 Average bid
€7844 Ortalama Teklif
68 teklifler

We are seeking an experienced AI/ML Developer or VoIP ...Exotel • Backend: Python (FastAPI/Django/Flask) or Node.js • Database: PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Redis • Deployment: Hybrid – On-Prem GPU Servers + Cloud (AWS/GCP/Azure) Ideal Developer Profile: • Proven experience in AI-powered voice applications. • Strong knowledge of VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and FreeSWITCH. • Experience working with STT, TTS, and LLMs (Mistral, GPT-4, etc.). • Ability to build scalable, real-time systems. • Familiarity with both cloud and on-prem deployment. How to Apply: ✅ Share relevant past projects (especially voice bot/AI call center). ✅ Briefly explain how you’d implement this hybrid model. ✅ Provide a rough cost estimate. Looking forward to building thi...

€3153 Average bid
€3153 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...Automation: Automated notifications, reminders, and follow-ups (such as scheduling assessments and incident follow-ups). Technical Specifications Front-End Technology: A modern JavaScript framework such as React.js will be used for building user interface. UI Components: Responsive dashboards, a dynamic form rendering engine (based on metadata), an integrated calendar and scheduling tools, and a real-time notification system. State Management & Routing: Utilize Redux or Context API for state management and React Router for client-side navigation. Design: The application must be fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, with Progressive Web App (PWA) features for offline access and push notifications. Back-End Technology: Use Node.js with for a RE...

€33 / hr Average bid
€33 / hr Ortalama Teklif
49 teklifler

I need an expert in audio and video API integration for iOS and Android platforms, specifically with API integration for iOS and Android platforms, specifically with ZEGOCLOUD. The project entails integrating audio and video streaming functionalities of ZEGOCLOUD into our app, along with screen sharing. Additionally, the integrated real-time chat module requires urgent attention. The current issues we are facing include message delivery delays, connection drops, and message synchronization errors. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in ZEGOCLOUD API - Strong background in iOS and Android development - Proven experience in real-time chat module troubleshooting - Ability to ensure seamless audio and video streaming and screen sharing...

€77 Average bid
€77 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

I'm looking for a web designer/developer to revamp my website, The primary aim of this redesign is to boost donations and viewer engagement. Key Features Needed: - Integration of live and archived content from platforms such as Rumble, X, and Kick - A dedicated section showcasing current fundraising efforts, complete with real-time progress updates - User-friendly navigation, ensuring easy access to all site content Donation Integrations: The website needs to support a variety of donation methods, including but not limited to: - PayPal - Credit/Debit Card - Cryptocurrency - Cashapp - Zelle - Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in website design and development, particularly for interactive content - Familiarity with integrating multiple content platforms - Underst...

€925 Average bid
€925 Ortalama Teklif
202 teklifler

I'm looking to build a versatile freelancing platform, BookMyService, that connects clients and freelancers across various industries including technical services, domestic services, and manual labor. This platform needs to simplify the freelancing process with features like job postings, gig listings, a bidding system, real-time messaging, and a review mechanism. Key components of the project include: - An Escrow Payment System: This will ensure financial security by holding funds until project completion. - Advanced Search Filters: Based on location, skills, and budget. - Comprehensive Job Postings: Each job posting should contain a detailed job description, skill requirements, and location preferences. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong background ...

€186 Average bid
€186 Ortalama Teklif
16 teklifler entire industry? We're a fast-growing UK tech startup revolutionising e-commerce sustainability, with a waiting list of 60 brands ready to implement our solution. What We're Looking For: Senior Full-Stack Developer with exceptional technical skills Experience in React, Node.js, and cloud infrastructure Strong background in building scalable, high-performance applications Passion for solving real-world challenges What Makes This Different: Not just another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions through innovat...

€591 Average bid
€591 Ortalama Teklif
116 teklifler

I'm in need of a skilled interpreter for an upcoming business meeting in the manufacturing industry. The interpretation will be consecutive, so the interpreter must be able to listen, understand and translate fluently and accurately in real time. Location : Saigon When : ideally 6th or 7th March . Exact time can be flexible to accommodate your schedule . Duration , including travel time, about 3 hours . Paid on an hourly basis . English : need good level .

€12 - €18 / hr
€12 - €18 / hr
0 teklifler

...Development Objective: Develop a fully functional classifieds website with multiple categories, a user-friendly frontend, and a secure payment system. The primary focus is on implementing and testing functionality; design will be handled separately. Scope of Work: 1. Website Structure: - Develop a classifieds website using Astra Pro and Elementor Pro. - Implement multiple categories: Pets, Real Estate, Buy & Sell, Jobs, Events, Circular Economy. 2. Posting System: - Two types of classifieds posts: a) Regular Classifieds (MX$100, valid for one month) b) Business Classifieds (MX$300, valid for one month, focused on business promotion) - Frontend interface for publishing posts using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields): - Banner image - Short de...

€341 Average bid
€341 Ortalama Teklif
64 teklifler