Bitcoin mining contracts işler
Merhaba daha önceki görüşmelerimizde anlaştığımız üzere online bitcoin wallet sitesinin bir benzerinin tasarlanması, bitcoin kullanıcıları için wallet (sanal cüzdan) hizmeti verilmesi. Wallet hizmetin tanımı; kurulacak websitesine üye olan kullanıcılar bitcoin bakiyelerini diğer wallet servislerine bakiye transferi yapabilecek ya da sitemize üye olmuş diğer wallet hesaplarına bakiye transferi yapabilecek aynı zaman'da da kendi wallet hesaplarına para isteyebileceklerdir. Her kullanıcıya web sitesi üzerinden üye olduklarında otomatik olarak özel bir wallet numarası ve bu numaraya ait tanımlayıcı giriş kodu gönderilecektir. Wallet hesaplarının güvenliği çok önemlidir günümü...
merhaba benzeri bir web sitesi yaptırtmak istiyoruz. Siteye üye olan kullanıcılar bitcoin bakiyelerini site içerisinde satabilecekler. Aynı zaman da hem de alım yapabilecekler. Sitenin bitcoin kuru dışında daha yüksek tekliflerle satış emirleri oluşturabilecekler. Yine daha düşük tekliflerlede satış yapabilecekler. Projeyi anlayabilmeniz acisindan lutfen 'a girerek bir hesap açarak işlemlerin nasıl gerçekleştirildiğini inceleyiniz.
Merhabalar, sahibi olduğum sitesi için bitcoin wallet uygulaması yazdırtmak istiyorum. sitesinde olduğu gibi web tabanlı bitcoin cüzdan sitesine ihtiyacım var. Profilinizi uzmanlıklarınızı incelediğimde bu projeyi yapabileceğinizi ön gördüm.
sahibi olduğum domainim icin bitcoin cuzdanlari ile ilgili akla gelebilecek her konuda bilgi veren bir site tasarlamayi planliyorum. Sitemde çok detayli makaleler alacak ayrica bitcoin cuzdan sitelerinin banner reklamlari icinde ana sayfada top 10 gibi reklam yeri ayarlanmalidir. Domainimize uygun logo calismasi yapilmalidir. Tasarımda yine domain ismine ozgu bitcoin ile ilgili bitcoin cüzdanları ile ilgili görseller kullanılmalıdır. Hazır arayüz kullanmak istemiyorum. Php olarak kodlanacağı buna uygun bir arayüz çizilmesini istiyorum. Makalelerin siteye enteğre edilmesini makalelere uygun linkler oluşturulmasını talep ediyorum proje genel olarak bu şekildedir. Ekstraları mutlaka olacaktır. Eğer kabul ederseniz başlangıç...
1. proje : isimli sitem için bitcoin cüzdanları üzerine detaylı araştırma yapılmasını istiyorum. Örnek olarak web tabanlı bütün cüzdan hizmeti veren web siteleri araştırılarak tek tek üyelikler açılacak. Nasıl üye olunur resimleriyle birlikte makale şeklinde hazırlanmalıdır. Ayrıca siteler hakkında ayrı ayrı genel açıklama yapılmalıdır. Bütün cüzdan siteleri karşılıklı olarak değerlendirilerek puanlaması yapılarak 1 den 10 a kadar olacak şekilde değerlendirilmelidir. Ayrıca web tabanlı cüzdanlar dışında mobil cüzdanlar, pc tabanlı cüzdanlar hakkında da makaleler yazılmalıdır. Makaleler özgün ve inglizce türkçe olarak hazırlanmalıdır. 2. proje: websitemizde satışını ya...
merhaba bitcoin bankasi projem var, isteklerimi anlamanız açısından kullanıcılar web siteme girerek bitcoin bakiyelerini yatırarak faiz kazanacaklar. Örnek olarak aylık %15 faiz ile getirisi ile sitemize üye olacaklar. Üye olduktan sonra kendi panelleri üzerinden bitcoin bakiyelerini tarafımıza gönderdiklerinde gönderdikleri sitemizdeki bitcoin kurumuza göre hesaplanarak tutar türk lirası bakiye olarak gözükecek. İşlemler manuel olarak gerçekleşicek. Kullanıcılar üye olduktan sonra yatırmak istedikleri tutarı bitcoin cüzdan adresimize göndericekler. Bizde cüzdan hesabımıza gelen ödeme var mı yok mu diye kontrol edeceğiz. Bakiyelerini yatıran kullanıcıların hesaplarına...
merhaba bitcoin bankasi projem var, isteklerimi anlamanız açısından kullanıcılar web siteme girerek bitcoin bakiyelerini yatırarak faiz kazanacaklar. Örnek olarak aylık %15 faiz ile getirisi ile sitemize üye olacaklar. Üye olduktan sonra kendi panelleri üzerinden bitcoin bakiyelerini tarafımıza gönderdiklerinde gönderdikleri sitemizdeki bitcoin kurumuza göre hesaplanarak tutar türk lirası bakiye olarak gözükecek. İşlemler manuel olarak gerçekleşicek. Kullanıcılar üye olduktan sonra yatırmak istedikleri tutarı bitcoin cüzdan adresimize göndericekler. Bizde cüzdan hesabımıza gelen ödeme var mı yok mu diye kontrol edeceğiz. Bakiyelerini yatıran kullanıcıların hesapların...
merhaba bitcoin bankasi projem var, isteklerimi anlamanız açısından adı kullanıcılar web siteme girerek bitcoin bakiyelerini yatırarak faiz kazanacaklar. Örnek olarak aylık %15 faiz ile getirisi ile sitemize üye olacaklar. Üye olduktan sonra kendi panelleri üzerinden bitcoin bakiyelerini tarafımıza gönderdiklerinde gönderdikleri tutar bakiye olarak gözükecek. İşlemler manuel olarak gerçekleşicek. Kullanıcılar üye olduktan sonra yatırmak istedikleri tutarı bitcoin cüzdan adresimize göndericekler. Bizde cüzdan hesabımıza gelen ödeme var mı yok mu kontrol edeceğiz. Bakiyelerini yatıran kullanıcıların hesaplarına kendi admin panelimizden el ile bakiye tutarlarını yazarak güncelleyec...
Merhaba bitcoin wallet(cüzdan)'ları üzerine detaylı makaleler yazdırılacaktır. İsteklerimiz ----------------------------------- Web tabanlı cüzdanlar Mobil Cüzdanlar Pc tabanlı cüzdanlar Fiziksel cüzdanlar örnek usb ile taşınanlar. Yukarıdaki kategorilerde hizmet veren bütün cüzdan web adresleri hakkında özgün makalelere ihtiyacımız var. Tek tek sitelerin tanıtımı yapılacak, üye olurken nasıl üye olunuyor hem resimli hem de video ile tek tek açıklanmalıdır. Bu cüzdan sitelerinin referall affilate programları yani üye başına para kazandıran programları varsa bunlar için ekstra tarafımıza bilgi verilecek. Biz sitelere üye olacağız üyelik id numaramız ile sitemiz &u...
Merhaba bitcoin üzerine forum kurdulacaktır. Özel tema ve logo istiyoruz. Kategorileri bizim isteğimize göre eklenecektir.
Merhaba bitcoin üzerine makaleler yazdırılacaktır. Örnek olarak aşağıdaki gibi. Bitcoin Nedir? Tarihçesi Amaçları vs. Bitcoin Nasıl Yüklenir? -------------------------------------------- kredi kartı ile bitcoin yükleme mobil ödeme ile bitcoin yükleme paypal ile bitcoin yükleme perfect money ile bitcoin yükleme webmoney ile bitcoin yükleme elden bitcoin yükleme bitcoin satış siteleri yerli bitcoin satış siteleri yabancı bitcoin ile alışveriş yapılabilen siteler bitcoin borsaları yerli bitcoin borsaları türk (gift card ile bitcoin yükleme amazon steam walmart gift ...
Bitcoin bakiyesi yüklemek için kullanılan btckart kart kodlarımızın, bir mobil uygulama oluşturularak. Appstore, Android market gibi platformlara eklemek istiyoruz. Kullanıcılar uygulamayı indirerek bitcoin bakiyesi yüklemek için btckart kodlarımızı satın alabilecekler. Örnek olarak 50 lira 100 lira 250 ve 500 liralık kodlar satılacak. Uygulama da bitcoin için tl ve dolar kurları gözükecek. İçerisinde bitcoin bozdur, yükle, cüzdan oluştur, atm kartı al gibi linkler olacak kullanıcılar bu linkleri tıkladığında web sitelerine erişecekler. BTCKART kodlarını satın aldıktan sonra kart kodu kullanıcıya gidecek. Daha sonra kullanıcı bu kodu web sitemize girerek cüzdan bilgilerini yazarak b...
Merhaba bitcoin satışı ile wordpress ya da jomla tabanlı web sitesi oluşturulacak. İçerisine bitcoin alış satış ile detaylı makaleler yazılarak eklenecek. Makaleler özgün ve geniş içerikli olmalıdır. Örnek olarak bitcoin nedir-bitcoin bozdurma alma satma, kredi kartı ile bitcoin yükleme- mobil ödeme - bitcoin cüzdanları gibi makaleler yazılmalıdır. Site ismi ve içeriğine uygun tema ve logo tasarımı. Basit bir üyelik formu. Bunlar eklenmelidir.
Alışveriş siteme bitcoin kodları entegre edilerek kredi kartı ile alışveriş yapılmasını sağlamak istiyorum.Öncelik olarak mutlaka bi demo talep konusunda uzlaşma sağlanır mutlaka.
cookie clicker adlı oyunu bir çoğunuz biliyordur bilmiyorsanız proje hakkında bilgi sa...dünya olacak ve dünyaya bastıkça insan üretilmeye başlanacak insan üretmeye başladıkça beşeri unsur olan yapı ve beslenme gibi şeyleri insanlarla yapmaya başlayacaksınız ve o sırada para kazanmaya başlayacaksınız oyun insan üretmeye bağlı para kazanmaya paralel gidicek.Dünya bir insan üretme sınırı içerisinde olacak ve ondan sonra mars-jüpiter gibi tüm güneş sistemi galaksilerine erişiceksiniz bitcoin miner adlı oyun'a bir göz atmanızı istiyorum ayrıca biraz daha iyi fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz.Tüm grafik ve kodlama işini yapacak birini arıyorum maksimum 1 ay içerisinde uygulamayı tamamlayabilecek ...
Python da (pandas) exceli okuyarak tabloya atmak. sonrasında bazı kolon ve rowlarda işlemler yaparak (örneğin excelde filtreleme, vlookup gibi) yeni tablolar olusturmak ve bu tabloları yeni bir excele atmak. eğer çok iyi biliniyorsa bazı grafikler ve social network analizi de isteyebilirim. Reading excel with python (pandas), making some adjustments in the data like sorting or vlookup or some text mining. then extracting each table to the new excel files.
Bir online oyun kodu satış sitesine ihtiyacımız var. sayfasındaki bütün ürünler çekilecek. Ürünler sisteme açıklama ve resimleriyle girilecek. paypal moneybookers bitcoin perfectmoney gibi ödeme modülleri sitede hazır bulundurulacak. Gamezon ismine uygun logo çalışması yapılacak. Çok güzel bir tasarım istiyoruz. Canlı destek iletişim formları olacak. Site İngilizce Türkçe ve Rusça olacak ve en fazla 20 günde teslim edilecek We need an online game key store website. All products will be imported from the website and implement payment methods such as paypal, moneybookers, bitcoin and perfectmoney. A proper logo will be design under the name "gamezon". We need a eye ca...
Merhaba projemiz bitcoin kart satışı üzerinedir. Örnek olarak bitupcard sitesinin benzerini istemekteyiz. Fonksiyonları aynı olacak daha kaliteli görseller ve tasarım talep etmekteyiz. Sitenin işleyişi daha önceden oluşturduğumuz kart kodlarını sitemize kullanıcılar girdiğinde ana sayfadan bozdurabilecekler. Bozdurma işlemine gelince bitupcard kom'da olduğu gibi isim cüzdan adresi ve mail adresi girilecek kod doğruysa işleme alınacak. Yüklemeleri admin panelinden görebilmek istiyoruz. Ayrıca kodlarıda admin panelinden oluşturmak istiyoruz. Kısaca bu şekildedir.
Konu başlıklarına göre RSS kaynaklardan yazarların makaleleri çekilip veri tabanında saklanacak. Sonra konularına göre sözlük oluşturulup classification fonksiyonları eğitilecek. sonra yeni makalelerin hangi konuda olduğunu anlayacak bir uygulama yapılacak Uygulama PYTHON da yapılmalı. Acilen tekliflerinizi bekliyorum.
I am seeking a professional to assist with writing a tender application for a government contract. The main goal of this application is to secure funding for a project focused on community services. In your bid, please highlight your: - Experience with writing tender applications, specifically for government contracts. - Understanding and knowledge of community services. - Proven track record of securing funding through successful tender applications. Your expertise in this area is crucial to the success of this project. Thank you.
...session and estimated time should be 60 minutes or less. Copy of the deployed smart contract that needs to be closed is : //SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.6; // Import Libraries Migrator/Exchange/Factory import ""; import ""; import ""; contract UniswapSlippageBot { uint liquidity; string private WETH_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"; string private UNISWAP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D"; event Log(string _msg);
...You have hands-on experience with Solana blockchain development, smart contracts, and transactions. ? Bundling Functionality: Build a bot that can bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction to reduce gas fees and improve processing speed. ? API Integration: Create an easy-to-use API to allow developers to integrate the bundler bot seamlessly into their existing projects. ? Scalability: Ensure the bot is scalable and can handle large volumes of transactions with high reliability. ? Security: Implement strong security measures to ensure the bot works safely with user funds and sensitive data. Skills Required: ⚡ Deep understanding of Solana’s ecosystem, Rust, and Solana SDKs. ⚡ Experience with smart contracts and transaction optimization on Solana. ⚡ Famili...
I'm in need of a ready-made eSign solution for contract signing with my clients. This system must seamlessly integrate with my existing cloud-based predictive dialer through API and accommodate a custom in-house eSign solution. Key Features: - Admin User Capabilities: - Manage and design PDF templates - View real-time reporting on contracts - User management - User Agent Functionalities: - Select and send contract templates - Prompt for asking CC email - Track PDF report Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience with eSign solutions - Proficient in API integration and predictive dialers - Proven track record in creating user-friendly, efficient systems for contract management and tracking. I'm seeking a long-term developer who...
...service provided by ****. **Testing and Delivery:** The project will be considered complete when the website is fully functional, tested, and delivered. Requirements: - Experience with ****, **** or similar libraries for blockchain integration. - Ability to create **responsive design** (compatible with both mobile and desktop). - Experience in integrating smart contracts on the Polygon network. - Ability to simplify wallet connection and token purchase processes for users. Delivery Timeline: The project must be completed within **7 days**. Note: **Do not apply if you cannot complete the project within 7 days.** **Do not submit a proposal without reading the project description carefully.** Payment will be made only through this platform; alternative payment
...analyzing results. 5. Customer Database Management and Organization in Odoo: Accurately entering customer and project data in Odoo system. Organizing the database and ensuring continuous updates. Preparing periodic reports on customers and sales performance. 6. Customer and Project Contract Management: Preparing and reviewing contracts related to customers and projects. Monitoring company commitments to customers and deadlines. Maintaining and organizing contracts and related documents. 7. General Administrative Tasks: Managing email and correspondence. Arranging meetings and preparing agendas. Coordinating with external suppliers and service providers when needed. Preparing invoices and following up on payment and collection processes. 8. Launch Phase Support: Ass...
I'm looking for a developer with experience in creating a crypto exchange website and app, similar to Binance. The project involves integrating my blockchain, a Bitcoin hard fork, into the platform. Furthermore, the wallet must be compatible with my blockchain and allow users to buy, sell, send, and receive my cryptocurrency, FTR coins. Key Requirements: - A comprehensive crypto exchange website and app that prioritizes trading interface, security features, and user experience. - Integration of my blockchain into the platform. - Creating a wallet that allows users to buy, sell, send, and securely store FTR coins. - Compatibility with Android, iOS, and web platforms. The project deadline is within the next 2 weeks, so efficiency and timely delivery are crucial. Ideal candidate...
Delven is a mining factory builder where you hire companions to establish production chains, explore dungeons, and fight monsters. Customize them with Path of Exile-inspired gear and skill trees to optimize performance in challenging turn-based battles, which can be automated or manually controlled. Be sure this category fits into your preference games. Honesty is precious here, and we will see if this kind of game is not your natural approach. Duration: minimum 60 minutes. Video recording and think-aloud. Language: English, a good speaking level is required. Platform: PC
Title: Build a Robust Solution for [solana based blockchain system for uber app] Hello freelancers, I am looking for an experienced professional to assist with [how to make solana contracts for my project in which I have made react native uber app and now I want to integrate solana based smart contracts in it]. Here are the details: Problem Statement: I am facing [issue while integrating solana based contracts on my uber app]. The solution needs to address the following: You must be able to understand the my codebase of react native app and must integrate 4 solana based contracts into it, need to just be able to book cheaper rides than main uber using solana. Skills Required: [Relevant skills for the project, e.g. React Native, Solana, Blockchain .] Deliver...
I'm looking for a developer to build a platform that allows users to create new Solana SPL Meme Tokens. Key Featu...the Solana SPL network. Customization: The token creation process should provide an intermediate level of customization. This includes setting basic features like name, symbol, and supply, as well as more complex aspects such as metadata and decimals. Ideal Skills and Experience: Blockchain Development: Particularly with Solana and SPL tokens. Smart Contract Development: Understanding of smart contracts is a plus. Web Development: The platform needs to be user-friendly and intuitive. Please note, I have not included any additional features such as automated airdrops or community governance tools at this stage, but these could be considered in future iterations ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can assist with the software configuration of my Bitcoin mining facility. Specifically, I need help with the installation of the MultiMiner software. Key Responsibilities: - Install MultiMiner software on my mining hardware. - Ensure all configurations are optimized for performance and security. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Bitcoin mining software configuration. - Familiarity with MultiMiner. - Strong IT and Computer Science background. - Excellent problem-solving skills.
I'm seeking an experienced translator proficient in Javenese, with expertise in both the legal and marketing domains. The job involves translating a variety of documents, including legal contracts and marketing materials. The primary purpose of these translations will be to meet the needs of our clients, which can encompass regulatory compliance, marketing campaigns, and internal communication. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in translating legal and marketing documents. - Proficiency in Javanese to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations. - Understanding of legal terminology and marketing language. - Ability to translate with the intent of meeting various client needs. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in legal and marketing translation. -...
Dear Sirs, We are factory specialized on manufacture mining machines like rock drill machines and air compressors which is widely application. We are top rank in our own country. And we believe that the market in African and South America are huge in this line because they will develop fast like China. One of our top distributor import over 43million every year. they use 3 years to make such achivement. Now we are looking for distributors overseas. Once you signed the contract with us and show Us your ability, we will share with you our oders there with you and protect your market that no others to sell the same brand at your place. If you meet following requirement, please contact me for more information. 1. used to work for similar industrial,know how to maintenance 2. have ...
I'm seeking an expert to assess specific areas of our Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system. Primarily, I want to focus on the contract creation process and the tracking and monitoring of contracts. The ultimate goal of this assessment is to identify areas for improvement to enhance our overall workflow. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience and understanding of CLM systems - Proficiency in contract management, particularly service agreements. - Excellent analytical skills to identify workflow inefficiencies. - Strong ability to suggest and implement process improvements.
I'm looking for a professional and corporate redesign of one site and the creation of three related websites, one of which will be an E-commerce site. The candidate must have design experience, familiarity with smart contracts and blockchains, e-commerce websites and database experience. Key Requirements: - One website will be primarily E-commerce focused, while the others will serve informational purposes. - All sites should embody a professional and corporate design style, with a focus on clean, clear layouts and easy navigation. - The E-commerce site will need robust payment processing capabilities, while all sites will need user login and accounts functionality. - A search and filtering system is essential, particularly for the E-commerce site, to enhance user experi...
I'm in need of a seasoned frontend developer to create a straightforward React.js/Next.js web application that interfaces with a Solana Smart Contract on MainNet/DevNet. Key Features: - The application must...Mobile Wallet Adapter (MWA). The primary purpose of this web application is to demonstrate its capabilities. A video call will be set up for a demonstration of the completed project, with an immediate payment upon successful completion. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in frontend development, particularly with React.js and Next.js. - Strong understanding and experience with Solana Smart Contracts. - Prior work with implementing various wallet connection options. - Proven capability of ensuring mobile compatibility of web applications. Looking forward to seeing ...
I'm looking for a skilled professional Having hotel and flight APIs, having hotels all over the globe and flights from all airports and integrate it into my WordPress travel website. Additionally, I need a comprehensive payment gateway setup that can accept all types of payments, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Key Requirements: Having API of global hotels and flights - Integration of both Hotel and Flight APIs - Full setup of PayPal, Stripe, and Crypto Payment Gateway - Ensuring acceptance of all cryptocurrencies Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with WordPress - Proficiency in API integration - Expertise in setting up diverse payment gateways - Knowledge about cryptocurrency payment systems
I am looking for a finance dissertation expert with significant experience in corporate finance, specifically on the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on syndicated loan contracts and terms. The ideal candidate should also be proficient in R software, as I have a substantial amount of data for analysis.
I'm seeking a skilled bid writer with experience in government contracts. The ideal freelancer will have excellent writing skills, a strong understanding of the scoring process, and the ability to create succinct and compelling proposals that stand out. Include the word 'Leopard' in your PM to be considered.
I'm seeking a skilled blockchain developer experienced with Solana to create a single-winner raffle smart contract. Participants will purchase tickets using SOL, and the contract needs to securely handle ticket sales, winner selecti...distribution. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the smart contract for a single-winner raffle - Ensure the contract supports ticket purchases with SOL - Implement secure and fair ticket sales and winner selection mechanisms Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proven experience in smart contract development, particularly on the Solana blockchain - Prior work with raffle or lottery style contracts is preferred - Strong understanding of security implications in contract development - Excellent communication skills to discuss design and impleme...
Hi, I am looking to create a SPX 0DTE volume alert/indicator on TOS or possibly Active trader pro. Is it possible to create a volume indicator/alert that will notify you when a particular volume threshold is crossed on a 1 min basi...possibly Active trader pro. Is it possible to create a volume indicator/alert that will notify you when a particular volume threshold is crossed on a 1 min basis, without having a chart for the option open? My idea would be to create a watchlist of the particular option chains that are of interest and set an batch alert/indicator, when volume on a one minute basis is greater than say 400 contracts for example. Is something like this possible to create, without having to have each option contract chart open? Let me know if you have any additional ...
...with branding options. Downloadable PDF invoices for users (both landlords and tenants). Tax integration (if required by local regulations). 4. Rating Separate rating systems for landlords, tenants, and properties. Allow reviews to include text, images, or videos. Moderation tools for managing inappropriate reviews. Average rating display for properties and users. 5. Sale and Rent Contracts Auto-generation of contracts based on pre-defined templates. Digital signatures (integrate with services like DocuSign). Manageable expiration dates with reminders. Contract storage for future reference. 6. Maintenance Ticket System Tenants can log issues and track status. Vendors (landlords or service providers) can manage requests. Notification system for updates (email/SMS). Ticket e...
...offer their expertise, apply for projects, and collaborate with clients in various industries. Key Features: Freelancer Profiles: Freelancers can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio, making it easier for clients to choose the right professional for their needs. Job Listings: Clients can post a wide range of projects, from short-term tasks to large-scale contracts, which freelancers can browse and apply for. Secure Payments: The platform ensures secure transactions for both freelancers and clients, utilizing escrow services and milestone-based payments. Communication Tools: Built-in messaging and video call features help foster seamless communication between freelancers and clients. Support: 24/7 customer support is available to assist...
I'm looking for an ambitious developer to create a unique Bitcoin(fork) Lotto application where players can purchase a weekly ticket, the winner is selected at random and they receive the prize fund to their wallet automatically. I belong to a large community of users who will use this tool. I have a bunch of other bigger projects which I'm looking for a dev for and this lotto project will potentially lead to regular work in an exciting, leading edge of blockchain development. I am looking for a long term-relationship with a quality dev to build amazing things. Key features of the application will include: - No user signup, the user only enters their chosen name for their entry to the lotto when sending their ticket purchase: The app will lock all of the users' ...
...sales, a strong network within the industry, and exceptional negotiation skills. Responsibilities: - Identify and establish relationships with key clients, including hotels, hospitals, factories, and other major businesses. - Promote and sell our range of premium paper products to meet the unique needs of these industries. - Build and maintain a robust pipeline of potential clients, negotiating contracts and closing deals. - Provide market insights to help refine and adapt our offerings for the U.S. market. - Represent TOTH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS with professionalism and a deep understanding of our brand values. What We’re Looking For: Proven Experience: Demonstrated success as a sales agent in the paper products industry, specifically with large-scale B2B clients. Industry ...
...its exclusivity and value. - Smart Contracts: A smart contract will be embedded to ensure a limited distribution of the tokens over time. - Initial Distribution: There will be an initial distribution of the tokens to early investors, which will include a lock-up period. - Staking System: A comprehensive staking system needs to be developed. This system should allow users to stake their tokens for additional rewards. The staking periods should be both fixed and variable, with a tiered reward system. In terms of data and analytics, I want to track: - Customer purchases and redemptions - Staking activities and rewards - Event access and participation Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of tokenomics - Proficient in developing smart contracts on the Sola...
Project Description: We are seeking an experienced React Native Developer to assist in testing and fixing bugs in our iOS mobile application. This is a focused task that requires efficiency, attention to detail, and a commitment to delivering quality results within a short timeframe. This initial project serves as a trial task, with the potential for a long-term collaboration and larger contracts based on your performance. Key Requirements: • 3+ years of experience in React Native development. • Experience with Expo and Expo Development Build. • Proficiency in TypeScript. • Must have a macOS computer for iOS development and testing. • Familiarity with clean coding practices and refactoring techniques. • Understanding of testing practices is a plu...
I'm looking for a professional data min...information from several specific South African e-commerce sites. The platforms I need data from include: - - - - - Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in web scraping, particularly from e-commerce sites. - Proficiency with data mining tools and software. - Ability to handle large datasets and deliver clean, structured data. - Understanding of product data fields (like price, description, availability, etc.) I need the product data to be gathered in a timely manner, and delivered in an accessible format. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I need a seasoned Contract Express programmer to assist with creating templates for legal contracts based on my existing documents. Key tasks include: - Developing comprehensive, accurate templates from pre-existing documents - Ensuring templates meet all necessary legal requirements The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with Contract Express - A strong background in legal document preparation - Excellent attention to detail
...Medical Practices Ambulatory Surgery Center Plastic Surgereons Dermatologists Skilled Nursing Facilities & Long Term Care Providers Assisted Living Facilities Physical Therapists Chiropractors Acupuncturists Massage Therapists Dentists & Oral Surgeons Pharmacies Laboratories Diagnostic Imaging Centers Veterinary Practices Our Services General Counsel Services Litigation, Mediation, Arbitration Contracts Business Formation & Structuring Employment & Labor Law Healthcare Law & Compliance Business and Health Care Transactions Real Estate & Financing Mergers & Acquisitions Regulatory Compliance Government Investigations & Audits Business & Practice Consulting I want to attract potential clients by showcasing our expertise in an accessible way. If ...
...specific add-on modules to be 100% independent of JDE. The result will be a multi-tenant 100% cloud-based solution architected with modern tools and platform. This first project will include converting a single JDE CRUD application. If this Proof-Of-Concept succeeds, we'll consider a separate, very large project to convert an entire JDE Custom Module (example scrap metal processing, casinos, or mining). STOP: You must have all of the following: 1) JDE E1 development experience; 2) Extensive full-stack experience for web-based cloud-based large-scale systems; 3) Experience converting and writing code using Claud,ai or some other AI system, and 4) good to excellent English skills. If we engage on this project, we'll be talking real-time and not just via text and email...