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  • aws chatbot tutorial
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2,000 aws chatbot tutorial iş bulundu

...the agreement. The agreement content must get from AWS server by HTTP GET method (/api/apps/{ios_or_android_key}/agreement-content/{ISO_ 639_1_short_language_name}). In case of any issue must try 3 times. If the agreement could not fetch from server must show a popup with "I accept the <url link reference> term and condition</>" with "disagree" "Agree" buttons. When the user open the apps in background the must fetch from the server. In case of any issue must try 3 times. If the could not fetch from server the latest fetched from server must use a default one. the keeps a list of object. each of object has an endpoint ai server, client & secret id, preferred order number, and name of ai. The must get from AWS server by HT...

€103 Average bid
€103 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Geliştirmekte olduğumuz bir web uygulamasında aws sunucu hizmetleri konusunda destek sağlayacak bir devops developera ihtiyacımız vardır. Daha önceki developer ile saatlik çalışmaktaydık. Tekrar aynı şekilde çalışabiliriz. AWS de RDS, S3, ECS gibi servisleri kullanıyoruz. Git olarak bitbucket kullanıyoruz.

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

...Requests:** Develop functions to send customer queries to the OpenAI API and retrieve responses. Optimize API requests for accurate and quick responses. 3. **User Interface Development:** - **Design:** Ensure the chatbot interface is user-friendly and easily accessible. - **Integration:** Integrate this interface into the OpenCart customer service page and product pages. 4. **Customer Service Automation:** - **Frequently Asked Questions:** Create a database for the chatbot to automatically respond to frequently asked questions. - **Order Status Checking:** Enable the chatbot to check order status by taking the order number and querying the API. 5. **Product Recommendation System:** - **Purchase History Analysis:** Develop a system to analyze custom...

€180 Average bid
€180 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler
Odoo Devops
Bitti left

Firmamızın fiziksel sunucusunda bulunan OdooV14 Erp ve web Yapılarının testlerle birlikte OdooV17'ye yükseltilmesi. Hetzner/Aws/Googlecloud/Docean vs.'yi Odoo saas kiti ile Bulut Sunucuya aktarıp sorunsuz çalışmasını sağlayabilir misiniz?

€122 Average bid
€122 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Türkçe yazabilen ve anlayabilen, 3 farklı web sekmesi üzerinde geçiş yapıp işlem gerçekleştirebilen bir chatbot ihtiyacımız bulunmaktadır. - Comm100, our site panel(Site Panelimiz), and Mattermost. Gereksinimler: - Chatbot geliştirebilecek kadar yapay zeka yazma üzerine yetkinlik - Chatbot'u tarayıcıya ve özellikle bu programlara entegre edebilme üzerine tecrübe-Comm100, Site Panelleri, Mattermost - Hem yazı yazıp cevap verebilecek, hem de panel üzerinden gerekli kontrolleri ve işlemleri gerçekleştirebilecek bir ChatBot İstenilen çıktı alındığı sürece ücret konusunda aralığımız geniştir ve karşılanabilecektir. İlginiz için teşekkür ederiz.

€1499 Average bid
€1499 Ortalama Teklif
25 teklifler

...Yapay zeka entegrasyonu vs ilk aşamada talep edilmemektedir . Ancak kullanmış olduğumuz yazılım ile entegrasyon sağlanabilmesi hedefimizdir. Ilk aşamada chatbottan beklenen aşağıdaki gibidir ve örneklendirilmiştir. Whatsapp ve telefram chatbot konusunda uzman ve hızlı aksiyon alabilecek tarafların desteklerini bekleriz. Excell listesi olarak aylık müşterilerle paylaştığımız rakamlar mevcut. Müşteriler excellde tek tek bakmak yerine chatbotu kullanarak talep ettikleri bilgiye ulaşmalarını isteriz. Örnek Müşteri Chatbot'a yazacak Mersin Rotterdam Chatbot yanıt verecek Mersin > rotterdam Transit süre 1 gün Navlun ve lokal masraflar 1000 USD Servis detayı vs... Tarafınıza iletilen detaylar, tahminidir/yaklaşık değerlerdir/değ...

€1944 Average bid
€1944 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

Çok büyük boyuttta olamayan ve ekte yer alan veri seti ile bir proje için yapay zeka modellerini kullanabilecek kişiler aranıyor.

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler
AWS Destek
Bitti left

Flask+react+mysql bir ai app'imiz var AWS'te koşuyor. Hali hazırda kurulu mimarimizi anlamak ve analiz etmek için bir hizmet almak istiyoruz. Aynı zamanda acil de bir işimiz var. Spot instance availability sorununu azaltacak önlemler almak istiyoruz. Bİze yardımcı olabilir misin?

€26 Average bid
€26 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

SEYAHAT VE KONAKLAMA API İÇİN İSTENİLENLER Web Sitesi, Mobil Web Sitesi (Adaptive) Mobil Uygulama ve Opsiyonel Hizmetler Online ticaret de acentele...(Adaptive), Markaya özel tasarım Otobüs bileti bölümü Web Sitesi -Mobil Web Sitesi (Adaptive Mobil) -(IOS, Android, Huawei Mobil Uyg.) 45 iş günü ***Teklif=? Uçak bileti bölümü - Web Sitesi - Mobil Web Sitesi (Adaptive Mobil) - (IOS, Android, Huawei Mobil Uyg.) Uçak bilet apisi 60 iş günü ***Teklif=? Sunucu Barındırma Amazon AWS üzerinde sunucu barındırması *Zorunlu *Otomatik yedek 30 gün süresince her otomatik gün yedek alma *Bulut sunucu hizmetleri içinde dünyanın en iyisi Amazon AWS kullanma *Amazon Firewall ile g...

€15123 Average bid
€15123 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler
€57 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

Projem ec2 isste açılmıyor bağlanıp acil yardım edecek birilerine ihtiyacım var

€29 / hr Average bid
€29 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...sorun yok fakat hiz performansi konusunda sorunlarimiz var. Sitenin hizlanmasi icin konusunda uzman bir arkadasin destegine ihtiyacimiz var. Asagida site ile alakali bazi detaylari yaziyrum eger gerekirse daha ayrinti da verebilriim. Server : AWS Database : Yine Amazon üzerine kurulu RDS () Theme : WoodMart (Themeforest 'ten satin alindi) - Site ortalama 10-15 saniyede aciliyor, yapilacak bir calisma ile bu süreyi makul bir seviyeye cekmek istiyoruz. - Sitenin yavasliginin daha cok SQL sorgularindan kaynaklandigini düsünüyoruz. - AWS deneyimi olan ve linux serverdan anlayan arkadaslar tercihimizdir....

€458 Average bid
€458 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

Çeşitli Kubernetes konularında çözümlerin açıklandığı tanıtım/tutorial/doküman/use-case/şemaların yazılması ve bunların wiki veya blog içerisinde yayınlanacak şekilde hazırlanmasını bekliyoruz. Wiki/Blog için Örnek Konular: -Service Mesh -Kubernetes Networking -Kubernetes Federation -Distributed Storage -Multi-Cluster Orchestration -AI Orchestration -GitOps -CI/CD -Security -Telemetry-Performance Management

€10 - €29
€10 - €29
0 teklifler


€322 Average bid
€322 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Musterilerimize otomatik cevap yazan ve musterinin verdigi bilgileri toplayip .csv'de toplayan bir bot istiyoruz

€29 Average bid
€29 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Php laravel kullanım tecrübesi bulunan ve web servislerde çalışabilecek Aws ve git kullanım tecrübesi bulunan HTML, CSS, BOOSTRAP JAVASCRİPT , Jqeury, Json ve XML gibi temel konulara hakim referans göstebilecek disiplinli iş ahlakına sahip. Literatürü takip edebilecek seviyede ilgilizce bilen. Freelancer çalışma arkadaşı arıyoruz. Şartlara uyan arkadaşlar Mesaj yoluyla iletişime geçebilirler Sitemize anlaşmış olduğumuz firmanın bilet entegrasyonun sorunsuz bir şekilde entegre edilmesi. Uçak satışı için admin tarafına satışların kaydedilmesi.

€537 Average bid
€537 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

Php laravel kullanım tecrübesi bulunan ve web servislerde çalışabilecek Aws ve git kullanım tecrübesi bulunan HTML, CSS, BOOSTRAP JAVASCRİPT , Jqeury, Json ve XML gibi temel konulara hakim referans göstebilecek disiplinli iş ahlakına sahip. Literatürü takip edebilecek seviyede ilgilizce bilen. Freelancer çalışma arkadaşı arıyoruz. Şartlara uyan arkadaşlar Mesaj yoluyla iletişime geçebilirler Sitemize anlaşmış olduğumuz firmanın bilet entegrasyonun sorunsuz bir şekilde entegre edilmesi. Uçak satışı için admin tarafına satışların kaydedilmesi.

€955 Average bid
€955 Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

Node.js, python ile grafik ara yuzu gelistirip AWS servislerinden gelen bilgileri goruntuleyebilecek bir proje gelistirebilecek eleman ariyoruz. Proje bazli degil uzun sureli calisacak arkadaslar basvurabilirler.

€143 Average bid
€143 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

kisisel davetiye eventlari olusturan ve profil uzerinden takibini saglayan ve eticaret sistemin entegre oldugu bir sistem. Personal Invite Systems Requirement : Java SpringBoot Aws React Js

€2561 Average bid
€2561 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Spss programında tutorial hazırlanacaktır. Örnek mevcuttur

€148 Average bid
€148 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Looking for an experienced front end developer who can develop code using C# MVVM WPF and use GIT Matlab and Amazon AWS is a plus Must reside in Ankara / Turkey. Must know English and Turkish In Turkish: Yazılım projemiz için bilgisayar mühendisi veya yazılımcı arıyoruz. Mutlaka olması gereken: C#, MVVM ve WPF (ve tabii ki GIT). Bu kısaltmaların ne olduğunu bilmiyorsanız zaten lütfen başvurmayın. Olsa iyi olur: Amazon AWS ve Matlab Yeni mezun ya da öğrenciler başvurabilir. Yarı zamanlı haftada 15-20 saat Ankara'da ikamet ediyor olmalısınız. Lutfen oncelikle kısa özgeçmişinizi yazınız. Bu ilan varsa pozisyon hala açık demektir. Ücret $20/saattir. Kendi evinizden çalışmanızı ve haftada yaklaşık 15-20 saat ...

€21 / hr Average bid
€21 / hr Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

AWS'deki tanımlı hesabımız üzerinden, sunucu konfigürasyonları yapılarak, Woocommerce kurulumu, SSL kurulumu yapılması istenmektedir.

€127 Average bid
€127 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

hi Fazle, AWS store setup.

€115 - €115
€115 - €115
0 teklifler

- Teknoloji stack'i Laravel, Go, MySQL ve Redis den oluşan API 'ımız üzerinde - Geliştirmeler ve bakım işlemleri yapacak - AWS tecrübesi olan part-time proje bazında çalışabilecek PHP developer arıyoruz

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

I'm seeking an experienced professional to assist with managing my AWS EC2 and S3 accounts. Skills and Experience Required: -How to increase limit - Extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with AWS EC2 and S3 - Proficient in manual instance setup and management - Ability to ensure optimal performance and troubleshooting of instances I don't require automation, so the focus will be on manual setup and management. Your expertise will be crucial in helping me navigate and utilize these services effectively.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I'm looking for an experienced video editor to help me polish a tutorial video. The project involves synchronizing voiceovers, adding text overlays and annotations, and incorporating background music and sound effects. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in video editing software (like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience with editing tutorial videos - Skills in sound editing and synchronization - Ability to create engaging text overlays and annotations - Understanding of how to select and incorporate suitable background music and sound effects

€9 Average bid
€9 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

...Required Skills & Tech Stack ? Backend: Python (FastAPI/Django) or Node.js ? Frontend: React / Vue.js / Angular ? Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB (for flexible storage & analytics) ? APIs & ETL Pipelines: REST, GraphQL, Apache Airflow ? Geospatial Tools: Google Earth Engine, PostGIS, Sentinel-2 ? Security & Access Control: OAuth 2.0, Role-Based Access (RBAC), GDPR compliance ? Cloud Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, or Azure ? Nice to Have ✔️ Experience in agriculture, supply chain, or traceability systems ✔️ Knowledge of EUDR, CSDDD, CSRD compliance requirements ✔️ Familiarity with machine learning for fraud detection ? Job Details ? Budget: Open to discussion – competitive compensation based on experience ? Project Length: 3-6 months (potential for long-term enga...

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr Ortalama Teklif
27 teklifler

...web scraping projects to assist me with the following scope of work. The project involves building a series of scrapers to: - Extract Australian government tender data from multiple websites and store it in a database. MongoDB Atlas is preferred. - Manage the download of files (e.g., PDFs, DOCX) associated with each tender and upload them to cloud storage. DigitalOcean Spaces is preferred, but AWS S3 is also acceptable. While I'm open to suggestions regarding the technology stack, I have some experience with Python and Scrapy, so this could be a good starting point. We can also explore using a managed scraping service like Bright Data, Zyte, or similar if it proves more efficient and scalable for this project. The key is to select the best approach for long-term maintaina...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler for fraud-related keywords. - Implement behavioral analysis for user betting history. 3. Real-Time Dashboard: - Create a dashboard to display alerts and trends (using Python Dash/Tableau). 4. Deployment: - Deploy models on cloud (AWS/GCP) with API endpoints for integration. Technical Requirements Must-Have Skills: - Python, TensorFlow/PyTorch, Scikit-learn. - Experience with anomaly detection/NLP models. - Knowledge of Apache Kafka/Spark for real-time processing. - Cloud platforms (AWS/GCP) and Docker. Preferred Skills: - Familiarity with cricket betting rules and fraud patterns. - Experience with blockchain for transaction transparency. Budget & Timeline - Timeline: 4-6 months for MVP. Submission Gui...

€5747 Average bid
€5747 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

Project Title: Build a Responsive Turf Booking Website with User-Friendly Features Project Description: I am looking for a skilled filter and sort by location, price, and availability. Booking System: Admin Panel: Manage turf listings (add/edit/delete). View and manage bookings. Generate reports (revenue, booking stats). Mobile-First Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and works seamlessly on all devices. Additional Features: Customer reviews and ratings for turfs. FAQs section for users. Contact form or chatbot integration. Technology Preferences: Frontend: Html, Css, Js, Tailwind CSS, Timeline: The project needs to be completed within [Your Timeline, e.g., 4weeks]. Budget: My budget for this project is [Your Budget, e.g., Rs.500-1,000]. Please provide deta...

€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Project Title: Build a Responsive Turf Booking Website with User-Friendly Features Project Description: I am looking for a skilled filter and sort by location, price, and availability. Booking System: Admin Panel: Manage turf listings (add/edit/delete). View and manage bookings. Generate reports (revenue, booking stats). Mobile-First Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and works seamlessly on all devices. Additional Features: Customer reviews and ratings for turfs. FAQs section for users. Contact form or chatbot integration. Technology Preferences: Frontend: Html, Css, Js, Tailwind CSS, Timeline: The project needs to be completed within [Your Timeline, e.g., 4weeks]. Budget: My budget for this project is [Your Budget, e.g., Rs.500-1,000]. Please provide deta...

€328 Average bid
€328 Ortalama Teklif
46 teklifler

I'm seeking a seasoned Terraform professional with extensive experience in AWS, specifically with RDS and VPC. The project involves setting up a PostgreSQL database within a custom-configured VPC. Key Skills & Responsibilities: - Implementing a PostgreSQL RDS instance within a tailored VPC - Designing and deploying custom subnets - Configuring security groups to ensure optimal security and performance Ideal candidates will have a deep understanding of Terraform and AWS, with a knack for creating efficient, scalable cloud infrastructures. Prior experience with custom VPC configurations is essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

€12 Average bid
€12 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I'm in need of a seasoned Linux/CLI specialist to assist with my AWS EC2 instances. The project involves managing these instances and automating certain tasks using command line interface. Key Responsibilities: - Managing AWS EC2 instances: This includes monitoring performance, updating software, and setting up necessary security measures. - Automating tasks: Primarily, this will involve scheduling backups and orchestrating scripted deployments. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Linux and Command Line Interface (CLI). - Prior experience with AWS EC2 instances is crucial. - Familiarity with WordPress and MySQL is necessary. - iOS Terminal experience is a plus. Delivery Mode: - All sessions will be conducted via Zoom. - The freelancer should be able to co...

€25 / hr Average bid
€25 / hr Ortalama Teklif
56 teklifler

I'm seeking an expert in AWS cloud services and facial recognition technology to design and implement a comprehensive system. This system will be crucial for high-accuracy face detection and will integrate with the AWS Rekognition API. Your work will ensure the solution is compatible with web browsers and provides basic RESTful API integration for data fetching. Key Features: - Face Detection: The system should be able to detect and label faces in an image or video. - Face Comparison: It must have the capability to match faces against a stored database. - Face Indexing: The system should store faces for future recognition. - Emotion and Attribute Analysis: It should identify emotions, age range, gender, and more. - API Integration: Basic integration for data fetching is...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler educational mock test platform tailored for graduates preparing for government job exams. The platform should include a chatbot for user registration using their phone number and provide a top-notch user experience. Key features will include: - A chatbot for seamless user registration and support - Categorization of questions by difficulty levels: hard, moderate, and easy - Customizable test timings allowing users to increase or decrease as needed - A variety of question types with multiple options to choose from - A dedicated helpline feature for user inquiries and assistance The ideal candidate should have experience in educational platform development, chatbot integration, and a keen understanding of user experience to engage graduates effectively. A portfol...

€189 Average bid
€189 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

I'm looking for a PowerPoint template tailored for my new business that aligns with my logo. The primary use for this template will be creating PowerPoint slides for tutorial videos aimed at high school, college, and adult students. The chosen freelancer should have: - Experience in creating PowerPoint templates - A keen sense for design that matches brand identity - Understanding of creating content for individuals intersted in high-tech - Ability to create engaging and educationally appropriate slides The ultimate goal is to have a professional and appealing PowerPoint template that can be used for all my tutorial videos.

€38 Average bid
35 girdi

...ecommerce site focused on providing custom PC configurations. The site should include a variety of advanced features aimed at enhancing user experience and boosting sales. Key Features: - A custom PC configurator - Ability for users to fully customize product page templates - PDF download of configurations - Integration of live PC building videos - Sending of live quotations via email and SMS - A chatbot available on every product page - Role and review system - Excel product and order details management - Sales tracking functionality - Instagram and YouTube video integration Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ecommerce site development - Previous experience with creating interactive product configurators is a plus - Familiarity with integrating live videos and chatbo...

€1333 Average bid
€1333 Ortalama Teklif
59 teklifler

...frameworks such as NIST, ISO 27001, and OWASP Top 10. Integrate security practices into CI/CD pipelines using automation tools and DevSecOps methodologies. Technical Requirements: Strong understanding of cybersecurity principles, threat vectors, and common vulnerabilities. Hands-on experience with penetration testing tools (Burp Suite, Nessus, Metasploit). Familiarity with cloud security services in AWS, Azure, or GCP. Solid knowledge of network security concepts, including firewalls, IDS/IPS, VPNs. Experience with DevSecOps practices, including SAST and DAST technologies. Understanding of big data security and privacy considerations in large-scale environments. Qualifications: Several years of experience in security engineering, architecture, or risk assessment within enterpris...

€24 - €48 / hr
Mühürlü Gizlilik Anlaşması
€24 - €48 / hr
13 teklifler

I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in YouTube SEO, specifically in keyword optimization. The main goal is to increase the number of subscribers to my channel, which primarily features tutorials and how-to videos. Key responsibilities will include: -, which primarily features tutorials and how-to videos. Key responsibilities will include: - Conducting comprehensive keyword research to improve the visibility of my videos - Implementing effective SEO strategies to boost subscriber count The ideal candidate should have: - Proven track record of successful YouTube SEO - Excellent understanding of keyword optimization - Experience with tutorial and how-to content is a plus If you have the skills and experience to help my channel grow, I'd lo...

€176 Average bid
€176 Ortalama Teklif
42 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled video editor who can transform raw footage into engaging, high-quality tutorial content for my YouTube channel. The video will be aimed at providing clear, step-by-step instructions on a specific topic, so the editing needs to reflect that. Key Requirements: - Experience editing tutorial-style videos - Proficiency in creating content suitable for YouTube - Ability to enhance social media content for YouTube's platform Ideal Skills: - Video editing software proficiency (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Understanding of YouTube algorithms and audience engagement strategies - Creativity in editing to maintain viewer interest

€216 Average bid
€216 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

...differences in functionality between Tableau and QuickSight, such as handling dual-axis charts and blending data. • Optimize data sources (e.g., AWS Redshift, SPICE) for improved performance in QuickSight. • Validate metrics and visualizations to ensure consistency between Tableau and QuickSight dashboards. • Troubleshoot technical issues and provide creative solutions in a timely manner. Requirements: • Proven experience in both Tableau and Amazon QuickSight. • Expertise in data visualization and dashboard development. • Strong SQL skills, including experience with complex queries, joins, and data transformation. • Familiarity with AWS data services, including Redshift, S3, and SPICE. • Excellent communication ski...

€908 Average bid
€908 Ortalama Teklif
34 teklifler

... web app that needs work on the following: Our app is is a route optimization system designed for lawn care businesses. The system automates daily crew routing by optimizing travel paths using Google OR-Tools and OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine). How Route Optimization Works Retrieve Customer Locations: Fetch customers with next maintenance day = to current for maintenance today from AWS DynamoDB. Extract each customer’s longitude and latitude from the database. Add customer to correct crew tab table in main overview page if they are assigned to a crew. Assign Unassigned Customers Using K-Means Clustering: Identify customers without a crew assignment but scheduled for service K-Means clustering to determine the nearest customer address and add customer to that

€192 Average bid
€192 Ortalama Teklif
65 teklifler

PS & VPN Setup – Configure a dedicated VPS with built-in VPN for enhanced security ✅ AI Chatbot Migration – Move our existing AI chat system (Python, JavaScript, Node.js) to the new server ✅ Technical Setup – Ensure seamless functionality & data integrity post-transfer ✅ Optimization & Security – Implement firewalls, DDoS protection, and encryption ✅ Scalability & Maintenance – Future-proof system to handle AI growth & traffic spikes ✅ Testing & Validation – Ensure smooth operation with no data loss Ideal Candidate: ✔️ Proven experience in VPS setup + AI chatbot migration ✔️ Strong skills in Python, JavaScript, Node.js, Linux, and networking ✔️ Knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes, or server containerization is a plus ✔️...

€169 Average bid
€169 Ortalama Teklif
16 teklifler

Assume your a product manager trying to sell HashiCorp Vault, you need to compare it with its competitors such as "CyberArk, Akeyless, Azure secret manager, AWS secret manager" Slides include What is secret management software? Compression between Vault and the above competitors around the following 1- Market Share 2- Deployment Options 3- Disaster Recovery / Backup 4- Type of customers Bonus if your able to find a screenshot for Gartner Magic Quadrant describing it. I will give you bonus if you got a good design slides as well.

€48 Average bid
Özellikli Garantili Önde Gelen Yarışma
4 girdi

Project Description: AI-Powered Healthcare Chatbot Development & Continuous Learning System Objective We are looking for an experienced AI developer to design and integrate a ChatGPT-powered healthcare chatbot system to support: 1. Doctor Training 2. ASHA Worker Training 3. Mental Health Support & Crisis Detection 4. Patient Education & Guidance 5. Medical Report & Prescription Explanation 6. Data-Driven Insights for Continuous AI Improvement 7. Cost Estimation for Large-Scale ChatGPT API Usage The AI bot should analyze conversations, summarize chat results, identify major concerns, and for mental health support, detect when a patient requires urgent professional intervention. It must also read medical test results and doctor prescriptions, explainin...

€4998 Average bid
€4998 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

I'm in need of a skilled video editor to help refine my social media content, specifically for YouTube. - Focus: The primary aim of these videos is to cater to the tutorial style of editing. - Platform: All editing is geared towards making the footage suitable for YouTube. - Audience: The target audience is mainly social media users with an interest in tutorial-based content. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with editing YouTube tutorial videos. - A strong understanding of the pacing, style, and aesthetics typical of successful tutorial content on this platform. - Proficiency in using industry-standard editing software. If you meet these criteria and have a portfolio demonstrating your skills, I would love to h...

€11 Average bid
€11 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

I need a professional photographer who has expertise in makeup photography. The primary purpose of the photoshoot will be to create a series of visual tutorials or step-by-step guides for special occasion makeup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in makeup photography - Previous work with creating tutorial-style photography - Ability to capture intricate details of makeup - Creative vision for special occasion looks

€239 - €716
€239 - €716
0 teklifler

I need expert assistance to relocate my Farmdrop web and mobile applications to a new hosting provider and switch the domain to ShopBuddy. Here's a detailed outline of the tasks: - Transition all components to the new h...testing post-move to ensure seamless functionality. - Roll out the updates. Provided Information: - I possess full access to the DNS settings of - I require complete support in configuring the new hosting environment. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web and mobile app migration. - Prior experience with domain changes and DNS settings. - Expertise in setting up various hosting platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean). - Strong testing capabilities to ensure system functionality post-migration. - Excellent communication skills for seamless pro...

€94 Average bid
€94 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

...reducing repetitive manual steps.✅ Develop AI video production best practices using Synthesia for compliance training.✅ Refine the Storyline 360 course template to improve course assembly speed and consistency.✅ Document best practices for SCORM/xAPI packaging and LMS uploads to Brainier.✅ Create a step-by-step guide and video tutorial for Corporate Nerd’s internal team to follow. ? Deliverables: A structured document detailing workflow improvements. A recorded video tutorial explaining best practices and troubleshooting. Ideal Freelancer Qualifications: Strong experience with instructional design technologies (Storyline 360, SCORM/xAPI). Experience with AI-driven content production (ChatGPT, WellSaid Labs, Synthesia). Ability to document processes clearly and...

€1162 Average bid
Acil Gizlilik Anlaşması
€1162 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

I'm looking for a proficient AI developer to create a text-based chatbot for my website. The primary function of this chatbot will be to provide general information to users, with a specific focus on handling general inquiries and general product information. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a text-based AI chatbot for my website - Ensure the chatbot can effectively respond to technical support and general inquiries - Focus on creating a user-friendly and efficient interface Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in AI and chatbot development - Strong understanding of technical support queries - Excellent skills in creating text-based interfaces - Previous work on customer support chatbots is a plus

€153 - €306
Mühürlü Gizlilik Anlaşması
€153 - €306
16 teklifler