Auto dial asterisk pick işler
sifonik sistem as-built projeleri için ataşmanlar üşmanlarda boru metrajları listeler halinde gö işveren yöntem olarak etiketleme (leader)tercih etmektedir.Söz konusu işlemin yapılabilmesi için gerekli tüm teknik destek ve yönlendirme tarafımızca sağlanacak olup süreç proje sorumlusu arkadaşımız ile ko...sistem as-built projeleri için ataşmanlar üşmanlarda boru metrajları listeler halinde gö işveren yöntem olarak etiketleme (leader)tercih etmektedir.Söz konusu işlemin yapılabilmesi için gerekli tüm teknik destek ve yönlendirme tarafımızca sağlanacak olup süreç proje sorumlusu arkadaşımız ile koordineli bir şekilde sağlayacıdan talep edilen auto cad bilgisi ve uygulamasıdı...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
Google Dialogflow kaynağını kullanarak Asterisk veya Freeswitch ile çalışaçak Etkileşimli Sesli yanıt IVR oluşturma.
de bulunan ürünlerimiz ile ilgili olarak pazarlama yapılması .. Otomobil Yedek Parça Butik İmalat yapabiliyoruz Minumum Adet Üretim yapabiliyoruz. Kalıp İmalatları yapabiliyoruz Metal - Plastik - Döküm - Aluminyum - Enjeksyon Ürünlerimiz : Kaporta (Auto Body Parts ) - Fittings - Auto Rot Almanca - İngilizce - Türkçe Dil Bilmesi gereklidir . Yada Yabancı Dİl 1 Tanesi
Auto cad hem mimari hemde statik projeler bende var bi göz atın
merhabalar binan nft auto buy için program mevcut mudur bir kaç örneği youtubeda var ama dolandırıcı olma ihtimalleri var benimle iletişime geçer misiniz instagramım kadirkesgiin
Asterisk santrali c# dili kullanarak ve kaynak kodlarıyla beraber bir yönetim programı oluşturmak istiyoruz. Daha önce asterisk santrali üzerinde çalışmalar yapmış, konuya hakim kişiler ö santrali c# dili ile yapılacak görseller projemize eklenmiştir. Buradan inceleyebilirsiniz. Bu tarz bir yönetim paneli talep ediyoruz. Bu projede bizlere yardımcı olacak ve proje ile ilgilenen kişileri teklifleriyle birlikte bekliyoruz!
bir yazılım gerekiyor. Detaylar için görüşmek istiyorum.
Hocam merhaba. Binance futures da auto Trade için bot yaptırmak istiyorum. Konuyla ilgili tecrüben var mı?
Firmamız Pick-up 4x4 araçların aksesuar ve off road donanımlarını araçlara montajını ve aynı zamanda perakende satış ve pazarlamasını yapmaktadır. Hali hazırda firmamızın logosu bulunmaktadır. Sitemizi de inceleyerek bu konuda fikir edinebilirsiniz. Logo yenilenmesine giderek web sitemizde kullanacağımız, sticker baskısı yaptıracağımız, reklam ve promosyon ürünler de de rahatlıkla kullanabileceğimiz profesyonel bir logo istiyoruz
Merhaba, 40.000 Kullanıcı kapasiteli, eş zamanlı 10.000 çağrıyı kaldırabilecek Asterisk kurulumu için destek verebilecek bu konuda IP Telephony, Call Center, Voip, Network konularında tecrübeli çalışma arkadaşları arıyoruz.
Proje şartnameleri: · En az 10 parçadan oluşacak bir montaj resmi (sistemde cıvata, somun ve rondela bağlantısı olması zorunludur, parça numaraları, montaj başlığı ve kağıt antedi doldurulacak) · Standart olmayan parçaların yapım resimleri (ölçüler ve toleranslar verilecek, kağıt antetleri doldurulacak) · Tek bir dosyada standart parçaların çizimleri (sadece ölçülerin verilmesi yeterli olacak) · Bu çizim dosyaları tek bir dosyada "dwg" formatında 2014 veya daha alt bir sürümde ("Files of type" menüsü kullanılacak) E-posta adresine gönderilecek
Moodle is a lms system. I need a plugin for moodle. So teacher will able to upload a pdf file in moodle courses and determine some areas and pick A,B,C,D,E answear. So student select the his answer and get his grade. For sample:
Elastiks veya İssabel pbx santral üzerinde bir kaç ayar yapılması gerekiyor. Asteriks bilgisi olan uzman arkadaşa ihtiyacım olacak.
First of all to everyone, I have an e-commerce system running through woocommerce. And I sell the products at the stores. Market places such as Amazon, ebay, gittigidiyor. I want to attract products from sites like Amazon and make automatic transfers to other markets. ............. ........... Öncelikle herkese merhabalar, Bir e-ticaret sitem var woocommerce üzerinden çalışıyor. Ve marketyerlerinde ürün satışı gerçekleştiriyorum. Amazon,ebay, gittigidiyor gibi market yerlerinde. Amazon gibi sitelerden ürün çekmek ve diğer marketyerlerine otomatik aktarım yapmak istiyorum.
We are an IT company that manage and serve the customers. We need an web based app, preferably :, mssql or mysql, bootstrap, responsive, small mobile app included. This app will contain Customers, Contacts, Inventory, Our IT Staff, Tasks-Subtasks, Personal and General Dashboards, Aggrements(pdf docs), Renewable Services (Recurring Tasks), Auto Email/Screen Update/Change Alarms.
Yusuf Bey Merhaba, STH lisanslı bir telekom firmasında teknik departman müdürüyüm , şöyle bir sorunumuz var daha önceden çalışmakta olduğumuz aculab prosody s üzerine kurulu voip sisteminden asterisk platformuna taşınmaya çalışıyoruz test amaçlı kurduğumuz server üzerinde denemeler yapıyoruz, şu anda çağrılarımızda bir sorun yok istediğimiz şekilde çalışıyor olmasına rağmen dtmf detection sorunumuz var, ne yaptıysak asteriskin dtmfleri yakalamasını bir türlü başaramadık, bu konuda bize yardımcı olma şansınız var mıdır?Teşekkürler.
Yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var Bunu sadece tasarlayın Diğer ya da belirsiz Auto surf (Traffic exchange) script istiyorum. Özellikler hepsinde oldugu gibi puan karsiligi site eklenecek. Surf yaptikca puan kazanacak
sitesi için WP XYZScript social Media Auto Post eklentinin sosyal medya hesaplarında (Facebook, Twitter ve Google+) paylaşım ayarlarını resimli, eklentileri hastag olarak gösterecek ve site linki verecek şekilde yapabilirmisiniz?
Öncelikle sana "Hack-Auto Management" ön elemesini geçip iş simülasyon oyununu oynamaya hak kazandığını memnuniyetle bildirmek isteriz! Bu aşamadan sonra 10'lu gruplarda yarışarak 400 kişi arasından finale kalmak için kıyasıya bir mücadele seni bekliyor. Simülasyon 5 Aralık Cumartesi günü başlayacak ve 12 gün sürecek. Endişelenme her aşamada seni bilgilendireceğiz. Başvuru sırasında bize verdiğin mail adresini düzenli olarak kontrol etmen bizim için yeterli. Bu süreçte sana simülasyonu anlama konusunda yardımcı olacak ve oyunun kurallarını içeren dokümanlara aşağıdaki linklere tıklayarak ulaşabilirsin. Bu dokümanları dikkatle okuman, oyunda başarılı olm...
Otomatik hit sitesi yaptırmayı dusunuyorum. gibi basit olacak ve çalışacak. turkçe olacak site. buna benzer ornekler varsa görüşülebilir.
Hello we are looking for WHMCS: Auto provisioning of VMware ESXI for vps automation delivery after completing order. Auto Server Create Auto OS Installation (Using NOC-PS) Auto Assign IP address vKVM Support Start,Stop,Restart,Suspend,Unsuspend Server Server Informations (RAM,CPU,HDD)
Merhabalar, Lütfen Hızlı Türkiye 'den sadece benimle iletişim kurun. Başarılar dilerim.
Merhabalar, Lütfen Hızlı Türkiye 'den sadece benimle iletişim kurun. Başarılar dilerim.
Asterisk üzerinde çalışan crm yazılımını geliştirmek için proje desteği istiyoruz yapmış olduğumuz crm yazılımına data arama ve data kayıtlarının tutulduğu arayüz entegrasyonu yapılıcak.
i want CCcam Control Panel be created like Otomatik Üye kapatma (Clients End Date and Auto Close) Sınırsız Üye ekleme (Add clients Unlimited) Otomatik Mail Gönderme (Automatic E-Mail Delivery) MultiCCcam Bağlantısı (Managing all the servers from a single point) Dynamic Ip Update Otomatik Resetleme (Auto Restart) CCcam İşlem Kontrolu (CCcam Process Control) Sms Desteği (Sms Support) Özel Paketler (Private Packages) Api Desteği (Api Support) Bayi Girişi (CCcam Reseller) Yedekleme (Backup) Otomatik Banlama (Auto Ban)
online bir yarışmada arkadaşım yarışıyor. Karşı taraf sanırım ototmatik voting kullanıyor. Biz de böyle bir yola başvurmak istiyoruz
Merhaba; Aşağıda detayları belirtilen upload scripti yaptırılacaktır. Database'de ilgili tablodaki alanlar; Tablo1 ------------------------ Id : INT (Auto) UrunId : INT DosyaAdi : VARCHAR DosyaTuru : VARCHAR MaxUpload : INT Fiyat : DECIMAL Örn : Öncelikle database'de UrunId=15 olan kayıtları seçiyoruz. Örnek Resim : & Resime uygun database Kaydı : Id : 1 UrunId : 15 DosyaAdi : Kapak DosyaTuru : jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,png ( Virgül ile ayırıyoruz ) MaxUpload : 1 Fiyat : 2,00 ( Yüklenen her dosya için div tagı içerisinde +2 TL eklenecektir ) Id : 2 UrunId : 15 DosyaAdi : Profil DosyaTuru : jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,png ( Virgül ile ayırıyoruz ) MaxUpload : 10
✅ AI-Powered Code Converter (Users write code in one language, and it auto-converts to another) ✅ Side-by-Side Code Comparison (Preloaded code snippets in multiple languages) ✅ Trivia Quiz for Programmers (Random 10, 15, or 25-question quizzes with a leaderboard) ✅ Job Board (Companies post jobs, recruiters manage profiles) ✅ Freelance Marketplace (Trainers and freelancers can list their services) ✅ Forum & Community (Programmers can discuss tech topics) ? Key Features Needed: AI Code Converter: Users enter code in one language, and it auto-translates Side-by-Side Code Display: Compare code snippets in different languages Quiz System: Time-based scoring, randomized questions, leaderboard User Profiles: Track quiz scores, job applications, and forum activity Job Board: C...
We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th 1000 rupees per day 4000 for 4 days. Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: comfortable escorting and interacting with candidates during their interviews? Our office is located [Link to Google Maps: ]. Approximately how far is this from your location? What is your daily rate for an 8-hour workday (excluding commute time)? We look forward to hearing from you! By metro, You can travel to Kundalahalli (purple line) and then use auto to our office location.
...skilled freelancer (or team) to develop a custom mobile application for my timber milling operation. The app will serve two primary functions: Timber Inventory Management: Data Capture: Allow field operators to capture timber inventory data using a mobile device. Use the phone’s camera to scan timber piles and auto-detect the count (for now, a simulated count is acceptable, with the option for later AI/computer-vision integration). Provide an interface for manual correction if the auto-detected count doesn’t match the physical count. Data Entry: Use dropdown menus to select timber descriptions, sizes, and lengths. Offline Capability: The app must work offline and synchronize data with the cloud when connectivity is available. Bookkeeping & Financial Rep...
...Provide role-based menu access to employees Define authority and immediate reporting employee for each user. DASH BOARD Which shows employee wise tickets raised, solved, pending, escalated, about to be escalated Which shows types of no. of tickets raised viz. Support/Complaint/Enquiry etc.. Modern, responsive, and user-friendly interface. Raise a ticket Option to edit/add remarks/ cancel the ticket Auto assign to the responsible person Alert email to be sent to creator as well receiver Response to the ticket… with option to mention time required to work on the ticket. After passing the given time by responder with in 12 hours, the ticket will be escalated to his/her senior The senior can in turn try to resolve issue or give the time to be taken to resolve issue. The comm...
...that connects motorcycle and bicycle drivers to collect orders from our inventory and deliver them to brand customers. The key features of the app should include: - Driver tracking - Order management - Payment integration - Rating and review system for customers to rate drivers and provide feedback on their delivery experience. The delivery requests should be designed in a way that drivers can pick available requests on their own. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in developing logistics or delivery mobile applications, with a strong understanding of order management systems and payment integrations. Provide basic access for drivers and customers without specific user roles. Include real-time notifications for drivers and customers. Please include...
...suggest it. Ideal Skills and Experience: ✅ Extensive knowledge and experience with FreeScout (or similar open-source helpdesk/complaint management systems) ✅ Proficiency in working with third-party APIs, particularly WhatsApp (experience integrating WhatsApp chat support with CRM/helpdesk systems) ✅ Strong background in ticketing systems and automation (ability to configure complaint tracking, auto-assignments, status updates, and escalation workflows) ✅ Experience in multi-tier user management (creating separate logins, role-based access, and team structures) ✅ Excellent communication and tracking system setup skills (ensuring real-time complaint status updates, analytics, and reporting for admins) ✅ Ability to suggest alternative open-source solutions (if FreeScout isn't ...
We have current web application hosted on a VM which has SQL server on it. We need to move this application to SAS model with Azure App service (Webapp), Azure SQL Server & with a storage account (The BOQ is attached). Scope: - Configure the Azure subscription with the needed 3 com...application to SAS model with Azure App service (Webapp), Azure SQL Server & with a storage account (The BOQ is attached). Scope: - Configure the Azure subscription with the needed 3 components - Upload necessary files & databases to the app service & SQL server. - Configure the blob storage account. - Host the application on a subdomain and configure SSL. - Configure Application Insights - Configure Auto scaling for App & SQL - Test the application - Provide feedback & a...
...implement data synchronization tasks effectively - Knowledge of API integrations, especially for Teachworks - Detail-oriented approach to ensure data accuracy and consistency The primary goal of this automation is to streamline data transfer between Teachworks and Google Sheets. We need to fist have all the tutors automatically uploaded into google sheets using the integration, then all new tutors auto-updated, and whenever a change is made in a tutor's portal this change must also be automatically updated in google sheets. Additionally, once this is set up you also need to make it so that we can sort these values in Google Sheets. E.g. I can say I only want to view tutors who teach Y7-10 Maths, or I only want tutors who teach x subject and is available on xyz day/s. Etc....
...sentiment analysis to detect emotional distress ✅ Flags conversations that indicate increased stress, burnout, or crisis situations ✅ Recommends proactive interventions (e.g., mindfulness exercises, therapist recommendations) ✅ Notifies HR (optional, anonymous insights) for workplace mental well-being tracking 2.5. WhatsApp Integration (Twilio API) ✅ Supports two-way WhatsApp communication ✅ AI auto-replies based on workplace mental health best practices ✅ Allows HR or counselors to send proactive check-ins 2.6. Secure & Scalable Deployment ✅ End-to-end encryption for sensitive data ✅ Scalable Flask-based backend with API endpoints ✅ Can be deployed on AWS, GCP, or Azure 3. Subscription Pricing Plan 3.1. B2C & B2B Pricing Structure Plan Type Pricing Employee Lim...
We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th 1000 rupees per day 4000 for 4 days. Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: comfortable escorting and interacting with candidates during their interviews? Our office is located [Link to Google Maps: ]. Approximately how far is this from your location? What is your daily rate for an 8-hour workday (excluding commute time)? We look forward to hearing from you! By metro, You can travel to Kundalahalli (purple line) and then use auto to our office location.
I'm starting an online business centred on sourcing and selling used trucks, & Cars engine components, pr...starting an online business centred on sourcing and selling used trucks, & Cars engine components, primarily from Ford, Chevrolet, and Toyota Etc. The aim is to provide affordable, sustainable parts to customers across the USA. Key Aspects: - Focus on engine components from salvage yards nationwide. - Competitive pricing strategy based on direct sourcing. - Targeting individuals, repair shops, and auto enthusiasts. - Emphasizing reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Website setup and management - Supply chain optimization - Excellent customer service - Knowledge of trucks & car parts and brands - Experience in s...
We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th 1000 rupees per day 4000 for 4 days. Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: comfortable escorting and interacting with candidates during their interviews? Our office is located [Link to Google Maps: ]. Approximately how far is this from your location? What is your daily rate for an 8-hour workday (excluding commute time)? We look forward to hearing from you! By metro, You can travel to Kundalahalli (purple line) and then use auto to our office location.
I need a Google Sheet set up with drop down lists that are based on a Xero template. The sheet needs drop down boxes that automatically select other information for other columns that usually stays the same. Requirements: - Use of existing data from Xero that includes products and prices. - Creation of drop-down lists that include product details, service details and expense categories. - Auto-filling of columns based on drop-down selections, specifically pricing details and product descriptions. - No need for calculations or formulas to be triggered by drop-down selections, only static data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Google Sheets and familiar with Xero. - Experience in creating automated spreadsheets with drop down lists and static data. - Attention to detail ...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...everything under my control. --- Key Requirements: 1. Form Creation & Integration 2. Implement CAPTCHA or other spam prevention techniques on the form to avoid unwanted submissions. Build or configure a secure form on WordPress (could be using Contact Form 7 or Forminator, but open to recommendations). Include fields for sensitive data (social security numbers, bank details, etc.). 2. PDF Auto-Filling Use a WordPress plugin like E2PDF (or similar) to map form fields to a pre-designed PDF template. Ensure the PDF is automatically generated with user data upon submission. 3. Email Delivery After form submission, the filled PDF must be emailed to me (the site owner) and optionally to the user. Must include custom email notifications, subject lines, etc. 4. Sec...
Presupuesto 35 dólares todo se hará remotamente urgente Se requiere solución puntual para troncal sip, entre asterisk cloud y asterisk en sitio detrás de un firewall pfsense, para llamadas donde no se logra que pase rtp de un lado.
I'm seeking a professional to automate the process of applying payments from ERA autoposting to multiple insurance accounts on the HealthFusion website. This task involves utilizing the entirety of the ERA, including payment amounts, adjustment codes, and denial reasons. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HealthFusion software - Experienced with ERA and auto posting - Strong data entry skills Please note, this project requires meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of handling insurance accounts. Prior experience in the healthcare industry is highly desirable.
...**administrators, medical staff, and patients** while ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). --- ## **Core Features** ### **1. Appointment Scheduling & Patient Registration** - **Online & Offline Booking System**: Allow patients to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments. - **Automated Appointment Reminders**: Email, SMS, and push notifications. - **Waiting List Management**: Auto-fill canceled slots. - **Multi-Location & Multi-Specialty Support**: Enable booking across different healthcare centers. ### **2. Patient Journey & Workflow Management** - **Check-in & Check-out Tracking**: Monitor patient flow in real-time. - **Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Integration**: Securely store and manage patient histories. - **Visit Not...
...using Kubernetes on AWS. The application will leverage a microservices architecture and should include the following: - Auto-scaling: The application must be able to handle varying loads seamlessly, ensuring optimal performance at all times. - CI/CD Pipelines: These are essential for enabling continuous delivery, making use of best practices in DevOps. - Monitoring: Although I haven't specified a preferred tool, experience with popular ones like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch would be beneficial. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Kubernetes and AWS. - A solid understanding of microservices architecture. - Proven skills in setting up auto-scaling and CI/CD pipelines. - Familiarity with various monitoring tools. Please note, while I ha...
I'm facing a critical issue with the Razorpay auto capture feature. Payments are not being captured after transaction completion. Ideal candidate should be well-versed with Razorpay APIs and have experience troubleshooting payment capture issues. Immediate assistance is needed. Our site is in Laravel - We have payment getaway thats working fine, payment is getting done but its not getting auto capture so admin need to do it manually so you need to auto capture this. and also need to cross check in some browser case some time transaction and coupon code not getting updated in database so may be some time its not getting redirected back to the website in some browser. so you need these 2 things to fix. we need to this fixed now.
...various stages but at a minimum in the beginning or when detailed design is underway. ENVR has Auto-CAD software subscription, or you are welcome to bring your own computer - whatever is preferred. AutoCad: All ENVRs drawings have been developed through AutoCad, with templates created for ease of use. - Design Drawings: These will need to encompass detailed system design with hydrualic layouts, equipment specifications, structural components, and overall site set-out plans. - Type of Drawings: various - from initial design, detailed design and as-constructed. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating mechanical, electrical and construction detail drawings - Ability to use and/or have access to Auto-CAD or CAD compatible software systems - Understanding of or experience i...