Arduino based light switches işler
Arduino ile akvaryumun ısısı, ortamın nemi, elektrik durumu anlık olarak wifi ile yada gsm modül ile belirlenen web sitesindeki mysql veritabanına kayıt edilecek. Rf bağlantılı 8 li 220 volt kontrollü priz de web arayüzü ile kontrol edilebilecek. Kullanıcı web arayüzü ile prizleri açıp kapatabilecek yada uyarı alarm ayarlayabilecek. Uyarılar kullanıcının telefonuna sms olarak iletilecek. Android ve ios üzerinden uygulama ile bu verilere ulaşabilecek
Arduino analog çıkışı veya potansiyometreden 0-5V sinyal ile 12V sabit gerilim ve 0-2A arası değişen güç kaynağı istiyoruz. Pcb olabilir devre şeması da olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A arduino analog çıkışı 2V için 12V ve 0.8A arduino analog çıkışı 3V için 12V ve 1.2A arduino analog çıkışı 4V için 12V ve 1.6A arduino analog çıkışı 5V için 12V ve 2.0A I want to control 12V and 0-2A by 0-5V signal. I need a circuit and when I apply signal it's output will give me Signal 1V and circuit output 12 and 0.4A Signal 2V and circuit output 12 and 0.8A Signal 3V and circuit output 12 and 1.2A Signal 4V and circuit output 12 and 1.6...
Hello there, We want to have a stylish listing app...there, We want to have a stylish listing application with small but effective design. As a general feature, all web services will be given by us and we would like to take delivery with design and coding. The main points of the application are; 1 - User login operations, password renewal and other operations. (user can login with e-mail or social media accounts) 2 - The design should be visually light but effective. 3 - We have an entry form with three or four lines. There are screens that record and list this form. 4 - Notification library for OneSignal. 5 - Settings screen. We don't have too many settings on the settings screen. 6 - Native or hybrid structure. 7 - Ios & Android Compatible. We are waiting for your o...
TCPyle yazılmış turn based oyunumuz için maintanence ve bug çözümleri
Merhabalar Arduino mega için kod yazılacak kodum herhangi bir ekrandan belirlenen gecikmeleri girebileceğim bir arayüze sahip olacak arduino megaya bağladığım butonların bazıları sayma işlemi gerçekleştirecek bazıları basıldığında bir döngüyü başlatacak bazıları durduracak bir programa ihtiyacım var, program akışını kumanda edebileceğim kodun belli döngülerine gönderen butonlar da olacak.
Merhabalar, com port üzerinden gelen veriyi 4 grup halinde gösteren, bu 4 lü gruplar arasındaki maksimum değerleri zaman grafiği ile gösteren ve rapor alınmak istediğinde pdf olarak rapor ismi ve zaman damgası ile kayıt eden bir yazılım. Veri arduino ile kayıt edilecektir, 12 adet sensörden saniyede 1000er adet veri gelecektir ve işlem 3-4 saniye olacaktır.
Merhabalar, arduino üzerinden okunan 12 adet sensör verisini com porttan c# veya java ile bilgisayarda görüntülemek istiyoruz.
nt LedPin= 13; //13. portu LedPin olarak tanımladık. char gelen; //Gelen isminde bir karakter tanımlıyoruz. void setup (){ (9600); pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT); //LedPini çıkış olarak tanımlıyoruz. } void loop (){ if(()>0) gelen=(); // Serial port okuma komutunu gelen karakterine atıyoruz. if(gelen== 'H') digita...void loop (){ if(()>0) gelen=(); // Serial port okuma komutunu gelen karakterine atıyoruz. if(gelen== 'H') digitalWrite (LedPin, HIGH); //H harfi ile ledi yakma komutunu tanımlıyoruz. if(gelen== 'L') digitalWrite (LedPin, LOW); //L harfi ile ledi söndürme komutunu tanımlıyoruz. } ben bu kodu arada pc olmadan ps2 klavye ile direk çalıştırmak istiyorum. yani arduino+led+ps2 klavye+pil
Platfrom temelinde online satış mağazası oluşturmak.
Arduino üzerinde bir lm35 sıcaklık ölçüyen sensörü ve bir led ekran olacak. Ölçünen sıcaklığı led ekranda gösterecek ve aynı zamanda arduinodaki sıcaklık derecelerini wep sitede grafik şeklinde göstermeli ama ilk önce buluta (cloud) gönderecek ve sonra buluttan wep siteye gitmesi gerekiyor. Bu sadece üniversite projesi için kullanacağım sade bişey olsa yeter ne kadar çabuk olursa okadar iyi teşekkür ederim
Windows Diğer ya da belirsiz Arduino uzerinden binaryi ascii ye ceviren kod
Windows C ya da C++ Elektrik elektronik bitirme projesi icin devreler hazir. Program arayuzunude visual basicde ayarlarim. Fakat program arayuzuyle arduinonun haberlesmesi gerekiyor. Progragram basilan butonlarla arduinodan bilgi alip bilgi vermesi gerekiyor
Arduino ile elektronik barometre yapılacak , sensörler kullanılarak herhangi bir yerin herhangi bir zamanda basınç , nem ve sıcaklık değerleri ölçülerek lcd ekrana yansıtılacak. Bizim ihtiyacımız olan bu proje de arduino yazılımı ve devresi
Arduino ile elektronik barometre yapılacak , sensörler kullanılarak herhangi bir yerin herhangi bir zamanda basınç , nem ve sıcaklık değerleri ölçülerek lcd ekrana yansıtılacak. Bizim ihtiyacımız olan bu proje de arduino yazılımı ve devresi
Donanım Tasarımı; Atmel ve PIC Serisi Mikrodenetleyiciler, SMD Malzeme Operatörlüğü, Analog ve Sayısal Devre Tasarımı Elektronik Kart Çizimi (Şematik-PCB) - Basımı, RF modül kontrollü 8 Röle çıkışlı Donanım Tasarımı ve Yazılımının yapılm...Serisi Mikrodenetleyiciler, SMD Malzeme Operatörlüğü, Analog ve Sayısal Devre Tasarımı Elektronik Kart Çizimi (Şematik-PCB) - Basımı, RF modül kontrollü 8 Röle çıkışlı Donanım Tasarımı ve Yazılımının yapılması. USB, RS232, Can-bus, DC, step motor uygulamaları, Timer ve İnterrupt uygulamaları. Osilaskop, Sinyal jeneratörü Ve Avometre Kullanıımı. Yazılım Tasarımlarında; MikroC For PIC Arduino c# FPGA Sistem Tasarımı ile ilgili refe...
kandaki starayon ve ritim ölçebilecek, ardu nano kitle çalışan , sonucu lcd ekrana atan bir kit ve kodlarını istiyorum
ses kaynağının yönünü ve mesafesini tespit edebilen arduino veye raspberry ile yapılmış devre dizaynı ve kodlaması gerekiyor
bu rapor turnitin sistemine yüklenilecektir, alıntı yüzde 10 geçmeyecektir .teslim süresi 1 haftadır
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Logo for a Real Estate company based in Istanbul' you need to be available to work as a freelancer right now. /// Adaylar üzerinden hızlıca geçip uygun kişiye hemen kontratlı olarak başlatacağız. Yakın gelecekte full-time çalışma perspektifi olacaktır. Seçildiğiniz takdirde İstanbul'daki geliştirme takımımızla beraber hemen başlayacaksınız, bu bakımdan şu an çalışmaya müsait olmanız gerekmektedir. The product you will work on is a web-based analytics interface comprised of dashboards and reports built on top of the .Net platform with Knockout JS as the JavaScript framework. The data the reports pull come from MS SQL Server. Although the Java platform is not utilized at the moment, we would like you to be well versed with Java as there will be a switch to the Java platform in th...
Bütçeyi projeyi konuşup detaylıca konuşup kararlaştırdıktan sonra belirlemek istiyorum. Hi, First of all i want to describe the system which is going to be installed. Building a web site for my restaurant , in which pizza and such products are made and sold this system will use the WooCommerce infrastructure. Therefore, we need to make some customizations on the WooCommerce, and these are shortly: 1. The integration between WooCommerce and Paytrail () because most of the payments will be via this system this must be in our web site. Paytrail has already mentioned on its website that it supports WooCommerce. If pay cash can be realized apart from that, pay system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and certificates to ge...
Linkteki t-shirtlerin tasarımlarına ihtiyacım var. tasarımlar A4 boyutunda olmalı. Detayları konuşmak için mesaj atın 1. 2. 3.
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Arduino - Dorji RF Protocol'
rc araç için civic ep3 typer kasa kep yapılması gerekiyor, daha önce yapmayı denedik fakat çok hatalı oldu obje , tek seferde birebir aynısını çıkaracak birilerini arıyorum, veya benim çalışma üstünde düzenleme yapabilecek 3d baskıya uygun hali getirebilecek, kare kare ...için civic ep3 typer kasa kep yapılması gerekiyor, daha önce yapmayı denedik fakat çok hatalı oldu obje , tek seferde birebir aynısını çıkaracak birilerini arıyorum, veya benim çalışma üstünde düzenleme yapabilecek 3d baskıya uygun hali getirebilecek, kare kare olmayacak smooth yüzey yaratabilecek birileri araç oem makyajlı kasa olacak mugen spoileri ve far ile stop içi ayrı olacak , kep için...
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini ve email'lerini yazmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
writing/creating/researching five articles for my blog on house party ideas? 400-500 words each. Each article describes and give information/guide on one idea. It has to be informal and fun, and encouraging with some author's opinion(light fun opinion) so people would want to respond/leave comments. You will need to perform some research for fun/unusual/extiting ideas. Please do not use very first borring google page for your researches, no rewriting. Could you use your life experience or something similar? I think you'll like it :) I will have more orders in the future, around 50-100 articles. Best regards.
...################################################ Don't try to upload strange result like something generated by AI for cheating . If you try to cheat, I will report to ######################################################### 3D Rendering And Video from our drone 3d design. This drone take off by hand launch. Main purpose is for military surveillance. Special features are Light Weight, Long Endurance, Blended wing body drone, Easy to take off, Ready to fly in 5 minutes. To do list : 1. 3D Rendering Image from our drone 3d design. / file : .step 2. 3D Rendering Video from our drone 3d design. / file : .mp4 / video length : 1 minute - Video Concept is military, deference drone. Please check the following the following link :
...a team of experts to help me create an exciting new subscription-based website. The site will offer engaging content and will need to cater to several subscription models. Key Aspects of the Project: - **Content**: The website will have a variety of content, making it appealing to a broad audience. - **Subscription Models**: The site will have flexible subscription options - monthly, quarterly, and yearly. - **Key Functionalities**: - **User Account Management**: A seamless registration and login process, with options for user profiles. - **Payment Processing**: Secure, reliable, and easy-to-navigate payment systems. - **Content Access Control**: A robust system to manage what content is available to which users based on their subscription level. Ideal Candidate...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android application and a corresponding web application for user enrollment and management in an academy setting. Android App Functionalities: - Aadhar Verification: The app will need to verify users through their Aadhar numbers. - Form Filling: Users should be able to fill out necessary forms within the app. - Photo Capture: The app needs functionality for capturing user photographs. Web App Features: - User Management: The web app will need to have features for managing users enrolled through the Android app. - Enrollment Data Management: The web app should be capable of handling and organizing enrollment data. Additional Authentication: - The system will require a standard username and password setup alongside Aadhar verification ...
...hierarchical structure, formatted as follows: H2: Topic 1 H3: Subtopic 1.1 H4: Detail 1.1.1 H4: Detail 1.1.2 H3: Subtopic 1.2 H3: Subtopic 1.3 H2: Topic 2 H2: Topic 3 H3: Subtopic 3.1 H3: Subtopic 3.2 H3: Subtopic 3.3 H4: Detail 3.1.1 H4: Detail 3.1.2 H4: Detail 3.1.3 - Each H2 represents a primary topic. - Subheadings (H3, H4, H5, etc.) are nested under their respective H2 headings. 2. Group-Based Article Generation: - Each H2 and its corresponding subheadings (if any) are treated as a single group. - Groups are sent to the OpenRouter API for generating content in Markdown format. - If an H2 has no subheadings, it is processed as an independent group. Problem Statement: While the script generates the outline correctly, the looping mechanism introduces errors during group proc...
...connects to the kitchen. o The bar should seamlessly integrate with the restaurant's overall aesthetic and functionality. 3. Seating Capacity o The restaurant must accommodate 75 to 85 seats, ensuring comfort and efficient use of space. Aesthetic Guidelines 1. Materials and Colors o Use light wood and natural materials for a warm, inviting atmosphere. o Olive trees or similar elements should be incorporated to evoke a Mediterranean ambiance. o The overall design should be bright and airy; utilizing light tiles and pale wood tones to create a tranquil setting. This minimalist approach ensures that the vibrant greenery of the plants becomes the central visual highlight, adding lively bursts of color throughout the space. 2. Ceiling Design o Incorporate woode...
I'm in search of a Logistics Coordinator based in the Philippines for an Australian food delivery app. This role encompasses a broad range of responsibilities, all of which are pivotal to the smooth operation of our service. Key Responsibilities: - Manage delivery schedules: You'll need to ensure that all deliveries are on time and efficiently planned. - Coordinate with delivery drivers: Your role will involve liaising with our team of delivery drivers, making sure they have the information they need and are following their routes efficiently. - Resolve customer inquiries: Handling customer queries is a vital part of this role. Your excellent communication skills will be put to the test as you interact with our clients, addressing their concerns and queries in a professio...
...large spinosaurus-like arms and a small sail on its back. With mostly scales, light fur on its back and slight feathers. Yellow eagle-like eyes. Dark greenish skin. Sharp claws. Slight horns on its head. Also curved quills sticking out from the back of it neck. Specifications: - The creature should combine features of the following… African wild dog Polar bear and Kodiak bear Hippopotamus Golden Eagle Velociraptor (Jurassic Park III specimen) Tyrannosaurus (Sue specimen) Spinosaurus (Jurassic Park III specimen) Utahraptor Saltwater crocodile Chimpanzee Collared Lizard Allosaurus Carnotaurus Tabby cat Shrew - A realistic interpretation of this hybrid dinosaur with both feathers, scales and light fur on its back. - Attention to detail and ability...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can update our current logo as part of our rebranding effort. Key Requirements: - Understands and can implement a minimalist design approach - Proficient in creating designs that can be used across various formats (AI, PDF, TIFF, PNG) - Can creatively incorporate red and black into the design, with small touches of light blue - Has experience with rebranding design projects The primary goal is to modernize our logo while ensuring improved readability on digital platforms. The ideal freelancer will have a strong portfolio of similar projects and be able to provide examples of previous work.
We're in search of a Visual Effects Artist for our film production project. Your main tasks will include: Key Responsibilities: - Design and create cinematic visual effects, such as: - HUDs, light effects, and sci-fi holograms. - Simulations of natural elements like lightning, flame-like energy, and energy pulses. - Handle compositing and rotoscoping, specifically of character movements interacting with CGI elements. - Collaborate with our talented team of VFX artists across various disciplines. - Deliver high-quality work efficiently, meeting competitive turnaround times and reasonable rates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of creating visual effects for feature films or similar high-caliber projects. - Proficient in industry-standard soft...
I'm looking for a minimalist design for a t-shirt that incorporates my logo, a specific mountain (Matterhorn), and geometric shapes. The design should be limited to three colors: dark blue, light blue fluorescent, and white. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-Shirt Design - Brand Incorporation Specific Requirements: - Use of provided mountain images as reference - Incorporation of my logo in the requested format - Geometric shapes blended seamlessly into the design - Center placement of the design on the t-shirt Please note: I will provide all necessary reference images.
I'm seeking assistance to edit out a light streak on a family photo. The streak is unfortunately impacting a person's head in the picture. - Desired Retouching Level: The retouching should be done in a natural manner. The photo should not look overly edited. - Photo Format: The photo is in JPEG format. Ideal candidates should have a keen eye for detail, experience in photo editing and retouching, and able to deliver a high-quality, natural-looking edit.
I'm looking for an editor for my YouTube channel that features anime videos. I will provide a specific editing style that includes overlays, sound effects, and clips. Key Requirements: - Experience in video editing, particularly with anime content. - Experience using the editing app CapCut. - Ability to follow the provided editing style. - Knowledge of anime, manga, and light novels. - Proficiency in adding text overlays as per instructions. - Creative input is welcome but not necessary.
I'm looking for a highly skilled graphic designer with proven experience in the advertising agency . The designer will need to create various types of graphics like: Printing Material of Institution, Flyer, Bookelt, Paper ads, News Paper Design, Event / Activity print materials. Key Responsibilities: - Create a diverse range of ad designs including banner ads, social media ads, and print ads The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio showcasing their graphic design work, particularly within an advertising agency context. Excellent understanding of brand consistency across various platforms and mediums is crucial.
I am seeking an expert in scoping reviews and literature reviews, specifically within the realm of mental health in medical research. Key aspects of the project include: - Conducting a scoping review as a second reviewer on mental health literature. - literature. - Documenting search results - Selecting studies from search results to be included in literature review The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in conducting scoping and literature reviews. - A background in medical research, particularly in mental health. - Excellent English in reading and writing. - Immediate availability. Your expertise will help shed light on the current state of mental health research and its implications for public health, informing future research and policy d...
I need a skilled photo editor to enhance a few images by alleviating harsh shadows. The primary subjects of these photos are people. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in advanced photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experience in portrait photography editing - Excellent understanding of light manipulation - Attention to detail - Able to deliver high-quality work within a short time frame.
I'm seeking a professional pitch deck creator for my ...Key Elements to Highlight: - Market Analysis: Comprehensive understanding of our target market, potential growth, and competitive landscape. - Financial Projections: Clear, compelling forecasts highlighting the brand's profitability and return on investment potential. Visual Style: The pitch deck should have a corporate and professional demeanor, presenting our brand in a serious yet attractive light to potential investors. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in creating pitch decks - Strong understanding of market analysis and financial projections - Ability to present information in a corporate and professional style. Your expertise in these areas will be crucial in making our brand appealing to ...
I'm looking to develop a Laravel-based e-commerce application aimed at selling medicines wholesale to pharmacies. This project involves creating a user-friendly interface and robust backend to handle the complexities of medicine wholesale. Key Features: - User Authentication and Profiles: The application should allow secure sign-up and login processes for pharmacies, creating individual profiles for order histories and preferences. - Product Catalog with Search: A comprehensive, easily navigable product catalog is essential, with a powerful search function to help pharmacies find what they need quickly. - Order Processing and Management: The application must include a seamless order processing system, with features for tracking and managing orders. Ideal Skills and Experience...
I'm in need of a market researcher situated in Houston, Texas, with a focus on the retail sector. The primary objective of this project is to analyze current and emerging trends within the retail market. Ideal Candidate: - Based in Houston, Texas - Proven experience in market research, particularly within the retail sector - Strong analytical skills to interpret market data - Proficient in identifying and predicting market trends - Excellent communication skills for presenting findings
I'm in need of a skilled developer with expertise in Laravel to craft a service-oriented e-commerce marketplace. The project entails not just building a new platform, but also upgrading and redesigning an existing site. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Laravel-based marketplace for services. - Upgrade and redesign an existing e-commerce platform. - Enhance the user interface (UI) design. - Improve the user experience (UX) flow. - Optimize site performance and speed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel with a portfolio of e-commerce marketplaces. - Strong skills in UI/UX design. - Experience with improving site performance and speed. - Ability to upgrade and redesign existing platforms. I'm looking for someone who can deliver a top-notch, efficient an... attract readers of all backgrounds. Key Elements to Include Title & Tagline Placement Title: "The Ultimate Habit" should be bold, impactful, and stand out immediately. Tagline: "Two Minutes a Day: Breathe God’s Word, Exhale Peace, and Transform Your Life Forever" should be clear and complementary to the title. Imagery Use light, breath, or radiance as central themes to symbolize God’s Word and its transformative power. Consider faith-based imagery like a dove, light breaking through clouds, or a glowing path. Include a sense of calm and renewal, such as a serene landscape or abstract elements evoking breath and peace. Color Palette Soft blues, golds, or gentle whites to represent peace, spirituality, and divine connection. T...
I need a single line diagram (SLD) for a solar ground mount system. The primary purpose of this SLD is for permitting and inspection, so it needs to be meticulously detailed and adhere to the National Electrical Code (NEC). Key Components to Include: - Solar panels and inverter - Disconnect switches and breakers - Grounding system and transformers - Tigo - DC and AC breakers PE stamp massachusetts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating single line diagrams for solar installations - Deep understanding and adherence to NEC standards - Previous experience with designs intended for permitting and inspection - Familiarity with incorporating components such as Tigo and various breakers into SLDs. professional engineer 324 canadian solar 705w panels on g...