Add list countries cities website işler
Sample website ; Multi-Lingual Support Languages: Turkish, English, German, Russian, Arabic. System to detect user location and automatically switch language (e.g., LocoTranslate or similar). Membership & Points System Registered user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically ...
Sample website ; Multi-Lingual Support Languages: Turkish, English, German, Russian, Arabic. System to detect user location and automatically switch language (e.g., LocoTranslate or similar). Membership & Points System Registered user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically ...
Sample website ; Multi-Lingual Support Languages: Turkish, English, German, Russian, Arabic. System to detect user location and automatically switch language (e.g., LocoTranslate or similar). Membership & Points System Registered user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically ...
Beykoz Riva'da başlayacak olan villa inşaat projemizde, Beykoz Belediyesi'nden alınacak yapı ruhsat onayı için gerekli statik, elektrik, mekanik, altyapı gibi proje çizimlerini gerçekleştirecek ve firmamızla koordineli olarak belediyedeki yasal izin süreçlerini takip edecek freelance mimar ya da mimarlık ofisinden destek talebimiz bulunm...sürede tamamlanmasını talep ediyoruz. Tercihimiz gerekli durumlarda hızlı hareket edebilmek adına; firma ise Beykoz'da kurulu bir mimarlık firması olması, freelance mimar ise yine Beykoz'da ikamet ediyor olması. Not: Villanın dış ve iç mekan tasarımı ve yerleşim planı firmamız tarafından yapılmıştır. Teşekkürler. NOTE: ARCHITECTS, ONLY FROM TURKEY, TO BE REVIEWED. OTHER MESSAGES FROM...
Hello, I need historical database of all Open and Close odds of Pinnacle (bookmaker) of all countries 1st, 2nd, 3rd football leagues from 2015-2016 football season to date in excel format. I should be able to update the excel file automatically or manually whenever I want. Let's message for details. Thanks in advance.
Although the GPS tracking app running on the Android phone shows the GPS device correctly, the app shows the phone's location incorrectly. In order for the application to show the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması G...
Hello, I'm doing sales marketing. I give $ 10 share from the products I sell, $ 20 from the product like $ 100, and $ 10 from the products sold like $ 60. The only thing you need to do is share the link of that product and sell it to you, usually America, Canada, India and other European countries. Merhaba ben satış pazarlamacılığı yapıyorum. Sattığım ürünlerden 100 dolar gibi üründen 20 dolar 50 ve 60 dolar gibi satılan ürünlerden 10 dolar pay veriyorum . yapmanız gereken tek şey o ürünün linkini paylaşıp satmanız satacağınız ülkeler genellikle amerika kanada hindistan ve diğer avrupa ülkeleri olacak .
I am using an existing panel. I want to add an additional feature to this panel that I have used. The panel name is opengamepanel. I want to add plugins for counter-strike. Open the plug-in, close the plug-in, there will be plug-in information. That's all I want. price: 10 $ website panel.
Merhaba, Hali hazırda ile geliştirilen masaüstü yazılımı için, swarm check-in ekleme ve silme modülü yaptırmak istiyorum. Bu modül bir form üzerinde 3 adet buton ve datagridview kullanılarak ekteki görselde ki gibi bir yapıya sahip olabilir. Start check-in butonu, gridview'da bulunan kullanıcıları aynı satırda bulunan mekanlara check-in yapma üzere başlatmak için kullanılır. Stop check-in butonu, tüm işlemleri durdurmak için kullanılır. Delete All check-in butonu, Yapılan check-in'leri silmek amacı ile kullanılır. Tüm işlemler foursquare api üzerinden gerçekleşir
Merhaba; Bizim istediğimiz program az işlevli olacaktır. *İhracat yaptığımız ürünlerin resimli girişi yapılacak *Liste hazırlama butonuna basıldığında sürükle bırak ile ürünler hazırlanabilecek *tüm liste excel e export edilebilecek. Bunlar ana başlıklar . Genel algoritma anlaşma sonrası paylaşılacaktır.
Hi, I'd like to do a lot of research for my project. In the US and European countries start up, application etc. I want to ask you to do the market research business ideas are not in Turkey.
Reklam filmine Türkçe altyazı dosyası (.srt) oluşturmak istiyorum. Videonun uzunluğu 11 dakika 44 saniye.
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
I will accept proposals only from native or native-like speakers of Turkish. Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Yasama yili baslangic ve bitis ayni d...
Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Onemli not: Turkce karakterlerin dogru kopyalandigina emin olun.
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Add jquery elements/add interaction to html/css website'
iPhone'da telefonda yüklü aplikasyon listesini alan phonagap için bir plugin arıyorum. Aynısının android versiyonuna da ihtiyacım olacak. I am looking for a phonegap plugin for ios and android to get list of installed apps in the phone.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
İç içe link list yapılacak. Örneğin bir link list var elimizde 1-2-3-4-5 serideki her sayıya ayrı bir link list bağlı olduğunu düşünün.(Sadece bir örnek anlaşılması için) Genel itibariyle bu listenin kendi içinde basit tanımları ilgili herşeyi bulabileceğiniz ilgili dökümanı paylaşıyorum. En basit yoluyla karmaşıklaşmadan %90-100 aralığında çalışan bir proje teslimine fitim :) Bu arada döküman ingilizcedir. Önemli not:Array değil link list ile yapılacak... Son teslim tarihi 17 Ekim 2014
We have owned for a web page, a different system with 10 user-name, image entry will be provided on a specific subject. 700 photos are required to be on average per week. The site's name and picture to be drawn of the categories will be told after the agreement. Sites like Pinterest are working with. Photos must be of high quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahibi olduğumuz bir web sayfası için , Farklı 10 kullanıcı adı ile sisteme , belli bir konuda resim girişi sağlanacak. Ortalama haftada 700 resim olma zorunluluğu vardır. Sitenin ismi ve resimlerin çekileceği kategoriler anlaşmadan so...
Add links to many different sources about a website. 100 links = 10 USD Belirtilecek olan web sitesi ile ilgili linkleri, internetteki farklı kaynaklara ekleyin. 100 link = 10 dolar
I'm looking for a system that can automatically generate YouTube Shorts content, using ChatGPT. The videos should highlight various countries and their unique facts. Key Features: - Content Creation: The system should use ChatGPT to generate engaging video scripts and content. - Video Production: The automation should encompass video creation, potentially using stock footage or graphics. - Auto Upload: The system must be able to upload the generated content to YouTube on a predetermined schedule. Ideal Skills and Experience: -Youtube -ChatGpt -AI video models Please include relevant portfolio examples in your proposal.
I need a professional to add 7 new pages to my existing book and make some minor design updates. The design changes will involve: - Text updates (simple copy/paste from file I give you) - Image updates (images I will provide) - Layout adjustments I will provide the content for the new pages. The design files are currently in PDF format. I am looking for someone with strong attention to detail and experience in book design, preferably with a background in working with PDF files. Good communication skills are a plus, as I may need to clarify some things as we go along. I will also need to create a Amazon Kindle file from this PDF file. I will also provide a jpg file of the cover that will need some minor updates.
I need someone located within the EU to conduct a brief ChatGPT test with me. I will give you a prompt, you will ask ChatGPT and share the answer with me. I am testing same question in different EU countries. - Task Duration: 10 minutes. - Compensation: 5 EUR for each 10 min plus a guaranteed 5-star review. This task is very straightforward and will not require extensive time or resources. Your location in the EU is crucial for this project.
We're is seeking an experienced Digital Sourcer to help us identify and onboard User-Generated Content (UGC) creators from several European countries. Key Responsibilities: Sourcing Creators: Find and qualify 100+ UGC creators weekly. Utilize specialized Google search queries for finding the Creators. Qualifications: Proven experience in recruiting, preferably in influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communications in varying languages. Qualifications: Proven experience in sourcing creators, influencers, or freelancers, preferably in the UGC space. Exceptional skills in advanced Google search queries (e.g...
I am seeking a freelancer to compile a comprehensive list of all bars and breweries along the route from Bangor, Maine, to Cambridge, Massachusetts. I will provide the specific distribution route details (such as coordinates or a map segment), which must be used to ensure that the listed establishments are accurately located in close proximity to the actual route. The final list should be delivered in an Excel or google sheets format and include: Business Name Address Phone Number (if available) Email Address (if available) Website URL (if available) The freelancer can use any method, such as scraping Yelp, Google Maps, or business directories, but the data must be accurate and up to date. I will provide the specific distribution route details (e.g., coordinates or ...
"I am looking to develop a carpooling app similar to BlaBlaCar as part of my college project. The app should allow users to book rides or offer rides between cities, with features like displaying rates, ride details (source, destination, time, and price), and user profiles for drivers and passengers. Additionally, I need an optional feature for women-only rides, where female drivers can choose to offer rides exclusively to female passengers. For safety, the app must include an SOS button that sends an alert message and makes a call to a pre-saved emergency contact number provided by the user. Payment integration is not required, as this is purely for demonstration purposes. Since this is a student project with a limited budget, I request that the development uses free APIs, p...
We're is seeking an experienced Digital Sourcer to help us identify and onboard User-Generated Content (UGC) creators from several European countries. Key Responsibilities: Sourcing Creators: Find and qualify 100+ UGC creators weekly. Utilize specialized Google search queries for finding the Creators. Qualifications: Proven experience in recruiting, preferably in influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communications in varying languages. Qualifications: Proven experience in sourcing creators, influencers, or freelancers, preferably in the UGC space. Exceptional skills in advanced Google search queries (e.g...
I'm seeking an experienced PHP/Laravel developer to integrate a monthly profit and loss feature into my web application. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with PHP and Laravel - Previous work with financial calculations in web applications - Ability to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work Experience with P&L features is a plus, but not mandatory. Please include examples of similar projects in your proposal.
...user-friendly flight ticket booking website that allows users to search, compare, and book flights efficiently. * Core Features: * Implement a search engine for flights based on departure/destination cities, dates, and passenger details. * Integrate real-time flight data via APIs (e.g., Amadeus, Skyscanner, or similar). * Enable filtering options (e.g., price, airline, duration, layovers). * Include a seat selection interface (if supported by API). * Build a secure booking system with payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). * User Interface: * Create a clean, responsive design compatible with desktop and mobile devices. * Design intuitive navigation with clear calls-to-action (e.g., “Search Flights,” “Book Now&rdquo...
...need of a comprehensive list of around 500,000 consumer email addresses in total from various USA states below: * California • Texas • New York • Florida • Illinois • Pennsylvania • Ohio • Georgia • Washington • New Jersey • Massachusetts • North Carolina • Virginia • Michigan • Colorado • Arizona • Tennessee • Maryland • Indiana • Connecticut 3 ESSENTIAL REQUIRMENETS: - Geographic Location: Email addresses must belong to consumers located within the specified states with residential addresses of the customer. - Age Demographic: The email addresses should primarily belong to individuals aged between 26+ years. - Should be household owners or r...
Please find shipping solutions from China to our clients in gcc countries with discounted shipping rates
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
I need an Excel expert to help me create a well-structured employee list compatible with Mac and Microsoft. The list should be able to filter by continent and alphabetically. Details I need for each employee include: - Name - Address - Continent - Country - Email - Telephone - Brand - Start Date - And more The template I purchased requires some modifications, including color adjustments to light shades. I'm open to other employee lists that are comprehensive and useful. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data structuring and filtering - Ability to modify Excel templates - Attention to detail - Understanding of light color schemes Please ensure the final Excel list is neat, error-free and ready for immediate use.
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
...for a talented writer to create a weekly newsletter based on my podcast, which covers travel, food, beauty, and culture. The newsletter should be casual in tone and include: - Restaurant reviews: Research and review different restaurants in the Los Angeles area and beyond. - Cultural events: Keep the audience informed about various cultural happenings in LA and other cities. - Safety travel tips: Write a column about certain cities - their popularity, safety, and travel appeal. - Podcast content: Incorporate highlights from my podcast, particularly interviews, into the newsletter. The ideal freelancer would be someone with excellent writing skills, a knack for casual, engaging content, and experience in researching and reviewing restaurants and cultural events. A passion f...
I'm seeking assistance to help upload data onto my website. The task involves researching and finding every run club in major cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Key Responsibilities: - Look for both well-known and smaller run clubs in the specified cities. - Complete a submission request for each run club with all required information: run club name, description, city, suburb/neighborhood, exact meeting point, run type, time and day of the week, website and Instagram. - Save the list of found run clubs into an Excel spreadsheet, with each piece of information in a separate column. - Provide a brief overview of each run club in the submission. - Ensure high accuracy in all fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Pr...
I'm looking for a professional data collector to gather email addresses of Chemists based in South Australia, particularly in and around Adelaide. The collected data will addresses of Chemists based in South Australia, particularly in and around Adelaide. The collected data will be used for email marketing campaigns, so it's essential that this information is accurate and up-to-date. Key Responsibilities: - Research and compile a comprehensive list of Chemists in South Australia - Ensure all data is current and correct - Deliver the data in an easy-to-use format for email marketing Ideal Skills: - Strong research skills - Experience with data collection and email list building - Familiarity with the chemist sector in South Australia is a plus - Proficie... interactive Excel model that includes dropdown boxes and filtered tables using VBA. The goal is to replicate a system where selecting an item from a dropdown box (e.g., a country) automatically filters a table to display relevant data. Key Requirements: Dropdown Boxes (Combo Boxes): Create dropdown boxes that allow users to select specific criteria (e.g., cities, statuses). The dropdown should be populated with a predefined list of items. Interactive Filtering: Upon selecting an item from the dropdown, the corresponding table should automatically filter to display only the rows that match the selected criteria. The filtering should be dynamic and update instantly when a different item is selected. VBA Implementation: Use VBA to handle the filtering logic and ens...
Hi We have a small task for an experienced php dev we have a simple coming soon page where users can add their email address to get updates about the website launch. WE want to REMOVE The mailchimp and just allow users to subscribe with their email, and the email address just adds to a txt file we can view on server and add the emails to mailchimp manually. Budget for this task is $10 and we can provide all the files for landing page to winner.
Hello! I have a website of a hotel establishment, which uses the vikbooking plugin for the search and booking engine of the rooms. I need to develop a payment add-on as indicated in the following documentation In this way, I will be able to receive the payments with the virtual POS of my bank.
WORKS TO DO: 1- we added a field when you edit a wocommerce Order, and it is saved correctly on the DB (working Ok); 2- on the Orders list, we must be able to list the orders based on that field. You can put a link or drop down on top of the list, to pick the "Order Type" and list them; Just that! PD: the code was added on a Snippet using the plugin "WPCode Rich Snippets", so you have to add your code on a new Snippet; Thats it! Total budget for this job is $ 25,00.- Dollars (commissions included - in 2 milestones, 50% in advance), since it is just adding some minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedb...
I am looking for a freelancer who can provide me with an email list of AirBnB, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner), and other short term vacation rental hosts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. All hosts are acceptable and there are no specific criteria for inclusion in the list. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining and compiling email lists. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure that the list is accurate and up-to-date. The list should contain the following: Name, phone number, and email address, and should all be valid and up to date information. We will need around 1000 leads to start.
I would like you to add swagger documentation to the existing project
i would like you to add swaggerr documentation to the existing project
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
I'm looking for someone able to configure correctly my google sites web page in order to make google search find it. The site is already already associated with the domain Probably it is something related with sitemaps or with google search console.
I am looking for a highly skilled Blender 3D Artist & Python Developer to create a complete custom add-on that transforms an image sequence and video into an ultra-realistic flipbook animation, designed for video content on platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. The goal is to replicate the quality seen in reference videos with natural hand movements, dynamic shadows, and smooth, professional animations, fully automated through a custom Blender add-on. ? Key Features of the Add-on: ✅ Import image sequences (PNG, optional JPEG, and WebP)and video. ✅ Auto-generate flipbook pages and map images in order. ✅ TWO unique, original 3D hand models (no asset libraries): 1 -Vertical flipbook (portrait format) with one original 3D 1 - Horizon...