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2,000 access investments iş bulundu

...discussing a potential long-term partnership or equity sharing with a highly motivated and skilled developer who demonstrates exceptional capabilities and a strong interest in the project's long-term success. Additional Information: * Provide examples of previous AI game projects and anti-cheat implementations. * Clearly explain your proposed approach for the Okey 101 bot and anti-cheat system. * Access to the game's API documentation, codebase, and a test server will be provided upon agreement. Keywords: AI, Game AI, Okey 101, Turkish Rummy, Bot Development, Machine Learning, MCTS, Minimax, Reinforcement Learning, Unity, Node.js, Colyseus, GraphQL, Game Development, Anti-Cheat, Collusion Detection, Self-Play, Testing Environment, Real-Money Gaming, iGaming, Statis...

€4282 Average bid
€4282 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...seconds. • Customizable Difference Filter: Users should be able to set a percentage filter (e.g., 5%, 10%, etc.), and only the odds differences that exceed this threshold should be displayed. • Web-Based Interface: The system should have a clean and intuitive web-based user interface (UI) where users can view and analyze the odds differences. • Custom Domain Management: The admin should have access to an admin panel where they can update the active domains for Tempobet and Holiganbet as needed. 5. Other Requirements: • User Notifications (Optional): The system can optionally send notifications (via email or browser notifications) when a large difference is detected based on user-defined thresholds. • Security & Privacy: The system must be secure...

€689 Average bid
€689 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...reports and analyze company and personnel performance. Reporting and Analysis: The general manager can generate monthly and yearly reports and performance evaluations. Subscription Management: The general manager can manage the subscriptions (monthly or yearly) of companies in the system. Company and Customer Management: The general manager can add, edit, or delete companies. Each company can only access its own customer data. Branch Supervisor Operations: Material Requests and Approval: Supervisors can request and approve materials for branches. Silo fill levels are tracked in real-time. Expense Management: Supervisors can log expenses for sold products, specifying the customer, material type (cement, etc.), and from which silo the material was taken. Additional Features:...

€616 Average bid
€616 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler

...Analysis:** Develop a system to analyze customer purchase history and make recommendations accordingly. - **Recommendation Algorithm:** Customize ChatGPT to suggest products based on customer interests and shopping habits. 6. **Purchase Guide:** - **Guide Content:** Create a guide listing popular and suitable products within specific categories. - **Chatbot Integration:** Configure ChatGPT to access this guide content and provide recommendations. 7. **Order Processing and Tracking:** - **Order Placement:** Create necessary forms and API integrations for the chatbot to place orders. - **Order Tracking:** Develop a system to track customer orders and integrate it with ChatGPT to provide updates. 8. **Promotions and Marketing:** - **Promotional Information:** Se...

€174 Average bid
€174 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

Aşağıdaki dosyada projenin içeriği yazmaktadır. 01.06.2024 cumartesi akşamına kadar yapılması gerekmektedir. Projenin içeriği aşağıda yazmaktadır. Projenizi yaparken aşağıdaki adımları takip ettiğinizden emin olun: 1. Veritabanınızın konusuna karar verin. Dilediğiniz konuyu kullanabilirsiniz. (Kitaplar, filmler, müzik, arabalar, spor takımları, makyaj ürünleri…). 2. Veritabanınız için kullanacağınız tablolara karar verin. En az 4 tablonuz olmalıdır. 3. Tablolarınızın alan adlarına ve tablolarınız arasındaki ilişkilere karar verin (Fiyat gibi bir alan harika olacaktır, bu sayede daha sonra fiyat artış sorgusu uygulayabilirsiniz). 4. Veritabanınız için verileri toplayın (ana tablo tipiniz için en az 30 kayıt). 5. Verilerinizi kullanar...

€165 Average bid
€165 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler
Proje Ödevi
Bitti left

Otel Rezervasyon Takip Programı adında projem var ve yarın son gün. Görseldeki gibi basit birşey olursa da olur bunun Otel Rezervasyon Takip versiyonu. C# ve Access Point kullanılıcak

€23 Average bid
€23 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Elimizde bulunan iki program var, önceden birbirine bağlıydı, sorunsuz çalışıyordu ancak şuan çalışmıyor. Sebebini anlayamadık. Bunu düzeltecek arkadaşlar arıyoruz.

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Projelerimizde uzun süredir Kullandığımız aynı üretici firmaya ait Access Controller Cihazlar için Server + Client Mimarisi şeklinde Yazılım yaptırmak istiyoruz. Yazılımın bir kısmı Sanal Server üzerinde çalışacak olup, Client versiyonu da internet olan her yerden PC ile bağlanarak çalışacaktır. İlgilenenlere ayrıntılı bilgi verilecektir.

€1250 Average bid
€1250 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Merhaba Amazon Sellercenter da yayınladığımız uygulamamız üzerinden uygulamaya erişim veren kişinin siparişlerini çekmek istiyoruz. Uygulamamız Amazon'da yayınladı, Amazon Hesapları uygulamaya yetki verebiliyor, kullanıcıların refresh_token kodlarını alabiliyoruz, access token üretebiliyoruz. Devamında siparişleri çekebilmek için RDT'de takıldık, bunu çözebilecek ve devamında siparişleri ve detaylarını çekebilecek birini arıyorum. Önceden SP Api ile entegrasyon yapmış ve siparişleri çekebilecek kişiler teklif verirse sevinirim. Danışmanlık istemiyoruz, PHP dilinde yukarıdaki istediklerimizi gerçekleştirebileceklerin tekliflerini bekliyorum.

€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 teklifler

Access veri tabanını visual studio programına bağlanacak ve bazı işlemler yapılacaktır. Detayları mesajda konuşabiliriz

€31 Average bid
€31 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Stok Veritabanı Bir perakende satıcısı için stok takibi yapılacaktır. Tablo yapısı ve sayısına siz karar vereceksiniz ama genel yapı şu şekilde olacak: 1. Şirket/şahıs: Şirket alıcı veya satıcı olabilir.Şahıs ise sadece alıcı olabilecek. Ancak her ikisi de tek tabloda tutulacak. Ancak şirket için şahsa ait alanlar, şahıs için ise şirkete ait alanlar boş kalacak. Örneğin cinsiyet bilgisi olacak ama eğer tanımlanan şirket ise cinsiyet boş kalacak. Şahıs için şirket adı boş ımlanan şahıs mı şirket mi bir durum değişkeni ile belirlenebilir. Burada mutlaka olması gereken alanlar: Şirket No(primary key), TC Kimlik No, Vergi No, Şirket Adı, Yetkili Adı ve Soyadı, cinsiyet, e-posta, tlf, adres (adresle ilgili il/ilçe/mahalle/postakodu gibi ek alanlar) ...

€28 Average bid
€28 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Bana instagram ve facebook doğrulaması / Devre dışı bırakılan hesap kurtarma / kullanıcı adı talepleri ve bu portalın sahip olduğu her şeyle ilgili olarak onlarla iletişime geçebileceğim Face Media iş ortağı portalına / paneline erişim vermeniz gerekiyor O portalı bilmiyorsanız lütfen teklif vermeyin. You need to give me access to the Face Media partner portal / dashboard where I can contact them regarding instagram and facebook verification / Deactivated account recovery / username requests and everything this portal has If you do not know that portal, please do not bid.

€134 Average bid
€134 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Merhaba, ASP.NET üzerinden access veri tabanlı personel maaş takip sistemine ihtiyacım var. Ekstra olarak bu projenin ayrıntılı bir şekilde raporlanarak kullanım kılavuzu haline getirilmesi gerekiyor. Ek olarak bana teslim edilirken tırnak içerisinde yazacağım yazıdaki gibi teslim edilmesi gerekiyor. "Projenin 15 adet aspx dosyalarını ve 30 adet cs dosyalarını rar yaparak bana en son ödevin atılması gerekiyor ve bu ödevin benim bilgisayarımda çalışır bir vaziyette olması gerekiyor." Bu konuda geri dönüşünüzü bekliyorum. üzerinden acces veritabanlı attığım resimlerdeki gibi olacak dilerseniz hazırda bir veri tabanı var fakat işinizi görür mü bilemiyorum. Attığım görselleri incelerseniz ...

€24 Average bid
€24 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

merhabalar access için ödevim var da yardım edebilir misiniz

€9 Average bid
€9 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Kullanmakta Olduğumuz Bir Dos Tabanlı Boya Formül Programını Access Tabanlı Olarak Ağ Paylaşımlı Olarak Tekrar Yazdırmak İstiyoruz.

€341 Average bid
€341 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Access veritabanına vb form ile oluşturduğum irsaliyeleri kaydediyorum. Logo Netsis firmasının apileri ile bunu e-irsaliye olarak göndermek istiyorum. Api dokümanları incelenmek istenirse üzerinden kontrol edilebilir. Yani tek formu karşıya request ile gönderip, gönderdiğim dokümanı çıktı olarak almak istiyorum. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

€52 Average bid
€52 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Payment gateway,i will use a local payment gateway,they call it iyzico,will be market place payment gateway entegration,we have already direct iyzico,we need to extent it to market place... How it works it,on seller registr...API Keys You can find your "API Key" and "Security Key" information in your iyico Control Panel () in the Settings menu. 2) Integration Documents INTEGRATION DOCUMENTS Do not forget to try out payment after you have completed your integration! In addition, in terms of help, the video at and about integration you can access detailed information at This we need to also apply to mobile app since script use mobule and its api mobile app,which fetch date from website...

€440 Average bid
€440 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

... Excel’e ben DDE linkle veri alıyorum, sonra da excel dosyasını python ile okuyabiliyorum ve CSV’ye yazabiliyorum, ama bu istediğim şey değil). Biliyorum DDE eski bir veri noktasıdır, ancak MTX'ten veri almanın başka bir yolu -yani TCPI veya başka bir yöntem- olup olmadığını bilmiyorum. Eğer DDE dışında bulabilirseniz ona da OK’im. 2. Verileri bir yere zaman serisi şeklinde kaydetmek. Bu yer, access veritabanı, txt, csv olabilir ama tercihen biraz daha hızlı bir yol çünkü birçok hisse senedine ait gün içi verileri ile ilgileneceğiz ve daha sonra dinamik ve gerçek zamanlı grafik yapmak için o verileri okumamız gerekiyor). Ayrıca belki bir sonraki aşamada gün içi analiz yapmak için bu ...

€130 Average bid
€130 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Konsolda çalışan bir dama oyunu olacaktı bir proje beklenmektedir.Mükemmelliyet aranmamaktadı, ve çıktılar dosyalama işlemi üzerinden olacaktı işlemler(okuma, yazma vs) random access files olacaktı tutan bir dosya ve dama tahtasını tutan bir dosya olacaktır.

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler


€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Deniz merhaba, Bu mesaji ABD`den yaziyorum. Kucuk bir web projem olacak. Gordugum kadariyla web sitesi ve programlama konusunda tecruben var. Dusundugumuz projenin ana hatlarini su sekilde. - Bu proje MySQL ve PHP ile bir veritabanina bagli olarak web form`lari tasarlanmasi isi. o Veritabani MS-Access database olarak verilecek, SQL server`a cevrilerek kullanilacak o Esasen veritabanindaki tablo ve onlarin icindeki field`lara bagli olan, cogunlukla mobil cihazlardan ( genellikle tablet) veri girisi icin kullanilacak 8-10 adet web form tasarlanacak. o Web form tasarimlarini ( ve hangi alanin hangi tablodan / alandan veriyi aldigini ) ben veriyor olacagim. Ayni sekilde digger ekranlar icinde ana hatlari ile nasil bir goruntu olacagini belirtecegim. o Birkac adet de basit gorsel r...

€9 Average bid
€9 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler media app settings and access token functions. Other codes are ready. It is not hard for experienced users. Please do not bid if you have not experiecnce. Thanks. -- Türkiye İçin -- benzeri bir sosyal medya uygulaması geliştiriyoruz. Burada müşterilerimiz olan firmalar kendi facebook, twitter ya da instagram sayfalarını sisteme bir kez tanıtarak her türlü paylaşımda bulunabilecek ayrıca , twit, beğeni , doğrudan mesaj gibi verileri siteden çekebilecekler. Önemli nokta sadece kullananıcını yani firmanın sisteme bilgilerini sadece bir kez girmesi bizim sitemize girdikten sonra her seferinde yeniden sosyal medya oturumu açmalarına gerek kalmayacak. Altyapı ve kodlamalar hazır tek istediğimiz nokta bu bağlantı ayarların...

€206 Average bid
€206 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...Programs, of the details of the Fulltime Live center live match broadcast, Highlights , Lineups , date, time, Gols , the match videos , and so on. As will be drawn on the link , all live, finished , done in the Departments will be highlighted in the search engine will be prepared in the global aspx page that , in addition Ideas page , Match Results Click. Example adding Web service access other sites able to show results in your own page , the lease payments to be made in understanding specialist . The projects ensure Must be able to develop the auction , Together With the delivery of the source code , a detailed description is added to the source code . Blowing your stay ....

€1369 Average bid
€1369 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I'm gearing up to launch a high-energy, viral meme coin on and I need a crew of absolute degens ready to shill, spam, and send this thing to the moon. Key Roles: - Meme Creators: Crank out non-stop, viral meme content. - Shillers: Execute Twitter/X raids, Telegram hype, Discord spam. ...trending bots, engagement bots, raid support bots. - Influencer Plugs: If you know people who can pump, we want them. Our Goals: - Launch on and trend hard and fast. - Build major hype and secure a fat market cap. - Ride the wave to success. Please note, no contract developers are needed for this project — just memes, bots, and pure chaos. Reach out if you: - Have bot experience (or access). - Can deliver serious meme energy. - Know how to make noise. - Are ready to start immediate...

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...transactions. This will help us instantly allocate trading limits upon successful deposits. - Trading Features: The platform should support real-time charts and incorporate automated trading bots. These features are essential for providing a comprehensive trading experience. - Data Sources: The site must connect with reliable Forex market data providers. This is vital for ensuring our clients have access to real-time, accurate market information. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in designing trading platforms and a solid understanding of Forex market dynamics. Skills in integrating blockchain wallet systems and setting up automated transaction confirmations will also be highly beneficial. Please include in your bid examples of similar projec...

€2035 Average bid
€2035 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I'm looking for an experienced AWS professional to deploy my MERN stack project which utilizes microservices on AWS, specifically using Beanstalk and S3. The project involves several microservices, including Authentication, Clients, Transcription, and Chat. The deployment has to happen from my computer as I also want to learn the process. Key Responsibilities: - Deploy the MERN project on AWS Beanstalk and S3 - Ensure smooth functioning of all microservices Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with AWS Beanstalk and S3 - Proficiency in deploying MERN stack applications - Familiarity with microservices architecture - Experience with setting up persistent storage on AWS Please note I am a beginner and i am learning development. I want to understand the deployment process as it seems ve...

€46 Average bid
€46 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...rectify them. 2. Printing Forms - As I currently do not have access to a printer or fax machine, I will need assistance with printing all the necessary forms. 3. Faxing to the IRS - I need help with faxing the following forms to the IRS: 5472, 1120, and 1040 with Schedule C. I am uncertain whether all of these forms are required, so your advice would be appreciated. 4. Mailing the EIN Closing Letter - I need assistance with preparing and mailing the EIN closing letter to the IRS at the following address: Internal Revenue Service, MS 6055, Kansas City, MO 64108, USA. It is crucial that all tasks are handled correctly and efficiently. Ideal skills for this job include expertise in US tax forms and LLC dissolution processes, along with access to necessary office equipment. P...

€12 Average bid
€12 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I'm looking for a professional who can develop a secure ASP.NET Core web application tailored for receiving sensor data from IceSpy Transport...authentication and roles Alert System: Integrate an alert system into the dashboard for: - SMS alerts - In-app notifications Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC - Extensive experience in building REST APIs - Strong background in SQL Server - Familiarity with real-time data visualization techniques - Knowledge in setting up user authentication and role-based access - Experience in developing alert systems within web applications The ability to deliver a secure, efficient, and user-friendly application is paramount. Your expertise will help me monitor the data effectively and respond to alerts in a...

€1070 Average bid
€1070 Ortalama Teklif
33 teklifler

I'm in need of an experienced mobile app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) financial application. This application, focused primarily on investment portfolio management, needs to be intuitive, user-friendly, and packed with essential features to manage investments effectively. Key Requirements: - Development of a mobile application compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. - Strong expertise in creating financial mobile applications, specifically those with investment portfolio management features. - Ability to design an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development tools. - Extensive experience in financial app development. - Strong UI/UX design skills. I am looking for a freelancer wh...

€287 Average bid
€287 Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler

I'm tasks and facilitate job assignments. Key Features: - The app must be able to store, retrieve, update, and delete data related to user information, job details, and vehicle information from a MySQL database. - A crucial feature is the ability to send a push notification to the iOS user when a new job is assigned to them. - The app should also handle user authentication and ensure secure access to the system. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in iOS app development - Experience with MySQL database - Knowledge of implementing push notifications in iOS apps - Skills in user authentication systems - Understanding of data management in mobile applications This project is perfect for a freelancer who can deliver a robust, user-friendly application tailored for a ...

€124 Average bid
€124 Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler

...features, including Unity Catalog, Delta Lake optimizations, storage efficiency techniques, and security best practices. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop scalable, high-performance ETL/ELT pipelines using Databricks and Apache Spark. Implement Delta Lake best practices, including schema evolution, vacuum, and optimization for efficient data storage and query performance. Manage security, access control, and data governance using Unity Catalog and other Databricks-native security features. Optimize query performance by leveraging Z-Order indexing, data skipping, caching, and clustering. Ensure data quality through automated testing, data validation, and monitoring. Collaborate with data scientists, analysts, and business teams to deliver reliable and well-governed datase...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...professional WordPress website to promote my business and generate leads. The site will be simple (3-5 pages) but needs to be visually engaging with strong imagery and a looping video to enhance the experience. Key Requirements: Lead Generation Focus – The site should be designed to convert visitors into potential clients, with clear CTAs. Contact Form – A clean, user-friendly form that’s easy to access and submit. Visual Elements – Experience with embedding videos and placing images for maximum impact without slowing down the site. WordPress Proficiency – Ability to build a fast, mobile-responsive site with SEO-friendly structure. Pages Needed: Home – Engaging intro, tagline, clear CTA. How It Works – Simple explanation of our process....

€124 Average bid
€124 Ortalama Teklif
127 teklifler

I'm looking to set up a Shopify e-commerce store, but I'm unsure about what products to sell. I have access to DSers, but need guidance on product selection and store setup. Target Audience: - The primary audience for this store will be young adults. Product Criteria: - I want to focus on selling products that are currently trending. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Previous experience in Shopify store setup. - Knowledge of current trends and ability to identify suitable products. - Familiarity with DSers for product sourcing. - Experience targeting young adults in e-commerce.

€160 Average bid
€160 Ortalama Teklif
85 teklifler

...professional web developer to create a high-quality health and fitness affiliate marketing platform with a layout similar to This premium site will offer expert content, product reviews, and exclusive discounts on top supplements, with membership-based access to workouts, wellness resources, and affiliate partnerships. The goal is to provide a seamless, engaging experience for fitness enthusiasts looking to optimize their performance and well-being. Key Requirements: Secure member login and registration system Content access control for exclusive subscriber resources Seamless integration of affiliate marketing links Ability to host articles, blog posts, and downloadable resources Ideal Skills & Experience: Expertise in e-commerce and membership site develop...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
111 teklifler

Hi, I’m looking for someone with strong Identity and Access Management (IAM) experience to assist me with my project. This role involves working on an Enterprise IAM Platform, focusing on feature development, access certifications, provisioning, RBAC implementation, workflows, and automation. Responsibilities: ✅ Participate in daily meetings to discuss and solve the tasks. ✅ Provide guidance on best practices and approaches. ✅ Take responsibility for task management and delivery Ideal candidates should have hands-on experience with: ✅ SailPoint IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, or similar IAM tools ✅ IAM best practices and governance ✅ Development skills – Git, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, SQL ✅ Agile project management methodologies ✅ Deploying and integrating IAM sol...

€435 Average bid
€435 Ortalama Teklif
29 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a straightforward, user management app reminiscent of the ECCTIS. Key Features: - User Authentication: The app should have a robust authentication system to ensure secure access. - Profile Management: This includes managing personal information, educational qualifications, and professional experience. Platform Compatibility: - The app needs to be developed for both iOS and Android. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in cross-platform app development, preferably with experience in creating user management apps. - Skills in implementing secure user authentication systems and interactive profile management features. Your ECCTIS application app will have the following key features: ### **1. User Features:** - **Account Creatio...

€262 Average bid
€262 Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

... Install our Java programming environment (optional). Install our custom IntelliJ programming environment by following these step-by-step instructions for your operating system [ Mac OS X · Windows · Linux ]. After following these instructions, the commands javac-algs4 and java-algs4 will classpath in , which contains Java classes for I/O and all of the algorithms in the textbook. To access a class in , you need an import statement, such as the ones below: import ; import ; import ; Note that your code must be in the default package; if you use a package statement, the autograder will reject your submission. Percolation. Given a composite systems comprised of randomly

€107 Average bid
€107 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

...layout should be more compact to allow for a two-strip battery setup. Increase the number of buttons from 12 for full calculator functionality. ✅ Coordinate with Case Designer I have hired a 3D designer to create the calculator shell, but they will need precise PCB dimensions. You must work alongside the designer to ensure the enclosure fits properly. ✅ Project Files & Access I have all the existing files and will provide access to the EasyEDA project. I can add you to a chat with the previous freelancer so you can review what has been done so far. Ideal Candidate: ✔️ Experience with EasyEDA & PCB Design ✔️ Strong knowledge of firmware development & debugging ✔️ Familiarity with component sourcing & BOM verification ✔️ Ability to collaborate with a 3D des...

€531 Average bid
€531 Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

I'm seeking a project manager with over 5 years of experience and a native Asian background currently residing in Europe. The ideal candidate should boast a comprehensive portfolio in venture capital investments and startup setups, with a particular emphasis on the ideation, validation, and scaling stages. Key Responsibilities: - Cultivating and managing stakeholder relationships - Overseeing all aspects of project management with a focus on communication - Guiding venture capital investments - Spearheading startup development from ideation through to scaling Skills and Experience Required: - 5+ years in project management - Native Asian with European residency - Proven experience in venture capital - Proficient in startup dynamics - Exceptional stakeholder communicat...

€25 / hr Average bid
€25 / hr Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler
Research on UK Stock
6 gün left

I am seeking a seasoned researcher with access to historical Bloomberg Chat data and other proprietary financial sources. The brief is to conduct a thorough investigation into public information, particularly any potential leaks, market rumours and speculation, concerning an M&A transaction that took place in relation to a specific UK listed stock that was listed on the London Stock Exchange. Research Focus: - Identify whether there were any market rumours, leaks or speculation regarding a particular M&A transaction before it closed in 2023. - Time period: the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Deliverables: - Details of findings and the sources checked - Copies of source references Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong research skills - Access to and familiar...

€785 Average bid
€785 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

I am looking for a skilled developer or team to build a professional website optimized for desktop, featuring a side menu for intuitive navigation. The site will consist of a maximum of 10 pages, each with specific functionalities. Car Setup Upload & Generation System Data Management & Continuous Improvement Performance Analysis & Statistics Registration & Access System Credit-Based Monetization System Optional Advanced Technologies Machine Learning (ML) & AI models Web/Desktop app development Looking forward to hearing from you !

€432 Average bid
€432 Ortalama Teklif
65 teklifler

I'm in need of a forensic expert to audit my SQL Database Management System (DBMS). The specific activities to be scrutinized inclu...activities to be scrutinized include user login/logout, data read/write operations, and schema changes. I'd like to know how you would go about detecting unauthorized access, data tampering, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Since the specifics of the project can be discussed further, I am open to suggestions on what additional information you may require from me. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in SQL and familiar with various SQL DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) - Experience in forensic auditing of databases - Knowledgeable in compliance regulations - Able to detect and interpret signs of unauthorized acc...

€14 Average bid
€14 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...fee management, attendance tracking, and other hostel-related operations. This system reduces manual work, minimizes errors, and ensures smooth hostel management. Objectives The primary objectives of the Hostel Management System are: To automate hostel operations such as room allocation, fee collection, attendance, complaints, and visitor records. To maintain a centralized database for quick access to student and staff details. To improve efficiency by reducing paperwork and manual data entry errors. To enhance security and transparency in hostel management. Features 1. Admin Module Manage hostel details (name, address, capacity, etc.). Register and manage students, wardens, and staff. Allocate and track room availability. Set and manage hostel fees and payment records. 2. Stud...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Ortalama Teklif
108 teklifler

I'm handle customer service inquiries on WhatsApp, integrating with a direct database of construction material prices. The agent should be capable of crafting professional budgets for clients. Key Requirements: - The AI agent must respond automatically to all customer inquiries on WhatsApp - It needs to provide pricing information specifically for construction materials - The AI agent should access the pricing database through a direct database connection. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing AI for customer service - Understanding of WhatsApp integration - Knowledge in handling direct database connections - Ability to create AI that can generate professional budgets. I'm looking for someone who can understand and implement these requi...

€940 Average bid
€940 Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler

...() or Simple Membership () to restrict access based on paid plans. The website should function similarly to , where candidates' profiles and job applications are restricted based on the user’s subscription level. Project Requirements: WordPress Theme Installation: Install and set up the TaskHive theme on our WordPress website. Ensure the theme is fully functional and compatible with necessary plugins. Membership Plugin Integration: Install and configure WP Private Content Plus or Simple Membership plugin. Set up different user roles and access restrictions based on membership levels. Ensure that Freelancer profiles can be set up for free and that Gig seekers (People looking

€49 Average bid
€49 Ortalama Teklif
75 teklifler

...client-side navigation. Design: The application must be fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, with Progressive Web App (PWA) features for offline access and push notifications. Back-End Technology: Use Node.js with for a RESTful API (alternatively Python with Django or Flask). Core Functions: The back end will handle CRUD operations for all entities (riders, horses, employees, volunteers, classes, incident reports, etc.), process form data, enforce business logic, and perform data validation. Authentication & Authorization: Implement stateless authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and role-based access control. Integration: Include integration with third-party APIs for email/SMS notifications, mapping services, and payment gateways i...

€33 / hr Average bid
€33 / hr Ortalama Teklif
50 teklifler

...looking for a web designer/developer to revamp my website, The primary aim of this redesign is to boost donations and viewer engagement. Key Features Needed: - Integration of live and archived content from platforms such as Rumble, X, and Kick - A dedicated section showcasing current fundraising efforts, complete with real-time progress updates - User-friendly navigation, ensuring easy access to all site content Donation Integrations: The website needs to support a variety of donation methods, including but not limited to: - PayPal - Credit/Debit Card - Cryptocurrency - Cashapp - Zelle - Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in website design and development, particularly for interactive content - Familiarity with integrating multiple content platforms - Understanding...

€924 Average bid
€924 Ortalama Teklif
213 teklifler

...sign in, access their VR content based on their subscriptions, and provide detailed tracking of time spent on each piece of content. Here are the key features I need for the website: ________________________________________ 1. User Login System • A login page where users can register and authenticate using their credentials (email/password, or a preferred method). • Users should have their own personal account where they can manage their subscriptions and content access. • Admin panel to manage user access, subscriptions, and content. ________________________________________ 2. Subscription Management • Users should be able to subscribe to specific VR content, with each subscription lasting for a predefined period (e.g., monthly, yearly). • ...

€550 Average bid
€550 Ortalama Teklif
24 teklifler

I need assistance gaining full administrative access to our business websites from the domain hosts. We are currently unable to access them due to a handover from the previous administrator. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong understanding of domain hosting services - Experience in restoring access to websites - Excellent problem-solving skills - Good communication skills for clear updates and instructions -

€999 Average bid
€999 Ortalama Teklif
54 teklifler

I'm seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in pooled investment in alternative assets. Key Requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create engaging, informative content - Writer will need to do good amount of research to assemble the content for the blog - Writer will need to deliver the sources of all the numbers & stats mentioned in the content - Writer will need to search for 3-4 matching royalty free images, which can be used in the post - Average 1000 words / post Initial engagement will be for 20 posts, with potential of long term engagement.

€359 Average bid
€359 Ortalama Teklif
59 teklifler