Product Design for Magnets, Mugs, Posters, Stickers, etc.

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: $50
  • Alınan Girdiler: 10
  • Kazanan: alphaa28

Yarışma Özeti

Note: Submissions that are clearly AI will be immediately rejected.

I’m looking for a unique and creative design that includes the bulleted items below. Play with the format so it is most visually pleasing. I must be able to edit the final design to change the years, products listed, and their associated values.

• Minimum size: 4500 x 6000 pixels
• Format: editable PSD
• The very top of the image should have a year: 1985
• The line just below the year should say one of the following (I can’t decide).
o Looking Back
o Through the Rearview Mirror
• If a rearview mirror can be incorporated into the design in the area mentioned above, that might look nice, but it doesn’t have to be.
• The middle section should include the following:
o New House $89,331.00
o Average Income $22,138.00/year
o New Car $9,011.00
o Loaf of Bread 60¢
o Eggs 80¢/dozen
o Gasoline $1.09/gallon
o U.S. Postage Stamp 22¢
o President Ronald Regan
o Vice President George Bush
• I’m open to fun ideas for the background! Whether it includes an old-timey look, or includes the items listed above, or something in between.

Ideal skills and experience for this job include:
- Proficiency in Photoshop (PSD creation)
- Strong understanding of retro design aesthetics
- Ability to create visually pleasing layouts
- Experience designing for websites.

Aranan Beceriler

İşveren Geribildirimi

“<3 Beautiful! Exactly as requested!!”

Profil Görüntüsü EachTheirOwn, United States.

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Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • alphaa28
    • 4 ay önce

    If i win this contest i will provide you all the design (JPG,PDF,PNG) and editable files

    • 4 ay önce
  • alphaa28
    • 4 ay önce

    Please check and give feedback for my new entries #58 #59

    • 4 ay önce
    1. Ahmedkhaled132
      • 4 ay önce

      I really hope he isn't scamming us with free design concepts, lol.

      • 4 ay önce
  • alphaa28
    • 4 ay önce

    Dear contest holder, please reject all ai generated image even it has good design. The use of AI-generated images in design contests can be considered a violation of the fundamental principles of competition, which prioritize human creativity and skill. AI-generated designs tend to lack originality and may risk producing works that are similar or non-unique, as AI relies on existing datasets and algorithms rather than personal inspiration and human creative experiences. By accepting AI designs, we also risk taking away opportunities from designers who have invested time, skills, and effort to create authentic work. To maintain fairness, integrity, and quality in the contest, it is highly recommended that only designs entirely created by human designers be considered

    • 4 ay önce
  • alphaa28
    • 4 ay önce

    Please give me feedback #40

    • 4 ay önce
  • Ahmedkhaled132
    • 4 ay önce

    I can make the fourth design today; just tell me the colors you like so I can make an astonishing design that suit your desire!

    • 4 ay önce
  • Ahmedkhaled132
    • 4 ay önce

    I am really happy that you removed all the AI content you are the best for doing such a move!

    Sir, make sure to check my entry number #35 #36 #37 and tell me what you think about it and if you wanted to change anything. I will answer quickly don't worry!

    • 4 ay önce
  • alphaa28
    • 4 ay önce

    please give my entry feedback #27

    • 4 ay önce
  • Priyashah0311
    • 4 ay önce

    I have something to ask...

    • 4 ay önce
    1. EachTheirOwn
      Yarışma Sahibi
      • 4 ay önce

      What is the question?

      • 4 ay önce

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