Grow food and Finance

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: $50
  • Alınan Girdiler: 240
  • Kazanan: Mia909

Yarışma Özeti

I'd like a logo a that has green and growing or warm tones. I would like it to feature simple Graphics that can be printed or embroidered. I would like there to be growing things and representations of money. I would also like there to be a mustache. You can check out hillbilly Millionaire on Instagram for what I look like. Don't let this Cloud your judgment but I was thinking a tree or plant growing with leaves or tomatoes or fruit on one side and money or Investments on the right side. I'm open to whatever your creative Liberties would like to be though. May the best logo win! Good luck!

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“Love the logo thanks!”

Profil Görüntüsü GreaterOzarksRE, United States.

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