Put a react project on one of my site pages

Devam Ediyor İlan edilme: 4 yıl önce Teslim sırasında ödenir
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There is a project with the link below and I would like to put it on our deposit page.

As the project it's so easy and it's about more copy-pasting, the acceptable bid is 10 dollars.

[login to view URL]

React.js React.js Framework ECMAScript CSS LESS/Sass/SCSS

Proje NO: #25493148

Proje hakkında

4 teklif Uzak proje Aktif 4 yıl önce



Hi, I am an expert REACT DEVELOPER. I have gone through your requirement of adding the card form. I can help you out in this. I am interested to work with your project and available to work right away. Thanks,

1 gün içinde %selectedBids___i_sum_sub_4%%project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_5% USD
(6 Değerlendirme)

Bu iş için 4 freelancer ortalamada $10 teklif veriyor


Hello, Im a web developer at React Js. I have knowledge in HTML, CSS and Git (GitHub). Im available to work immediately. I would like you to give me the opportunity to join your work team.

1 gün içinde %bids___i_sum_sub_32%%project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% USD
(0 Değerlendirme)