Looking for someone to help on several projects and aspects of projects. Must have very good skill in PHP, AJAX and MySQL. Experience in the e107 CMS very helpful.
Interested in a person with time available, that wants a long-term relationship. Must:
(1) Be available and not always "too busy" to do the work
(2) Be a fast learner and keep good notes so I don't have to explain things over and over
(3) Be a good communicator
First project is to write a script to run as a chron job to pull data from one set of tables into another:
update table list l from table e107_userclass_classes uc:
update [login to view URL] = uc.userclass_id, l.name= uc.userclass_name, l.description=uc.userclass_description
loop through table e107_userclass_classes and find out if there are any values in there missing or out of synch in table list, then update table list with these values.
update the table listuser from e107_user, updating userid to listid links from user_class
update the table user_user uu from e107_user u, updating values for:
[login to view URL] from u.user_id
[login to view URL] from u.user_email
update table user_user_attribute ua from e107_user u
[login to view URL] from u.user_id